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Poll: Is QAnon a verb or is it a noun?

Is "QAnon" a noun, or is it a verb?

  • QAnon is a verb

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a noun. (e.g. "QAnon is a group of insurrectionist Trumpsters.")

Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a verb. (e.g. "QAnon is a crazy conspiracy theory.")

Some USMB forumers who are TDS afflicted morons suffering from the associated cognitive dissonance symptom of TDS also refer to QAnon as both a noun and a verb.

Is "QAnon" a noun, or is it a verb?

It's a myth created by Big Left to give a name to the targets of their hate (Americans).
Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a noun. (e.g. "QAnon is a group of insurrectionist Trumpsters.")

Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a verb. (e.g. "QAnon is a crazy conspiracy theory.")

Some USMB forumers who are TDS afflicted morons suffering from the associated cognitive dissonance symptom of TDS also refer to QAnon as both a noun and a verb.

Is "QAnon" a noun, or is it a verb?

It's a myth created by Big Left to give a name to the targets of their hate (Americans).
It works both ways though.
Look how they have turned republicans against democrats.
It's all political BS.
I'm 56 years old. I never cared if my friend or neighbor or the person working the register at the local market had this political leaning or that. It was a private issue. You voted privately at the voting booth.
They made this an issue to divide us the american people.
They are using our politics against us to divide us.
And BOTH sides are falling for it.
Both sides are guilty.
And if we keep playing this stupid game of theirs, we're all going to lose.

We have much bigger problems coming on the horizon, and if we don't come together...
We're not going to have a country left to fight over.
And if you don't think this country is worth fighting for (whoever you are)
I suggest you pack your bags and move to another country better than this one, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Where We Go One We Go All
or we all lose.
Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a noun. (e.g. "QAnon is a group of insurrectionist Trumpsters.")

Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a verb. (e.g. "QAnon is a crazy conspiracy theory.")

Some USMB forumers who are TDS afflicted morons suffering from the associated cognitive dissonance symptom of TDS also refer to QAnon as both a noun and a verb.

Is "QAnon" a noun, or is it a verb?

It's a myth created by Big Left to give a name to the targets of their hate (Americans).
It works both ways though.
Look how they have turned republicans against democrats.
It's all political BS.
I'm 56 years old. I never cared if my friend or neighbor or the person working the register at the local market had this political leaning or that. It was a private issue. You voted privately at the voting booth.
They made this an issue to divide us the american people.
They are using our politics against us to divide us.
And BOTH sides are falling for it.
Both sides are guilty.
And if we keep playing this stupid game of theirs, we're all going to lose.

We have much bigger problems coming on the horizon, and if we don't come together...
We're not going to have a country left to fight over.
And if you don't think this country is worth fighting for (whoever you are)
I suggest you pack your bags and move to another country better than this one, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Where We Go One We Go All
or we all lose.

It's probably to late to get the normies to push back hard .....

Thiers a reason the old commie boomers constantly drone on ....its no big deal
I saw that 486 on this board the last 2 months alone

I'm already in camp It's to late welcome to the fusa...

They're not getting up until they have nothing left to lose
I know stuff like the crt pushback and young right wingers becoming republican committee men is encouraging.....and I wanna be wrong believe me

I posted a question a couple weeks ago

hey normies is it ok ...or rather no big deal that federal law and the military are moving towards ideological purity....?

It's gonna run its course

Only one thing left to do
Wait patiently for the eggs to start crackin

I would like to see a lot more democrats stand up for principles and traditions we were all brought up with.
Well, maybe not all.
I just wish everyone would look at things from their own perspective instead of having the media tell them what to think
That box sitting front and center in the livingroom is the biggest mind control contraption the so-called "intelligence" agencies ever constructed. I turned mine off years ago.
Never was much for tv to begin with. Too busy working and raising a family.
The most I ever had time for was maybe a Walton's or a Little House on the Prairie episode.
For one whole year on the road trucking, everywhere we parked the only program that came in was M.A.S.H.
I watch a lot of C-Span on the computer. I watch the hearings and debates.
I listen to people's opinions on Washington Journal about various topics.
I listen to people in the forums talk about their views and opinions.
And I consider all sides of an issue.

Now this Q thing. A lot of people say it's a psyop. It's a way to make people distracted from what's really going on.
I found it was just the opposite. It opened up a whole new view on reality.
Is it authentic? Is it a psyop?
It could be both, idk.
All I know is I learned a lot and am still learning. And when that ends I suppose I'll stop believing in it too.

And everything that is happening right now in our daily lives, this has all been pre-planned for over 40 years or more.
And they have plans already in place for the next 30. And if we can't find a way to put a stop to it, there won't be any sovereign nations. We will all come under the banner of the United Nations. They will determine all laws for all areas on the map.
They will choose the leaders, they will have control over the money, our resources, our education, our health...
And I don't think a lot of people really want that. But it's what's coming if we don't stand up for this thing we call freedom.

