Poll: Do you want the Federal governemnt running all healthcare?

Do you want single payer healthcare run by the Federal government?

  • No. I'd rather work and pay for my own healthcare

    Votes: 56 83.6%
  • Yes. I trust the government to provide world class healthcare to everyone

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
You can't go thru the grocery store and say "we're hungry" so thanks for the free food, since other people are paying for theirs since they have jobs.
You can't go to Walmart's and get stuff you need and then say you aren't paying for it.
You can't go to the barber, meat market, iTunes, or the cable TV or phone company and say you want service but aren't going to pay for it.
Same with a new car, or new clothes, or anything you want...

So why is it that dems think that healthcare and pharmaceuticals need to be free and someone else will pay for them?

Because as a country we have decided that we do not want to see people dead on the streets because they could not afford medical care.
you need to speak for yourself,,,cause we as a country have decided a fucking thing,,,,

Yes we have, that is why we have laws that force medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since.
and thats enough,,,but we didnt decide that,,,a small group of people did

The people you voted for did, and you have kept voting for people that will not get rid of it.
sorry jr but I have never ever once ever voted for a dem or repube at the fed level,,,just hasnt happened,,,
If we insist on Government provided health care because it prolongs life, then they should also allow DR assisted suicide like Kevorkian did


There is no reason they should be illegal. Who we are to tell someone they cannot take their own life
Agreed. Its just the machine wants to control what they want. An example, abortions.... A woman should be able to do with her body what she wants? Ok, then why did that not apply when ACA came out? What if the woman did not want insurance, but for her 'own good', she was mandated to buy it? Where was respect for 'control' of her body?

Just a host of rhetorical questions

I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??


First of all, people need to be getting their health insurance individually, the way they buy every other insurance they use, rather than being dependent on an employer to decide which plan is going to be offered and how much it's going to cost them. This would require several things.

1) Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines to increase competition.
2) Allow insurance companies more scope to tailor policies and coverage to what their customers want to buy.
3) Give individual purchasers the same sort of tax breaks on their insurance that employers currently enjoy.
4) Allow customers to form their own associations through which to buy insurance and get discounts available for larger customer pools.

Second of all, the patients need to also be the customers when it comes to using healthcare. Rather than mandating expansion of EVERY policy to cover EVERY possible use of medical care, we need to expand the use and availability of HSA and flexible spending accounts. Instead of sending premiums to an insurance company every paycheck, that money goes into an account pre-tax, and waits there for you to use it. And then when you need to visit a doctor, YOU see the prices, YOU decide what to spend and where. Prices for medical care will become lower and less obscure when doctors aren't having to figure out how to get around a bunch of bean-counters and algorithms at some insurance company.

Third, we need to stop looking around for other countries to imitate, and start thinking outside the box for solutions that fit who and what America and its people are.
We need to acknowledge this is a critical national issue and put together a bipartisan solution without the healthcare lobby

They can't fix healthcare when the government itself is broken. The House and Senate can't agree on anything.
Dem senator Murray calls for trying again on bipartisan ObamaCare fix
Because as a country we have decided that we do not want to see people dead on the streets because they could not afford medical care.
you need to speak for yourself,,,cause we as a country have decided a fucking thing,,,,

Yes we have, that is why we have laws that force medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since.
and thats enough,,,but we didnt decide that,,,a small group of people did

The people you voted for did, and you have kept voting for people that will not get rid of it.
sorry jr but I have never ever once ever voted for a dem or repube at the fed level,,,just hasnt happened,,,

you may not, but "we the people" vote for nobody but for the most part
you need to speak for yourself,,,cause we as a country have decided a fucking thing,,,,

Yes we have, that is why we have laws that force medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since.
and thats enough,,,but we didnt decide that,,,a small group of people did

The people you voted for did, and you have kept voting for people that will not get rid of it.
sorry jr but I have never ever once ever voted for a dem or repube at the fed level,,,just hasnt happened,,,

you may not, but "we the people" vote for nobody but for the most part
that doesnt make sense,,,,
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
You cannot have a "right" to someone else's goods and services. Please stop defining words according to your "feelz". If you want to say, "I think we as a country should provide a basic level of healthcare to people who can't afford it", then say that. But don't try to turn "rights" into a buzzword to cover every "If we were all perfect in a perfect world" fantasy you have.
Yes you can. Any gov't, no matter what kind, exercises a right to your goods and services. Only an anarchist would disagree. Exactly how much of your goods and services gov't takes varies but the underlying right is there.
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
You cannot have a "right" to someone else's goods and services. Please stop defining words according to your "feelz". If you want to say, "I think we as a country should provide a basic level of healthcare to people who can't afford it", then say that. But don't try to turn "rights" into a buzzword to cover every "If we were all perfect in a perfect world" fantasy you have.
Yes you can. Any gov't, no matter what kind, exercises a right to your goods and services. Only an anarchist would disagree. Exactly how much of your goods and services gov't takes varies but the underlying right is there.
not if the law/constitution says different,,,and ours does,,,
Government is the reason health "care" (insurance) prices are inflated right now. Get them out of there and premiums fall.

