POLL: Let's try a COVID compromise, shall we?

Do you agree with this Free Market COVID Compromise?

  • 1. Yes. This is a fair compromise.

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • 2. No. This is not a fair compromise.

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • 3. I don't want to answer. I just want to complain about the thread.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Double meat thin crust pizza.

    Votes: 15 34.1%

  • Total voters
Under this compromise if businesses choose to discriminate for other reasons, race, gender, religion, fashion sense, or other criteria, that’s gonna be ok too?
Is it going to be? Depends, businesses do, indeed, discriminate all the time for 'fashion sense' and a host of other criteria all the time.

The protected classes, however, such as race, religion, gender, disability and now sexual preference among a few others will not as they are specified things the government has barred businesses from discriminating on. Specific protected areas outlined by law. This is not a 'compromise' but rather how the law actually works right now. There is no law anywhere that bars a business from discriminating based on vaccination status and, because we yet remain a mostly free nation, that means businesses are free to do so.

The short of it is that you are allowed to do as you will unless the law specifically bars behavior rather than the totalitarian idea that you are only free to do what the law allows.

This does not speak to my support over those legal protections as for the most part I do not but with the system as it stands right now vaccination status is certainly not something a business is barred from discriminating against.
At risk of becoming embroiled in some snarky bullshit I will point out that children's hospitalizations are being driven largely by RSV, not covid.

Based on current data, and relative to the previous dominant alpha lineage, is delta:

- More transmissible: Yes
- causing more breakthrough infections: Yes
- More virulent: Possibly
- Preferentially infecting children: No
- More lethal for children: No
OP’s problem is that both vaxxed and unvaxxed have the same amounts of virus in their mouths and throats, and both cannot be assured that they are not killing, for example, elderly or overweight Homo sapiens they pass on the street. An anonymous distance from death, like a drunk passing a coked-out futures dealer on a Manhattan sidewalk.

If you are vaxxed, you didn't make the choice of someone else to not be vaxxed. So no, you aren't killing them, they made their own choice. Just get your nose out of everyone else's business
Sorry for your loss.

The idiots who do not get the vaccine don't really comprehend how hard it is for a healthcare worker to watch someone die. Our census (something I have to keep track of) usually fluctuates by about 30-40 a day. Some outliers here and there where you may have 70 turnovers (70 new patients or 70 discharged patients). During Covid, it wasn't unusual have 200 turnovers in a day. Most went home or were transferred thank goodness. But there were days when we had over a dozen deaths.
About half of them already had Covid and don't need the vaccine. As for the other half does this sound familiar? Their body, their choice. I agree with that ... all the time. It's why I am pro-choice. And I'm anti mask mandate. I'm consistent. Your standards are more flexible based on what works for.

So as a healthcare professional, doesn't it bother you that doctors are not following the science and are requiring masks without any scientific basis that they work? The exception are surgical masks, but almost no one wears those and if you do you can't breathe

I really don't know how some on the right can be so cavalier about how they say their decisions don't affect anyone. I'm sure these idiots have a family or someone who likes them...a little. Someone they're supporting.... Or a pet. It's like a very bad movie.

Note how as a leftist you are insulting, but you don't mention the least vaccinated group. Leftist blacks. Everything is political to you
Don't be upset. I'm supporting you.

You people are very sensitive.

Please stop sticking your nose in my business.

Thanks, Trumpster! :hhello:

Mac1958: Duh, dar, hick, no I'm not, kaz, you are. I'm not, you are. YOU are, I'm not, YOU are.

The mental eight year old. So I got the vaccine and I want to let everyone else make their own choice. But Mac the moron says, "Please stop sticking your nose in my business." Which is just gibberish, you're a stupid fuck
Mac1958: Duh, dar, hick, no I'm not, kaz, you are. I'm not, you are. YOU are, I'm not, YOU are.

The mental eight year old. So I got the vaccine and I want to let everyone else make their own choice. But Mac the moron says, "Please stop sticking your nose in my business." Which means nothing other than you're a stupid fuck
You poor thing. I don't mean to be this far up in your head.

Just stop reading my posts, and you'll be fine. You'll notice the only time we "communicate" is when you bitch at me.

Bitchy bitchy bitchy.

Life is short. Get over me.
Stopped begging people to get the shot. realized there are many reasons why some wont. That said am still upset with people who wont make any effort not to spread the virus. what's so darn hard about staying 6 feet away from people ? and still think its rude to go into any place unmasked that has a mask required on it's door. And my last point & most important, who the heck made this medical situation political and why?
Sorry for your loss.

