POLL: Is anyone sick of the constant "gotchas" and "scandals" in politics?

Have you had it with this shit yet?

  • NO, I think the other side is really going down this time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, I'd rather spew mud than look for common ground on issues

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, I'm just having great fun with this, I love slapping them around

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • YES, but I also know it's going to continue anyway

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Mango. Mangos here, mangos there, mangos everywhere

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

No. We need more of it. Drain the swamp, right? Let’s make America great again by getting rid of every single one of these Republican Russian colluding sexual assaulters as we can. The more the better.

SYFTE left this part out: "But leave the fabian socialist pedophiles and rapists alone!"

Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

I disagree 100%!


Because we both know crooks and abusers do not reside on one side of the aisle, they are on both. To that end, with the power these people in congress THOUGHT they had, we have now instituted a form of TERM LIMITS! The swamp is deep, and everyone on here knows that almost EVERY Democrat in Washington would rather have a mainstream Republican elected, then Donald Trump.

Want another bit of truth? Almost all Republicans in Washington, would rather have HILLARY instead of him too!

So you think that is an indictment of Trump, do a lot of you posters? Nope! And here is why------------>the same people who don't want Donald Trump, would NOT want Mark Cuban either!!!!!!!

So how do you get rid of the INBREDS in Washington that have been there far to long if you can't get them to vote FOR term limits themselves? SCANDAL, that is how!

And how did this exactly happen?!

Because like him or not, the American people put in someone with a team of people, who is NOT really of Washington, and certain people in that circle, started finding the dead bodies left for anyone to see in power. I am here to tell you Mac, this is just the tip of the problems. Many, many people, are going to lose their power; from BOTH entities.

You are a smart guy, so I want you to think about what I am saying-------------->

1. this does NOT pertain to Roy Moore

2. Who was the Presidents WORST enemy during the election, after the Democrats?

3. Which Republicans in the senate would NEVER vote with the Trump agenda, and how many of them up for re-election decided NOT to seek re-election, or decided to run for a different office?

4. Notice the tax plan? Remember how many Republicans said basically no? Ummmmmmmmm, then why are we here now?

You and I are slightly older Mac. Do you remember when Washington DC was called the "new Soddam and Gamora?" How many of our Senate people were around during that time-) From BOTH party's! Yes Mac, the race is on to see if he can dismantle before the special counsel can dig something up, lol.

Let me close, to you, with this-------------> let us forget our red and blue hats for a second, and our likes and dislikes about policy for a second. What if I told you, that a tea tottaler, non-smoker, always for our military, absolutely patriotic, (pu**Y lover, yeah....I can buy that one) person, cut a deal with Russia to bring us down. If you had to bet the farm, how would you bet! Would you bet it was more likely true, or more likely untrue?

In my personal opinion, we are going to have a LOT of new people in congress this time around. As you see these scandals start to unfold and incumbents drop like flies, do not wait to long to work towards getting DEMOCRATS in place, instead of the FAR LEFTISTS we both despise. I can deal with a Democrat; hell I used to be one. What neither of us can deal with is----------> Real alt right, or far leftists, who use our monikers to convince the unsuspecting public that they are actually mainstream!

Have great Holidays my friend, from my family to you, and yours!
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old. Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em". Agree or disagree?
This Trump investigation is like reading the best spy novel ever written, and that's exactly what it's going to be when someone sits down to write it. I love spy novels. Very enjoyable--especially since Trump supporters were warned over and over again not to vote for him.
It this were just happening during Trump's administration, that would be one thing. But this has been going on for YEARS.

If we've passed the point where we want to improve things, I guess this is all fine. Because this will obviously continue regardless of which party is in the White House.

Sure it does, but let's face it this is historic. Never before have we watched a campaign collude with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election and get caught. Most Presidents walk into office, and everything is quite--you may disagree with their policies, but nothing and I mean nothing in our history compares to this one.

As James Clapper stated this is 1000 times worse than Watergate.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

As far as my spy novel comment it starts right here.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Well, it remains to be seen that the Trump "campaign colluded with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election", and that's part of the problem. If it turns out to be true, holy shit, yeah, we're in new territory. But just as with Hillary, the Republicans and Benghazi, the Democrats are fully buying into every last whisper and doing the happy dance at every chance. Yuck.

They've already got collusion.

This Feb 2017 video, Smith explains that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian Intelligence agents, the very day that DNC databases were hacked into.

Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

Again--they kept getting busted (not because of U.S. Intelligence) but because of all the foreign intelligence agencies that had been electronically monitoring them and watching them since 2015. Comey didn't get off his ass to start his own investigation until July 2016, but had been getting all this foreign intelligence coming in, and didn't do jack shit. He was too busy staring at Hillary Clinton's emails.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Senate Judiciary panel: Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin - CNNPolitics

When people are continually lying--they're trying to cover something up. And that's all they have done is lie all the way through these investigations. They get caught, then lie again, get caught on the lie, then lie again.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.
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Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old. Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em". Agree or disagree?
This Trump investigation is like reading the best spy novel ever written, and that's exactly what it's going to be when someone sits down to write it. I love spy novels. Very enjoyable--especially since Trump supporters were warned over and over again not to vote for him.
It this were just happening during Trump's administration, that would be one thing. But this has been going on for YEARS.

If we've passed the point where we want to improve things, I guess this is all fine. Because this will obviously continue regardless of which party is in the White House.

Sure it does, but let's face it this is historic. Never before have we watched a campaign collude with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election and get caught. Most Presidents walk into office, and everything is quite--you may disagree with their policies, but nothing and I mean nothing in our history compares to this one.

As James Clapper stated this is 1000 times worse than Watergate.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

As far as my spy novel comment it starts right here.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Well, it remains to be seen that the Trump "campaign colluded with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election", and that's part of the problem. If it turns out to be true, holy shit, yeah, we're in new territory. But just as with Hillary, the Republicans and Benghazi, the Democrats are fully buying into every last whisper and doing the happy dance at every chance. Yuck.

They've already got collusion.

Senate Judiciary panel: Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin - CNNPolitics

When people are continually lying--they're trying to cover something up. And that's all they have done is lie all the way through these investigations. They get caught, then lie again, get caught on the lie, then lie again.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

Washington Post and CNN????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old. Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em". Agree or disagree?
This Trump investigation is like reading the best spy novel ever written, and that's exactly what it's going to be when someone sits down to write it. I love spy novels. Very enjoyable--especially since Trump supporters were warned over and over again not to vote for him.
It this were just happening during Trump's administration, that would be one thing. But this has been going on for YEARS.

If we've passed the point where we want to improve things, I guess this is all fine. Because this will obviously continue regardless of which party is in the White House.
It has always gone on. From alpaca coats to Gary Hart. It is just normal politics in the US. What is not normal, is the caliber of the people that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has put in high places. So we get the opportunity to have many times the normal scandals. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

In general I will buy that. The problem is the nut jobs on BOTH sides are not interested in solutions.
But yet your leftard politicians took millions from those that purchased said uranium.....that is ethical to you?

well, if that were true, you might have a point. But since Uranium One is among the LEAST crazy things you believe, I don't think taking you through a point by point explanation of why that is bullshit would be helpful. It's hard for you to separate real complaints from the voices in your head.

Such as?? The Wikileaks revelations stand on their own merit and anyone that was paying attention to the contents didn't need to see anything else to know that the Hildebeast is nothing but a crook.

actually, all I saw on those emails were the typical kind of infighting that goes on in any organization...

So, what you are claiming is that Trump and the Russians allegedly cheated by revealing the cheating of the DNC? Do you really want to roll with that, Joe?

And spreading false rumors about her health, and making claims of wrongdoing that weren't there.

Russian content and fake news on Twitter peaked in a key swing state right before Trump won

The day Donald Trump was elected president, nearly 2,000 Twitter accounts that had pumped out pro-Trump messages in the run-up to the vote suddenly went dark. Then, in spring 2017, these bot-controlled accounts reemerged to campaign en français for Marine Le Pen in the French election, and then once again this fall, to tweet auf Deutsch on behalf of the far-right party in Germany’s election.
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

It is the shiny object diversion. keep the masses divided and entertained while the elite and elected officials grow ever richer and the government ever bigger.
But, as we have seen on this board, the 'Conservatives' love Putin. They get it off every time he takes off his shirt. And what is a little treason between friends, right?
But yet your leftard politicians took millions from those that purchased said uranium.....that is ethical to you?

well, if that were true, you might have a point. But since Uranium One is among the LEAST crazy things you believe, I don't think taking you through a point by point explanation of why that is bullshit would be helpful. It's hard for you to separate real complaints from the voices in your head.

Such as?? The Wikileaks revelations stand on their own merit and anyone that was paying attention to the contents didn't need to see anything else to know that the Hildebeast is nothing but a crook.

actually, all I saw on those emails were the typical kind of infighting that goes on in any organization...

So, what you are claiming is that Trump and the Russians allegedly cheated by revealing the cheating of the DNC? Do you really want to roll with that, Joe?

And spreading false rumors about her health, and making claims of wrongdoing that weren't there.

Russian content and fake news on Twitter peaked in a key swing state right before Trump won

The day Donald Trump was elected president, nearly 2,000 Twitter accounts that had pumped out pro-Trump messages in the run-up to the vote suddenly went dark. Then, in spring 2017, these bot-controlled accounts reemerged to campaign en français for Marine Le Pen in the French election, and then once again this fall, to tweet auf Deutsch on behalf of the far-right party in Germany’s election.

