POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677

You have it backwards. The Republicans HAVE an authoritarian in the White House. The Democrats are trying to get rid of him.
Dims are the authoritarians. Look who supports the shutdown. What could be more authoritarian than that?
Only RWNJs would call leaders who want people to wear face masks and who temporarily want to shut down the Economy to save lives “authoritarian”. :rolleyes-41:

Meanwhile, Trump using unmarked vans to arrest American citizens is ignored by Trumpist nuts, Taking citizens off the street and placed in unmarked vans is what they do in shit hole authoritarian states.
What could be more authoritarian than forcing everyone to wear masks, forcing them to stay home, preventing them from going to work and preventing them from going to school. What do you imagine the word "authoritarian" means?

Cops have been using unmarked cars for decades, morons. They aren't sent to a Gulag or a firing squad. They are sent to the country jail where they can post bail and go home.

I marvel at the way you leftwing douchebags can paint the most normal activity as some kind of sinister Stalinist plot.
Just like you don’t understand the difference between left-wing and right-wing, you don’t even understand the definition or concept of “authoritarian”. Authoritarianism is the use of government power, often violently, to suppress political opposition and limit political freedom. To compare wearing face masks to authoritarianism is simply inane. As I said please enroll in a community college and take a class in political science or political philosophy.
You faux intellectual douchewad! Your post makes no sense. Fuck off.
You are below Community College level, boy.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.


Eh! That may be not the prettiest rifle I've ever seen, but they work. :dunno:

Dude, my aunt had a top-tier BAR in 30-.06 with the gold engraving and took a deer every year.
Her husband got her the best!
I also ate some every year and didn't even know it until last year.
The only thing that matters with a gun is Gun Control..........the ability to hit what you are aiming at.

Whatever weapon does that the best for you is the right weapon.
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677

You have it backwards. The Republicans HAVE an authoritarian in the White House. The Democrats are trying to get rid of him.
Dims are the authoritarians. Look who supports the shutdown. What could be more authoritarian than that?
Only RWNJs would call leaders who want people to wear face masks and who temporarily want to shut down the Economy to save lives “authoritarian”. :rolleyes-41:

Meanwhile, Trump using unmarked vans to arrest American citizens is ignored by Trumpist nuts, Taking citizens off the street and placed in unmarked vans is what they do in shit hole authoritarian states.
What could be more authoritarian than forcing everyone to wear masks, forcing them to stay home, preventing them from going to work and preventing them from going to school. What do you imagine the word "authoritarian" means?

Cops have been using unmarked cars for decades, morons. They aren't sent to a Gulag or a firing squad. They are sent to the country jail where they can post bail and go home.

I marvel at the way you leftwing douchebags can paint the most normal activity as some kind of sinister Stalinist plot.
Just like you don’t understand the difference between left-wing and right-wing, you don’t even understand the definition or concept of “authoritarian”. Authoritarianism is the use of government power, often violently, to suppress political opposition and limit political freedom. To compare wearing face masks to authoritarianism is simply inane. As I said please enroll in a community college and take a class in political science or political philosophy.
You faux intellectual douchewad! Your post makes no sense. Fuck off.
You are below Community College level, boy.
My post makes plenty of sense. Maybe you take this before its too late!:View attachment 365894
Bitch, you got put into BoomBoom college classes.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
I said "no," Mac1958, because I believe there are anticommunists who still don't know how compromised their own Democrat Party is. I also think President Trump has more supporters than all the Democrats combined, but for some reason, the press is clinging to the vine that their multiple lies have totally fooled the American voters who will not be voting Democrat for the rest of their lives due to the LLLMSM's false witness cannot hold so much as a drop of water. most LLLMSM fans have been brainwashed, but even they know deep down inside that the Democrats are attempting a coup against innocent people including President Trump whom they couldn't ensnare because good or bad, the President is committed to caring for the safety of all Americans from the damages communism would do to this country if he stood down.

The President is not standing down to the Sociocommunisitic Democrats in power, because he knows from his observances how devastating Communism is by its history of killing many, many millions of people everytime its leadership puts their foot onto the neck of the very nation they're lying to about making good changes. The main change that comes is prosperity turns into poverty so severe people and their children starve to death in a short time after the party craters to a strongman killer to "fix" the problem, which never happens.
Despite Robert Mueller and all the attacks Trump dealt with going into the 2018 mid terms, he still did much better than Obama or Clinton did in their first mid terms. Both went on to easy reelections. No worries, history is on Trump's side.
trump is about to lose. He did not do better in the mid terms. Republicans took a record beating.

