POLL: Do you support White Nationalism?

Do you support White Nationalism?

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When you fools are gone and the left is destroyed, white people are going to go their own way, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
For all of you on the Right who have bitched and moaned about this thread, I give you this.

You can pretend that this doesn't exist, you can pretend that people like this don't overwhelmingly favor certain candidates, but we both know that would be a lie.
no need to pretend, it's a made up demoloser propaganda piece. you with your limited knowledge of life fell for it. too fking funny. but have a nice day punk!!!
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
what the fk does this even mean? can you explain in english and without the fking chip on shoulder? are you white? do you want our country to be outstanding?
well I used pretty small words and typed real slow for all the white nationalist.

but if you need it explained;

white nationalist are fucking stewpud; You dunces claim that only white people came here and founded the country. This is historically and factually wrong.

all of our families came from somewhere else. No humans evolved or were created in the Americas, so none of us are from here.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea; we have been cross breeding for generations, get a dna test and see if you are from where you think you are. bet you have some African in you :muahaha:
what the fk are you going on about? Do you know the American Indian actually came from Asia? So there actually isn't one native american. so what is it your trying to say exactly? white nationalism is a made up word by demolosers. if you choose to parrot their nonsense, then your shit is nonsense. thanks though for wasting all of our time reading the nonsense.
It is not a made up word.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
what the fk does this even mean? can you explain in english and without the fking chip on shoulder? are you white? do you want our country to be outstanding?
well I used pretty small words and typed real slow for all the white nationalist.

but if you need it explained;

white nationalist are fucking stewpud; You dunces claim that only white people came here and founded the country. This is historically and factually wrong.

all of our families came from somewhere else. No humans evolved or were created in the Americas, so none of us are from here.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea; we have been cross breeding for generations, get a dna test and see if you are from where you think you are. bet you have some African in you :muahaha:
what the fk are you going on about? Do you know the American Indian actually came from Asia? So there actually isn't one native american. so what is it your trying to say exactly? white nationalism is a made up word by demolosers. if you choose to parrot their nonsense, then your shit is nonsense. thanks though for wasting all of our time reading the nonsense.
It is not a made up word.

Christopher Cantwell - Bing video

He admits that white supremacists "talk a lot of shit on the internet"...lol.
Tell me something new.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.

MOST of “our families” were invited here.
Is this you shown in the image?

the only real invited were the german mercenaries.

There were no immigration laws on the books pre 1868 as there was a need / demand for people good, white and of high moral character to help build the greatest nation on the planet.
The history books don't support your claim.

and everyone hated the Irish

Enlighten us...what does YOUR history book say?
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.

MOST of “our families” were invited here.
Is this you shown in the image?

the only real invited were the german mercenaries.

There were no immigration laws on the books pre 1868 as there was a need / demand for people good, white and of high moral character to help build the greatest nation on the planet.
Except you have no proof of the character of these white people being "high", oh wait we do; slavery, Native American genocide, rape, murder, Jim Crow, sun down towns, reservations, theft of land, property and people, etc.
I guess there are facts...
man you are the racist.
white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.

MOST of “our families” were invited here.
Is this you shown in the image?

the only real invited were the german mercenaries.

There were no immigration laws on the books pre 1868 as there was a need / demand for people good, white and of high moral character to help build the greatest nation on the planet.
The history books don't support your claim.

and everyone hated the Irish

Enlighten us...what does YOUR history book say?
well actually he is correct. The irish were slaves. They were hated and were threatened. I'm an irish. look it up.

Anti-Irish sentiment - Wikipedia

"Anti-Irish sentiment (or Hibernophobia) may refer to or include oppression, bigotry, persecution, discrimination, hatred or fear of Irish people as an ethnic group or nation, whether directed against Ireland in general or against Irish emigrants and their descendants in the Irish diaspora."

"[The Irish] hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood.[20]

Nineteenth-century Protestant American "Nativist" discrimination against Irish Catholics reached a peak in the mid-1850s when the Know-NothingMovement tried to oust Catholics from public office. Much of the opposition came from Irish Protestants, as in the 1831 riots in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[21]

During the 1830s in the U.S., riots for control of job sites broke out in rural areas among rival labour teams from different parts of Ireland, and between Irish and local American work teams competing for construction jobs.[22]

Irish Catholics were isolated and marginalized by Protestant society, but the Irish gained control of the Catholic Church from English, French and Germans. Intermarriage between Catholics and Protestants was strongly discouraged by both Protestant ministers and Catholic priests. Catholics, led by the Irish, built a network of parochial schools and colleges, as well as orphanages and hospitals, typically using nuns as an inexpensive work force. They thereby avoided public institutions mostly controlled by Protestants.[23]"
When you fools are gone and the left is destroyed, white people are going to go their own way, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
For all of you on the Right who have bitched and moaned about this thread, I give you this.