And it's going to take everyone all around the globe to stand against them.
Them being the globalists and the banksters, the big Corporations and Foundations.
Once they get control of America....
We are the last beacon of hope and freedom in the world.
And even though we have our faults, nobody is perfect folks, we're still a growing country, and learning and correcting errors from the past, even though we have our faults, we still have the power to change them for the better.
The other choice is to let these people with all the money and the power decide for us how we will live.

And they don't really give a damn about us. They are in it for the power and the money.
These are the true white supremists (and white don't mean color, it means power) and they will control all us deplorables on the left and the right as slaves in their corporations. Having us all live in low-income housing while they live in mansions on a hill with gates and security. Throwing bones to us and watching us kill each other for sport.

It's sad...
If I'm lucky I have maybe 20 more years to live.
I just hope in those 20 years things turn for the better, and the people will truly be free.

Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a noun. (e.g. "QAnon is a group of insurrectionist Trumpsters.")

Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a verb. (e.g. "QAnon is a crazy conspiracy theory.")

Some USMB forumers who are TDS afflicted morons suffering from the associated cognitive dissonance symptom of TDS also refer to QAnon as both a noun and a verb.

Is "QAnon" a noun, or is it a verb?
“Crazy conspiracy theory” is a NOUN (“conspiracy theory” which is a THING ) preceded by an adjective (“crazy”).
I don't disagree with you, but what does that have to do with Q?
You asked whether “QAnon” was a noun or verb and then gave examples that were both nouns. Q in this context refers to a person or persons which would be a NOUN, “Anon” refers to Anonymous which is an adjective.

Hope that helps you in your quest for enlightenment.

Please stop informing the forum that it is a trick question because it is based on a false premise.

So what does your spew have to do with Q, you fool?
ROFLMAO! You’re the one that doesn’t understand the difference between a NOUN and a VERB and you’re calling me a “fool” for pointing out that fact?

You need to grow up and start behaving like a rational adult, is that something you’re capable of on your own or do you require an illustrated how to guide?
Obviously the Question in the OP was a troll question, itchy bitch.

The real Question I'm alluding to is...

Who is Q?

Can you directly quote anything that Q posted that you disagree with? Or has the fakestream media, unbeknownst to you, manipulated you into hating Q, fool?
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Who is Q?
The ghost of Sam Kinison
Can you directly quote anything that Q posted that you disagree with? Or has the fakestream media, unbeknownst to you, manipulated you into hating Q, fool?
What makes you think I hate Q? I find this whole QAnon thing incredibly hilarious, the guy deserves a spot in the troll hall of fame.
Who is Q?
The ghost of Sam Kinison
Can you directly quote anything that Q posted that you disagree with? Or has the fakestream media, unbeknownst to you, manipulated you into hating Q, fool?
What makes you think I hate Q? I find this whole QAnon thing incredibly hilarious, the guy deserves a spot in the troll hall of fame.
What makes you automatically presume that Q is a guy? Perhaps Q is a girl or transgender and you are mis-pronouning Q.
Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a noun. (e.g. "QAnon is a group of insurrectionist Trumpsters.")

Some folks at USMB refer to QAnon as a verb. (e.g. "QAnon is a crazy conspiracy theory.")

Some USMB forumers who are TDS afflicted morons suffering from the associated cognitive dissonance symptom of TDS also refer to QAnon as both a noun and a verb.

Is "QAnon" a noun, or is it a verb?
I would have voted, but "steaming turd" wasn't an option.
Q isn't one, it's a group.
The Qontinuum?

Perhaps Q is a mediocre Qatar player in a Mariachi band.

I don't know. It's what they claimed.
Less than 10, I believe is what the post said.
Your asking about Q, have you ever followed the posts yourself?

No. But I did my own research after TDS afflicted morons here, who had obviously never read a single Q post, but were nonetheless merely mindlessly mimicking the freakshow flippant faux outrageous outrage and distorted disinformation dumbass MSM fuckfaces spewed at them on their boobtube.

And I read all of Q's posts one day after the hyperpartisan hapless whore started another thread bitching and whining about Q. I'm a speedreader with a 158 IQ, so unlike most mere mortals it takes me merely a few moments to do that.

The conspiracy theory moniker attributed to Q is particularly humorous.

The most outstanding obvious observation that I naturally noticed is that every single USMB forumer who criticizes Q has never ever even quoted Q. Have you?

Calling QAnon a conspiracy theory is akin to calling USMB a conspiracy theory simply because USMB has a conspiracy theory section.
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Q isn't one, it's a group.
The Qontinuum?

