Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

I have, and it's pretty much "do everything possible to guard against a lawsuit." Then they proceed to run every test under the sun whether it's related to the injury or not.
They can't run every test possible. Medicare audits them and then charges penalties ( in the millions per year). Since they only allow less than the bare minimum.

That's not my experience but then again, I'm not on Medicare.

My experience is they run you through any and everything in effort to protect themselves from any accusation of incompetency. It's part of the problem of healthcare being unaffordable today. While most lawsuit fail, the cost for administrations to protect themselves is a fortune. It's no secret that insurance companies hire the best lawyers possible for that protection, and those people are likely doing better than six figures a year.
I agree about protecting themselves from lawsuits. Which is why they harp on you to sign paperwork about DNR from the second you show up until you leave.

I'm an older person so I can remember the days where you only went to one doctor most of the time. Today, doctors are merely referral agents of sorts. They want to pass off their liability to somebody else. So now, to get a problem solved, you don't see one doctor, you see two or three, and of course, this gets very expensive for government systems as well as private insurance.

Since you're in the industry, you know that years ago, you could never just go to a specialist. The insurance company would only allow that if your primary doctor refereed you to one. Today, they welcome going to a specialist first because they know that's all your family doctor is going to do anyway, and it saves them from paying that initial visit.
Unless they have a stipulation in place that they will only pay with a prior auth or referral in place. Very common with the VA,Medicare,Medicaid,IHS...anything government related.

A lot of times you can't even get. Blood pressure or other medication without submitting to more tests for a prescription to be re filled. Both via government or private insurance. I think that's dumb.

Before Commie Care plagued this country, I had insurance my entire adult life, and in the last 20 years or so, I don't recall needing anybody's permission to see a specialist. That used to be different years ago. But I had Atena, Blue Cross, they were all the same.
There's a ridiculous amount of defensive medicine out there, as providers protect themselves with all kinds of unnecessary tests and procedures.

Some level of tort reform would have to be a part of any final plan.

Yup, Stormy Mac. HOW DARE WE LET PEOPLE HAVE REDRESS for medical incompetence?

Me, I'm kind of glad that after my year long fight to get Cigna to finally approve my knee operation, that they took a whole bunch of extra steps to make sure they were cuttingon the right knee (or in this case, the left knee.)
All you have to do is ask your doctor for a referral. Your insurance will honor it. You can't see a specialist without one unless you want to pay for it out of pocket.

Um, yeah, I had a wonderful 2 year fight with Cigna that says otherwise.

Abolish the insurance companies. I also wouldn't mind harvesting their executives for transplant organs, but that would be harsh.
And you still have no clue what Medicare covers.
They can't run every test possible. Medicare audits them and then charges penalties ( in the millions per year). Since they only allow less than the bare minimum.

That's not my experience but then again, I'm not on Medicare.

My experience is they run you through any and everything in effort to protect themselves from any accusation of incompetency. It's part of the problem of healthcare being unaffordable today. While most lawsuit fail, the cost for administrations to protect themselves is a fortune. It's no secret that insurance companies hire the best lawyers possible for that protection, and those people are likely doing better than six figures a year.
I agree about protecting themselves from lawsuits. Which is why they harp on you to sign paperwork about DNR from the second you show up until you leave.

I'm an older person so I can remember the days where you only went to one doctor most of the time. Today, doctors are merely referral agents of sorts. They want to pass off their liability to somebody else. So now, to get a problem solved, you don't see one doctor, you see two or three, and of course, this gets very expensive for government systems as well as private insurance.

Since you're in the industry, you know that years ago, you could never just go to a specialist. The insurance company would only allow that if your primary doctor refereed you to one. Today, they welcome going to a specialist first because they know that's all your family doctor is going to do anyway, and it saves them from paying that initial visit.
Unless they have a stipulation in place that they will only pay with a prior auth or referral in place. Very common with the VA,Medicare,Medicaid,IHS...anything government related.

A lot of times you can't even get. Blood pressure or other medication without submitting to more tests for a prescription to be re filled. Both via government or private insurance. I think that's dumb.

