POLL: Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

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Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
This is the world in which they exist. To them, none of this is either hyperbole or paranoia. It's just The Truth.

Virtually all of the "news" and "information" they consume reinforces this, and they avoid everything else.

Uncharted waters here.
Useful idiot.
I do love irony!
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
This is the world in which they exist. To them, none of this is either hyperbole or paranoia. It's just The Truth.

Virtually all of the "news" and "information" they consume reinforces this, and they avoid everything else.

Uncharted waters here.
Useful idiot.
I do love irony!
You wouldn't know irony if it kicked you in the nuts, useful idjit.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
Never heard of the Fabian Society, have you?
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Much of the GOP is made up of poorly disguised progressives....The Overton window has shifted so far left, and you can't even see it.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Much of the GOP is made up of poorly disguised progressives....The Overton window has shifted so far left, and you can't even see it.

I know I know, everyone sucks....
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Now Bernie and the extreme of you party have media support. You really don't think your party will take a hard left turn this time around? Look at what the governors and mayors are doing.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
The leaders of BLM are avowed communists....They're all playing the same games that Orwell and Rand laid out in their books, which were supposed to be fiction....And all to many people in powerful positions are playing alone with them, foolishly thinking that they can be mollified or contained.

Denial ain't a river in Egypt, dude.

That’s fine. It still didn’t happen and the country had eight years of Obama to turn Marxist.

Yet it didn’t....
Now Bernie and the extreme of you party have media support. You really don't think your party will take a hard left turn this time around? Look at what the governors and mayors are doing.

Not seeing it and here’s why. No matter what happens, Democrats in red states and/or districts have to answer to their constituents. They are not going to commit political suicide by making a left turn and risking the seat going to the GOP. Between this dynamic and the GOP being obstructionist, not much is going to change.

Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Much of the GOP is made up of poorly disguised progressives....The Overton window has shifted so far left, and you can't even see it.

I know I know, everyone sucks....
It's all good...Just go back to sleep.

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You mean "they want" authoritarian style government where protestors are taken away in unmarked cars as Trump is doing now. Your cognitive dissonance is noted.
Not at all.

Protesters should be allowed to protest. They have every right to do that.

Rioters, looters, and domestic terrorists are not peaceably assembling.
Is Trump the only thing standing between us and communist misery?

Serious, literal question. And please feel free to expand.
If Biden wins the illegal aliens will come flooding in and Republicans will never win another election.
Disappointed in the performance of carrot cake so far.
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A very serious question, indeed.

1. President Trump is the only thing that stands between us and a super woke administration. (Don't use the word "communism." Those rioters and looters could not define "communism" if their lives depended on it.)

2. And in a few months, he will not be standing. His enemies, in fact, hope to see him do the perp walk. Like all zealous fanatics, they want to literally crush anyone who disagrees with them. Already, many famous Americans have become non-persons. Ordinary people have lost their jobs, and business owners who have not knuckled under have gone bankrupt.

3. Starting in January, the new woke administration will help the tech giants to install Chinese-like censorship of the Internet. In China, for example. as soon as a netizen posts the word "democracy," a censor deletes it. In 2021 America, as soon as a netizen posts, let's say, any news about violent crime in Chicago or Detroit or Baltimore, it will be immediately deleted.

4. Starting in January, the American version of Mao's Cultural Revolution starts. Keep your mouth shut, smile at everyone, and -- for good measure -- be prepared to kneel at the beginning of each work day.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Which faction of the party controls?

Joe Manchin is a HUGE outlier. There is NOBODY like him.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
The Democrats do vote in lockstep. Even their judges are lockstep. Very rare to see Democrats go Republican, but Republicans go Democrat everyday.

Democrats will lie to you and tell you they don't support gun grabbing, open borders, and defunding the police. They vote for the people that do. Those people walk lockstep.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Which faction of the party controls?

Joe Manchin is a HUGE outlier. There is NOBODY like him.

The progressives are the loudest faction of the party, but the establishment still calls the shots. Red district/state Democrats are not going to support AOCs quixotic proposals.

Pelosi with all her bluster is still an establishment hack who will not risk her House majority just to mollycoddle extreme progressive ideas.
Communism is not happening. It’s an exercise in hyperbole.
And here is our disingenuous Marxist throwing out his obtuse qualifier (as if there is any real difference).

Tell us.

Which of these ideologies advocates the confiscation of the means of production from individuals:
A. Communism
B. Socialism
C. "Democratic" Socialism
D. All of the above

Another one living in hyperbole land.
Do you have an answer, Mr. Pay-No-Attention-to-the-Man-Behind-the-Curtain?

It's not hyperbole if the foundation of the ideology is confiscation of the means of production.

Its an absurd premise. Marxism didn’t take over after two terms of Obama. Biden isn’t changing that dynamic.

It’s tinfoil hat bullshit.
It's a simple question.

Do Democrats support Marxist ideologies?

SPECIFICALLY, do they support the confiscation of the means of production from individuals?

If so, why would we ever allow them to have power?

Thats based on a false premise. Not all Democrats march in lockstep.

The answer to your question is: NO.

AOC is the progressive extreme and shares nothing with someone like Sen Joe Manchin. Blue Dogs in conservative districts are not progressives.
Which faction of the party controls?

Joe Manchin is a HUGE outlier. There is NOBODY like him.

The progressives are the loudest faction of the party, but the establishment still calls the shots. Red district/state Democrats are not going to support AOCs quixotic proposals.

Pelosi with all her bluster is still an establishment hack who will not risk her House majority just to mollycoddle extreme progressive ideas.
You mean, Pelosi is better at hiding her "progressive" (re-brand of Marxism) tendencies than AOC et al? Maxine Waters?

Maxine slipped up one time and showed her commie roots:

Socializing the oil industry. Basically, government taking over.
Why are you idiots equating communism with rioting and looting?

I guess we have to equate Republicans with murderers since a Republican tried to murder a Federal Judge the other day, but ended up killing the judge's son and her husband instead, then killed himself.

Shooter was even on FOX News once, so we KNOW he is a Far Right Loon!
Why are you idiots equating communism with rioting and looting?

I guess we have to equate Republicans with murderers since a Republican tried to murder a Federal Judge the other day, but ended up killing the judge's son and her husband instead, then killed himself.

Shooter was even on FOX News once, so we KNOW he is a Far Right Loon!
Communists are the ones behind the rioting and looting. That has been well documented. The women who founded BLM are communists.

Was the judge a communist?
Yes! The executive order president is saving us with his huge bailouts and massive debt. Now he is sending out the federal agents. A real small government hero.

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