How about losing 63 seats in the House and 6 in the Senate?

How about losing 54 seats in the House and 8 in the Senate?

Those were mid term results enjoyed by Obama and Clinton. They both won reelection easily. Trump will do the same.
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677

You have it backwards. The Republicans HAVE an authoritarian in the White House. The Democrats are trying to get rid of him.
Dims are the authoritarians. Look who supports the shutdown. What could be more authoritarian than that?
Only RWNJs would call leaders who want people to wear face masks and who temporarily want to shut down the Economy to save lives “authoritarian”. :rolleyes-41:

Meanwhile, Trump using unmarked vans to arrest American citizens is ignored by Trumpist nuts, Taking citizens off the street and placed in unmarked vans is what they do in shit hole authoritarian states.
What could be more authoritarian than forcing everyone to wear masks, forcing them to stay home, preventing them from going to work and preventing them from going to school. What do you imagine the word "authoritarian" means?

Cops have been using unmarked cars for decades, morons. They aren't sent to a Gulag or a firing squad. They are sent to the country jail where they can post bail and go home.

I marvel at the way you leftwing douchebags can paint the most normal activity as some kind of sinister Stalinist plot.
Just like you don’t understand the difference between left-wing and right-wing, you don’t even understand the definition or concept of “authoritarian”. Authoritarianism is the use of government power, often violently, to suppress political opposition and limit political freedom. To compare wearing face masks to authoritarianism is simply inane. As I said please enroll in a community college and take a class in political science or political philosophy.
"Authoritarian" is when the government forces people to do things they don't want to do. It isn't limited solely to "political freedom," whatever the hell that distinction means. It applies to all freedom, or lack of it. Apparently you believe that sending people to the Gulag isn't "authoritarian.

What a fucking nimrod. The shutdown is the ultimate expression of authoritarianism. It's unlimited force in action. You have to be positively witless to believe that isn't authoritarian.

Leftwing is someone who favors socialism and government control.

Rightwing is someone who supports economic freedom.

That's your politic science lesson for the day, dumbfuck.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
That and 100,000,000 gunowners.
And the ball is hit. It goes higher and higher, farther and farther, over the heads of the people in the back row, over the lights and fence, and OUTTA THE PARK!!!! :woohoo: Way to go, MikeTX!!!
Well sumbitch I can't post that, because FCT..This is America, flacaltenn and leftist douchelords, and everybody!
Know that this is America!
Fucking Commie indoctrinants A LA Patty Hearst are not going to violently overthrow the people's will or American government! Dammit! If the government don't get ya, Lord help ya, the people will.
Antifa and BLM are the political henchman of the Dimm political class.
Calling them anarchists is a mislabel, when in reality they are Dimm thugs!
I agree with you, and furthermore, I believe it is against the Constitution for House members to create a militia to eliminate their enemies, and they all have a target list of who the need to eliminate first, just like the list James Hodgkinson had in his chest pocket the day he wounded Republican House Majority Whip Steve Scalise in an activity described below:

On Wednesday, June 14, 2017, at 7:09 am EDT, Scalise and three other people were shot and wounded by James Hodgkinson, a left-wing activist with a record of domestic violence, who opened fire with a rifle during a baseball practice of the Republican team for the annual Congressional Baseball Game.​
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677

You have it backwards. The Republicans HAVE an authoritarian in the White House. The Democrats are trying to get rid of him.
Dims are the authoritarians. Look who supports the shutdown. What could be more authoritarian than that?
Only RWNJs would call leaders who want people to wear face masks and who temporarily want to shut down the Economy to save lives “authoritarian”. :rolleyes-41:

Meanwhile, Trump using unmarked vans to arrest American citizens is ignored by Trumpist nuts, Taking citizens off the street and placed in unmarked vans is what they do in shit hole authoritarian states.
What could be more authoritarian than forcing everyone to wear masks, forcing them to stay home, preventing them from going to work and preventing them from going to school. What do you imagine the word "authoritarian" means?

Cops have been using unmarked cars for decades, morons. They aren't sent to a Gulag or a firing squad. They are sent to the country jail where they can post bail and go home.

