POLL: Let's try a COVID compromise, shall we?

Do you agree with this Free Market COVID Compromise?

  • 1. Yes. This is a fair compromise.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • 2. No. This is not a fair compromise.

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the thread.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Double meat thin crust pizza.

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters
I've changed my opinion over the last week on vaccinations. There are clearly a lot of people who, for their own reasons, are going to refuse to get vaccinated. There's not a damn thing I can do about that, so I'm just trying to deal with reality here. So to make this as clear as I can:

1. I support your right to not get vaccinated.
2. I am against forcing you to get vaccinated.

There. Nice and clear. I figure the only way to get past this mess is to either get vaccinated or get sick and develop an immunity that way, if you don't die. I'll look at it like a controlled burn, where you just get rid of the wasted underbrush. Fine. We can all move on now. And, I won't even ask you to not spread this virus, especially to kids, since we're now seeing an increase in hospitalizations there. I know that asking you to at least be careful for them is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty", and we all know how you feel about THAT.

There. You are free to exercise your freedom and your liberty, and the rest of us will get off your backs. In exchange, I will propose this fully free market compromise:

1. Any business is free to install and enforce mask mandates to protect their employees and patrons. If you don't like that, you are free to exercise your free market rights and shop at their competition.
2. Any hospital is free to (a) put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms so that regular patients with other problems can be served as they should be, and (b) charge whatever extra COVID fees they feel are appropriate, whether it is upon admission, on a daily basis, or both. In cash. Up front. A fully free market solution.

Can we agree? Vaxxers? Anti-Vaxxers?

This was always the answer, people should be free to make dumb decisions should they chose to. Employers should be free to set up their clientele and their workforce as they deem necessary.
Under this compromise if businesses choose to discriminate for other reasons, race, gender, religion, fashion sense, or other criteria, that’s gonna be ok too?
So you believe that basic services should be denied to people who don't join in the fascist Democrat CovidScam hysteria?

Perhaps you think people who don't want an experimental vaccine to protect them from what is basically a mild flu should wear special armbands, patches or tattoos to identify them as less than?

This way Democrat Brownshirts will know whom they can safely disenfranchise, beat, rob, kill and encamp.

Never said any of this. It's impossible to have a conversation about anything on this board.
This was always the answer, people should be free to make dumb decisions should they chose to. Employers should be free to set up their clientele and their workforce as they deem necessary.

Well, it actually is a compromise. I have no problems with government setting vaccine mandates as far as do they have the power and is it morally justified. They do and it is. The challenge with these types of mandates is it just pushes many conspiratorial minded people in the wrong direction. Not that private businesses setting their own guidelines also doesn't (Just look at the right clutching pearls over social media) invent crazy narratives and now those private businesses will have to face the brunt of these retards who think Trader Joe's is taking away their god given rights.

There is no simple answer here and the reason for that is certain people are making the obvious path impossible.
I've changed my opinion over the last week on vaccinations. There are clearly a lot of people who, for their own reasons, are going to refuse to get vaccinated. There's not a damn thing I can do about that, so I'm just trying to deal with reality here. So to make this as clear as I can:

1. I support your right to not get vaccinated.
2. I am against forcing you to get vaccinated.

There. Nice and clear. I figure the only way to get past this mess is to either get vaccinated or get sick and develop an immunity that way, if you don't die. I'll look at it like a controlled burn, where you just get rid of the wasted underbrush. Fine. We can all move on now. And, I won't even ask you to not spread this virus, especially to kids, since we're now seeing an increase in hospitalizations there. I know that asking you to at least be careful for them is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty", and we all know how you feel about THAT.

There. You are free to exercise your freedom and your liberty, and the rest of us will get off your backs. In exchange, I will propose this fully free market compromise:

1. Any business is free to install and enforce mask mandates to protect their employees and patrons. If you don't like that, you are free to exercise your free market rights and shop at their competition.
2. Any hospital is free to (a) put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms so that regular patients with other problems can be served as they should be, and (b) charge whatever extra COVID fees they feel are appropriate, whether it is upon admission, on a daily basis, or both. In cash. Up front. A fully free market solution.

Can we agree? Vaxxers? Anti-Vaxxers?

You are one sick Leftist .....
Employers will be letting workers go under the guise of underperformance(no vax). A huuuuge mess is coming and it's gonna be juicy
You actually posted that you want to put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms thus see them get less care knowing this is a very dangerous virus.

All for exercising their Freedom to not take this highly controversial vaccine.