Also, Medicare needs leaned out. All them commercials all the time trying to exploit loopholes in Medicare to sell people stuff they don't need.
Premiums will fall but will the quality of care also fall? Will it be a race to the bottom?

What I've mostly seen on TV are prescription drug commercials. Are they advertising to doctors or patients? The goal is obviously to increase sales in a free market but does that make for better healthcare outcomes?

Why do you think quality of care would fall if the government wasn't involved? In what other area you can name has the government been synonymous with "Gold Standard: Best Quality Ever"?

Seems to me that if health insurance AND health care were required to focus their attention on the PATIENT as the customer, rather than government as the customer, it could only be an incentive to provide better care. After all, the patient cares far more about the quality of the care he receives than the government ever will.

Whether or not advertising leads to better healthcare outcomes depends on a lot of things. Obviously, it's better if patients are more informed about their own conditions and possible treatments, and if they actually communicate with their doctors about these things (as all the commercials encourage them to do). Unfortunately, people are sometimes immensely stupid, and a little knowledge becomes a dangerous thing.
Gov't has a role to play in health care. Period. End of discussion. The alternative is going back to the days of snake oil salesmen and barbers performing surgery.

What you fail to comprehend is why the gov't got involved in health care in the first place.

In what other area you can name has the government been synonymous with "Gold Standard: Best Quality Ever"? We have the finest military in the world.
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
its not anyones right to make others pay for it
I pay for other peoples stuff all the time. I've never been to Nebraska but I've paid for their roads and schools.

Whether or not the federal government decides to give out money has nothing to do with whether or not people have a RIGHT to it.
You have it backwards., You may think God gives you your rights but our Constitution is what lays them out in law. The gov't says you have a right to free speech.
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
You cannot have a "right" to someone else's goods and services. Please stop defining words according to your "feelz". If you want to say, "I think we as a country should provide a basic level of healthcare to people who can't afford it", then say that. But don't try to turn "rights" into a buzzword to cover every "If we were all perfect in a perfect world" fantasy you have.
Yes you can. Any gov't, no matter what kind, exercises a right to your goods and services. Only an anarchist would disagree. Exactly how much of your goods and services gov't takes varies but the underlying right is there.
not if the law/constitution says different,,,and ours does,,,
Don't pay your taxes and see what the law says.
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
its not anyones right to make others pay for it
I pay for other peoples stuff all the time. I've never been to Nebraska but I've paid for their roads and schools.

Whether or not the federal government decides to give out money has nothing to do with whether or not people have a RIGHT to it.
You have it backwards., You may think God gives you your rights but our Constitution is what lays them out in law. The gov't says you have a right to free speech.
sorry but the constitution is what tells the government that they have no say in our rights and are forbidden from trying to regulate/control/restrict them,,,,

as when it clearly states "we find these rights to be self evident",,,

also you are confused because the people are the government,,,,
Thé Government is not regulating enough

See the price of prescriptions vs countries with strict regulations?

Hello? McFly? Tuition prices were normal until the government stepped in to "help".
Then came relaxed admission standards, inflated tuition and book prices, and more cushy administrative jobs because hey, Uncle Sugar will pick up the tab. It's fucking sickening.

To think the exact same thing would not happen with medical care is folly.
Bull shit

Prescription prices were affordable until Big Pharm bought out our Congress

What are Nancy and the dems in the House doing to reduce drug costs? Thanks for playing.

"(Reuters) - The cost of insulin for treating type 1 diabetes in the United States nearly doubled over a five-year period, underscoring a national outcry over rising drug prices, according to a new analysis shared with Reuters. A person with type 1 diabetes incurred annual insulin costs of $5,705, on average, in 2016."
U.S. insulin costs per patient nearly doubled from 2012 to 2016: study - Reuters

CVS cuts cost for generic EpiPen competitor
The drugstore chain announced Thursday that it will sell a generic version of Impax Laboratories (IPXL)' Adrenaclick treatment for $109.99 per two-pack, down from $200. The drug company Mylan drew the ire of customers and Congress when it raised the price to more than $600 for an EpiPen two-pack.

