POLL: Do you support White Nationalism?

Do you support White Nationalism?

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Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
Murders of farmers in South Africa at 20-year low, research shows
Sometimes, in that I do support White people's unique right to exist, and that I do see White peoples as the most accomplished race.

But ultimately I put Polish interests first, and therefor I see many Whites as the enemy too, particularly Germans who attacked the Polish people directly, the Russians who oppressed Polish people, the Jews who try to ruin Polish people's reputation etc. etc.

I actually really don't care for Western Europeans, they are very Liberal, and historically violent, It's best to try to distance ourselves as Eastern Europeans (Slavs etc.) from this group.
After you discover the fact that 99.999% don't support it, maybe you'll discover a point.
2 "yes" votes so far.
It is hilarious how you honestly believe white nationalism is a bad thing.
If a thread was made about supporting black nationalism, despite the almost exclusively violent and genocidal history it has had, you would have all of the black members on here saying they support it and most of the white liberals.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
Murders of farmers in South Africa at 20-year low, research shows
So murder is the only form of violence now?
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.

I would consider it less black nationalism and more a money and land grab by the ANC elite, for their benefit and the benefit of their cronies.

They use the "white people suck" bullshit for the masses to get their support, I doubt the ones actually pulling the levers even care about the fact they are white.

The Whites have the land, the ANC elite want the land.

Wealthy blacks are simply robbed. Wealthy whites are lynched and often not even robbed.

The wealthy blacks are the ones in power right now, they just want to be more wealthy.

They don't care how the white farmers are removed from their land, they just want the land.

The lynching and violence comes from their willing, much much poorer ground troops.
It comes from their voter base, whom the ANC themselves created with racist propaganda since the 90s.

In countries like that the elites despise their own voters even more than the ones here do.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.

I would consider it less black nationalism and more a money and land grab by the ANC elite, for their benefit and the benefit of their cronies.

They use the "white people suck" bullshit for the masses to get their support, I doubt the ones actually pulling the levers even care about the fact they are white.

The Whites have the land, the ANC elite want the land.
Yes, that explains their organizational "KILL WHITEY" chanting.

It's a means to an end, I doubt the ones running things pay more than lip service to half the garbage spewed by their party apparatus.
Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.

I would consider it less black nationalism and more a money and land grab by the ANC elite, for their benefit and the benefit of their cronies.

They use the "white people suck" bullshit for the masses to get their support, I doubt the ones actually pulling the levers even care about the fact they are white.

The Whites have the land, the ANC elite want the land.

Wealthy blacks are simply robbed. Wealthy whites are lynched and often not even robbed.

The wealthy blacks are the ones in power right now, they just want to be more wealthy.

They don't care how the white farmers are removed from their land, they just want the land.

The lynching and violence comes from their willing, much much poorer ground troops.
It comes from their voter base, whom the ANC themselves created with racist propaganda since the 90s.

In countries like that the elites despise their own voters even more than the ones here do.
Yeah, and they hate white people even more than that.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Funny how you are wondering about this at the same time Black Nationalism is creating white genocide in South Africa.
Murders of farmers in South Africa at 20-year low, research shows
So murder is the only form of violence now?
Oh and here I thought a “genocide” implied murders. Silly me.
After you discover the fact that 99.999% don't support it, maybe you'll discover a point.
2 "yes" votes so far.
It is hilarious how you honestly believe white nationalism is a bad thing.
If a thread was made about supporting black nationalism, despite the almost exclusively violent and genocidal history it has had, you would have all of the black members on here saying they support it and most of the white liberals.

Liberals tend to excuse Black Nationalism, because they see them as picked on historically, same with Jewish Nationalism sometimes (Although some Liberals are very anti-Zionist)

But, ultimately they see all Whites as some privileged group, even though some Whites suffered a ton, like Ukrainians, Irish, Polish, Russians, East Germans, Serbians, Greeks, Highland Scots, etc. etc.

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