Perhaps Q is a mediocre Qatar player in a Mariachi band.

I don't know. It's what they claimed.
Less than 10, I believe is what the post said.
Your asking about Q, have you ever followed the posts yourself?

No. But I did my own research after TDS afflicted morons here, who had obviously never read a single Q post, but were nonetheless merely mindlessly mimicking the freakshow flippant faux outrageous outrage of distorted disinformation of dumbass MSM fuckfaces that they saw on their boobtube.

And I read all of Q's posts one day after the hyperpartisan hapless whore started another thread bitching and whining about Q. I'm a speedreader with a 158 IQ, so unlike most mere mortals it takes me a mere few minutes to do that.

The conspiracy theory moniker attributed to Q is particularly humorous.

The most outstanding obvious observation that I naturally noticed is that every single USMB forumer who criticizes Q has never ever even quoted Q. Have you?

Okay, so you are drawing a line between actual quotes from Q and what the Q cult believes? I can buy that. They are pretty much out of their fucking minds.
Q isn't one, it's a group.
The Qontinuum?

Perhaps Q is a mediocre Qatar player in a Mariachi band.

I don't know. It's what they claimed.
Less than 10, I believe is what the post said.
Your asking about Q, have you ever followed the posts yourself?

No. But I did my own research after TDS afflicted morons here, who had obviously never read a single Q post, but were nonetheless merely mindlessly mimicking the freakshow flippant faux outrageous outrage of distorted disinformation of dumbass MSM fuckfaces that they saw on their boobtube.

And I read all of Q's posts one day after the hyperpartisan hapless whore started another thread bitching and whining about Q. I'm a speedreader with a 158 IQ, so unlike most mere mortals it takes me a mere few minutes to do that.

The conspiracy theory moniker attributed to Q is particularly humorous.

The most outstanding obvious observation that I naturally noticed is that every single USMB forumer who criticizes Q has never ever even quoted Q. Have you?

The posts aren't meant to be spedread though. They are like a puzzle. a piece here goes with a piece there. And they are random, not in order. You have to take a bite at a time over time...
I believe I have but maybe not this Forum as I've only been here a couple of weeks.
But what difference would it make?
Those that know, know. And those that choose not to won't listen anyways.

But here I'll post one:
439703-Jun-2020 4:20:00 PM EDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch9452636
They want you divided.
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.
Divided you are weak [no collective power].
Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].
MSDNC projection re: scope & size meant to instill fear and basic 'follow the pack mentality' [psych 101][echo-chamber][group think]
'If majority thinks xyz - xyz must be true'
Re-obtain power by any means necessary.
Prevent public exposure of truth.
Prevent accountability.
Your life means nothing to them [sheep].
You are a vote when it matters and a dollar sign when it does not.
Stand Strong.
Stand Together.
Humanity is Good.
Unity is Humanity.
Unity is Peace.
Be Strong in the Lord.
Pray for Strength.
Pray for Guidance.
Pray for America.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
One more for good measure, then I'm out for the night.

125223-Apr-2018 7:27:14 PM EDTQ !xowAT4Z3VQ8ch/qresearch
It’s time to learn the TRUTH.
Why are D’s inspiring activist groups to remove history re: slavery?
Why are history books painting a different picture than before?
Why are teachers following a new false script?
“Republicans are racists.”
Learn the term ‘Projection’.
Why are they threatened?
MSM has you brainwashed.
They want you controlled.
They want you enslaved.
They want you divided.
They want you dependent!
What has the D party done for the black pop?
What has the R party done for the black pop?
What has POTUS done in 1 year?
What is the net worth of black leaders today?
Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses?
MLK was a conservative.
Learn the TRUTH.
Re_read drops re: slave grip of black pop.
Why do we look at skin color?
APART, we are weak.
Future proves Past:

492321-Oct-2020 9:55:05 PM EDTQ !!Hs1Jq13jV68kun/qresearch11201288
Archived links:

Dearest Virginia -
We stand with you.
Now and always.
Find peace through prayer.
Never give up the good fight.
God bless you.

The above twitter post is no longer available... however, a retweet on the 26th of June:

Jun 26

Oh dear yet another knock back, not going well for #GhislaineMaxwell

She has lost her bid to suppress the 2016 depositions. Maxwell’s motions to suppress evidence (Dkt. Nos. 133, 139) are DENIED.

~Util - Terminate Motions AND Order – #303 in United States v. Maxwell (S.D.N.Y., 1:20-cr-00330) –...
ORDER as to Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell's motions to suppress evidence (Dkt. Nos. 133, 139) are DENIED. The Court sets out its reasoning in an opinion concurrently filed under temporary seal to allow...

Notice date on Q post.
Future proves Past
June 18th, 2021


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