POLL: Do you support White Nationalism?

Do you support White Nationalism?

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Notice how Mac1958 strongly encouraged folks to participate in his thread while he made his escape from it...weird. I’d venture a guess...it wasn’t ‘flowing’ quite like he had hoped.
I'm right here, and I'm enjoying the responses. As always.

23.5% "yes" votes as I write this. Interesting.

Awesome, you must be thrilled to find that Whites still harbor guilt for being White...right?

I still feel kinda of guilty about what I did to Kathy Nakamura on Prom Night... but, I don't let it keep me up at night.
Only for dogs...


Black labs are OK, but I wouldn't let my fur daughter marry one.
Hey -- some of my best friends are black labs!
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Yep. Its a good step in waking up from the leftist propaganda slumber. I am a Racial Socialist not a White Nationalist but essentially the same thing in a lot of ways but not all. I don't break down people into their nationality to me if you are white and loyal then we are one,I don't care about German vs French etc etc like Hitler and the NS did...
I am more extreme than most White Nationalists are. I am more of a White Supremacist,Racial Loyalist,Racial Socialist,Creator....that covers my religious,political etc thinking. I the white race is superior to all others and I love that and I make sure the lesser races know that. White Nationalists are typically White Supremacists...nationalists just want to be left alone in their own ethno state which is fine with me for now but eventually a permanent solution would have to be found for the enemies of our people. Jews have been expelled from over 100 countries and ALWAYS found a way to return and weasel back into society and destroy it from the inside. There is only one solution for that.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

How do I see who voted for what? I voted yes of course lol.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

How do I see who voted for what? I voted yes of course lol.
Just click on the vote totals.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Yep. Its a good step in waking up from the leftist propaganda slumber. I am a Racial Socialist not a White Nationalist but essentially the same thing in a lot of ways but not all. I don't break down people into their nationality to me if you are white and loyal then we are one,I don't care about German vs French etc etc like Hitler and the NS did...
Fraternal inter-rivalry will work itself out. There are much bigger problems needing to be addressed for now.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.


White Nationalism isn't an issue. A few weeks ago, our WN friends had a massive demonstration in Washington DC and drew 2 dozen.

Considering the fact that there were undercover law enforcement as well as embedded reporters from the media in that number, their support among the general public is considerably lower than their turnout of 24 out of a population of 320 million would indicate
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Most of the people on this forum don't know what white nationalism is, even though a lot of them parrot memes which originate in white nationalism.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Most of the people on this forum don't know what white nationalism is, even though a lot of them parrot memes which originate in white nationalism.

Cool...the smartest guy in the room is here...enlighten us old wise one.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.

Most of the people on this forum don't know what white nationalism is, even though a lot of them parrot memes which originate in white nationalism.

Cool...the smartest guy in the room is here...enlighten us old wise one.
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.


White Nationalism isn't an issue. A few weeks ago, our WN friends had a massive demonstration in Washington DC and drew 2 dozen.

Considering the fact that there were undercover law enforcement as well as embedded reporters from the media in that number, their support among the general public is considerably lower than their turnout of 24 out of a population of 320 million would indicate
I think you have that wrong. Far greater numbers support white nationalism; than will show up to protest, or march for it precisely because many know that there are plants within the folds of those demonstrators, and they risk political, economic, and physical violence against them. Many more still have to work, and choose to handle the matter in a manner that doesn’t involve riot, publicity, and spectacle...
Having trouble getting some straight answers, so let's cut to the chase.

Your vote will be visible. We'll see whose votes are conspicuous by their absence.

And since specific definitions seem to be slippery things nowadays, please feel free to expand as you please. No complaining about such a clear, direct and reasonable question, if possible.


Decent question, but “white nationalism” should be defined some before a person says they are or aren’t.

White nationalism - Wikipedia

White nationalism
is a type of nationalism or pan-nationalism that holds the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity.[2][3][4] Its proponents identify with and are attached to the concept of a white nation.[5] White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost.[4] Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race,[6] and some argue that it amounts to white genocide.[6]

White nationalism is sometimes described as a euphemism for, or subset of, white supremacy, and the two have been used interchangeably by journalists and other analysts.[7][8] White nationalist groups espouse white separatism and white supremacy.[9]White separatism is the pursuit of a "white-only state"; supremacism is the belief that white people are superior to nonwhites, taking ideas from social Darwinism and Nazism.[4][10] White nationalists generally avoid the term "supremacy" because it has negative connotations.[11][12]

Going by the wiki I have to say no I am not.
Mac1958 or anybody for that matter...
When Kanye said....”Whites are supreme” what do you think he meant by that? How did he arrive at that? Is he a White Supremacist? Is he a “White Nationalist”?
Just curious
Mac1958 or anybody for that matter...
When Kanye said....”Whites are supreme” what do you think he meant by that? How did he arrive at that? Is he a White Supremacist? Is he a “White Nationalist”?
Just curious
There are far more non-white, “white supremacists”; than there are white ones...
Mac1958 or anybody for that matter...
When Kanye said....”Whites are supreme” what do you think he meant by that? How did he arrive at that? Is he a White Supremacist? Is he a “White Nationalist”?
Just curious
There are far more non-white, “white supremacists”; than there are white ones...

I 100% agree...I’m thinking ‘some people’ here are scared shitless of my question. I wonder why.

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