POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

Do You Support War With Iran

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Funny how everyone is worried about a nation that allows in inspectors but not a peep about Israel which has refused to acknowledge its nukes nor let in inspectors and kidnapped and persecuted a scientist that told the world the truth about the biggest threat in the ME ...Israel.

The jew-hating c-nts love to bring in Israel every time iran is brought up. Sorry dogshit, this thread is about iran, not Israel.

BTW c-nt, Israel doesn't have to allow inspectors since it never signed the NPT. Now you can go back to fucking men for money and women for drugs.
Oh my another triggered hypocrite snowflake republitard! So its safer for the world to gave a rogue nation with nukes than a nation that has signed the nuclear deal AND allows inspections. Go ahead show us some more hypocrisy snowflake you girls get triggered so easily
Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?
I don't believe you've won until your enemy is vanquished.

I'll take that as a 'Yes.'

DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.
Any dead U.S. soldiers in Iraq are the result of the Bush League, not Iran.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Well, let's just put it all out there. Let's just ask the question. We all know tensions are rapidly coming to a boiling point between the US and Iran. It does appear an attack on Iran is imminent. So, do you support a war with Iran?

Vote and share your thoughts.

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

I support war with Iran if they build and deploy a nuclear weapon.

No doubt, but lets hope peaceful methods can work first.

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way
I'll take that as a 'Yes.'

DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran feels it has the right to possess nuclear weapons. So far, it hasn't developed them. But it feels it has the same right to possess them as the US, Israel, and other nations have. That's their perspective anyway. So why is Iran prevented from possessing nuclear weapons, while others have been allowed to? It is something interesting to ponder.

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

Iran's government is the world's largest supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.

That's why!

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.
Bush was in office for 5 long years before NK tested a nuclear weapon. In 5 years his hands were tied and he could do nothing??????????
Funny how everyone is worried about a nation that allows in inspectors but not a peep about Israel which has refused to acknowledge its nukes nor let in inspectors and kidnapped and persecuted a scientist that told the world the truth about the biggest threat in the ME ...Israel.

The jew-hating c-nts love to bring in Israel every time iran is brought up. Sorry dogshit, this thread is about iran, not Israel.

BTW c-nt, Israel doesn't have to allow inspectors since it never signed the NPT. Now you can go back to fucking men for money and women for drugs.
Oh my another triggered hypocrite snowflake republitard! So its safer for the world to gave a rogue nation with nukes than a nation that has signed the nuclear deal AND allows inspections. Go ahead show us some more hypocrisy snowflake you girls get triggered so easily

The Warmongers will find a way to claim Iran is in 'violation.' Just bet on that. They did that with Iraq. But the bottom line is, we signed a deal. We have to live up to it. We have to keep our word. So far, it hasn't been proven that Iran is currently in violation of the agreement.
That's actually inaccurate Warmonger propaganda. Iran and Shiites have very little influence on Global Jihad. Global Islamic Terrorism is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim thing. Most of the world's Jihadists come from places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, and other Sunni nations. When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation? Research that a bit, and then get back to us.

How many times is this fucking retard going to repeat the same post?

I ALREADY answered you, you stupid fucking moron:

POLL: Do You Support War With Iran?

"Start researching the bombings in paris in the mid 1990s, and see who did them. Then go look up the argentinian bombings in the early 1990s."

How so? When's the last time you heard of an Iranian or Shiite Terrorist attack in a Western nation?

Does the term "proxy" mean anything to you?

Iran is not a credible threat to the US. It hasn't invaded another nation in hundreds of years. Meanwhile during that same time span, the US has invaded many nations and killed Thousands. Many would argue, the US is the biggest threat to peace in the world.
i don't see any conversation on this board as to why North Korea developed nuclear weapons during the Bush years. Once again Bush looked the other way

North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons goes back to before George Bush. Neither Clinton, Bush, or Obama had any impact on changing that.
Bush was in office for 5 long years before NK tested a nuclear weapon. In 5 years his hands were tied and he could do nothing??????????

North Korea has been developing Nuclear Weapons for a long time. And none of the last 3 Presidents had an impact on that. Short of starting another war, there was nothing they could do.
Funny how everyone is worried about a nation that allows in inspectors but not a peep about Israel which has refused to acknowledge its nukes nor let in inspectors and kidnapped and persecuted a scientist that told the world the truth about the biggest threat in the ME ...Israel.

The jew-hating c-nts love to bring in Israel every time iran is brought up. Sorry dogshit, this thread is about iran, not Israel.