Before Commie Care plagued this country, I had insurance my entire adult life, and in the last 20 years or so, I don't recall needing anybody's permission to see a specialist. That used to be different years ago. But I had Atena, Blue Cross, they were all the same.
Yeah. I don't know either. 10 years ago I was working directly with the contracts between supply distributors,buying groups and the Hospitals.

I do know that in the private sector I personally went from insurance plans with no deductibles to plans with 5000.00 deductibles and that cost about 200.00/300.00 more a month in premiums when Obamacare passed.
Well, why didn't he. Once he saw it was something more serious than a cough

Doctors have always referred patients to a specialist if it was something they couldn't figure out. But in most cases, they were able to take care of you by themselves.

They still know how to treat you, but because we live in such a lawsuit happy country, they just pass the problem on to somebody else. So when we talk about the expense of medical care today, that can't be ignored. It's one of the things that changed between the time it was affordable and today.

People like myself who work for a living can't take off three or four days for something that the doctor could have helped us with. You go to your Doctor on Monday, and he refers you to a specialist to see on Wednesday. At the specialist, he sets you up for all kinds of goofy tests you don't even need on Friday. After the tests are done, you go back to the specialist on the next Tuesday, and on, and on, and on it goes.

Again,not seeing the problem here... I think you want the doctor eliminating all possibilities...

Frankly, I've never been referred to a specialist without a darned good reason, but I had to fight my insurance company every step of the way to see them.

What I want is to free up doctors so they have the ability to do what they were trained to do without fear. That would take massive regulation removal and a national Tort Reform. What I would like to see happen is a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you have to pay all expenses of the person you tried to sue. That would eliminate about 70% of the lawsuits in this country medical and otherwise.
People like myself who work for a living can't take off three or four days for something that the doctor could have helped us with. You go to your Doctor on Monday, and he refers you to a specialist to see on Wednesday. At the specialist, he sets you up for all kinds of goofy tests you don't even need on Friday. After the tests are done, you go back to the specialist on the next Tuesday, and on, and on, and on it goes.

Guy, you drive a truck in a straight line.. If you can't take a few days off to fix a problem, that's on you.
That's not my experience but then again, I'm not on Medicare.

My experience is they run you through any and everything in effort to protect themselves from any accusation of incompetency. It's part of the problem of healthcare being unaffordable today. While most lawsuit fail, the cost for administrations to protect themselves is a fortune. It's no secret that insurance companies hire the best lawyers possible for that protection, and those people are likely doing better than six figures a year.
I agree about protecting themselves from lawsuits. Which is why they harp on you to sign paperwork about DNR from the second you show up until you leave.

I'm an older person so I can remember the days where you only went to one doctor most of the time. Today, doctors are merely referral agents of sorts. They want to pass off their liability to somebody else. So now, to get a problem solved, you don't see one doctor, you see two or three, and of course, this gets very expensive for government systems as well as private insurance.

Since you're in the industry, you know that years ago, you could never just go to a specialist. The insurance company would only allow that if your primary doctor refereed you to one. Today, they welcome going to a specialist first because they know that's all your family doctor is going to do anyway, and it saves them from paying that initial visit.
Unless they have a stipulation in place that they will only pay with a prior auth or referral in place. Very common with the VA,Medicare,Medicaid,IHS...anything government related.

A lot of times you can't even get. Blood pressure or other medication without submitting to more tests for a prescription to be re filled. Both via government or private insurance. I think that's dumb.

Before Commie Care plagued this country, I had insurance my entire adult life, and in the last 20 years or so, I don't recall needing anybody's permission to see a specialist. That used to be different years ago. But I had Atena, Blue Cross, they were all the same.
Yeah. I don't know either. 10 years ago I was working directly with the contracts between supply distributors,buying groups and the Hospitals.

I do know that in the private sector I personally went from insurance plans with no deductibles to plans with 5000.00 deductibles and that cost about 200.00/300.00 more a month in premiums when Obamacare passed.

