POLL: Do you agree with Michael Flynn?

Do you agree with Michael Flynn? Should we have just one religion?

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They sure follow Trump without hesitation.
That is what the left does. It is not the right that is obsessed with the man.... it is the left. OBVIOUSLY.
According to the left, anyone who is not foaming-at-the-mouth with hate for Trump - is a Trump worshiper.
So to you - yes, you would believe everyone on the right worships the man because we don't have irrational hate towards him.
It's probably fair to say that Michael Flynn considers himself a Christian Nationalist, as does MTG and many others.
Maybe. May be not. Kind of irrelevant to your question.
He offers a pretty clear vision of America, and this is a pretty straightforward question. Please vote and feel free to comment.
I’m shocked that your question was actually on the straightforward side. I always expect far less of you.

A poll or a “yes/no” answer doesn’t foster conversation. So, my bad for not going further earlier when I said simply that I disagree.

I say Flynn is mistaken precisely because our Founders sought religious freedom and our Framers were very careful to insure that we had no “state” religion.

Our roots may have been Judeo/Christian (with an emphasis on Christian.); but that doesn’t define what we were created to be.
That is what the left does. It is not the right that is obsessed with the man.... it is the left. OBVIOUSLY.
According to the left, anyone who is not foaming-at-the-mouth with hate for Trump - is a Trump worshiper.
So to you - yes, you would believe everyone on the right worships the man because we don't have irrational hate towards him.

Your point?
QAnon is like 500 people wearing tin foil hats.

How the left Portray's QAnon....


Actual QAnon...

It's probably fair to say that Michael Flynn considers himself a Christian Nationalist, as does MTG and many others. He offers a pretty clear vision of America, and this is a pretty straightforward question. Please vote and feel free to comment.

Only Christianity should be allowed. The rest are lies. We shouldn’t tolerate lies.
Joe Biden represents the entire Democratic Party??
My point is 100% solid.
Defund the police. An absurdly stupid idea that got national support practically overnight by a whole lot of liberals.
This guy said their should be one religion in America. So where is the widespread support of that stupid remark?
You won't find it will you. Because there isn't any.
Your comment essentially said that only the right has independent thinkers while the left follows like herd of sheep. I asked about how the party leader reacted to defend the police. We both know he came out strongly against it so is Biden the exception to the rule which you just laid out?
They became fully emboldened in 2016 and additionally animated by the Big Lie. Now, they're just going for it.

Could work. If it does, if they win at the polls, we deserve whatever we get.
That is correct. You deserve whatever you get
Your comment essentially said that only the right has independent thinkers while the left follows like herd of sheep. I asked about how the party leader reacted to defend the police. We both know he came out strongly against it so is Biden the exception to the rule which you just laid out?

Write down all the Leftists below who were able to resist Covid programming.

Cloth masks, first. Then surgical masks. Write them down:



Right. Just what I thought.

A litmus test of sorts. Many failed. Many Leftists, that is.
Only Christianity should be allowed. The rest are lies. We shouldn’t tolerate lies.

I disagree. Christianity cannot be forced or imposed. I think a society built on Christian principles works best of any I have seen.....but you cannot force anyone to accept Jesus as Savior. It wouldn't be a true conversion at any rate.
did not say he would force you....but i bet he agrees with the one "religion" question....
I am not sure....

I don't know the verse, but I will look it up and post it later when I find it....

But it was Jesus and the 12 apostles and disciples were traveling somewhere.... And one of his apostles or maybe several of them complained to Jesus about a religious group they had just come across, that were not preaching the Word in the manner that they did, and wanted to make issue with this different group and their teachings.... And Jesus asked them, well....are they preaching against me? And they said, well...no, they are not....

And Jesus responded something like, if they are not preaching against me, then they are for me..... And told his group to Move along.... Don't cause a ruckus....


I took out of that passage, that Jesus was fine with all not belonging to the precise same religion.....
You are not very familiar with my religion. In fact, not familiar at all.

There is no mediator now between God and man. That is why the curtain in the temple tore in two when Jesus was crucified. That was it--the barrier to the Holy of Holies was destroyed.

That Catholicism gets that wrong is not my problem, and also is not Biblical.

Then why are there a Billion Catholics and your religion probably only has a few thousand adherents?
That is what the left does. It is not the right that is obsessed with the man.... it is the left. OBVIOUSLY.
According to the left, anyone who is not foaming-at-the-mouth with hate for Trump - is a Trump worshiper.
So to you - yes, you would believe everyone on the right worships the man because we don't have irrational hate towards him.

Except that there should be a certain point where you guys on the right cut Trump loose.

Heck, the thing about the GOP and it's survival is that it has been willing to cut loose people who were liabilities, such as McCarthy or Nixon.

But you guys just can't quit Trump, even when he kills a million people through sheer ineptitude, wrecks the economy, or even instigates a coup in the capitol.

Because you just can't admit you made a mistake.

Oh, yeah, and Hillary was a bitch. Just keep telling yourself that.

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