You can pretend that this doesn't exist, you can pretend that people like this don't overwhelmingly favor certain candidates, but we both know that would be a lie.

Mac, you act as if you’ve uncovered something revolutionary.
It’s really no secret that good people have grown very tired of being forced to spoon feed Illegal Mexicans while they drop litters of welfare dependent, criminal children in our laps and fuck up every community the inhabit. Shit, I have legitimate Hispanics who work for me that HATE illegal cockroaches.
The animosity and hatred toward wetbacks is growing by the day and this has nothing to do with who occupies the Oval Office.
REAL Americans are fed the fuck up...they won’t stand by while their nation becomes further beanerized.
When you fools are gone and the left is destroyed, white people are going to go their own way, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
For all of you on the Right who have bitched and moaned about this thread, I give you this.

You can pretend that this doesn't exist, you can pretend that people like this don't overwhelmingly favor certain candidates, but we both know that would be a lie.

Mac, you act as if you’ve uncovered something revolutionary.
It’s really no secret that good people have grown very tired of being forced to spoon feed Illegal Mexicans while they drop litters of welfare dependent, criminal children in our laps and fuck up every community the inhabit. Shit, I have legitimate Hispanics who work for me that HATE illegal cockroaches.
The animosity and hatred toward wetbacks is growing by the day and this has nothing to do with who occupies the Oval Office.
REAL Americans are fed the fuck up...they won’t stand by while their nation becomes further beanerized.
broke, my neighbor's grandfather is hispanic, born here and he loves trump, can't talk about him enough. Hate's the illegals, they give them a bad name. again, he hates it, he's in his 80s.

leftists don't know this. they are really uninformed.
When you fools are gone and the left is destroyed, white people are going to go their own way, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
For all of you on the Right who have bitched and moaned about this thread, I give you this.

You can pretend that this doesn't exist, you can pretend that people like this don't overwhelmingly favor certain candidates, but we both know that would be a lie.

Mac, you act as if you’ve uncovered something revolutionary.
It’s really no secret that good people have grown very tired of being forced to spoon feed Illegal Mexicans while they drop litters of welfare dependent, criminal children in our laps and fuck up every community the inhabit. Shit, I have legitimate Hispanics who work for me that HATE illegal cockroaches.
The animosity and hatred toward wetbacks is growing by the day and this has nothing to do with who occupies the Oval Office.
REAL Americans are fed the fuck up...they won’t stand by while their nation becomes further beanerized.
broke, my neighbor's grandfather is hispanic, born here and he loves trump, can't talk about him enough. Hate's the illegals, they give them a bad name. again, he hates it, he's in his 80s.

leftists don't know this. they are really uninformed.

That’s my experience as well. My guys go as far to say that Mexicans shouldn’t speak Spanish in public, they say it’s disrespectful to the natives, they say Mexicans on welfare shouldn’t have more children. My one guy was telling me in disgust about his 23 year old illegal neighbor whom has five children, he said she has two in diapers now and is 8 months pregnant all while stealing from taxpayers. That’s the norm and not the exception with these filthy thirdworlders.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.
what the fk does this even mean? can you explain in english and without the fking chip on shoulder? are you white? do you want our country to be outstanding?
well I used pretty small words and typed real slow for all the white nationalist.

but if you need it explained;

white nationalist are fucking stewpud; You dunces claim that only white people came here and founded the country. This is historically and factually wrong.

all of our families came from somewhere else. No humans evolved or were created in the Americas, so none of us are from here.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea; we have been cross breeding for generations, get a dna test and see if you are from where you think you are. bet you have some African in you :muahaha:
what the fk are you going on about? Do you know the American Indian actually came from Asia? So there actually isn't one native american. so what is it your trying to say exactly? white nationalism is made up by demolosers. if you choose to parrot their nonsense, then your shit is nonsense. thanks though for wasting all of our time reading the nonsense.
so I explained my post and you are still to fucking dumb to understand, clearly as you idiotically came to a very wrong conclusion.

dictionary.com for the big words
white nationalist are fucking stewpud.

all of our families came from somewhere else.

if you want to be some kind of 'race nationalist' go back to where you came from. and good luck with that, you most likely have no idea.

MOST of “our families” were invited here.
Is this you shown in the image?

the only real invited were the german mercenaries.