"actually, all I saw on those emails were the typical kind of infighting that goes on in any organization..."

Really????? You want to stick with that contention??? Clinton fails to contain damage from email leaks

"The day Donald Trump was elected president, nearly 2,000 Twitter accounts that had pumped out pro-Trump messages in the run-up to the vote suddenly went dark. Then, in spring 2017, these bot-controlled accounts reemerged to campaign en français for Marine Le Pen in the French election, and then once again this fall, to tweet auf Deutsch on behalf of the far-right party in Germany’s election"

So? You think that there weren't "bots" spewing lies about Trump? Bots spewing lies about Le Pen? Or bots spewing lies on behalf of that skank Merkle? How does Russia play into that exactly? It is up to the people to discern and disseminate information. What pisses off leftard clowns like you is when people don't fall in line with the fabian socialist way of thinking and refuse to be pawns for the very ones that idiots like you claim to be fighting against.
So? You think that there weren't "bots" spewing lies about Trump? Bots spewing lies about Le Pen? Or bots spewing lies on behalf of that skank Merkle? How does Russia play into that exactly? It is up to the people to discern and disseminate information. What pisses off leftard clowns like you is when people don't fall in line with the fabian socialist way of thinking and refuse to be pawns for the very ones that idiots like you claim to be fighting against.

again, guy, you consider "Truth" to be 911 was an inside job and the kids killed at Sandy Hook were actors. I'm sure that the Russian Bots were designed specifically for you alternate reality types.
So? You think that there weren't "bots" spewing lies about Trump? Bots spewing lies about Le Pen? Or bots spewing lies on behalf of that skank Merkle? How does Russia play into that exactly? It is up to the people to discern and disseminate information. What pisses off leftard clowns like you is when people don't fall in line with the fabian socialist way of thinking and refuse to be pawns for the very ones that idiots like you claim to be fighting against.

again, guy, you consider "Truth" to be 911 was an inside job and the kids killed at Sandy Hook were actors. I'm sure that the Russian Bots were designed specifically for you alternate reality types.

Since you lack an critical thinking skills and lack the education required as it pertains to false flags and how they have been used all through history? I will simply give your first comment the cyber "back-handed wave of the hand".

"I'm sure that the Russian Bots were designed specifically for you alternate reality types."

Yeah, it was the ROOSKIES that denied you leftard sheeple "bragging rights" thus making you feel irrelevant knowing that your commie agenda has taken a step backwards.
This Trump investigation is like reading the best spy novel ever written, and that's exactly what it's going to be when someone sits down to write it. I love spy novels. Very enjoyable--especially since Trump supporters were warned over and over again not to vote for him.
It this were just happening during Trump's administration, that would be one thing. But this has been going on for YEARS.

If we've passed the point where we want to improve things, I guess this is all fine. Because this will obviously continue regardless of which party is in the White House.

Sure it does, but let's face it this is historic. Never before have we watched a campaign collude with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election and get caught. Most Presidents walk into office, and everything is quite--you may disagree with their policies, but nothing and I mean nothing in our history compares to this one.

As James Clapper stated this is 1000 times worse than Watergate.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

As far as my spy novel comment it starts right here.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Well, it remains to be seen that the Trump "campaign colluded with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election", and that's part of the problem. If it turns out to be true, holy shit, yeah, we're in new territory. But just as with Hillary, the Republicans and Benghazi, the Democrats are fully buying into every last whisper and doing the happy dance at every chance. Yuck.

They've already got collusion.

Senate Judiciary panel: Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin - CNNPolitics

When people are continually lying--they're trying to cover something up. And that's all they have done is lie all the way through these investigations. They get caught, then lie again, get caught on the lie, then lie again.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

Washington Post and CNN????? OTFLMAO!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE

Yes- The New York Times and the Washington Post has been spot on throughout these investigations, so you can keep FOX NEWS.

This Trump investigation is like reading the best spy novel ever written, and that's exactly what it's going to be when someone sits down to write it. I love spy novels. Very enjoyable--especially since Trump supporters were warned over and over again not to vote for him.
It this were just happening during Trump's administration, that would be one thing. But this has been going on for YEARS.

If we've passed the point where we want to improve things, I guess this is all fine. Because this will obviously continue regardless of which party is in the White House.

Sure it does, but let's face it this is historic. Never before have we watched a campaign collude with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election and get caught. Most Presidents walk into office, and everything is quite--you may disagree with their policies, but nothing and I mean nothing in our history compares to this one.

