POLL: Is anyone sick of the constant "gotchas" and "scandals" in politics?

Have you had it with this shit yet?

  • NO, I think the other side is really going down this time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, I'd rather spew mud than look for common ground on issues

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, I'm just having great fun with this, I love slapping them around

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • YES, but I also know it's going to continue anyway

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Mango. Mangos here, mangos there, mangos everywhere

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
Boy, this is getting old
"Boy this is getting old"
Signed, The year 1810. It's a necessary evil. It's the best way we have designed to hold them accountable. Every scandal is to you what you make of it. Right?
It's a little different than 1810.

Do I really, really need to point out the differences?
Since you lack an critical thinking skills and lack the education required as it pertains to false flags and how they have been used all through history?

actually, I've got a degree in history, but no doubt, that's the evil Trilateralist False flag history created by Lizard Men to confuse us, or something.

Yeah, it was the ROOSKIES that denied you leftard sheeple "bragging rights" thus making you feel irrelevant knowing that your commie agenda has taken a step backwards.

Meh, I think Trump is going to backfire on the right. He will be so unpopular at the end of it all that he'll had the Democrats FDR level majorities. Then we'll probably have socialized medicine by 2024.

My biggest worry is that the Democrats will go too far left. shit, Bernie probably could have beaten Trump. Get one that is less old, less crazy and less Jewish, he'd probably wipe the floor with Trump in 2020.
It's a little different than 1810. Do I really, really need to point out the differences?
well, um, no. Actually, it isn't. Maybe you should read up on the election of 1828, and how nasty that was. It was so nasty that Andrew Jackson's wife died from the Stress, making him even a little crazier than he already was.
Joe. You're on the internet. That might be a...

Okay, forget it, your mind is an ideological vacuum, thanks.
if folks broke the law it should be ignored because youre tired of hearing about it?
To fix this mess, Americans are going to have to start voting for the best candidate, rather than voting for people with an r or d behind their names.

Thankfully, Independents are the majority voting block in this country today, and their numbers continue to grow.

The good news is that Blue Dog Democrats look to be making a comeback--and if we can get moderates back in the Republican party--they will work together for the betterment of this country. Instead of this team sport bullshit attitude all of the time.
Blue Dogs eye comeback in 2018
Here's hoping.

Look at this thread - zealots are always willing to justify their behaviors.

Nothing of lasting substance is improved until they're somehow culturally marginalized.
I find it interesting timing that, on a day where Flynn pleads GUILTY to a CRIME, in EXCHANGE for TESTIMONY that OTHERS committed CRIMES...

Mac on the internet is tired of the "phony" partisan accusations and such...

I find it interesting timing that, on a day where Flynn pleads GUILTY to a CRIME, in EXCHANGE for TESTIMONY that OTHERS committed CRIMES...

Mac on the internet is tired of the "phony" partisan accusations and such...

I think it shows his sense of self importance.

The rest of us are rigid partisans, he's the only sensible moderate in the room who wants what's best for the country. No, Really!!!

The thing is, this shouldn't be a "partisan' issue at all. If Trump colluded with the Russians, left or right, Dem or Rep, we should all agree he shouldn't have done that!
Joe. You're on the internet. That might be a...

Okay, forget it, your mind is an ideological vacuum, thanks.

Okay, I know you don't like it when your idealogical premises get shot down.

Do you need a safe space, Buddy?
Okay Joe, I admit it, you're right. You've really nailed me on this one. There's no significant difference between 1810 and 2017 in politics. After all...

... it's not as if the internet reaches virtually any part of this country instantly, as opposed to, say, horse and telegraph, influencing the opinions & behaviors of Americans and those for whom they vote.

... it's not as if the intensely competitive, 24-hour global news cycle causes media to engage in more conjecture & speculation than it used to, in pure volume alone, influencing the opinions & behaviors of Americans and those for whom they vote.

... it's not as if the proliferation of internet and social media outlets allows people to essentially craft their own news and information reality, influencing the opinions & behaviors of Americans and those for whom they vote.

... it's not as if politicians are aware that every word they utter in any way can be immediately disseminated to any part of the planet, influencing the opinions & behaviors of Americans and those for whom they vote.

You've really got me here. I mean, 2017 may as well be 1810 as far as politics are concerned. You are truly every bit as intelligent and reasonable and rational and open-minded as you think you are. You're right, I'm wrong.

And yes, please provide the location of the nearest safe space, so that I might briefly enjoy a salve from the intellectual and emotional damage you have inflicted upon me with your objective intellectual prowess. Ouch.
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I find it interesting timing that, on a day where Flynn pleads GUILTY to a CRIME, in EXCHANGE for TESTIMONY that OTHERS committed CRIMES...

Mac on the internet is tired of the "phony" partisan accusations and such...

Well yeah, because I'm a BIG Trump supporter, plus I like Hitler and I'm a Nazi Fascist.

I thought everyone knew that.
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Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?
I am tired of it but the thing is you can't sweep actual bad or illegal misconduct under the rug if you want it to stop.

The problem we have are the liars that try to jump on the boat for their 15 minutes of fame or a payout be it financial or political. Those types of people need to face harsh penalties.
How would we know about the "gotchas" in politics? That's right the "gotchas" are usually spin generated by the liberal media.
Boy, this is getting old. Strike that, it's beyond old.

Far more attention and time are being spent on "gotchas" and scandals and leaks than in fixing our problems. Damn near nothing but dueling rumors, predictions of jail terms and claims that "this time we've got 'em".

Agree or disagree?
I am tired of it but the thing is you can't sweep actual bad or illegal misconduct under the rug if you want it to stop.

The problem we have are the liars that try to jump on the boat for their 15 minutes of fame or a payout be it financial or political. Those types of people need to face harsh penalties.
If they break the law, yeah. But much of the damage is just being done by the wingers for perceived political gain.

I don't know how that gets fixed.
How would we know about the "gotchas" in politics? That's right the "gotchas" are usually spin generated by the liberal media.
Both ends of the spectrum jump on any news item or rumor or conjecture and immediately ram it in the face of the other for perceived political advantage.

Only over the last decade or two, the material available to them to do so has increased a zillion-fold, making the behavior much more pervasive.

We see it on this board roughly every 30 seconds or so.
I find it interesting timing that, on a day where Flynn pleads GUILTY to a CRIME, in EXCHANGE for TESTIMONY that OTHERS committed CRIMES...

Mac on the internet is tired of the "phony" partisan accusations and such...

Well yeah, because I'm a BIG Trump supporter, plus I like Hitler and I'm a Nazi Fascist.

I thought everyone knew that.
dude, you brought this up on a day where a guy literally pled guilty

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