BTW c-nt, Israel doesn't have to allow inspectors since it never signed the NPT. Now you can go back to fucking men for money and women for drugs.
Oh my another triggered hypocrite snowflake republitard! So its safer for the world to gave a rogue nation with nukes than a nation that has signed the nuclear deal AND allows inspections. Go ahead show us some more hypocrisy snowflake you girls get triggered so easily

The Warmongers will find a way to claim Iran is in 'violation.' Just bet on that. They did that with Iraq. But the bottom line is, we signed a deal. We have to live up to it. We have to keep our word. So far, it hasn't been proven that Iran is currently in violation of the agreement.
You are correct, Iran has done what they were expected to do. The warmongers hate that and will use any excuse to attack Iran
DSCHRUTE----what is your farsi (or Shiite-shit) name?

I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.

try again-----Bush never said that your hero Saddam did 9-11. Bush, correctly said that Iraq had weapns of mass destruction----chemical and biological agends with which he murdered hundreds of thousands
up north in KURDISTAN and to the south----the Shiites. Saddam also rendered financial support to
terrorists world wide-----he was a typical BAATHIST DOG
I'm an American. I just don't buy into Warmonger Bullshite. Iran is no threat to the US. Just like Iraq wasn't.

Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.

try again-----Bush never said that your hero Saddam did 9-11. Bush, correctly said that Iraq had weapns of mass destruction----chemical and biological agends with which he murdered hundreds of thousands
up north in KURDISTAN and to the south----the Shiites. Saddam also rendered financial support to
terrorists world wide-----he was a typical BAATHIST DOG

Oh boy, you really have drank the Warmonger Kool-Aid. Iraq wasn't a threat to anyone. It was defenseless and completely contained. You really should go back and research all of Bush's preposterous lies. There were no Islamist Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion. They invaded soon after the US did.
Say that again when Iran starts mining the Straits of Hormuz.

More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.

try again-----Bush never said that your hero Saddam did 9-11. Bush, correctly said that Iraq had weapns of mass destruction----chemical and biological agends with which he murdered hundreds of thousands
up north in KURDISTAN and to the south----the Shiites. Saddam also rendered financial support to
terrorists world wide-----he was a typical BAATHIST DOG

Oh boy, you really have drank the Warmonger Kool-Aid. Iraq wasn't a threat to anyone. It was defenseless and completely contained. You really should go back and research all of Bush's preposterous lies. There were no Islamist Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion. They invaded soon after the US did.

wrong again. In fact I am very aware of just how and what Saddam was-----and what he was up to-----you got a link to your claim that BUSH CLAIMED THAT SADDAM DID 9-11-01? Saddam did somehow have
the CONFIDENCE to invade Kuwait----and act greeted with enthusiasm by SUNNI DOGS world-wide---
More Warmonger 'False Flag' Bullshite. Iran's economy relies heavily on open passage through the Straits of Hormuz. It would have nothing to gain by mining it. Just like it has nothing to gain by attacking the US. I'll dismiss any such accusations as being False Flag attempts by the Warmongers.

So that is why they have done so in the past?

Go find a good book on the recent history of the world that is not written by a liberal with an agenda.

Stop buying into Warmonger Bullshite. Go back and research how many preposterous lies the Bush Administration told to get us into the Iraq War blunder. Lies like Iraq being involved with 9/11, 'Mobile Chemical/Biological Weapon Units,' and of course the grand lie of them all... WMD's.

The reality was, Iraq barely even had a military. The 'No-Fly Zones' and crippling sanctions, rendered it a weak defenseless nation. It was no threat to anyone. And it certainly didn't have anything to do with 9/11. That was our 'Good Friends' the Saudis.

try again-----Bush never said that your hero Saddam did 9-11. Bush, correctly said that Iraq had weapns of mass destruction----chemical and biological agends with which he murdered hundreds of thousands
up north in KURDISTAN and to the south----the Shiites. Saddam also rendered financial support to
terrorists world wide-----he was a typical BAATHIST DOG

Oh boy, you really have drank the Warmonger Kool-Aid. Iraq wasn't a threat to anyone. It was defenseless and completely contained. You really should go back and research all of Bush's preposterous lies. There were no Islamist Terrorists in Iraq before the US invasion. They invaded soon after the US did.

wrong again. In fact I am very aware of just how and what Saddam was-----and what he was up to-----you got a link to your claim that BUSH CLAIMED THAT SADDAM DID 9-11-01? Saddam did somehow have
the CONFIDENCE to invade Kuwait----and act greeted with enthusiasm by SUNNI DOGS world-wide---

Gotta end our insane Middle East policy. Our Government loved Hussein at one point. Then it didn't. We need to scale things back bigtime over there.

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