POLL: Does the left want to end capitalism?

Does the left want to end capitalism?

  • I'm left wing - No, I want to emulate Nordic capitalism.

    Votes: 4 6.8%
  • I'm left wing - Yes, I want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism.

    Votes: 3 5.1%
  • I'm left wing - I want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 6 10.2%
  • I'm right wing - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries and I disagree with that.

    Votes: 5 8.5%
  • I'm right wing - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 22 37.3%
  • I'm right wing - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - No, they want to emulate Scandinavian countries.

    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • I'm something else - Yes, they want to end capitalism and bring about total socialism or communism.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • I'm something else - They want something else. (please elaborate with a post)

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters
The Marxist that we had 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains under,,,,unemployment fell from 10% to 4.5% an almost triple in the DOW ?? You should be kissing his ass along with the racist trump I for one have had enough of you racist southern crackers you traitors

Worst recession recovery since the Great Depression
With the leader of the Senate saying they will do NOTHING to help Obama or America clean up your gwb republican mess you should understand why it was slow ... Millions were out of work thanks to GWB and repubs Once more Repubs prove they're all about their jobs and FK America
Only the already duped snowflakes like you are buying that horseshit.
You didn't hear McConnell ?? I did ,,, a republican pig
McConnel said he wasn't going to help Obama implement his agenda. The rest of your post is horseshit.

we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”

N.J.: What’s the job?
McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
So you like class war then, cause that is what you get. How's it working out?
Yep. The screamingly obvious point of equilibrium here is effective and efficient regulation. But the libertarians controlling the GOP and the left wingers controlling the Dems have other ideas.

Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Under the Monarchy we paid 5% of our income in taxes. Under democracy we pay 50%. Taxation with representation is far worse than taxation without representation.
You pay 50%?? Get a new CPA
When you figure in all the federal, state and local taxes plus excise taxes, gasoline taxes, tariffs, fees and all the other assorted revenue schemes, that's close to what we pay.
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
So you like class war then, cause that is what you get. How's it working out?
Class war?? Trump has a masters in class war
"Class war" is where John Doe works harder and smarter than Richard Row and thereby makes more money. Hence, the politicians keep themselves in power by stirring up the envy of Richard Row.
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
So you like class war then, cause that is what you get. How's it working out?
Class war?? Trump has a masters in class war
Trump is a representative of the capitalist ruling class, no different than any other US President.
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
It does nothing of the sort. All it does is create a class of parasites. You will keep voting for more portions of socialism until there's no capitalism left. Ask a "liberal" how much socialism do they want and they will always say "more."
Bri what do you suggest we do with all these ""parasites"' Let them starve or give them a quick death??

Let's have them stay at your place.

You're a leftist troll. One of the absolute and immutable requirements of being a leftist troll is the claim you are FABULOUSLY WEALTHY... :rofl:

Every lying fuck leftist on this and every site will tell you how they are "Gazillion quantillionaires." To be a leftist is to be a fucking liar.

So, you are no doubt lying that you are FABULOUSLY WEALTHY, mirite comrade? Of course I am. So since you have VAST and unending wealth, let's have the poor come over and stay at your place.

Don't you want to do your "fair share" comrade? :lmao:
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
It does nothing of the sort. All it does is create a class of parasites. You will keep voting for more portions of socialism until there's no capitalism left. Ask a "liberal" how much socialism do they want and they will always say "more."
Bri what do you suggest we do with all these ""parasites"' Let them starve or give them a quick death??
thanks for your, "Christian help", right wingers.


You're flailing Comrade.

Mom kick you out of the basement?

Look, every leftist blowhard on the board brags that they are far more rich than Bill Gates, so no doubt Seawytch and the other Bolsheviks will be HAPPY to have you come stay with them...
It is not required that a centralized government plan the economy of a community. The centralized government rises out of the need to protect all of the communities from the capitalist invaders.

Capitalist invaders such as those having a yard sale or lemonaide stand.

The totalitarian government rises because men seek to trade in peace, offering value in exchange for value. This is the opposite of socialism, so the state is there to crush the natural goodness of people.
Trading in peace and offering value in exchange for value is the exact intent of socialism.

