POLL: Do you agree with Michael Flynn?

Do you agree with Michael Flynn? Should we have just one religion?

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It's potentially much worse this time though, since in the past they didn't have the internet to multiply the madness by a zillion.
Yet another lib with a free speech phobia

When do you open the gulags?
It's so weird, living in what may well be historic times. Trying desperately to find a silver lining, it's instructive to watch how this kind of thing snakes its way into the populace, and then circulates and grows.
The silver lining is 95% of this shit doesn't really affect our reality. It's manufactured grievance politics to punish the political 'enemy' in here. It goes no deeper than trolling. Many of us can easily leave here and lead our normal, boring albeit less dramatic lives. Wingers apparently can't. :dunno:

Magaturds simultaneously shame 'the other' for what they see as shortcomings, yet believe all the fear porn nonsense they spew is only happening to them. Inconsistent. Bad faith arguments. Because, Cult.
It's probably fair to say that Michael Flynn considers himself a Christian Nationalist, as does MTG and many others. He offers a pretty clear vision of America, and this is a pretty straightforward question. Please vote and feel free to comment.

First this was a year ago and was part of a Reawaken America tour to wake up America to America's decline politically and spiritually. And despite the furious media storm his remarks caused that day, he was not suggesting any law or initiative to make America a theocracy. I think he was speaking as a more fundamentalist Christian in the belief that we all need God and Christianity is the way. Speaking as an evangelist more than politician.

Were the remarks controversial in a society as diverse as ours? Absolutely and in my opinion ill advised. I'm pretty sure he was coming from the point of view of most of the Founders most of whom agreed with John Adams who said: Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Flynn badly worded the concept for any but the crowd he was addressing and he hurt his cause in the way he put it. But it certainly was not an evil or dangerous concept as the media painted it.
That is not what you wrote and you wrote you can have it anywhere you want, so now you are changing what you wrote as a typical troll does!

actually you can not preach in front of someone home without permission from the HOA or City, and would require a permit to do so, so yeah you can not do what you want!

Also asshole you guys would go as far as to kill non-believers and your religion has in the past, so this one true God bullshit is based on a religion built on lies and blood!
Christians don't kill people like the catholics did early on. Sidewalks are public. You can do whatever as long as you are not touching anyone. You can film, you can talk.
Wherever Christianity has seized secular power the body count has been appalling. You can't make people willingly accept religious rule. You have to do it under threat of holy terror.
Exactly the OPPOSITE.
VIOLENCE comes from the anti-Gods
Exactly the OPPOSITE.
VIOLENCE comes from the anti-Gods
Humans rarely have to look too far for an excuse to spill blood. Historically religion has topped the list. People really don't want to live under the thumb of religious zealots but give these fanatics just a little secular authority and before you know it even your naughty thoughts become crimes.
Humans rarely have to look too far for an excuse to spill blood. Historically religion has topped the list.
You're lying to yourself. Communism thrives by massacring entire populations. No christian country has done what you say.
It's probably fair to say that Michael Flynn considers himself a Christian Nationalist, as does MTG and many others. He offers a pretty clear vision of America, and this is a pretty straightforward question. Please vote and feel free to comment.

No. One nation under God perhaps because religion grows morality and discipline in any society (which just happens to be the two things most lacking in America today), but there are many ways to follow God just as there are many forms of Christianity. Who gets to decide which religion is the correct one? But then again, democrats have been trying the same thing for years--- THEIR ideology or the highway.
Religion is an incredibly powerful unifying force. Look how it controls the Middle East today.

Seems a lot like the fascist totalitarian big government of the left today trying to rule over all. Except, their religion is the ideology of green energy, climate change and one world globalist governance.
They became fully emboldened in 2016 and additionally animated by the Big Lie.
Which lie was that, Mac, that Hillary was the true president destined to rule? Or that 81 million idiots actually thought that Covid and BLM were Trump's fault and that Joe Biden would be the solution while preserving all the good that Trump had done?

Now, they're just going for it.
Seems the Left already WENT for it, like jumping for a cliff and falling a few feet short of the edge.

we deserve whatever we get.
I sure hope so as we sure don't deserve what we GOT.
It's probably fair to say that Michael Flynn considers himself a Christian Nationalist, as does MTG and many others. He offers a pretty clear vision of America, and this is a pretty straightforward question. Please vote and feel free to comment.

And the wing-nuts wonder why the Jews vote Dem!

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