The idiots who do not get the vaccine don't really comprehend how hard it is for a healthcare worker to watch someone die. Our census (something I have to keep track of) usually fluctuates by about 30-40 a day. Some outliers here and there where you may have 70 turnovers (70 new patients or 70 discharged patients). During Covid, it wasn't unusual have 200 turnovers in a day. Most went home or were transferred thank goodness. But there were days when we had over a dozen deaths.

I really don't know how some on the right can be so cavalier about how they say their decisions don't affect anyone. I'm sure these idiots have a family or someone who likes them...a little. Someone they're supporting.... Or a pet. It's like a very bad movie.
Is this the same as the idiots who impregnate women who have no issue with it and leave? Decisions that are cavalier and have no consequences for decade after decade after decade kind of set the tone. Especially with the Pravda derived media/entertainer/elites and political class promoting it by blaming those who are responsible. And the corporate people are involved also.
Stopped begging people to get the shot. realized there are many reasons why some wont. That said am still upset with people who wont make any effort not to spread the virus. what's so darn hard about staying 6 feet away from people ? and still think its rude to go into any place unmasked that has a mask required on it's door. And my last point & most important, who the heck made this medical situation political and why?
Yep. I'm willing to respect their right to refuse the vaccine, so it would be nice if they would respect my wishes not to have them breathe on me and my loved ones.

But asking them to experience the slightest bit of inconvenience is a commie attack on their freedom and liberty.

What a bizarre time.
Segregating people who don't get the vaccine and treating them as some sort of lost cause? No thanks.

Like I said in my post that you may have seen...what do you do with fat people? Do we just say..."Well, you shouldn't have lived that lifestyle tubby...."

Someone’s decision to be a fatty doesn’t impact anyone other than themself.

I’m ok with a carrot/stick approach.
You poor thing. I don't mean to be this far up in your head.

Just stop reading my posts, and you'll be fine. You'll notice the only time we "communicate" is when you bitch at me.

Bitchy bitchy bitchy.

Life is short. Get over me.


There there, princess, there there ...

2. Any hospital is free to (a) put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms so that regular patients with other problems can be served as they should be, and (b) charge whatever extra COVID fees they feel are appropriate, whether it is upon admission, on a daily basis, or both. In cash. Up front. A fully free market solution.

How about anyone that doesn't want to get the jab, if they have a serious case, they get treated with ivermectin immediately by their doctor before they need a hospital?

It is a low cost treatment costing less than a dollar a day.

If you agree to that, sure, we can reach a compromise.
I've changed my opinion over the last week on vaccinations. There are clearly a lot of people who, for their own reasons, are going to refuse to get vaccinated. There's not a damn thing I can do about that, so I'm just trying to deal with reality here. So to make this as clear as I can:

1. I support your right to not get vaccinated.
2. I am against forcing you to get vaccinated.

There. Nice and clear. I figure the only way to get past this mess is to either get vaccinated or get sick and develop an immunity that way, if you don't die. I'll look at it like a controlled burn, where you just get rid of the wasted underbrush. Fine. We can all move on now. And, I won't even ask you to not spread this virus, especially to kids, since we're now seeing an increase in hospitalizations there. I know that asking you to at least be careful for them is an "attack" on your "freedom" and "liberty", and we all know how you feel about THAT.

There. You are free to exercise your freedom and your liberty, and the rest of us will get off your backs. In exchange, I will propose this fully free market compromise:

1. Any business is free to install and enforce mask mandates to protect their employees and patrons. If you don't like that, you are free to exercise your free market rights and shop at their competition.
2. Any hospital is free to (a) put voluntarily non-vaccinated COVID patients on a lower priority for both ICUs and private rooms so that regular patients with other problems can be served as they should be, and (b) charge whatever extra COVID fees they feel are appropriate, whether it is upon admission, on a daily basis, or both. In cash. Up front. A fully free market solution.

Can we agree? Vaxxers? Anti-Vaxxers?

SCREW Compromise.
We have tried compromise with these Tiny Minded fools.
I say, let them die.
Let them kill one another.
Let them kill their spawn.

The facts are known and if these idiots want to die, that is their prerogative and will definitely improve life for the remaining 300M.

My "Compromise?"

On August 15 the price of the vaccine goes from 0 to $2000 per injection.
If you've a valid medical reason for delay, still free.
If your just being a dick? $6k including the booster.

Imagine what killing off another 600k Tiny Minded Trumpinista will do for the country, the economy, civil rights?!?!?!

Let's just let nature do its thing and prove Darwin right once again.

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