Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Fauci squirms when asked if it's the same spike as used in prior gain of function research...

He is quite the skilled deflector, and never answers the question.
I think Rand Paul is a whiny little pussy who needs to concern himself more with the lack of vaccinated people in Kentucky than constantly harping gain of function nonsense

Anthony Fauci's anger, when met with the opportunity to demonstrate accountability for his malfeasant actions, certainly did reflect a generous amount of insecurity. He lost it. Observably. He clearly wasn't prepared for the likes of Rand Paul. He's so used to the talking heads in cable news entertainment slobbering all over his celebrity that he seems to have forgotten when he's speaking at the big kids table.

People like Anthony Fauci are why the Nuremberg Code exists and he should be put into a cage for lying to congress. That's not even touching on legitimate questions with regard to crimes against humanity, an extremely serious and valid charge, whether he gets away with it or not.

He clearly has no sense of self-awareness whatsoever, the exchange patently demonstrated that, and he certainly holds no regard for personal responsibility/accountability. Observably.

Grouchy Fauci is grouchy...


My granny, bless her soul, always said them chickins is comin home to roost.
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Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

This was awesome. By my count,

Fauci 4
Paul 0

You would think that Paul would get tired of getting his ass beat but ever since his neighbor laid one on him, I've thinking he kinda likes it :)
No one wants to face the fact that this is Obama's pandemic. He grew it here, sent it to China to be honed and let go. He gave the lab 3.7 million tax payer dollars for the effort. They are well funded and busy at work as we speak...
That is such bullshit. Everyone knows when there is no real evidence it's always a sign that it's Hillary who was behind it. She's the only one who has the power to disappear all the 'evidence' against her (Oh, and people, don;t forget that)!
Translation - "I have no idea what they were talking about, but I'm a partisan Democrat, so Fauci won."

No. Paul lost. He's lost the last four times he's gone up against Fauci precisely because he lies and obfuscates.
Like all other supporters of the former guy, he's just looking for an excuse to deflect blame from his party's inexplicable
backing of said former guy. Because the former guy blew the response to the virus. What the hayseed from KY is looking
for here is to keep the right wingers hot with "GOTCHAS!".

"In his testimony at that hearing, Fauci replied that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

Dr Fauci is the disinformation KING.
He has with out a doubt lied and flip flopped to the point of zero credibility.
He should be investigated for crimes against humanity.
Dr Paul is looking out for the best interests of the public.
Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses.
It's the euphemism for biological warfare.

Fauxi is a defacto war criminal.
Thanks, but that does not answer my question about what conspiracy theory you are referring to.

Fauci said "nuh-uh," but he never explained why the research in question was not gain of function.

It's not like Rand Paul accused Fauci of deliberately funding this research in order to get Trump out of office in exchange for becoming a very rich man and the highest paid US government working in America. That would be a conspiracy. :)
Let’s start with Sen Paul holding Dr Fauci responsible for 4 million deaths
Anthony Fauci's anger, when met with the opportunity to demonstrate accountability for his malfeasant actions, certainly did reflect a generous amount of insecurity. He lost it. Observably. He clearly wasn't prepared for the likes of Rand Paul. He's so used to the talking heads in cable news entertainment slobbering all over his celebrity that he seems to have forgotten when he's speaking at the big kids table.

People like Anthony Fauci are why the Nuremberg Code exists and he should be put into a cage for lying to congress. That's not even touching on legitimate questions with regard to crimes against humanity ,an extremely serious charge. .

He clearly has no sense of self-awareness whatsoever, the exchange patently demonstrated that, and he certainly holds no regard for personal responsibility/accountability. Observably.

Grouchy Fauci is grouchy...


My granny, bless her soul, always said them chickins is comin home to roost.
No, I think Fauci's just sick and tired of being dragged before the court of Senate Republican Opinion and being asked the same questions with same assertions by the hayseed from KY.
So far, Paul is 0 for 4 in his attempt to manufacture..erm...produce any tangible evidence to back his BS up. Once OK. Twice. Maybe. Three times? You're just trying for a "gotcha".
Four times??? I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Go blab your "assertions" to alt-right media.
This was awesome. By my count,

Fauci 4
Paul 0

You would think that Paul would get tired of getting his ass beat but ever since his neighbor laid one on him, I've thinking he kinda likes it :)
Sen Paul uses the same playbook every time

Make wild accusations and keep repeating……Gain of Function, Gain of Function, Gain of Function

Then, as Dr Fauci tries to correct him, Paul keeps interrupting
Their testy exchange, where each accused the other of lying is here.

It would be helpful to watch the whole thing in order to cast an informed vote.

Basically, Rand Paul uses Fauci's own testimony, a paper from one of the Wuhan virologists stating that the research was being funded by NIH, and the NIH's own definition of "gain of function" to make the case that Fauci lied.

Fauci defended himself by saying that Dr. Paul does not know what he is talking about and he is the one who is lying (effectively, "nuh-uh").

Your vote will be publicly viewable, and you cannot change your vote.

Fauci's word don't mean shit to me after he first told the nation on TV that masks were a waste of time, then retracted that to say something totally different later.
No, I think Fauci's just sick and tired of being dragged before the court of Senate Republican Opinion and being asked the same questions with same assertions by the hayseed from KY.
So far, Paul is 0 for 4 in his attempt to manufacture..erm...produce any tangible evidence to back his BS up. Once OK. Twice. Maybe. Three times? You're just trying for a "gotcha".
Four times???

Sounds just like any one of YOUR or the Democrat's arguments about elections or viruses, just take your pick. Fauci is a two-faced, lying scum.
Fauci's word don't mean shit to me after he first told the nation on TV that masks were a waste of time, then retracted that to say something totally different later.
And as you've been told more times than I care to remember, Fauci changed his position because of what was learned from how the virus spreads.
Something that's bound to happen in a fast moving pandemic.

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