Who signed the bill in 2003 that says govt could not negotiate drug prices?

Papa Bush signed it into Law, and Bill Clinton, Dubya, and Obama did not change it, Trump is trying to change it.
Health insurance companies can negotiate prices, but Medicare Part-D cannot...

Are feds barred from negotiating lower drug prices?
"...reference is to Medicare Part D, a voluntary insurance program for prescription drugs for people on Medicare. Views differ on whether seniors ultimately would benefit if the federal government could negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies on prescription drug prices for Part D. But current federal law does prohibit that."

Do you read what you post? This from the article and it was signed into law under the Medicare act of 2003.

Medicare Part D is a voluntary insurance program for prescription drugs for people on Medicare proposed by Republican President George W. Bush. It became law in 2003 and has been in place since 2006. Private insurance companies offer a variety of plans subsidized by the government, and beneficiaries get to choose the plan that's best for them. In 2016, nearly 41 million Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in Part D.

He may be a papa to someone but it was not his father.
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
You cannot have a "right" to someone else's goods and services. Please stop defining words according to your "feelz". If you want to say, "I think we as a country should provide a basic level of healthcare to people who can't afford it", then say that. But don't try to turn "rights" into a buzzword to cover every "If we were all perfect in a perfect world" fantasy you have.
Yes you can. Any gov't, no matter what kind, exercises a right to your goods and services. Only an anarchist would disagree. Exactly how much of your goods and services gov't takes varies but the underlying right is there.
not if the law/constitution says different,,,and ours does,,,
Don't pay your taxes and see what the law says.
it says we have to pay them,,,,
I'd say some basic level of healthcare is a right of every citizen.
its not anyones right to make others pay for it
I pay for other peoples stuff all the time. I've never been to Nebraska but I've paid for their roads and schools.

Whether or not the federal government decides to give out money has nothing to do with whether or not people have a RIGHT to it.
You have it backwards., You may think God gives you your rights but our Constitution is what lays them out in law. The gov't says you have a right to free speech.
and the 1st says the government cant touch speech and no where does it say the government says you have that right,,,

I think youre reading the russian constitution,,,
Thé Government is not regulating enough

See the price of prescriptions vs countries with strict regulations?

Hello? McFly? Tuition prices were normal until the government stepped in to "help".
Then came relaxed admission standards, inflated tuition and book prices, and more cushy administrative jobs because hey, Uncle Sugar will pick up the tab. It's fucking sickening.

To think the exact same thing would not happen with medical care is folly.
Bull shit

Prescription prices were affordable until Big Pharm bought out our Congress

What are Nancy and the dems in the House doing to reduce drug costs? Thanks for playing.

"(Reuters) - The cost of insulin for treating type 1 diabetes in the United States nearly doubled over a five-year period, underscoring a national outcry over rising drug prices, according to a new analysis shared with Reuters. A person with type 1 diabetes incurred annual insulin costs of $5,705, on average, in 2016."
U.S. insulin costs per patient nearly doubled from 2012 to 2016: study - Reuters

CVS cuts cost for generic EpiPen competitor
The drugstore chain announced Thursday that it will sell a generic version of Impax Laboratories (IPXL)' Adrenaclick treatment for $109.99 per two-pack, down from $200. The drug company Mylan drew the ire of customers and Congress when it raised the price to more than $600 for an EpiPen two-pack.

Who signed the bill in 2003 that says govt could not negotiate drug prices?

Here's one link I come up with that gives blame to republicans.

Bill to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Is Blocked

They did.
So your answer is EFF 'em, right? No good job, no good health insurance, and no job at all, no health insurance at all eh?

That's why the system is broken, and why the Republican way is about to be completely dismantled.

You guys aren't honest brokers. You just aren't.

You can't go thru the grocery store and say "we're hungry" so thanks for the free food, since other people are paying for theirs since they have jobs.
You can't go to Walmart's and get stuff you need and then say you aren't paying for it.
You can't go to the barber, meat market, iTunes, or the cable TV or phone company and say you want service but aren't going to pay for it.
Same with a new car, or new clothes, or anything you want...

So why is it that dems think that healthcare and pharmaceuticals need to be free and someone else will pay for them?

