POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.
Bring 'Baathism' back. It was far better than what we're seeing now. There were no Islamist Terrorists in Iraq or Syria before the wars. The 'Baathists' had that under control. They weren't religious fanatics. They were mostly Western-educated and secular. We've opened Pandora's Box over there. What a mess.

try again-------the ONLY people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war II----in fact the only
people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war I----------were the BAATHIST PIGS of the
U.A.R --------the dog GAMEL ABDUL NASSER was a BIG TIME BAATHIST PIG-----the very
same lump of scum who threw his own army under the bus for his vile ambition as KING OF
ARABIA UBER ALLES land. SADDAM HAD wine cellars full of nitrogen mustard gas-----do you
know that the USA homeland security people have elaborate protocols in place for IF AND WHEN your
buddies use the stuff on our children right here in the USA? nitrogen mustard gas is a W.M.D

I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.
Obama pulled out of Iraq so ISIS could fill the void. Fact.

I don't think that it was a plan, man
Bring 'Baathism' back. It was far better than what we're seeing now. There were no Islamist Terrorists in Iraq or Syria before the wars. The 'Baathists' had that under control. They weren't religious fanatics. They were mostly Western-educated and secular. We've opened Pandora's Box over there. What a mess.

try again-------the ONLY people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war II----in fact the only
people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war I----------were the BAATHIST PIGS of the
U.A.R --------the dog GAMEL ABDUL NASSER was a BIG TIME BAATHIST PIG-----the very
same lump of scum who threw his own army under the bus for his vile ambition as KING OF
ARABIA UBER ALLES land. SADDAM HAD wine cellars full of nitrogen mustard gas-----do you
know that the USA homeland security people have elaborate protocols in place for IF AND WHEN your
buddies use the stuff on our children right here in the USA? nitrogen mustard gas is a W.M.D

I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.
try again-------the ONLY people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war II----in fact the only
people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war I----------were the BAATHIST PIGS of the
U.A.R --------the dog GAMEL ABDUL NASSER was a BIG TIME BAATHIST PIG-----the very
same lump of scum who threw his own army under the bus for his vile ambition as KING OF
ARABIA UBER ALLES land. SADDAM HAD wine cellars full of nitrogen mustard gas-----do you
know that the USA homeland security people have elaborate protocols in place for IF AND WHEN your
buddies use the stuff on our children right here in the USA? nitrogen mustard gas is a W.M.D

I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.
I agree. We can stop sending humanitarian aid, troops, and money. We can also close off ALL immigration from the middle east. It's their problem, refugees and all.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?
try again-------the ONLY people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war II----in fact the only
people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war I----------were the BAATHIST PIGS of the
U.A.R --------the dog GAMEL ABDUL NASSER was a BIG TIME BAATHIST PIG-----the very
same lump of scum who threw his own army under the bus for his vile ambition as KING OF
ARABIA UBER ALLES land. SADDAM HAD wine cellars full of nitrogen mustard gas-----do you
know that the USA homeland security people have elaborate protocols in place for IF AND WHEN your
buddies use the stuff on our children right here in the USA? nitrogen mustard gas is a W.M.D

I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.
Obama pulled out of Iraq so ISIS could fill the void. Fact.

I don't think that it was a plan, man
Sure it was. The Kurds went to Obama and asked for weapons to help fight this startup group who calls themselves ISIS. Obama sent them away empty handed.
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?
Funny how you leftards were so silent when Obama invaded Libya and Syria.
try again-------the ONLY people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war II----in fact the only
people to use nitrogen mustard gas after world war I----------were the BAATHIST PIGS of the
U.A.R --------the dog GAMEL ABDUL NASSER was a BIG TIME BAATHIST PIG-----the very
same lump of scum who threw his own army under the bus for his vile ambition as KING OF
ARABIA UBER ALLES land. SADDAM HAD wine cellars full of nitrogen mustard gas-----do you
know that the USA homeland security people have elaborate protocols in place for IF AND WHEN your
buddies use the stuff on our children right here in the USA? nitrogen mustard gas is a W.M.D

I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.

I have a bias because I read the islamo Nazi literature way back in the mid 1950s ---when I was a child------------the big issue presented in the stuff written in the 1930s was -------"AIN't no business of ours that
ADOLF IS KING OF GERMANY" Other than the islamo Nazi literature -----my other reading
materials included SUPERMAN AND BATMAN------heroes for TRUTH, JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN
WAY-----------I saw the irony between your point of view and the IDEAL AMERCAN
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?

I don't wonder------I am familiar with the propaganda
I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.
I agree. We can stop sending humanitarian aid, troops, and money. We can also close off ALL immigration from the middle east. It's their problem, refugees and all.