There were no immigration laws on the books pre 1868 as there was a need / demand for people good, white and of high moral character to help build the greatest nation on the planet.
The history books don't support your claim.

and everyone hated the Irish

Enlighten us...what does YOUR history book say?
people from nearly every nation came here.

yaknow, like the Chinese that worked the rail roads
Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
You're certainly welcome to post such a poll. I'll be more than happy to vote. Thanks!
After you discover the fact that 99.999% don't support it, maybe you'll discover a point.
If anything, our colleges are turning white kids into white hating bigots. Some even post on Twitter that "We need white genocide now!!"

Really, and where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this?

I guarantee you cannot produce one.

Did you even go to college?
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.

The guy posted a poll...what's it to you what it is about?

The fact that you object so strongly to it STRONGLY suggests that your answer is 'yes' (even if you didn't have the guts to post it).
Otherwise, why would you care so much?
What city or state or states do you have in mind?
The entire Midwest, Northwest and most of the Northeast.
So you anticipate you'll be able to convince/force minorities to vacate those areas?
Minorities will move to be with their own people.

Idiots like you don’t get it. Non-whites and whites will at first join forces under the banner of civic nationalism to destroy the left. Then we will go our separate ways to preserve the peace.

My arguing for racial separation to avoid hate crimes and racial animosity or even race wars is no different morally than from gun control advocates who argue for gun confiscation and banning.
Minorities aren't going anywhere you stupid dipshit...
It's hard to comprehend you would even believe something so stupid.
But you do, don't you...smh.
Minorities are starting to get it:

Regardless of whether you dipshit white liberals and Neo-cons ever do.

LOL!!!...you really mean "A", "ONE" Black person, you could only find one on the entire internet.
Gee you are as stupid as the ONE BLACK GUY you posted...
The entire Midwest, Northwest and most of the Northeast.
So you anticipate you'll be able to convince/force minorities to vacate those areas?
Minorities will move to be with their own people.

Idiots like you don’t get it. Non-whites and whites will at first join forces under the banner of civic nationalism to destroy the left. Then we will go our separate ways to preserve the peace.

My arguing for racial separation to avoid hate crimes and racial animosity or even race wars is no different morally than from gun control advocates who argue for gun confiscation and banning.
Minorities aren't going anywhere you stupid dipshit...
It's hard to comprehend you would even believe something so stupid.
But you do, don't you...smh.
Minorities are starting to get it:

Regardless of whether you dipshit white liberals and Neo-cons ever do.

LOL!!!...you really mean "A", "ONE" Black person, you could only find one on the entire internet.
Gee you are as stupid as the ONE BLACK GUY you posted...

Actually that black guy seems quite intelligent and well spoken.
He’s highly logical and extremely reasonable.
I’m guessing he’s “stupid” because his position doesn’t align with yours?
Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
You're certainly welcome to post such a poll. I'll be more than happy to vote. Thanks!
After you discover the fact that 99.999% don't support it, maybe you'll discover a point.
If anything, our colleges are turning white kids into white hating bigots. Some even post on Twitter that "We need white genocide now!!"

Really, and where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this?

I guarantee you cannot produce one.

Did you even go to college?
I went to college in the 80s, and 90s in California....before Obama started to Transform America into a 3rd World Shithole.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.

The guy posted a poll...what's it to you what it is about?

The fact that you object so strongly to it STRONGLY suggests that your answer is 'yes' (even if you didn't have the guts to post it).
Otherwise, why would you care so much?
What it is to me is ironic.
At the same time whites are being murdered around the planet by non-whites (some of it at the behest of anti-white governments) the Obama backers are crying about white nationalism. It's a classic example of institutional racism, yet the left is all wrapped around the axle about the KKK. Antifa is nothing more than Brownshirters masquerading as a grassroots movement.
That's the irony.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Republicans should be proud of who they are it’s not like it’s a secret.
Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
You're certainly welcome to post such a poll. I'll be more than happy to vote. Thanks!
After you discover the fact that 99.999% don't support it, maybe you'll discover a point.
If anything, our colleges are turning white kids into white hating bigots. Some even post on Twitter that "We need white genocide now!!"

Really, and where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of this?

I guarantee you cannot produce one.

Did you even go to college?
I went to college in the 80s, and 90s in California....before Obama started to Transform America into a 3rd World Shithole.

Than you have ZERO first hand knowledge of what colleges are like today.

And - once again - where is your link to unbiased, factual proof of your statement 'our colleges are turning white kids into white hating bigots'?

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