The capitalist seeks a profit, therefore he seeks an advantage over his trading partner. Capitalism is a system that relies on competition hence the phrase "buyer beware".
Wrong. Socialism doesn't allow trading. That requires the institution of private property, which socialism doesn't allow. "Profit" does not equate to "advantage." The lowest street vendor makes a profit.

Competition and "buyer beware" have no connection with each other. In fact, just the opposite. Competition is what drives firms to provide the best possible product they can deliver. "Buyer beware" should be the motto for democracy, since snake oil is normally what you are voting on.
No connection? Competition between producers creates the situation where the buyer must be aware of what advantage the individual competitors have sought over each other.

caveat emp·tor
The axiom or principle in commerce that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying.
Wrong. Competition provides the motive power for firms to improve their products and services. Your belief that the only way for corporations to succeed is by screwing their customers isn't born out by the evidence. Did Apple become the largest corporation in the world by screwing its customers? The "advantage" firms seek is to make a better product. Many companies that made shitty products went extinct long ago. That's the reason GM and Chrysler declared bankruptcy.
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
It does nothing of the sort. All it does is create a class of parasites. You will keep voting for more portions of socialism until there's no capitalism left. Ask a "liberal" how much socialism do they want and they will always say "more."
Bri what do you suggest we do with all these ""parasites"' Let them starve or give them a quick death??
thanks for your, "Christian help", right wingers.


You're flailing Comrade.

Mom kick you out of the basement?

Look, every leftist blowhard on the board brags that they are far more rich than Bill Gates, so no doubt Seawytch and the other Bolsheviks will be HAPPY to have you come stay with them...

I know, it's amazing, isn't it? They're all rich, they are all gun owners, own businesses, are Christians, were in the military. And they just want to pay more taxes, but somehow don't. It's amazing. They're more us than we are
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
It does nothing of the sort. All it does is create a class of parasites. You will keep voting for more portions of socialism until there's no capitalism left. Ask a "liberal" how much socialism do they want and they will always say "more."
Bri what do you suggest we do with all these ""parasites"' Let them starve or give them a quick death??

Let's have them stay at your place.

You're a leftist troll. One of the absolute and immutable requirements of being a leftist troll is the claim you are FABULOUSLY WEALTHY... :rofl:

Every lying fuck leftist on this and every site will tell you how they are "Gazillion quantillionaires." To be a leftist is to be a fucking liar.

So, you are no doubt lying that you are FABULOUSLY WEALTHY, mirite comrade? Of course I am. So since you have VAST and unending wealth, let's have the poor come over and stay at your place.

Don't you want to do your "fair share" comrade? :lmao:
I give more than my share I'm not a republican anymore And if I had a fuk I wouldn't give it if you don't believe me
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
It does nothing of the sort. All it does is create a class of parasites. You will keep voting for more portions of socialism until there's no capitalism left. Ask a "liberal" how much socialism do they want and they will always say "more."
Bri what do you suggest we do with all these ""parasites"' Let them starve or give them a quick death??
thanks for your, "Christian help", right wingers.


You're flailing Comrade.

Mom kick you out of the basement?

Look, every leftist blowhard on the board brags that they are far more rich than Bill Gates, so no doubt Seawytch and the other Bolsheviks will be HAPPY to have you come stay with them...
It takes Morals to whine about moral forms of indignation, right wingers.
The federal doctrine is about results, not excuses.
When then, in true left-wing fashion, you people have failed miserably on both parts of your “doctrine”. All you do is fail to deliver results and then make excuses for it.
the right wing had nothing but Repeal, not better solutions at lower cost.
Repeal is the better solution at lower cost.
only in right wing fantasy.

to left, it looked like simple, laissez-fair laziness.
Completely unchecked capitalism does not work for ordinary people. It eats itself and becomes destructive to the comfort of everyday people.
Yep. The screamingly obvious point of equilibrium here is effective and efficient regulation. But the libertarians controlling the GOP and the left wingers controlling the Dems have other ideas.

Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Under the Monarchy we paid 5% of our income in taxes. Under democracy we pay 50%. Taxation with representation is far worse than taxation without representation.

Under the Monarchy the serfs paid 100% of their income in taxes. They were the property of the land holders who were agents of the state. The Nobility under Henrey the VIII paid a rate of 75% of ll acquired estates to the king. Often the crown would confiscate the lands of an out of favor noble and grant them to a more favored noble. The new steward was then to remit 75% of the land back to the crown. In this way the crown stole land en masse, but maintained an aire of legality.
It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism. What do you think?

