Poll: Majority Of Voters Say Jan. 6 Committee Is Biased

Bias in favor of the USA Constitution, sure. Those opposed support the Neo-GOP's fascist revolution.
Everyone on the committee was hand-picked by Pelosi.....especially the two Republicans.
It's total horse shit.
It's nothing but a play. Not one word presented is true. A total Clownshow.
Race riots have to do with BS propaganda originating from the race hustlers, Obama, Sharpton, Holder, Jackson, crimp, etc. And repeatedly there has been shown to be no legitimacy to them, with cops having shot suspects justifiably.

The conflict between the police and the black communities is as old as the country. Fascist attacks by Trumps MAGAMOB is new for us. That emulates Mussolini's tactics in his rise to power about a century ago.
Ask the Harvard pollers.
I assume, they self identified and that was acceptable. Does that mean they can show up at an actual polling place, next election, self identify as eligible to vote there, and you will support it?
Everyone on the committee was hand-picked by Pelosi.....especially the two Republicans.
It's total horse shit.
It's nothing but a play. Not one word presented is true. A total Clownshow.

Yep another Neo-GOPer throwing shade on the men in blue.

It's obvious the Neo-GOP do not want the MAGAMOB siege on the Capitol to be fully investigated, otherwise the would have jumped on the chance for a special commission with subpoena power, and not left it up to the House.
Well, what a surprise!

A majority of voters said that they believe the House investigative committee on the Jan. 6 Capitol riots is biased, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.

Fifty-eight percent of voters said they believed the committee was biased, while 42% said they thought the committee was fair, according to The Hill.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey was conducted among 1,788 voters and was carried out between July 28 to 29, according to The Hill.

Poll: Majority Of Voters Say Jan. 6 Committee Is Biased | The Daily Caller
Gee, the Daily Pisser.

Ain't it a damned shame the Republicans blocked the formation of a totally non-partisan independent commission in the style of the 9/11 investigation.

They remind me of a dog who has shit on the floor who doesn't want to look at their mess when confronted.
Race riots have been happening under both Democrat and Republican administrations.
Mostly in Democrat cities - Los Angeles, Detroit, Boston, Minneapolis and Chicago. Yes, both Democrat and Republican Parties have had their share under their Administration.

Nothing gets done when you have BLM and Antifa doing far more destruction all Summer long. When the Insurrection just took one day.
Well, what a surprise!

A majority of voters said that they believe the House investigative committee on the Jan. 6 Capitol riots is biased, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.

Fifty-eight percent of voters said they believed the committee was biased, while 42% said they thought the committee was fair, according to The Hill.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey was conducted among 1,788 voters and was carried out between July 28 to 29, according to The Hill.

Poll: Majority Of Voters Say Jan. 6 Committee Is Biased | The Daily Caller

Oh hell no.. ALL post riot committees ought to packed with the victims of that riot.. Take Kenosha, where 1/2 of the downtown was pillaged and burned.. Should be nothing but storeowners and people living downtown on the investigative committee with a 1/2 of committee composed of BLM and Antifa supporters...


Just CALLING it "an insurrection" is not a supportable fact. Or calling it "armed" because flag poles are weapons. I was all in favor of JUSTICE -- NOT in favor of this abomination of power by the woking dead in Congress..
Mostly in Democrat cities - Los Angeles, Detroit, Boston, Minneapolis and Chicago. Yes, both Democrat and Republican Parties have had their share under their Administration.

Nothing gets done when you have BLM and Antifa doing far more destruction all Summer long. When the Insurrection just took one day.
The insurrection took months of repeating the BIGLIE by more than just a few Neo-GOPers. It has done more damage to America since 1861 and the South's War for Independence......
Bias in favor of the USA Constitution, sure. Those opposed support the Neo-GOP's fascist revolution.

The traitor who supported leftist revolutionary insurgents attacking cities across the United States all last summer and leftist fascists stealing elections says what?
I don't have a link for it but I heard today that the Capitol Police thugs that murdered the unarmed woman are going to get the Congressional Medal of Honor for resisting the Patriots.

That would like the British giving the Victoria Cross to the thugs that killed the Patriots in the Boston Massacre.

The Democrats have no shame, do they?
Political affiliation didn't affect their job of protecting the lawmakers from both parties from the raging MORON-MOB that day.

It sure as hell influenced how they acted during interviews. The one crying little bitch made clear his political affiliation on facebook.
And the politicians were never in any danger to begin with.
It's kinda like hillary claiming she came under sniper fire.....it's all an act.
And the politicians were never in any danger to begin with.

We know, we know, tourist are always treated this way!


Well, what a surprise!

A majority of voters said that they believe the House investigative committee on the Jan. 6 Capitol riots is biased, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.

Fifty-eight percent of voters said they believed the committee was biased, while 42% said they thought the committee was fair, according to The Hill.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey was conducted among 1,788 voters and was carried out between July 28 to 29, according to The Hill.

Poll: Majority Of Voters Say Jan. 6 Committee Is Biased | The Daily Caller

That is a fake poll. Try again.
Bias in favor of the USA Constitution, sure. Those opposed support the Neo-GOP's fascist revolution.
The GOP had its chance, it got what it wanted, and it ran like scared little bunnies.

All because they're afraid of a damaged orange buffoon.

If anything of substance is found, tough shit for them.
Bias in favor of the USA Constitution, sure. Those opposed support the Neo-GOP's fascist revolution.

So basically if its anti trump then its constitutional is what youre saying right?

I mean pelosi did hold back stimulus checks in order to make trump look bad. So she knowingly withheld relief from all americans just to try and "get trump". Here is a video of dan cranshew former navy seal and state representative on tv calling her out on admitting that is what she did

Nancy pelosi also is so blinded by her hatred for trump she had made pens to hand out and sign impeachment articles against trump on silver platters which are used to commemorate signings. In this case it obviously didnt go through and went far in showing how much she is biased against trump and hated him that she broke protocol to celebrate his "impeachment", when impeaching any president shouldnt be a celebration for government officials, it should be a hard decision for them to make.

And its obvious pelosi is a thief, liar and generally awful person that should not have a posistion of power that she has as she uses it for her own personal selfish reason with no regard for american people.

Which is illustrated here where she knew of president bidens announcement of electric vehicles, also mentioning tesla. Now she invested a million less than 2 weeks before his speach, after which their stock prices rose. Normally that would be insider trading and is a crime but she simply said it was her husband that bought them and not her personally and she got away with it scott free.

Pelosi also was critical to the lockdown last year and had a hatred for anyone not refusing to quarntine and was in favor of small business being shut down and people not going out and doing anything, quite often she threatened those that did. Yet here she is using a salon to get her hair done while she demanded no one do that.

And while she broke her own rules she critized others who didnt agree with mask mandates while didnt have a mask on when the cameras werent on her. She called names of people who didnt go with the mask idea

Is this really a person who would be fair and unbiased while heading up the committee to try and nail trump for her 3rd time? If you think its biased towards the constitution then youre either outright lying, or just so anti trump you dont care what anyone does as long as they hate him also.

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