After Commie Care went into effect, that's the day my employer dropped coverage. It wasn't great insurance and we were all pretty upset when they raised the deductible from 1K to 2K, but my employer paid for all of it with no employee contributions.

When I signed on to Commie Care, I was hit with plans that had a 7K deductible and it didn't cover anything. I didn't realize until then how great my plan at work was. I've been keeping my eye open for a new job since, but every place I contacted says the same thing, they too dropped medical insurance as a benefit.

That Kenyan Klown really Fd up this country beyond repair now.
What I want is to free up doctors so they have the ability to do what they were trained to do without fear. That would take massive regulation removal and a national Tort Reform. What I would like to see happen is a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you have to pay all expenses of the person you tried to sue. That would eliminate about 70% of the lawsuits in this country medical and otherwise.

Again, guy, 96,000 Americans die every year because of Medical incompetence.

What you want, being a BATTERED HOUSEWIFE REPUBLICAN is for the rich to have more power over the rest of us than they already have.

If your doctor fucks you up,he needs to pay. Period.
People like myself who work for a living can't take off three or four days for something that the doctor could have helped us with. You go to your Doctor on Monday, and he refers you to a specialist to see on Wednesday. At the specialist, he sets you up for all kinds of goofy tests you don't even need on Friday. After the tests are done, you go back to the specialist on the next Tuesday, and on, and on, and on it goes.

Guy, you drive a truck in a straight line.. If you can't take a few days off to fix a problem, that's on you.

Thank you once again for displaying your ignorance of my career.

Yes, I can take the time off, but it comes out of my vacation which I wish to preserve for more enjoyable times. Sick days are a thing of the past in most companies.
What I want is to free up doctors so they have the ability to do what they were trained to do without fear. That would take massive regulation removal and a national Tort Reform. What I would like to see happen is a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you have to pay all expenses of the person you tried to sue. That would eliminate about 70% of the lawsuits in this country medical and otherwise.

Again, guy, 96,000 Americans die every year because of Medical incompetence.

What you want, being a BATTERED HOUSEWIFE REPUBLICAN is for the rich to have more power over the rest of us than they already have.

If your doctor fucks you up,he needs to pay. Period.

Then don't bitch because of the cost of healthcare these days. If that's what you want, that's what you have, and that's one of the many reasons it's unaffordable today.
Those healthy & under 65 seem to be the most vocal against SS & gov medical care, the reality in life is that as the body ages it starts to break down. slower for those who have taken good care of them self's. My personal experience not my political leanings have lead me to be very grateful for SS, Medicare, & programs like Blue Cross. Having slipped past age 65 with out needing to test our VERY Limited paid for health insurance.
In a few more years the medical ax fell on the other half of my marriage. If not for SS medical benefits we would not have been able to pay for the overwhelming cost of the medical care needed. while I am still healthy by most standards I am ever grateful to pay for both SS insurance & private support insurance. not perfect I agree, but better than bankrupt, or dead earlier than need be.
Those healthy & under 65 seem to be the most vocal against SS & gov medical care, the reality in life is that as the body ages it starts to break down. slower for those who have taken good care of them self's. My personal experience not my political leanings have lead me to be very grateful for SS, Medicare, & programs like Blue Cross. Having slipped past age 65 with out needing to test our VERY Limited paid for health insurance.
In a few more years the medical ax fell on the other half of my marriage. If not for SS medical benefits we would not have been able to pay for the overwhelming cost of the medical care needed. while I am still healthy by most standards I am ever grateful to pay for both SS insurance & private support insurance. not perfect I agree, but better than bankrupt, or dead earlier than need be.
If you have a private sector insurance as primary. Medicaid secondary. Hospitals generally have an agreement with the other insurance providers to adjust off the difference. ( but not always)

If you have a senior plan. With Medicare secondary. Same thing.

But you have to pay for that primary insurance.
Reagan screwed US with EMTALA & slashing education grants & loans to medical students! Prices are 400% more just to cover EMTALA then multiple times that again from low doctor competition. Never needed insurance to afford medical before Reaganomics!
What I want is to free up doctors so they have the ability to do what they were trained to do without fear. That would take massive regulation removal and a national Tort Reform. What I would like to see happen is a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you have to pay all expenses of the person you tried to sue. That would eliminate about 70% of the lawsuits in this country medical and otherwise.