You are wishing ill or even death upon your perceived political opposition for not behaving in a supposedly Free Country the way you think they ought to be behaving.

That makes you a sick Leftist fuck ......

How about people who smoke, use alcohol, eat sugar, or are obese.

Shall we see them have lesser medical care as well?

There is a reason you know, why normal thinking Americans say Leftism is a Mental Disorder.
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You actually posted that you want to put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms thus see them get less care for exercising their Freedom to not take this highly controversial vaccine.

You are wishing ill upon your perceived political opposition for not behaving in a supposedly Free Country the way you think they ought to be behaving.

That makes you a sick Leftist fuck ......

How about people who smoke, use alcohol, eat sugar, or are obese.

Shall we see them have lesser medical care as well?

There is a reason you know, why normal thinking Americans say Leftism is a Mental Disorder.

You're as hypersensitive and emotional as the orange buffoon you adore.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
You mean you have no excuse for wishing ill or even death upon your perceived political opposition for not behaving the way YOU think they should be behaving.

That makes you a sick Leftist FUCK !!!!
I didn't wish death on anyone, drama queen.

Calm down. Here, have a cookie.

Almost exactly how I view it. If I understand it correctly, any other threads which are similar, will get merged with this one? Do not care what people choose for themselves, or follow guidelines, I follow guidelines. Do not know if I will take it. I do not fear covid, so why get it. Just a hassle that costs money and time. On the other hand people are insitant on us getting it. To each their own. And your point is the only point in the covid issue. We should not demand of our fellow citizens. We should ask. As they mostly do in Europe.

No one in America is charged a penny to be vaccinated. It's 100% free.

If you don't want to have to take time off work, I know that places like Safeway and Costco do walk in vaccinations. You don't need an appointment so you can have it done when it's convenient for you and you don't have to take any time off work.

Ok. I'm asking you. I've never demanded you or anyone.

Please, get the vaccination.

My favorite aunt died of covid in April 2020 in the first wave.

I don't want more people to have to go through what my aunt and my family endured because of the virus.

So for your sake, for the sake of your children if you have them, for the sake of everyone who loves you, please, get vaccinated.

I don't want people who love you to have to miss you like I miss my favorite aunt. I don't want the people who love you to be denied to be by your side to hold your hand and say goodbye to you then not be able to have a funeral or memorial so they have to find another way for closure. Yet be left with the guilt that they weren't there for you when you needed them most.

I will have that guilt for the rest of my life.

I wasn't able to be there for my favorite aunt when she needed me most.

I have to find a way to live with that.

Please, don't put those you love through that.
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I didn't wish death on anyone, drama queen.

Calm down. Here, have a cookie.

Yes you did !!

You are back tracking.

You posted that you want "to put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms"

"Lower priority" means less care.

Knowing how dangerous this virus is especially for the elderly and those who have pre-existing conditions you are clearly wishing ill at best or even wishing death.

You have exposed yourself here dude !!!
Yes you did !!

You are back tracking.

You posted that you want "to put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms"

"Lower priority" means less care.

Knowing how dangerous this virus is especially for the elderly and those who have pre-existing conditions you are clearly wishing ill at best or even wishing death.

You have exposed yourself here dude !!!
You're making invalid extrapolations.

I'm sure you don't know what that means.

And I thought this was just the flu? Huh, Trumpster?
The OP is dreaming if he thinks got these morons care one bit about stopping the virus.

Trump told them it was a hoax he told them the virus wasn't real it was created by the Democrats to steal the election and that is what they believe they take any word that Trump tells them as gospel.

I quite frankly don't care if any of them get backs needed as long as they are kept away from everyone else so that any of the new strains of the virus are kept away from everyone else. If they don't want to get vaccinated just keep them away from everyone else and let them die
The OP is dreaming if he thinks got these morons care one bit about stopping the virus.

Trump told them it was a hoax he told them the virus wasn't real it was created by the Democrats to steal the election and that is what they believe they take any word that Trump tells them as gospel.

I quite frankly don't care if any of them get backs needed as long as they are kept away from everyone else so that any of the new strains of the virus are kept away from everyone else. If they don't want to get vaccinated just keep them away from everyone else and let them die
I wonder if they'd rather be dead than live in an America without their orange deity in the White House. Literally.

And they certainly don't care if they spread this to kids and others.

Trumpism -- Sociopathy
they certainly don't care if they spread this to kids and others.
Do you care that your president is allowing infected people to enter the US without a visa through the southern border?

are you angry at biden?

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