Poll: How many want to deny people health care who don't get the vaccine?

Should people be denied health care if they don't take the vaccine?

  • yes

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • no

    Votes: 34 82.9%
  • I got blond hairy legs that stick out in the sun and children like to stroke them..........

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't want to deny them healthcare. I want to deny them the right to care from Covid-19 care. My position is that people who choose not to get a vaccine do not care that they put everybody at risk, they do not care that they extent the time special measures are required to mitigate the damage done by the pandemic, they do not care that they strain the healthcare system and the people working in it.

What's wrong with the people taking responsibility for their actions when those actions have consequences?

So get the vaccine you stupid fuck and don't worry about what everyone else does. You anti-vaxxers are sick, controlling fucks. Everyone should do your manhood but you
They have done everything POSSIBLE to prevent infection, so they are not responsible when they do get infected. Those that haven't done anything to prevent infection are responsible. Not everybody who drives drunk gets into an accident. Those that do are responsible when they do.

As to your question. Vaccines aren't 100 percent effective. Manufacturers never claimed they were. I never expected them to be. The point of mass vaccinations isn't 100 percent effectiveness. In fact, I don't know any which are. The point is to have enough people vaccinated so any infections don't find enough people to spread very wide.
Women who have illegitimate children are responsible, aren't they? Do you support cutting off all welfare payments?
Hey forkup ...got a silly question for ya, of which I know the answer but it will be fun to see you lie/squirm.

Would you swap places with Jesus? You know...get whipped, scourged, tortured, hung on a cross, then stabbed when you didn't die fast enough? Now keep in mind it will NOT stop Jesus from this torment, but....the romans said if you joined Him, they would promise they would cut his head off. But not til the next day. And, you were from some tribe that never heard of Him.

Now..would you volunteer to do that? After all, you would be saving Him from further agony although he must still suffer as planned.

So how about it? Would ya do it? For the common good, ya know.
Can’t you please explain to me why so many imbeciles are walking around unvaccinated right now?! It’s free. Go get it. What the fuck?!
I’ll try but leftists brains don’t recognize common sense or reality.
Many unvaccinated people,like myself, have had covid 19. Science tells us we are more protected than vaccinated people. Now the question is why isn’t Super Border Spreader *Joe and his pet Fraudcci not allowing free antibodie tests? If they’re so concerned about covid and want to reach herd immunity this is common sense since herd immunity includes people with antibodies .Leaving us out and mandating other things, closing business or limiting them, people’s jobs ect. Makes no sense. There’s really only one common sense answer. Keep covid going as a scare tactic for control and votes.
Now go ahead leftists and post your graphs and sound bites and links that have nothing to do with my post.
Why can’t you just answer the question. Don’t be a drama Queen. Tell me the reason

I'll ask the same question as Marvin.

If you are vaccinated then what the fuck do you care? You are gold right?

Why don't you just mind on your own fucking business and revel in the fact that you are protected?

Why do you have to be a fucking Karen?
I wouldn't want to deny them healthcare. I want to deny them the right to care from Covid-19 care. My position is that people who choose not to get a vaccine do not care that they put everybody at risk, they do not care that they extent the time special measures are required to mitigate the damage done by the pandemic, they do not care that they strain the healthcare system and the people working in it.

What's wrong with the people taking responsibility for their actions when those actions have consequences?

You do know that the groups with the highest percentage of unvaccinated people are blacks and hispanics, RIGHT? Denying them care is not a good way for you commies to maintain your coalition, is it?

I’ll try but leftists brains don’t recognize common sense or reality.
Many unvaccinated people,like myself, have had covid 19. Science tells us we are more protected than vaccinated people. Now the question is why isn’t Super Border Spreader *Joe and his pet Fraudcci not allowing free antibodie tests? If they’re so concerned about covid and want to reach herd immunity this is common sense since herd immunity includes people with antibodies .Leaving us out and mandating other things, closing business or limiting them, people’s jobs ect. Makes no sense. There’s really only one common sense answer. Keep covid going as a scare tactic for control and votes.
Now go ahead leftists and post your graphs and sound bites and links that have nothing to do with my post.
What’s the duration of natural immunity, you know scientifically.

What are the rates for for breakout infections with natural immunity?

What are the outcomes from any breakout infections?

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You do know that the groups with the highest percentage of unvaccinated people are blacks and hispanics, RIGHT? Denying them care is not a good way for you commies to maintain your coalition, is it?

Actually, it’s White maga fuckups

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