As James Clapper stated this is 1000 times worse than Watergate.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

As far as my spy novel comment it starts right here.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Well, it remains to be seen that the Trump "campaign colluded with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election", and that's part of the problem. If it turns out to be true, holy shit, yeah, we're in new territory. But just as with Hillary, the Republicans and Benghazi, the Democrats are fully buying into every last whisper and doing the happy dance at every chance. Yuck.

They've already got collusion.

Senate Judiciary panel: Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin - CNNPolitics

When people are continually lying--they're trying to cover something up. And that's all they have done is lie all the way through these investigations. They get caught, then lie again, get caught on the lie, then lie again.
Kushner contradicts Trump team's denials of Russia contacts - CNNPolitics
Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be facing perjury charges.

The Washington Post and New York Times has been spot on from the beginning of these investigations. They require that they obtain 3 qualified sources before it goes into print--otherwise if they screw up they are required to retract or correct a story.

This is how mainstream media works--and FOX NEWS has decided that the placement of cheese on cheesburgers is more important than 3 criminal indictiments and one guilty plea.

Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

I disagree 100%!


Because we both know crooks and abusers do not reside on one side of the aisle, they are on both. To that end, with the power these people in congress THOUGHT they had, we have now instituted a form of TERM LIMITS! The swamp is deep, and everyone on here knows that almost EVERY Democrat in Washington would rather have a mainstream Republican elected, then Donald Trump.

Want another bit of truth? Almost all Republicans in Washington, would rather have HILLARY instead of him too!

So you think that is an indictment of Trump, do a lot of you posters? Nope! And here is why------------>the same people who don't want Donald Trump, would NOT want Mark Cuban either!!!!!!!

So how do you get rid of the INBREDS in Washington that have been there far to long if you can't get them to vote FOR term limits themselves? SCANDAL, that is how!

And how did this exactly happen?!

Because like him or not, the American people put in someone with a team of people, who is NOT really of Washington, and certain people in that circle, started finding the dead bodies left for anyone to see in power. I am here to tell you Mac, this is just the tip of the problems. Many, many people, are going to lose their power; from BOTH entities.

You are a smart guy, so I want you to think about what I am saying-------------->

1. this does NOT pertain to Roy Moore

2. Who was the Presidents WORST enemy during the election, after the Democrats?

3. Which Republicans in the senate would NEVER vote with the Trump agenda, and how many of them up for re-election decided NOT to seek re-election, or decided to run for a different office?

4. Notice the tax plan? Remember how many Republicans said basically no? Ummmmmmmmm, then why are we here now?

You and I are slightly older Mac. Do you remember when Washington DC was called the "new Soddam and Gamora?" How many of our Senate people were around during that time-) From BOTH party's! Yes Mac, the race is on to see if he can dismantle before the special counsel can dig something up, lol.

Let me close, to you, with this-------------> let us forget our red and blue hats for a second, and our likes and dislikes about policy for a second. What if I told you, that a tea tottaler, non-smoker, always for our military, absolutely patriotic, (pu**Y lover, yeah....I can buy that one) person, cut a deal with Russia to bring us down. If you had to bet the farm, how would you bet! Would you bet it was more likely true, or more likely untrue?

In my personal opinion, we are going to have a LOT of new people in congress this time around. As you see these scandals start to unfold and incumbents drop like flies, do not wait to long to work towards getting DEMOCRATS in place, instead of the FAR LEFTISTS we both despise. I can deal with a Democrat; hell I used to be one. What neither of us can deal with is----------> Real alt right, or far leftists, who use our monikers to convince the unsuspecting public that they are actually mainstream!

Have great Holidays my friend, from my family to you, and yours!

I think the majority of this nation are very TIRED of the extreme right and the extreme left. In my opinon there's not much difference between a moderate Republican and a Blue Dog Democrat. They represent the majority in this country and are capable of working together, instead of this continual divide we have in this country.

We may be in luck--as Blue Dog Democrats took over in New Jersey & Virginia--so they may be making a comeback--so FINALLY the majority of this country is represented--and the bullshit from the far right and far left stops.
Blue Dogs eye comeback in 2018


And that's the one I'll be voting for--I am very tired of these right and left wing nutcases. I want moderates back in power, and could give a rats ass if they have an r or d behind their names.
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Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

No one is trying to fix the problems any more. The whole game is to get one over on the other side and "win" all the time. By "winning" the people lose...
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?

No one is trying to fix the problems any more. The whole game is to get one over on the other side and "win" all the time. By "winning" the people lose...
To fix this mess, Americans are going to have to start voting for the best candidate, rather than voting for people with an r or d behind their names.

Thankfully, Independents are the majority voting block in this country today, and their numbers continue to grow.

The good news is that Blue Dog Democrats look to be making a comeback--and if we can get moderates back in the Republican party--they will work together for the betterment of this country. Instead of this team sport bullshit attitude all of the time.
Blue Dogs eye comeback in 2018

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