I marvel at the way you leftwing douchebags can paint the most normal activity as some kind of sinister Stalinist plot.
Just like you don’t understand the difference between left-wing and right-wing, you don’t even understand the definition or concept of “authoritarian”. Authoritarianism is the use of government power, often violently, to suppress political opposition and limit political freedom. To compare wearing face masks to authoritarianism is simply inane. As I said please enroll in a community college and take a class in political science or political philosophy.
"Authoritarian" is when the government forces people to do things they don't want to do. It isn't limited solely to "political freedom," whatever the hell that distinction means. It applies to all freedom, or lack of it. Apparently you believe that sending people to the Gulag isn't "authoritarian.

What a fucking nimrod. The shutdown is the ultimate expression of authoritarianism. It's unlimited force in action. You have to be positively witless to believe that isn't authoritarian.

Leftwing is someone who favors socialism and government control.

Rightwing is someone who supports economic freedom.

That's your politic science lesson for the day, dumbfuck.
Sorry, but you still don’t have clue what you are talking about. You still have no idea what authoritarianism is. The idea that a temporary shut down or mask mandate to save lives equals authoritarianism is either laughable or sad. Probably both. Your post shows only a rudimentary understanding of the right/left dichotomy. Rather than post on this board tomorrow pick up a book on political philosophy or political science at your local library. Make sure it is an introductory book.
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Well, after reading this thread it appears I disagree with everyone. For starters, most here have a very narrow perspective, limited to the US only. What is happening is global. And change IS happening. We are heading into entirely new systems - economic, political, social, etc. This is not even a theory anymore, they openly talk about the need (in their view) for an entirely new system. They openly state that change is coming.

Another problem is that everyone is so focused on communism, that they're missing the more important topic. Let me ask a question. No matter what side you're on, whether you're a Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, or whatever... can we at least all agree that we should be free? Can we at least all agree that people have certain inalienable rights, and even though we may disagree on some of those rights, we all agree that human beings have rights that should be protected... Correct? So the real dichotomy is not left vs right, (that is what the PTSB want us to be stuck in, because it divides us, and it's all about divide and conquer) the real dichotomy is Authoritarianism versus freedom / individual rights.

The people who run this world couldn't care less about "left vs right" because they consider themselves above all that. So no matter what type of system we are heading toward, whether it's communism, fascism, a combination of different "isms" – the bottom line is, the masses of people will have no freedom, and a very small number of people at the top will be living like kings. Just the same way it is in communist countries, or in any totalitarian regimes.

All I'm seeing here is a lot of blindness. Complete blindness from most of the Dems, and partial blindness from the Republicans. OK now that I've probably offended everyone, I'll put on my flame suit. :redface:
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Well, after reading this thread it appears I disagree with everyone. For starters, most here have a very narrow perspective, limited to the US only. What is happening is global. And change IS happening. We are heading into entirely new systems - economic, political, social, etc. This is not even a theory anymore, they openly talk about the need (in their view) for an entirely new system. They openly state that change is coming.

Another problem is that everyone is so focused on communism, that they're missing the more important topic. Let me ask a question. No matter what side you're on, whether you're a Republican, Democrat, conservative, liberal, or whatever... can we at least all agree that we should be free? Can we at least all agree that people have certain inalienable rights, and even though we may disagree on some of those rights, we all agree that human beings have rights that should be protected... Correct? So the real dichotomy is not left vs right, (that is what the PTSB want us to be stuck in, because it divides us, and it's all about divide and conquer) the real dichotomy is Authoritarianism versus freedom / individual rights.

The people who run this world couldn't care less about "left vs right" because they consider themselves above all that. So no matter what type of system we are heading toward, whether it's communism, fascism, a combination of different "isms" – the bottom line is, the masses of people will have no freedom, and a very small number of people at the top will be living like kings. Just the same way it is in communist countries, or in any totalitarian regimes.

All I'm seeing here is a lot of blindness. Complete blindness from most of the Dems, and partial blindness from the Republicans. OK now that I've probably offended everyone, I'll put on my flame suit. :redface:

No argument from me. Most republicans know that there representation is garbage, and wonder who is signing their checks.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
trump is communist misery.
Only an idiot would claim Trump is a communist. The definition of words just doesn't matter to you.