That is a rather complicated question. For you see, you have the naïve moonbats of the Left who follow the demagogues of the Left.

Take the two socialists in American politics who are Bernie Sanders and the next Sarah Palin of politics, you know, Crazy eyes. (please don't make me spell her name)

Both say they are socialists but neither are advocating a complete government takeover of industry, which is the traditional definition of socialist. No, both just want to give a bunch more free stuff to people as they live a lavish lifestyle that the common man cannot.

Are they serious? Who knows? All I know is that they are dangerous.
The sad thing is many of the younger generation have no clue and just do the feel good follow along cause its hip.
They snack on tide pods while dancing next to moving cars ffs

In total 37 idiot teenagers ate Tide Pods. Right wingers judge an entire generation based on 37 kids out of an entire generation. But hey, it’s what you asshats do.

All liberals are commies. All Muslims want to kill you. All blacks hate white people. You find the most egregious examples of idiocy you can find and then paint everyone you don’t like in that light.

It’s not reality. Not even close.
All Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic bigots who want to starve children and take us back to the 1950s. Who does that remind you of?
I'm a liberal that likes a healthy portion of socialism with my well regulated capitalism. That is the recipe that makes a vibrant middle class.
It does nothing of the sort. All it does is create a class of parasites. You will keep voting for more portions of socialism until there's no capitalism left. Ask a "liberal" how much socialism do they want and they will always say "more."
Bri what do you suggest we do with all these ""parasites"' Let them starve or give them a quick death??
I suggest all the caring left wingers can write them a check, or are you admitting you wouldn't lift a finger to help them?

Eddie Munster is willing to have the state rob his neighbor on behalf of "da po."

Eddie is a Communist, he firmly believes that charity begins in the pocket of your neighbor...
It's my opinion that the left wing is not an opponent of capitalism. What do you think?

That is a rather complicated question. For you see, you have the naïve moonbats of the Left who follow the demagogues of the Left.

Take the two socialists in American politics who are Bernie Sanders and the next Sarah Palin of politics, you know, Crazy eyes. (please don't make me spell her name)

Both say they are socialists but neither are advocating a complete government takeover of industry, which is the traditional definition of socialist. No, both just want to give a bunch more free stuff to people as they live a lavish lifestyle that the common man cannot.

Are they serious? Who knows? All I know is that they are dangerous.
The sad thing is many of the younger generation have no clue and just do the feel good follow along cause its hip.
They snack on tide pods while dancing next to moving cars ffs

In total 37 idiot teenagers ate Tide Pods. Right wingers judge an entire generation based on 37 kids out of an entire generation. But hey, it’s what you asshats do.

All liberals are commies. All Muslims want to kill you. All blacks hate white people. You find the most egregious examples of idiocy you can find and then paint everyone you don’t like in that light.

It’s not reality. Not even close.
All Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic bigots who want to starve children and take us back to the 1950s. Who does that remind you of?
Trump when he was a Dem??
Mac, you need to learn what terms mean before tossing them about.

What is 'Economic Equilibrium '
Economic equilibrium is a condition or state in which economic forces are balanced. In effect, economic variables remain unchanged from their equilibrium values in the absence of external influences.

Economic equilibrium may also be defined as the point at which supply equals demand for a product, with the equilibrium price existing where the hypothetical supply and demand curves intersect.}

Economic Equilibrium

Just because you hear a term doesn't mean you should use it with no understanding of it's meaning.
Um, I didn't use the term "Economic Equilibrium".

Maybe read my post one more time.

Then you can try again.

Pathetic Mac.

Equilibrium is an economic term and concept, which you deployed in a discussion on economics.

Weaseling out of your obvious faux paus is unbecoming.
Under the Monarchy we paid 5% of our income in taxes. Under democracy we pay 50%. Taxation with representation is far worse than taxation without representation.
You pay 50%?? Get a new CPA
Your boy trump is like crime ,,,he doesn't pay

Doesn't pay what, fucking liar?

When Obama released Trump's tax returns as part of the government plot to rig the election, we found that Trump pays MILLIONS in taxes.

{In 2005, Donald Trump paid $38 million -- or about 25.3 percent -- in taxes on income of over $150 million, }

Donald Trump tax returns - portion of 2005 form 1040 released

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