Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

I hear so many talk about Medicare for all and single payer. In the first place they are not the same. But yet no one wants to talk about the real down side of either one is paying for it.

Someone would have to convince Americans to accept 50% income tax. That is 50% whether you make $10.00 or ten million. An almost impossible sell since so many are complaining that they did not get enough of a tax cut or it is not permanent. Then you have cities and states suing because of the tax structure so that they can increase their taxes.

Could it be done for 48% or even 47% instead of 50%? Possibly but since we have not done this before and have no hard data on the true costs it is better to err on the high side and give everyone a tax cut if it turns out that it is too high. To go the other direction means to try and sell a tax increase again or just add to the national debt. Then we would be forced to drop universal healthcare which would be worse then never starting it.

Then we have to consider that you could be looking at a six month wait to see a specialist and a year wait for non life threatening surgery. Add that to the fact we already have a shortage of medical personnel and predicted to become worse.
Then we have to deal with normal government inefficiency, on top of the millions that are scammed from Medicare and Medicaid each year being exponentially worse.

All in all I consider universal healthcare an unobtainable goal by those that are more interested in how it sounds then how it would actually work.

There is only one way to defeat this notion of government healthcare, and that is to tax everybody evenly.

Let's say we on the right agreed to government healthcare by paying for it with a consumption tax; 20 cents on the dollar for every dollar you spend, rich, poor, anything in between.

You'd see how fast people would reject it. Why? Because they would be paying for it instead of somebody else.

What the left wants is free healthcare services to them, but not pay for it. Tax the rich as they say, even though the rich could never support Medicare for All no matter how much you tax them.

Then there is the fact that nearly half of the people in this country don't pay any income tax at all. Maybe it's time they start.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection. If you tell me I can get something at no cost to me, I'll take all you want to give. It's human nature.

How to pay for Medicare-for-all
Gee...my dentist said the opposite. He said the drug suppliers were raping us.

Who should we believe?

Did you bother to ask him why the drug suppliers are raping him?

You know, Google has many answers. Look up what Commie Care did to the price of medical supplies.

Dude...I'm trying to tell you that your "anecdote" is bullshit

And yours isn't?

Obamacare’s Latest Critic: Your Pet | TIME.com
You miss the point.

Being anonymous anecdotes on the internet they are both useless bullshit

Unless it's your anonymous anecdotes, right?

That's why I provide a link, to show you it's not anecdotal. It's real.
Nope...not even then
Did you bother to ask him why the drug suppliers are raping him?

You know, Google has many answers. Look up what Commie Care did to the price of medical supplies.

Dude...I'm trying to tell you that your "anecdote" is bullshit

And yours isn't?

Obamacare’s Latest Critic: Your Pet | TIME.com
You miss the point.

Being anonymous anecdotes on the internet they are both useless bullshit

Unless it's your anonymous anecdotes, right?

That's why I provide a link, to show you it's not anecdotal. It's real.
Nope...not even then

Typical lib. Never try to learn anything new.
Dude...I'm trying to tell you that your "anecdote" is bullshit

And yours isn't?

Obamacare’s Latest Critic: Your Pet | TIME.com
You miss the point.

Being anonymous anecdotes on the internet they are both useless bullshit

Unless it's your anonymous anecdotes, right?

That's why I provide a link, to show you it's not anecdotal. It's real.
Nope...not even then

Typical lib. Never try to learn anything new.
I posted a really good article describing why our healthcare is so expansive and ways to make Medicare for all to work.

Did you "try to learn anything new" by reading it?

Look in the mirror dude
Bankruptcy for all!
Uh, guy, most countries with single payer spend 8% of their GDP on health care and get better results than we do paying 17% of our GDP on it.

Medicare for all would save us money, as it would remove things like investor payouts and CEO salaries and marketing expenses.
And all the hospitals and clinics would go bankrupt because Medicare refuses to pay for anything and reimbursements are pennies.
There are all kinds of tweaks that can be made. One would be a whole new cottage industry of entry-level preventive and diagnostic walk-in clinics.

We would definitely have to increase and re-construct reimbursement schedules.

We just have to THINK a little bit. But that appears to be a lost art.

So here comes real Single Payer.

Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.
The problem is, simply because the GOP is as power and money hungry as the Democrats does not make a valid argument for this program.

Besides, we already have Medicare for all. Just wait until you reach the minimum age requirement and you're in.

As a few posters have commented, solve the cost problem and then solve the issue of government being in charge of your health and life.
Still waiting on that plan.
Nice head dodge.

The GOP couldn't get it done. That is NOT an argument for this program.
The ACA was a pig.

I support, as opposed to Single Payer, expanding the current Medicare - Medicare Supplement - Medicare Advantage public/private system to all, with some tweaks. I've gone into great detail why, all over the place.

Great! Tell us how you will pay for it and we'll consider it. You can't, so we won't!'
Uh, guy, most countries with single payer spend 8% of their GDP on health care and get better results than we do paying 17% of our GDP on it.