You're a great one to talk about definitions. You still believe that Hitler was a left wing socialist, and not a right wing authoritarian.
Exactly. These brain dead Trumpers don’t even realize that fascism and Nazism are on the right wing of the political spectrum. This knowledge is political science 101.
Tough to say. They may know it, and are just lying as taught.

But on the other hand, hardcore ideology is pretty powerful. They probably believe it.
I tried....I really did...but I just started laughing hysterically. What is it with this rightwing OCD resurrection of the Red Scare?
Well, I think it's been a process. They ran "socialist" into the ground, and saw that it didn't scare anybody. If they were more aware, they'd realize that they probably helped the socialists by constantly bringing it up, making people curious - especially after the Meltdown exposed the weaknesses of modern-day "capitalism".

So now they're going with commie and Marxist, still not aware that they're scaring no one but each other. I think they're seeing that the end of this ugly period is inching closer, and they're letting their inner Archie Bunkers out loud and clear.

They're terrified and desperate and grasping at straws. So I knew I could ask the question seriously, and that it would get many Yes answers.

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I tried....I really did...but I just started laughing hysterically. What is it with this rightwing OCD resurrection of the Red Scare?
Well, I think it's been a process. They ran "socialist" into the ground, and saw that it didn't scare anybody. If they were more aware, they'd realize that they probably helped the socialists by constantly bringing it up, making people curious.

So now they're going with commie and Marxist, still not aware that they're scaring no one but each other. I think they're seeing that the end of this ugly period is inching closer, and they're letting their inner Archie Bunkers out loud and clear.

They're terrified and desperate and grasping at straws.
You bought the farm on the sound of the word "socialism." It sounds like a fun party where everybody has a good time. Unfortunately, when the chief socialist remarks that "It takes a village to raise a child," that's the communist manifesto taken to the extreme. In a free country like America, the rearing of children is legally the responsibility of two parents, a male and a female traditionally. Foisting this task onto any two people regardless of sex or clan is an erasure of lines that distinguish human beings from amoebae who swallow each other up whole. Can you wrap your mind around that without seeking the death penalty for someone who disagrees with the Demonrats? :blowpop:
I tried....I really did...but I just started laughing hysterically. What is it with this rightwing OCD resurrection of the Red Scare?
Well, I think it's been a process. They ran "socialist" into the ground, and saw that it didn't scare anybody. If they were more aware, they'd realize that they probably helped the socialists by constantly bringing it up, making people curious.

So now they're going with commie and Marxist, still not aware that they're scaring no one but each other. I think they're seeing that the end of this ugly period is inching closer, and they're letting their inner Archie Bunkers out loud and clear.

They're terrified and desperate and grasping at straws.
You bought the farm on the sound of the word "socialism." It sounds like a fun party where everybody has a good time. Unfortunately, when the chief socialist remarks that "It takes a village to raise a child," that's the communist manifesto taken to the extreme. In a free country like America, the rearing of children is legally the responsibility of two parents, a male and a female traditionally. Foisting this task onto any two people regardless of sex or clan is an erasure of lines that distinguish human beings from amoebae who swallow each other up whole. Can you wrap your mind around that without seeking the death penalty for someone who disagrees with the Demonrats? :blowpop:
Another great example.
I tried....I really did...but I just started laughing hysterically. What is it with this rightwing OCD resurrection of the Red Scare?
Well, I think it's been a process. They ran "socialist" into the ground, and saw that it didn't scare anybody. If they were more aware, they'd realize that they probably helped the socialists by constantly bringing it up, making people curious.

So now they're going with commie and Marxist, still not aware that they're scaring no one but each other. I think they're seeing that the end of this ugly period is inching closer, and they're letting their inner Archie Bunkers out loud and clear.

