Poll: Do you want the Federal governemnt running all healthcare?

Do you want single payer healthcare run by the Federal government?

  • No. I'd rather work and pay for my own healthcare

    Votes: 56 83.6%
  • Yes. I trust the government to provide world class healthcare to everyone

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters
I remember Obama's promise that Obamacare would save all families about $2,500 a year, it actually cost them about $10,000 a year in deductibles, meaning that they basically pay premiums AND pay deductibles to see a doctor. McCain really screwed up not killing Obamacare when he had the chance.

The democrats are running on "single payer" Medicare for all, where the government pays for all healthcare, and its FREE when needed. I can't imagine the lines of people waiting to see doctors. I wonder what GS pay grade doctors would get?

These two links basically prove two main points:
1. About 20% of the population uses 80% of the healthcare system. Can you say "pre-existing conditions"?

Does 20% of the population really use 80% of health care dollars?
2. The bottom 50% of the population by income pays basically nothing for healthcare
How do health expenditures vary across the population? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How can we improve the US healthcare system?
1. The bottom half of the population needs to work to get healthcare, medicaid needs to be cut
2. The 20% of the sickest need top pay more for healthcare since they use most of the resource

Any better ideas??

1. Are you willing to let the bottom half die in the streets if they cannot afford to pay for their healthcare?

2. They already pay more. My son is a Type-1 diabetic, the cost associated with that are enormous and I wonder how people manage.

There are a lot of problems with our system. I know a guy, he is about 28 or so, that was in between job and ended up in the ER and was diagnosed with Chrons disease. He spent 4 days in the hospital without insurance and will likely never be able to pay off what he owes. This is a problem with our system.

Around the time my mom and step-dad hit 70 they sold all their land and their house to my sister and BIL and essentially rented their house to avoid losing it all to the high cost of end of life care. This should not be necessary.

The problem in our country is we treat healthcare as both a commodity and a service. That cannot work in the long run.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

YET you defend lawyers that have caused nearly $1 trillion a year in wasted defensive medicine costs!
Yes we have, that is why we have laws that force medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since.
and thats enough,,,but we didnt decide that,,,a small group of people did

The people you voted for did, and you have kept voting for people that will not get rid of it.
sorry jr but I have never ever once ever voted for a dem or repube at the fed level,,,just hasnt happened,,,

you may not, but "we the people" vote for nobody but for the most part
that doesnt make sense,,,,

We elect people to represent us, they make the laws. That is how our system of government works. If we do not like the laws that they made we can vote them out of office for people that will write the laws we want them to.

The law forcing medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since and has never once been challenged and never once been a campaign issue. Thus, we as a country have decided we do not want people dying in the streets. You may disagree, you may not care if you have to step over dead people on sidewalks, but the country as a whole does care
and thats enough,,,but we didnt decide that,,,a small group of people did

The people you voted for did, and you have kept voting for people that will not get rid of it.
sorry jr but I have never ever once ever voted for a dem or repube at the fed level,,,just hasnt happened,,,

you may not, but "we the people" vote for nobody but for the most part
that doesnt make sense,,,,

We elect people to represent us, they make the laws. That is how our system of government works. If we do not like the laws that they made we can vote them out of office for people that will write the laws we want them to.

The law forcing medical personnel and hospitals to treat people irregardless of their ability to pay, signed into law by Reagan and has been the law of the land ever since and has never once been challenged and never once been a campaign issue. Thus, we as a country have decided we do not want people dying in the streets. You may disagree, you may not care if you have to step over dead people on sidewalks, but the country as a whole does care
lets get it straight,,,NO WE didnt vote them in,,,they were voted in,,,and yes we can vote them out,,,alas I think I am out numbered on that one
and yes they can make laws,,,but that doesnt mean the law is just and right,,,slavery used to be a law,,,was it right???

and as I said the law in question in fine with me
In the best possible world my answer would be "yes, I trust the government..." .But realistically what I would say is "it's the best of a bad lot".

So you're down with Dr. Trump making the call on your health care?
Of course I don't want the government to run healthcare. Everything they run is fucked up.
So you're down with Dr. Trump making the call on your health care?
Let's see his plan.

He's got no plan. Still want government running health care?
They can't run it with no plan.

That's not an answer. It's an evasion. Do you want government running health care when our country is capable of electing someone like Trump?
Hopefully we will.never be that stupid again.
Do you want government running health care when our country is capable of electing someone like Trump?
Hopefully we will.never be that stupid again.

LOL - you know we will. Why do you want miscreants making important decisions for your family's health care?
What makes you think they will make the decisions? The plan will be for covering people with universal insurance, not managing the actual care.
Do you want government running health care when our country is capable of electing someone like Trump?
Hopefully we will.never be that stupid again.

LOL - you know we will. Why do you want miscreants making important decisions for your family's health care?
What makes you think they will make the decisions? The plan will be for covering people with universal insurance, not managing the actual care.
If government is paying the bills, government will make the call. We're you born yesterday?
Do you want government running health care when our country is capable of electing someone like Trump?
Hopefully we will.never be that stupid again.

LOL - you know we will. Why do you want miscreants making important decisions for your family's health care?
What makes you think they will make the decisions? The plan will be for covering people with universal insurance, not managing the actual care.
If government is paying the bills, government will make the call. We're you born yesterday?
You think that's how Medicaid works? Or the VA?

Doctors make the call on needed care.
Do you want government running health care when our country is capable of electing someone like Trump?
Hopefully we will.never be that stupid again.

LOL - you know we will. Why do you want miscreants making important decisions for your family's health care?
What makes you think they will make the decisions? The plan will be for covering people with universal insurance, not managing the actual care.
If government is paying the bills, government will make the call. We're you born yesterday?
You think that's how Medicaid works? Or the VA?

Yes. Medicaid and VA benefits are determined by politicians.
Hopefully we will.never be that stupid again.

LOL - you know we will. Why do you want miscreants making important decisions for your family's health care?
What makes you think they will make the decisions? The plan will be for covering people with universal insurance, not managing the actual care.
If government is paying the bills, government will make the call. We're you born yesterday?
You think that's how Medicaid works? Or the VA?

Yes. Medicaid and VA benefits are determined by politicians.
Benefits, as in payment. Not care. Care is determined by the drs.

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