Medicare for all would save us money, as it would remove things like investor payouts and CEO salaries and marketing expenses.
And all the hospitals and clinics would go bankrupt because Medicare refuses to pay for anything and reimbursements are pennies.
There are all kinds of tweaks that can be made. One would be a whole new cottage industry of entry-level preventive and diagnostic walk-in clinics.

We would definitely have to increase and re-construct reimbursement schedules.

We just have to THINK a little bit. But that appears to be a lost art.

So here comes real Single Payer.

Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
Bullshit. Because of the Republican obstruction (and that of conservadems like Lieberman) the ACA was the best that could get passed.

And it wasn't bad...as long as Republicans didn't screw with it later...which they did and are still doing
You miss the point.

Being anonymous anecdotes on the internet they are both useless bullshit

Unless it's your anonymous anecdotes, right?

That's why I provide a link, to show you it's not anecdotal. It's real.
Nope...not even then

Typical lib. Never try to learn anything new.
I posted a really good article describing why our healthcare is so expansive and ways to make Medicare for all to work.

Did you "try to learn anything new" by reading it?

Look in the mirror dude

Maybe no one saw it because they put you on ignore for being a ignorant POS?
You miss the point.

Being anonymous anecdotes on the internet they are both useless bullshit

Unless it's your anonymous anecdotes, right?

That's why I provide a link, to show you it's not anecdotal. It's real.
Nope...not even then

Typical lib. Never try to learn anything new.
I posted a really good article describing why our healthcare is so expansive and ways to make Medicare for all to work.

Did you "try to learn anything new" by reading it?

Look in the mirror dude

Maybe no one saw it because they put you on ignore for being a ignorant POS?
Maybe they didn't see it because they don't WANT to see it.

Oh and are all Trumpers sufferers of tourette's?
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
I say shit can everything and go with a single payer system. It's what we have for all praticular purposes.

WTF over?
simply need to push for deregulation, let ins co's compete across borders.
Ah, that one.

The GOP told us for EIGHT YEARS that they had a better plan. They laughed at those of us who questioned it. Then, when they had all the power, they couldn't do it.

They know that deregulation and competing across borders wouldn't come close to fixing this, and they ran scared.

You folks brought this on yourself. Here it comes, you'll be responsible for it.
Because fucking John McCain killed the bill in the Senate, the only obstacle to passing a new healthcare law.

And what was this new healthcare law, precisely?

Stop playing stupid! You do it too well!
Unless it's your anonymous anecdotes, right?

That's why I provide a link, to show you it's not anecdotal. It's real.
Nope...not even then

Typical lib. Never try to learn anything new.
I posted a really good article describing why our healthcare is so expansive and ways to make Medicare for all to work.

Did you "try to learn anything new" by reading it?

Look in the mirror dude

Maybe no one saw it because they put you on ignore for being a ignorant POS?
Maybe they didn't see it because they don't WANT to see it.

Oh and are all Trumpers sufferers of tourette's?

You don't even know what that is!
Yes Ray you got it on the head. We value money more than life in america. The fact that many pregnant mothers cannot get off of a lousy low paying job to get some medical help days something about this country. We love to say we value life until it comes down to actually dealing with life and it's costs. Then not so much. The whole thing is sick.

Why do they have lousy, low-paying jobs? Could it be they didn't apply themselves in school or develop the social skills needed to perform a job dealing with the public?
I hear so many talk about Medicare for all and single payer. In the first place they are not the same. But yet no one wants to talk about the real down side of either one is paying for it.

Someone would have to convince Americans to accept 50% income tax. That is 50% whether you make $10.00 or ten million. An almost impossible sell since so many are complaining that they did not get enough of a tax cut or it is not permanent. Then you have cities and states suing because of the tax structure so that they can increase their taxes.

Could it be done for 48% or even 47% instead of 50%? Possibly but since we have not done this before and have no hard data on the true costs it is better to err on the high side and give everyone a tax cut if it turns out that it is too high. To go the other direction means to try and sell a tax increase again or just add to the national debt. Then we would be forced to drop universal healthcare which would be worse then never starting it.

Then we have to consider that you could be looking at a six month wait to see a specialist and a year wait for non life threatening surgery. Add that to the fact we already have a shortage of medical personnel and predicted to become worse.
Then we have to deal with normal government inefficiency, on top of the millions that are scammed from Medicare and Medicaid each year being exponentially worse.

All in all I consider universal healthcare an unobtainable goal by those that are more interested in how it sounds then how it would actually work.

There is only one way to defeat this notion of government healthcare, and that is to tax everybody evenly.

Let's say we on the right agreed to government healthcare by paying for it with a consumption tax; 20 cents on the dollar for every dollar you spend, rich, poor, anything in between.

You'd see how fast people would reject it. Why? Because they would be paying for it instead of somebody else.

What the left wants is free healthcare services to them, but not pay for it. Tax the rich as they say, even though the rich could never support Medicare for All no matter how much you tax them.

