Poll: more Americann think Hillary colluded with foreign operative than Trump

Poll: More Americans Think Hillary Colluded With Foreign Operatives Than Trump

Following the failure of the Mueller investigation to find any evidence that Trump or members of his campaign colluded with Russia, a new Rasmussen poll finds that more Americans now think Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign operatives than Trump.

And you've got to be one dumb SOB to evenn dream about votinng for this Hitler loving bitch.
I wondered where that poll came from. I should have known!
Poll: More Americans Think Hillary Colluded With Foreign Operatives Than Trump
Following the failure of the Mueller investigation to find any evidence that Trump or members of his campaign colluded with Russia, a new Rasmussen poll finds that more Americans now think Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign operatives than Trump.
And you've got to be one dumb SOB to evenn dream about votinng for this Hitler loving bitch.

That's probably because we got news for a quarter century of the Clinton's quid pro quo, first with the Chinese and Charlie Trie/Johnny Chung,
Charlie Trie - The Full Wiki
1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
and I think it was theft of sensitive technology from I believe it was the Lorel Space Corporation
The Clinton-Loral-China axis - WND - WND
which I believe led to giving the Chinese the technological edge to become a global super-power. I won't go back to Little Rock and what went on there as governor.

Enter the present era and the Clinton's "Global Initiative" and that other "Foundation" thing they had going on in Haiti and elsewhere with people on her government staff working DOUBLE ROLES as also private employees on the outside and Hillary's playing footsie with uncounted foreign governments that if they made "charitable contributions" to her "initiatives" they in turn suddenly got favorable treatment by the USA for some funding or other program they very much needed and the American taxpayer gets a very clear picture of the real situation of how a couple who left the White House "broke" came to be very wealthy, powerful and within a stone's throw of a third term in the White House.

Breaking: Released FBI Emails Show Quid-Pro-Quo ‘Exchange’ To Downgrade Clinton Crime

The 'Quid Pro Quo' on Hillary Clinton's Emails

Clinton server email at heart of 'quid pro quo' controversy contained Benghazi intel

Clintons' UAE Quid Pro Quo - DickMorris.com

Why Clinton Foundation donations were a scandal

Gorka: Biden-China deal ‘biggest pay-for-play scandal since Uranium One’

The China Connection Is the Real Scandal -- June 1998 Phyllis Schlafly Report

YES, INDEED. The Clintons are a WIDE OPEN book on "shut" cases on how the most corrupt people in this country can often rise to the highest positions in government that somehow never get properly investigated.
Poll: More Americans Think Hillary Colluded With Foreign Operatives Than Trump
Following the failure of the Mueller investigation to find any evidence that Trump or members of his campaign colluded with Russia, a new Rasmussen poll finds that more Americans now think Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign operatives than Trump.
And you've got to be one dumb SOB to evenn dream about votinng for this Hitler loving bitch.

That's probably because we got news for a quarter century of the Clinton's quid pro quo, first with the Chinese and Charlie Trie/Johnny Chung,
Charlie Trie - The Full Wiki
1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
and I think it was theft of sensitive technology from I believe it was the Lorel Space Corporation
The Clinton-Loral-China axis - WND - WND
which I believe led to giving the Chinese the technological edge to become a global super-power. I won't go back to Little Rock and what went on there as governor.

Enter the present era and the Clinton's "Global Initiative" and that other "Foundation" thing they had going on in Haiti and elsewhere with people on her government staff working DOUBLE ROLES as also private employees on the outside and Hillary's playing footsie with uncounted foreign governments that if they made "charitable contributions" to her "initiatives" they in turn suddenly got favorable treatment by the USA for some funding or other program they very much needed and the American taxpayer gets a very clear picture of the real situation of how a couple who left the White House "broke" came to be very wealthy, powerful and within a stone's throw of a third term in the White House.

Breaking: Released FBI Emails Show Quid-Pro-Quo ‘Exchange’ To Downgrade Clinton Crime

The 'Quid Pro Quo' on Hillary Clinton's Emails

Clinton server email at heart of 'quid pro quo' controversy contained Benghazi intel

Clintons' UAE Quid Pro Quo - DickMorris.com

Why Clinton Foundation donations were a scandal

Gorka: Biden-China deal ‘biggest pay-for-play scandal since Uranium One’

The China Connection Is the Real Scandal -- June 1998 Phyllis Schlafly Report

YES, INDEED. The Clintons are a WIDE OPEN book on "shut" cases on how the most corrupt people in this country can often rise to the highest positions in government that somehow never get properly investigated.
Wow, sure wish you'd delve into the Trump org as deeply as you do the Clinton's. And do it using the people who hate Trump the most the way you cite the corruption of the Clinton's using those who hate them most.
Poll: More Americans Think Hillary Colluded With Foreign Operatives Than Trump
Following the failure of the Mueller investigation to find any evidence that Trump or members of his campaign colluded with Russia, a new Rasmussen poll finds that more Americans now think Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign operatives than Trump.
And you've got to be one dumb SOB to evenn dream about votinng for this Hitler loving bitch.

That's probably because we got news for a quarter century of the Clinton's quid pro quo, first with the Chinese and Charlie Trie/Johnny Chung,
Charlie Trie - The Full Wiki
1996 United States campaign finance controversy - Wikipedia
and I think it was theft of sensitive technology from I believe it was the Lorel Space Corporation
The Clinton-Loral-China axis - WND - WND
which I believe led to giving the Chinese the technological edge to become a global super-power. I won't go back to Little Rock and what went on there as governor.

Enter the present era and the Clinton's "Global Initiative" and that other "Foundation" thing they had going on in Haiti and elsewhere with people on her government staff working DOUBLE ROLES as also private employees on the outside and Hillary's playing footsie with uncounted foreign governments that if they made "charitable contributions" to her "initiatives" they in turn suddenly got favorable treatment by the USA for some funding or other program they very much needed and the American taxpayer gets a very clear picture of the real situation of how a couple who left the White House "broke" came to be very wealthy, powerful and within a stone's throw of a third term in the White House.

Breaking: Released FBI Emails Show Quid-Pro-Quo ‘Exchange’ To Downgrade Clinton Crime

The 'Quid Pro Quo' on Hillary Clinton's Emails

Clinton server email at heart of 'quid pro quo' controversy contained Benghazi intel

Clintons' UAE Quid Pro Quo - DickMorris.com

Why Clinton Foundation donations were a scandal

Gorka: Biden-China deal ‘biggest pay-for-play scandal since Uranium One’

The China Connection Is the Real Scandal -- June 1998 Phyllis Schlafly Report

YES, INDEED. The Clintons are a WIDE OPEN book on "shut" cases on how the most corrupt people in this country can often rise to the highest positions in government that somehow never get properly investigated.
Wow, sure wish you'd delve into the Trump org as deeply as you do the Clinton's. And do it using the people who hate Trump the most the way you cite the corruption of the Clinton's using those who hate them most.

Why don't you do it for us? You talk like its already a done deal so give us the report! Going into the 2015/2016 election cycle, HERE were the biggest news items circulating about Trump:
  • Trump, what big hands you have.
  • Trump called Carly a horse-face.
  • Trump actually likes beautiful women.
  • Trump was a believer in Obama's coverup of his birth origins.
  • Trump made coleslaw out of the Jeb Campaign.
  • Trump said he could outdo any politician with one hand tied behind his back.
  • Trump fought back against Cruz's wife attacks.
  • Trump said not everyone coming across the southern border was a nice person.
  • Trump said given half the chance, he'd lock Hillary up for her crimes.
Where was your big Trump Crime Scandal all that time?

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