It's so tragic that our Government has made all that madness our problem. I don't care about Sunnis, Shiites, Iraq, Iran, or whatever. I just want out. We don't belong there.
I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.
Obama pulled out of Iraq so ISIS could fill the void. Fact.

I don't think that it was a plan, man
Sure it was. The Kurds went to Obama and asked for weapons to help fight this startup group who calls themselves ISIS. Obama sent them away empty handed.

still-------I still believe that Obama is too simple minded to be Prez
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?
Funny how you leftards were so silent when Obama invaded Libya and Syria.

I wasn't silent. And i'm not a Leftist either.
you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.
Obama pulled out of Iraq so ISIS could fill the void. Fact.

I don't think that it was a plan, man
Sure it was. The Kurds went to Obama and asked for weapons to help fight this startup group who calls themselves ISIS. Obama sent them away empty handed.

still-------I still believe that Obama is too simple minded to be Prez
Not a coincidence that everything Obama touched turned to shit.
He said in 2008 he wanted to fundamentally transform America. No one wants to fundamentally transform anything they love.
I have a feeling the mustard gas was supplied by the US. Remember, that was back when Hussein was 'Our Guy.' But like i said, i'll take the Baathists over what we're seeing now. They were secular folks. They wanted nothing to do with Islamist insanity.

you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.

I have a bias because I read the islamo Nazi literature way back in the mid 1950s ---when I was a child------------the big issue presented in the stuff written in the 1930s was -------"AIN't no business of ours that
ADOLF IS KING OF GERMANY" Other than the islamo Nazi literature -----my other reading
materials included SUPERMAN AND BATMAN------heroes for TRUTH, JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN
WAY-----------I saw the irony between your point of view and the IDEAL AMERCAN

You didn't answer the questions. How and why has all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East countries? Let's get out. We don't belong there.
so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?
Funny how you leftards were so silent when Obama invaded Libya and Syria.

I wasn't silent. And i'm not a Leftist either.
Anyone who goes around calling people warmongers is a leftard.
you have a "FEELING"-----well you happen to be wrong------the situation is well documented----your Nazi buddies shared with your buddy AL HUSSEINI ----grand mufti of Jerusalem----The man who liked to slit the throats of infants-----YOUR FAVE ----the good mufti shared with GAMAL----and GAMAL shared with his fellow Baathist dog------SADDAM. You are tight with a really GENTEEL crowd

Pussy Cats compared to ISIS and Al Qaeda. Not saying they were good folks, but they were the far safer alternative. Al Qaeda and ISIS were non-existent in Iraq and Syria before the wars. Our constant meddling really has opened Pandora's Box over there.

Wrong again-------ISIS is DA CALIPHATE------muhummad the rapist of mecca, created the CALIPHATE------his successor-----the dog UMAR-----spread the filth. You want to call
muhummad and the Koran a PANDORA's box??? fine with me

None of what you said has anything to do with the US. How and why did all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East nations? Let's get out.

I have a bias because I read the islamo Nazi literature way back in the mid 1950s ---when I was a child------------the big issue presented in the stuff written in the 1930s was -------"AIN't no business of ours that
ADOLF IS KING OF GERMANY" Other than the islamo Nazi literature -----my other reading
materials included SUPERMAN AND BATMAN------heroes for TRUTH, JUSTICE and THE AMERICAN
WAY-----------I saw the irony between your point of view and the IDEAL AMERCAN

You didn't answer the questions. How and why has all that become our problem? Why are we in all those Middle East countries? Let's get out. We don't belong there.
Tell them to stop murdering westerners and leave us alone.

Thomas Jefferson was right for sending the Marines over there to kill the Islamo terrorists.
I am not sure where you get this notion that war is imminent. My support of any war is contingent upon the basis for that war. I don't just blanket support military action.

so true------the OP is flawed. No one is actually suggesting WAR with Iran-----In my opinion
Iran should be treated in the same way Germany should have been treated in 1933----someone should
have put a bullet in the head of Adolf Circa 1970 ---someone should have put a bullet in the
head of Saddam. about the same time that someone should have put a bullet in the head of Hafez
Assad -------a few years later someone should have put a bullet in the head of KHOMEINI

Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Uh, you do know assassinating foreign leaders is illegal, and is an act of war? Don't ya?
Khadafy agrees.

Y'all Warmongers are bizarre. In your warped minds, the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. It only applies to others. Gee, i wonder why so many around the world hate the US?

I don't wonder------I am familiar with the propaganda

Y'all Warmongers truly believe the rule of law doesn't apply to the US. You think it only applies to other nations. It's a big reason why we're stuck in this state of perpetual war.

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