Poll: How many want to deny people health care who don't get the vaccine?

Should people be denied health care if they don't take the vaccine?

  • yes

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • no

    Votes: 34 82.9%
  • I got blond hairy legs that stick out in the sun and children like to stroke them..........

    Votes: 2 4.9%

  • Total voters
Losing your job, residence, freedom of movement, ability to travel, and custody of your children for not getting vaccinated (all things that have already happened to people) is the same as forcing it at gunpoint. Your president is a fucking fascist piece of shit Nazi, and so are you if you support this.
I wasn't aware that people had a right to their job?

I thought the employer decided who to employ.
While we are at it how about denying welfare benefits to anybody that doesn't pay Federal Income Tax?

Sounds fair?
Or the Americans in Afghanistan that were warned to leave but did not. Should we just leave then there?
How about smokers that were warned to quit, No medical care for them
How about traffic accident vitims that were not wearing their seat belts, should we just eave them on the side of the road,
If you cant figure out the connection you must be a liberal.
Right to work laws are just anti-union laws.

Barely anyone belongs to a union these days, but if they did, perhaps they'd have a better chance at avoiding their employer rules. Guess y'all screwed the pooch on that one.
Medical facilities should leave enough resources to for care for patients...If they start to run out of resources, they should start denying illegal aliens, the offspring of illegal aliens, gang bangers, criminals, druggies, and welfare hos leaving enough resources for all the rest of us who pay taxes and contribute.
But where would you go then?
I have heard more and more Left wingers say that those who don't get the vaccine should not get medical care.

Is it not enough they are losing their jobs? Should we also deny them health care?

They should be left to die because they were deliberately trying to do a palm civet imitation outside of FDA-sanctioned rules.

Selamectin (Pfizer, Ltd.)
Medical facilities should leave enough resources to care for non-covid patients. If they start to run out of resources, they should start denying non-vaccinated covid cases.
And put them in re-education....err...concentration.....err wellness centers for their own well being and for the safety of estrogen overloaded fearful Lib Tards.



Triage is a Nazi thing? Guess again, maroon.

And your subtle threat against me is precious.
Dr. Fauci...err....Mengele is a DemNazi too, so you have company.

I wouldn't want to deny them healthcare. I want to deny them the right to care from Covid-19 care. My position is that people who choose not to get a vaccine do not care that they put everybody at risk, they do not care that they extent the time special measures are required to mitigate the damage done by the pandemic, they do not care that they strain the healthcare system and the people working in it.

What's wrong with the people taking responsibility for their actions when those actions have consequences?
why hasnt Biden mandated vaccines for people crossing our borders ? why are postal workers exempt from the mandate ? why is the WH staff exempt from the mandate ?
I wasn't aware that people had a right to their job?

I never said they did. I said when fascists like you fire people for not getting vaccinated, it's the same as forcing them to get vaccinated. Especially in collusion with all the other retaliations you Nazis are advocating for people who don't get vaccinated (loss of home, loss of children, loss of benefits, loss of freedom of movement).
But there is no one saying that. That would be considered hate speech and the media would cancel them

But letting anti-vaxers die is for our collective good it seems.
Do either of you understand why people are saying this about medical care for the unvaxxed? I know its a tall order to ask if either of you understand or can articulate the POV of people you don't agree with but I like to check the objectivity scales every once in a while.
As many of the podcasters and commentators I listen to point out.....just imagine if people said, so....you got AIDS....no healthcare for you....you had gay, unprotected sex...no healthcare for you......or.....so...you ate yourself into obesity...no healthcare for you...

The democrat party just can't help revealing themselves for the monsters they are...
Aids wasn't shutting down our schools, businesses and economy was it? It wasn't over crowding our hospitals was it? Why make such a bad comparison?
Do either of you understand why people are saying this about medical care for the unvaxxed? I know its a tall order to ask if either of you understand or can articulate the POV of people you don't agree with but I like to check the objectivity scales every once in a while.
The only POV that matters is those from the Left since they are all based in science and all.

The rest of us out here are just foaming at the mouth with our knuckles dragging the ground waiting for someone to force us to become enlightened.

So enlighten us.
I wouldn't want to deny them healthcare. I want to deny them the right to care from Covid-19 care. My position is that people who choose not to get a vaccine do not care that they put everybody at risk, they do not care that they extent the time special measures are required to mitigate the damage done by the pandemic, they do not care that they strain the healthcare system and the people working in it.

What's wrong with the people taking responsibility for their actions when those actions have consequences?
Because we have no intention of taking AN EXPERIMENTAL DRUG for YOUR convenience. What does it take for you to get this in your pointy little head?
The only POV that matters is those from the Left since they are all based in science and all.

The rest of us out here are just foaming at the mouth with our knuckles dragging the ground waiting for someone to force us to become enlightened.

So enlighten us.
I think your opinion matters which is why I was asking you. Are you willing to give an answer?
Medical facilities should leave enough resources to for care for patients...If they start to run out of resources, they should start denying illegal aliens, the offspring of illegal aliens, gang bangers, criminals, druggies, and welfare hos leaving enough resources for all the rest of us who pay taxes and contribute.

I'll bet you see "illegal aliens, the offspring of illegal aliens, gang bangers, criminals, druggies, and welfare hos" under your bed and around every corner.
Medical facilities should leave enough resources to care for non-covid patients. If they start to run out of resources, they should start denying non-vaccinated covid cases.
They can’t deny illegals or the homeless. Why should they deny patients that can actually pay their bills?

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