POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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Antifa and BLM are the political henchman of the Dimm political class.
Calling them anarchists is a mislabel, when in reality they are Dimm thugs!
They are Dimm military fighting to overthrow the federal government. These democrat mayors, governors, attorney generals, are using their elected office to fight for communism. They intend to force the citizens into cowering while the cities are delivered to the communist cause.

That is how they are working it!
Great post.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
What communists? LOL


How fucking stupid are you? The founders of black lives matter have admitted that they actually are marxists.....are you really so stupid as to think you can say...no they aren't, and that we will say...oh, you must be right?

You need help.
Please try to calm down, Trumpster. Your paranoia has taken control of your emotions.

That isn't the question of the poll. Please try to focus, unless you think that if Trump loses, the founders of BLM are taking over.
Well, you have admitted that AOC is a commie dumbass, have you not?

AOC will be Biden's climate policy advisor.

You appear to hold yourself out as a smart person. Ask yourself this question:

How can climate policy be used to confiscate the means of production from individuals?

Please tell me you are at least capable of see the potential?
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.

You and Mac can quibble about the word, but look at Bernie, AOC, and Pelosi and tell me they are not about authoritarian policies that grant them extensive control over the populace. Call it whatever you want, but greening the economy is terrifying, letting criminals loose and no longer arresting people is terrifying, taxing the crap out of people so that these guys can have super programs is terrifying. We have one whole party that is immune to prosecution and media scrutiny. Mac, and the other democrat economic gurus on the site have never once said how any of these policies would help the middle class or two wage earner families.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Antifa and BLM are the political henchman of the Dimm political class.
Calling them anarchists is a mislabel, when in reality they are Dimm thugs!
They are Dimm military fighting to overthrow the federal government. These democrat mayors, governors, attorney generals, are using their elected office to fight for communism. They intend to force the citizens into cowering while the cities are delivered to the communist cause.
They claimed Obama was gonna be a communist 10 years ago

And then at the end, he called capitalism the greatest driver of prosperity,
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
This is the world in which they exist. To them, none of this is either hyperbole or paranoia. It's just The Truth.

Virtually all of the "news" and "information" they consume reinforces this, and they avoid everything else.

Uncharted waters here.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Obama had pushback, timid as it was....There's almost none to BLM/Pantifa.....In fact, corporate virtue signaling moron CEOs can't seem to throw enough money at those goons.

Wake the fuck up.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Obama had pushback, timid as it was....There's almost none to BLM/Pantifa.....In fact, corporate virtue signaling moron CEOs can't seem to throw enough money at those goons.

Wake the fuck up.

And Biden won’t have pushback?
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
This is the world in which they exist. To them, none of this is either hyperbole or paranoia. It's just The Truth.

Virtually all of the "news" and "information" they consume reinforces this, and they avoid everything else.

Uncharted waters here.
Useful idiot.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Obama had pushback, timid as it was....There's almost none to BLM/Pantifa.....In fact, corporate virtue signaling moron CEOs can't seem to throw enough money at those goons.

Wake the fuck up.

And Biden won’t have pushback?
So, we should feel safe with Biden in the White House because WE will be required to push back at every turn to prevent the Marxists in the Dem Party from flushing us down the fucking toilet?

No thanks.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Obama had pushback, timid as it was....There's almost none to BLM/Pantifa.....In fact, corporate virtue signaling moron CEOs can't seem to throw enough money at those goons.

Wake the fuck up.

And Biden won’t have pushback?
Biden isn't' the issue.....For that matter, he's nothing more than a sock puppet, without a single analytical thought in his head.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
This is the world in which they exist. To them, none of this is either hyperbole or paranoia. It's just The Truth.

Virtually all of the "news" and "information" they consume reinforces this, and they avoid everything else.

Uncharted waters here.
And, yet, you and the other jackass AVOID THE ANSWER.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
The dems lost their moderate base and are losing the strangle hold on African Americans so they have to turn to Anarchists for votes...someone needs to tell them that the rioters never vote....they don't believe in voting.....they want an authoritarian government....
....they want an authoritarian government....

Anarchists want gubmint.....That's a hot one....That statement alone should make you wonder whether these "anarchists" are the genuine article.

View attachment 365677
You mean "they want" authoritarian style government where protestors are taken away in unmarked cars as Trump is doing now. Your cognitive dissonance is noted.
the 2nd amendment is actually the least important of all your liberties in the BoR. Try exercising some of the other ones every now and again.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

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