They're terrified and desperate and grasping at straws.
You bought the farm on the sound of the word "socialism." It sounds like a fun party where everybody has a good time. Unfortunately, when the chief socialist remarks that "It takes a village to raise a child," that's the communist manifesto taken to the extreme. In a free country like America, the rearing of children is legally the responsibility of two parents, a male and a female traditionally. Foisting this task onto any two people regardless of sex or clan is an erasure of lines that distinguish human beings from amoebae who swallow each other up whole. Can you wrap your mind around that without seeking the death penalty for someone who disagrees with the Demonrats? :blowpop:
Another great example.
Yes it is. Thank you for nothing.
Edit: oh, yeah, and <giggle>
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Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?
Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
I tried....I really did...but I just started laughing hysterically. What is it with this rightwing OCD resurrection of the Red Scare?
Another thing: Reading through this thread, with the online Rambos discussing how they're gonna shoot the commies 'n stuff, it appears that their alternate universe has convinced them that the commies are gonna come a-marchin' in on the day after Biden is inaugurated. They reckon they'll be ready to slay them commies with the 2nd Amendment from their fortified bunkers and we'll be able to go back to freedom 'n stuff the next day.

It's funny, it's chilling, it's weird. But this is the paranoid reality they have chosen.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?
Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
I tried....I really did...but I just started laughing hysterically. What is it with this rightwing OCD resurrection of the Red Scare?
Another thing: Reading through this thread, with the online Rambos discussing how they're gonna shoot the commies 'n stuff, it appears that their alternate universe has convinced them that the commies are gonna come a-marchin' in on the day after Biden is inaugurated. They reckon they'll be ready to slay them commies with the 2nd Amendment from their fortified bunkers and we'll be able to go back to freedom 'n stuff the next day.

It's funny, it's chilling, it's weird. But this is the paranoid reality they have chosen.
Biden will not be inaugurated due to his inability to function on the level of POTUS. Voters in America will not allow it. Those in AOC's universe sending in 40 votes apiece will face ten years in prison, although we oughta just shoot 'em and save taxpayers money they do not owe to screwed up Democrat Party comrades that shake down illegal votes out their wazoos..
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677

You have it backwards. The Republicans HAVE an authoritarian in the White House. The Democrats are trying to get rid of him.
Dims are the authoritarians. Look who supports the shutdown. What could be more authoritarian than that?
Only RWNJs would call leaders who want people to wear face masks and who temporarily want to shut down the Economy to save lives “authoritarian”. :rolleyes-41:

Meanwhile, Trump using unmarked vans to arrest American citizens is ignored by Trumpist nuts, Taking citizens off the street and placed in unmarked vans is what they do in shit hole authoritarian states.
What could be more authoritarian than forcing everyone to wear masks, forcing them to stay home, preventing them from going to work and preventing them from going to school. What do you imagine the word "authoritarian" means?

Cops have been using unmarked cars for decades, morons. They aren't sent to a Gulag or a firing squad. They are sent to the country jail where they can post bail and go home.

I marvel at the way you leftwing douchebags can paint the most normal activity as some kind of sinister Stalinist plot.
Just like you don’t understand the difference between left-wing and right-wing, you don’t even understand the definition or concept of “authoritarian”. Authoritarianism is the use of government power, often violently, to suppress political opposition and limit political freedom. To compare wearing face masks to authoritarianism is simply inane. As I said please enroll in a community college and take a class in political science or political philosophy.
"Authoritarian" is when the government forces people to do things they don't want to do. It isn't limited solely to "political freedom," whatever the hell that distinction means. It applies to all freedom, or lack of it. Apparently you believe that sending people to the Gulag isn't "authoritarian.

What a fucking nimrod. The shutdown is the ultimate expression of authoritarianism. It's unlimited force in action. You have to be positively witless to believe that isn't authoritarian.

Leftwing is someone who favors socialism and government control.

Rightwing is someone who supports economic freedom.

That's your politic science lesson for the day, dumbfuck.
Sorry, but you still don’t have clue what you are talking about. You still have no idea what authoritarianism is. The idea that a temporary shut down or mask mandate to save lives equals authoritarianism is either laughable or sad. Probably both. Your post shows only a rudimentary understanding of the right/left dichotomy. Rather than post on this board tomorrow pick up a book on political philosophy or political science at your local library. Make sure it is an introductory book.
It doesn't matter what your motives are, authoritarianism is the policy of using force to cram your preferences down the throats of the population, and that is what the shutdown is. It takes a special kind of stupid to claim that forcing people to stay home, forcing them to wear masks, preventing them from going to school, preventing them from shopping, preventing them from attending sporting events, preventing them from eating out or going to the gym is not authoritarian.

Apparently your theory is that if you approve of the justification, then it's not authoritarian. Here's a clue for you: every authoritarian approves of the justification for cramming his preferences down other people's throats.

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