Again, guy, 96,000 Americans die every year because of Medical incompetence.

What you want, being a BATTERED HOUSEWIFE REPUBLICAN is for the rich to have more power over the rest of us than they already have.

If your doctor fucks you up,he needs to pay. Period.

You know damn well trial lawyers (a big Dem party donor) prey on doctors and Dem's have opposed any bill to put a stop to this. Probably also why you people bitch about student loans, while doing nothing about the high cost of a college degree, because those people are big Dem donors.
Yes, I can take the time off, but it comes out of my vacation which I wish to preserve for more enjoyable times. Sick days are a thing of the past in most companies.

And oddly, you keep supporting the people who've MADE them a thing of the past.

In Europe, you have paid family leave and six weeks of vacation..... and universal health care.

(This is the part where you sputter something about scary Muslims... we'll wait. )
You know damn well trial lawyers (a big Dem party donor) prey on doctors and Dem's have opposed any bill to put a stop to this. Probably also why you people bitch about student loans, while doing nothing about the high cost of a college degree, because those people are big Dem donors.

Actually, tort reform wouldn't reduce health care costs at all, and will lower the quality of care we get

Texas already did the kind of Tort reform you guys want. Health care costs didn't go down,
You know damn well trial lawyers (a big Dem party donor) prey on doctors and Dem's have opposed any bill to put a stop to this. Probably also why you people bitch about student loans, while doing nothing about the high cost of a college degree, because those people are big Dem donors.

Actually, tort reform wouldn't reduce health care costs at all, and will lower the quality of care we get

Texas already did the kind of Tort reform you guys want. Health care costs didn't go down,

That is correct, but the reason for that was their population growth. A few years back, it was reported the medical personnel was growing faster than the population. More facilities had to open up, more equipment had to be purchased.
Yes, I can take the time off, but it comes out of my vacation which I wish to preserve for more enjoyable times. Sick days are a thing of the past in most companies.

And oddly, you keep supporting the people who've MADE them a thing of the past.

In Europe, you have paid family leave and six weeks of vacation..... and universal health care.

(This is the part where you sputter something about scary Muslims... we'll wait. )

And yet very few Americans leave here and head for Europe because of this utopia you speak of.

So who pays for all this vacation time and healthcare in Europe?
What I want is to free up doctors so they have the ability to do what they were trained to do without fear. That would take massive regulation removal and a national Tort Reform. What I would like to see happen is a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose, you have to pay all expenses of the person you tried to sue. That would eliminate about 70% of the lawsuits in this country medical and otherwise.

Again, guy, 96,000 Americans die every year because of Medical incompetence.

What you want, being a BATTERED HOUSEWIFE REPUBLICAN is for the rich to have more power over the rest of us than they already have.

If your doctor fucks you up,he needs to pay. Period.

You know damn well trial lawyers (a big Dem party donor) prey on doctors and Dem's have opposed any bill to put a stop to this. Probably also why you people bitch about student loans, while doing nothing about the high cost of a college degree, because those people are big Dem donors.

The problem is that most of our Congress critters are lawyers, and they support their industry even though not part of it any longer. That's why we will never see a Loser Pays All law in this country. It's a solution that would save companies and individuals alike millions of dollars every year plus free up our overcrowded court systems we have in this country.
Yes, I can take the time off, but it comes out of my vacation which I wish to preserve for more enjoyable times. Sick days are a thing of the past in most companies.

And oddly, you keep supporting the people who've MADE them a thing of the past.

In Europe, you have paid family leave and six weeks of vacation..... and universal health care.

(This is the part where you sputter something about scary Muslims... we'll wait. )

And yet very few Americans leave here and head for Europe because of this utopia you speak of.

So who pays for all this vacation time and healthcare in Europe?
They also have waiting lists that are 6 months long for care.

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