POLL: Do you support White Nationalism?

Do you support White Nationalism?

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Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.

The guy posted a poll...what's it to you what it is about?

The fact that you object so strongly to it STRONGLY suggests that your answer is 'yes' (even if you didn't have the guts to post it).
Otherwise, why would you care so much?
What it is to me is ironic.
At the same time whites are being murdered around the planet by non-whites (some of it at the behest of anti-white governments) the Obama backers are crying about white nationalism. It's a classic example of institutional racism, yet the left is all wrapped around the axle about the KKK. Antifa is nothing more than Brownshirters masquerading as a grassroots movement.
That's the irony.

In other words...you are obsessing about South Africa...just like Trump wants his loyal Trumpbots to do...anything to distract people from the mess that is his administration.

Obviously South Africa is going to have 'blacks' attacking 'whites'. The former treated the latter like absolute shit for generations...and the former still resent it. Plus, the fact that South Africa is a mess right now, that kind of atmosphere ALWAYS leads to nationalism/hate with the masses finding scapegoats to blame.
That does not excuse the behavior - but it certainly explains it. It's NOTHING to do with 'race' in and of itself. It is to do with anger at a group of people rising to the top during times of national hardship.
Just like bigoted Americans blindly hating Muslims since 9/11.

If you REALLY are educated, you should already know all of this.

But where is your links to unbiased, factual proof that 'blacks' are deliberately murdering - en masse - 'whites' for no other reason whatsoever than the lack of melanin in the latters' skin - as ordered/instructed by their government?
Now THAT would be a race war.

I STRONGLY doubt you can provide such a link.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
what the fk does this even mean? can you explain in english and without the fking chip on shoulder? are you white? do you want our country to be outstanding?
well I used pretty small words and typed real slow for all the white nationalist.

but if you need it explained;

white nationalist are fucking stewpud; You dunces claim that only white people came here and founded the country. This is historically and factually wrong.

all of our families came from somewhere else. No humans evolved or were created in the Americas, so none of us are from here.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea; we have been cross breeding for generations, get a dna test and see if you are from where you think you are. bet you have some African in you :muahaha:
what the fk are you going on about? Do you know the American Indian actually came from Asia? So there actually isn't one native american. so what is it your trying to say exactly? white nationalism is made up by demolosers. if you choose to parrot their nonsense, then your shit is nonsense. thanks though for wasting all of our time reading the nonsense.
so I explained my post and you are still to fucking dumb to understand, clearly as you idiotically came to a very wrong conclusion.

dictionary.com for the big words
Your post was nonsense
Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
You're certainly welcome to post such a poll. I'll be more than happy to vote. Thanks!
After you discover the fact that 99.999% don't support it, maybe you'll discover a point.
If anything, our colleges are turning white kids into white hating bigots. Some even post on Twitter that "We need white genocide now!!"

Really, and where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this?

I guarantee you cannot produce one.

Did you even go to college?
I went to college in the 80s, and 90s in California....before Obama started to Transform America into a 3rd World Shithole.

Than you have ZERO first hand knowledge of what colleges are like today.

And - once again - where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of your statement 'our colleges are turning white kids into white hating bigots'?
All in this forum. Do a search
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Republicans should be proud of who they are it’s not like it’s a secret.
Republicans are acting like demolosers
white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
what the fk does this even mean? can you explain in english and without the fking chip on shoulder? are you white? do you want our country to be outstanding?
well I used pretty small words and typed real slow for all the white nationalist.

but if you need it explained;

white nationalist are fucking stewpud; You dunces claim that only white people came here and founded the country. This is historically and factually wrong.

all of our families came from somewhere else. No humans evolved or were created in the Americas, so none of us are from here.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea; we have been cross breeding for generations, get a dna test and see if you are from where you think you are. bet you have some African in you :muahaha:
what the fk are you going on about? Do you know the American Indian actually came from Asia? So there actually isn't one native american. so what is it your trying to say exactly? white nationalism is made up by demolosers. if you choose to parrot their nonsense, then your shit is nonsense. thanks though for wasting all of our time reading the nonsense.
so I explained my post and you are still to fucking dumb to understand, clearly as you idiotically came to a very wrong conclusion.

dictionary.com for the big words
Your post was nonsense
It's over your head, call someone to explain it to you
Hmmm; I'm white by the definition of the left, I'm a Nationalist, I'm a Constitutional Monarchist and I believe all men (oh OK; and sheilas) are created EQUAL(not in body but in spirit), so who knows if I am a "White Nationalist". Do I think whites are better than others? Gotta look at the individual characters to know who is and who isn't better than whom...and who's judging anyway?

But this I can tell you; Western Culture is TOPS while Socialism is the death of ALL Culture!! Social-/Commun-ism lack any aesthetics at all.


Sheer crap!


You know nothing about South Africa.

I know the claims of genocide are fake news

I know that the white population is 11% and they own 85% of the land. I know that the government is struggling to find a reasonable way to affect land reform.

What am I missing?
No, I do not support "White Nationalism" in this context of this poll.

My fundamental loyalty lies with White Folk... my own people... insofar as that is practicable, without doing substantive harm to others.

My fundamental loyalty lies with my Nation... our Republic.... insofar as that can be sustained without doing harm to Humanity at large.

But, given that our Republic is comprised of a diverse population, I do not support "White Nationalism" (the Republic is only for us).

I'm just fine with the idea that American White Folk continue to have a dominating voice in the affairs of the Republic.

But I support the idea that the Republic is intended to provide a thriving life-sustaining environment for all its Citizens.

Openly and unashamedly Centrist in such matters.
But, ultimately they see all Whites as some privileged group, even though some Whites suffered a ton, like Ukrainians, Irish, Polish, Russians, East Germans, Serbians, Greeks, Highland Scots, etc. etc.
The funny thing is that many of those were not considered 'white' under the 'white America' policy. Like Poles, for example.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.
Then it wouldn't have been advisable to include mango as an option.
There are always going to be people who don't want to vote, so I give them an out. To me, votes for "mango" are actually kind of instructive.
Hmmm; I'm white by the definition of the left, I'm a Nationalist, I'm a Constitutional Monarchist and I believe all men (oh OK; and sheilas) are created EQUAL(not in body but in spirit), so who knows if I am a "White Nationalist". Do I think whites are better than others? Gotta look at the individual characters to know who is and who isn't better than whom...and who's judging anyway?

But this I can tell you; Western Culture is TOPS while Socialism is the death of ALL Culture!! Social-/Commun-ism lack any aesthetics at all.


Sheer crap!


Lots of parsing of words there. I've seen this throughout the thread.

Anyone who says they don't know what White Nationalism is about is either (a) aggressively not paying attention, or (b) lying.

Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.
Then it wouldn't have been advisable to include mango as an option.
There are always going to be people who don't want to vote, so I give them an out. To me, votes for "mango" are actually kind of instructive.

Consider this: When you create a thread, you set a tone and direction for the conversation. Creating a poll with a mango option invites cheeky responses that aren't going to take the tread seriously, even if they had been prepared to initially. This problem can be compounded with a subject that strains the sensibilites, like this one.

All in all, this thread comes across like it's inviting failure. You're asking a question about an inflammatory subject. We can expect some people's responses will be influenced by stigma aversion. You even acknowledge that some people may be unwilling to provide direct answers, which means you ought to know that the the results would be biased. But then you decide to make the results public, which shows further willingness to invite the bias into the results. By the time you include the mango option, the whole endeavor is already so meaningless that mango becomes the most fruitful option.

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