Then there is the fact that nearly half of the people in this country don't pay any income tax at all. Maybe it's time they start.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection. If you tell me I can get something at no cost to me, I'll take all you want to give. It's human nature.

How to pay for Medicare-for-all

What's bullshit is this article. It doesn't go into explanation of costs. All it says is rip-off this and rip-off that

For instance, they say that some medical procedures are creating huge profits for hospitals. What they don't tell you is that facilities need to charge and make money on those procedures to offset the loss of government patients.

They talk about the price of drugs compared to other countries. What they don't tell you is that our government requires tens of millions of dollars to produce a drug and put it on the market. When our government prohibits those products from making it to market, the manufacturers increase the price on their drugs that are on the market to offset those losses. Other countries simply use the testing that our government required and able to market those drugs with no cost to them.

What they were honest about is the cost of malpractice insurance and how it affects the cost of healthcare. It was also honest about how much our physicians make compared to the rest of the world. You get what you pay for.

Because of what our physicians make, we attract the best from around the world. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. When you go to their downtown main campus, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Your article is also full of assumptions, not sure, maybe, and things like that. It's not a comprehensive study, only a study of supposed's.
Nope...not even then

Typical lib. Never try to learn anything new.
I posted a really good article describing why our healthcare is so expansive and ways to make Medicare for all to work.

Did you "try to learn anything new" by reading it?

Look in the mirror dude

Maybe no one saw it because they put you on ignore for being a ignorant POS?
Maybe they didn't see it because they don't WANT to see it.

Oh and are all Trumpers sufferers of tourette's?

You don't even know what that is!

It's an inability to express oneself without spewing epithets and curses...among other things

And you all seem to be sufferers
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
Socialized medicine forced on people that will not benefit from it, cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it fuck you moron, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
Socialized medicine forced on people that will not benefit from it, cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it fuck you moron, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
You're the guy that said that people neither want nor need healthcare just a little while ago.


Yea...you are
'A Reuters/Ipsos poll shows 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all.

Why it matters: This single-payer system has divided the Democratic Party internally and gave Republicans a new way to attack Democrats in 2018. But this poll is the first to suggest that a majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle actually like this policy and that it could be a winning issue for candidates.

By the numbers: Two-thirds of Democratic nominees in 41 battleground House districts "want to expand the government’s role in healthcare," per Reuters.

  • At least 70 House Democrats have joined the "Medicare for All" caucus, with more expected after the November midterms.
  • And most House Dems support a Medicare for All bill, which has "six members of the Blue Dog caucus of fiscally conservative Democrats signing on as co-sponsors," Reuters notes.
Be smart: This policy is only going to get more attention as we head into the 2020 presidential election, when it will likely be a litmus test for Democratic candidates.'

Poll: Majority of Democrats and Republicans support Medicare for all

For better or worse - like it or not, sooner or later - it looks like single payer will become a fact of life in America.
Socialized medicine forced on people that will not benefit from it, cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it fuck you moron, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
You're the guy that said that people neither want nor need healthcare just a little while ago.


Yea...you are
No one should be forced into socialized medicine, we are not all in this together and I say fuck the village
And all the hospitals and clinics would go bankrupt because Medicare refuses to pay for anything and reimbursements are pennies.
There are all kinds of tweaks that can be made. One would be a whole new cottage industry of entry-level preventive and diagnostic walk-in clinics.

We would definitely have to increase and re-construct reimbursement schedules.

We just have to THINK a little bit. But that appears to be a lost art.

So here comes real Single Payer.

Single payer would be just like Commie Care. It never addressed the problems of cost.

If we are to make any change, we can't do it the Democrat way and say "Here, somebody else pay for it."

The first step is to analyze how costs got so out of control in the first place, make a list of them, then execute each problem one at a time.

Now, this would take some guts to actually call problems, problems, particularly on the Democrat side which caused most of them. So until we can get to that point, everything else is fruitless.
The problem for the GOP is that it completely whiffed.

We were told for eight years that the GOP had a better plan. Turns out that was a lie.

So if we end up with Single Payer, the GOP will have paved the way.

They can't blame the Democrats for that.

They had much better plans. The problem was that the various plans were much better than Obamacare but could not gather enough Republican support for one plan to ram it through Congress like the Dimocrats did. There were enough people who disagreed with each version proposed that no plan could get enough support. If the Dims wanted to do something they could have sided with any one of the plans, but refused, because that left the whole plan in limbo, just where they wanted it!
Bullshit. Because of the Republican obstruction (and that of conservadems like Lieberman) the ACA was the best that could get passed.

And it wasn't bad...as long as Republicans didn't screw with it later...which they did and are still doing

You are so FOS. Every single Republican voted against Commie Care, and it passed with unified Democrat votes. So don't say they couldn't have gotten "anything better" because of Republicans. And the very idea that Commie Care wasn't bad is an admission to blind ignorance.

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