Because as a country we have decided that we do not want to see people dead on the streets because they could not afford medical care.
you need to speak for yourself,,,cause we as a country have decided a fucking thing,,,,

Yes we have, that is why we have laws that force medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since.

One real case was an illegal in a coma in a hospital for years, wasting millions of needed healthcare dollars. There needs to be some common sense limits used. Stupid laws need to be changed.

So I guess you have a link somewhere to prove this?
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??


First of all, people need to be getting their health insurance individually, the way they buy every other insurance they use, rather than being dependent on an employer to decide which plan is going to be offered and how much it's going to cost them. This would require several things.

1) Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines to increase competition.
2) Allow insurance companies more scope to tailor policies and coverage to what their customers want to buy.
3) Give individual purchasers the same sort of tax breaks on their insurance that employers currently enjoy.
4) Allow customers to form their own associations through which to buy insurance and get discounts available for larger customer pools.

Second of all, the patients need to also be the customers when it comes to using healthcare. Rather than mandating expansion of EVERY policy to cover EVERY possible use of medical care, we need to expand the use and availability of HSA and flexible spending accounts. Instead of sending premiums to an insurance company every paycheck, that money goes into an account pre-tax, and waits there for you to use it. And then when you need to visit a doctor, YOU see the prices, YOU decide what to spend and where. Prices for medical care will become lower and less obscure when doctors aren't having to figure out how to get around a bunch of bean-counters and algorithms at some insurance company.

Heard all this before for saving Obamacare. If 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare resources they need to pay more. The rest of us can't afford the high deductibles to keep everyone alive to 100. There needs to be lifetime limits on what we can afford, or the entire system will collapse. Medicare will be insolvent in 2026. Medicaid needs to be cut and managed better....
The real reason health care is bankrupting America

You've heard it all before because it's still true. Facts often work that way.

I have no idea what the rest of your post has to do with anything I said, given that none of the things you're harping on would be the case if my steps were implemented.

No offense, I'm looking at your recommendations as "fixing Obamacare". like Alexander & Murray tried to do
Inside the collapse of a bipartisan Obamacare deal

Congress & the Senate are a mess. They can't agree on anything. Hell, Ryan and the GOP couldn't even agree on how to fix immigration. Your fixes are fine, I support them, but I don't think they get us back to good healthcare with low deductibles, like we had before Obamacare.

Offense taken, since nothing I said had anything to do with "fixing" Obamacare, and would in fact necessitate doing away with it.

By all means, tell me precisely how what I said is "fixing Obamacare" and not giving us good healthcare with less cost? Explain to me how free markets and competitions are "fixing Obamacare", or putting decisions in the hands of the individuals rather than employers or bureaucrats, or making the patients the customers who need to be satisfied rather than third-party payers. How does ANY of that relate to Obamacare? How does any of the shit you've posted here or in your previous so-called "response" relate to anything I said?

Yeah, I am absolutely, 100% offended that you presumed to respond to my post without bothering to really read it - TWICE! - because you were in too big a hurry to shout your own views over and over.
For the trumptard they can remember when the govt wasn't involved, you must be pretty old, probably mummified.


A Tradition of Consumer Protection

State insurance regulators created the NAIC in 1871 to address the need to coordinate regulation of multistate insurers. The first major step in that process was the development of uniform financial reporting by insurance companies. Since then, new legislative concepts, new levels of expertise in data collection and delivery, and a commitment to even greater technological capability have moved the NAIC forward into its role as a multidimensional, regulatory support organization.

With offices in Kansas City, Missouri, New York and Washington, D.C. the NAIC staff provide invaluable support to insurance commissioners. The following lists the primary activities and organizations of the NAIC.
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??
/——-/ I enjoy the 5 hour line at the DMV to renew my license, so I say yes.

If we are basing it off of DMVs then I might go for yes, I can walk in and out in 15 minutes.
/—-/ Try NY- 3-4 hours for routine stuff. No one teller can do it all. Three different lines each with a long wait- then the Union lunch breaks.

Sorry NY sucks so much. Here in the land of Lincoln I am in and out in 15 minutes or less
NJ is the same way
Much can be done online and a visit to DMV usually takes under 15 minutes
Even auto inspections
/——/ We got the enhanced license for travel- 4 hours. and you want healthcare by the internet?
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??

Are you and others like you aware that nearly 30% of all healthcare costs are due to the below?
Please tell me you understand the implications that the 1946 Federal law that prevents suing doctors under Federal contract wouldn't help reduce this $1 Trillion a year waste!


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