Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Think Nation Is Becoming a Police State – Half Agree There's One 'Dangerous' Culprit

Did the Floyd Riots threaten the transfer of power by the losing outgoing party to the winning incoming party? In reality it is those whose support America, not really Biden (no doubt he is better that the Don but that bar is really really low!) and our tradition of a non violent transfer of power. Certainly not the supporters of the fascist mob that rioted and invaded the Capitol to tried to stop the counting of the votes that day. Trumpybear was a great supporter of what that MAGAMOB did on Jan 6th.
The Floyd riots were a threat to America. They killed 25 people. BLM rioters killed 25 people and beat up thousands…. Trump supporters killed nobody they did get into a few fist fights with police officers, and that was wrong.

It is intellectual dishonesty to try and say January 6 was a government takeover. They needed tanks an entire army for that.

It’s most insulting and harmful to the families of those killed by BLM rioters to the billions of dollars worth of damage that the BLM rioters caused, it’s an insult to the black business owners who suffered damage from BLM rioters. January 6 was a cakewalk compared to the BLM riots.

There was a transfer of power, and now Biden is president. No amount of hyperbole or propaganda from the media and their multimillionaire celebrities and athletes will change the fact that Donald Trump transferred power to Biden. Otherwise, if that didn’t happen, Donald Trump would still be president by force, but that was simply never going to be the case.
Did the poll mention that everyone correctly thinks it's the Republicans doing those things?

Trump is running on a campaign to turn the USA fascist, fer pete's sake. He's promising to jail and kill all of his political oppoents, to shut down any media he doesn't like, to remove everyone independent from government and replace them with Trump toadies.

The Democrats ... do none of that. Republicans back fascism, Democrats back liberty.

And every conservative on this thread loves Trump entirely for his fascism. Trump cultists are fascist right down to their putrid souls.
Blame Trump for everything including the shift in the Tides. When we devolve into a full blown Police State with Democrats in power, you will still blame Trump 10 years from now.
Blame Trump for everything including the shift in the Tides. When we devolve into a full blown Police State with Democrats in power, you will still blame Trump 10 years from now.
Stalin blamed Trotsky for every failure of the Soviet Union until long after he died.
This is what so many here support as they watch the justice system torn apart. Our government has an enemy list. And all you enablers are just baby fascists. The government should fear us.
Trump's martyr narrative would hold up better if he wasn't obviously provoking it all himself.
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Did the poll mention that everyone correctly thinks it's the Republicans doing those things?

Trump is running on a campaign to turn the USA fascist, fer pete's sake. He's promising to jail and kill all of his political oppoents, to shut down any media he doesn't like, to remove everyone independent from government and replace them with Trump toadies.

The Democrats ... do none of that. Republicans back fascism, Democrats back liberty.

And every conservative on this thread loves Trump entirely for his fascism. Trump cultists are fascist right down to their putrid souls.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

This isn't the comedy thread.....as the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and other alphabet agencies are targeting conservatives, and democrat party judges, and prosecutors are targeting Trump with bullshit laws suits and legal attacks.........your post is hysterical.

The democrats are actually doing all of those things.....they have used legal warfare against Republicans since Tom Delay, they used the FBI, DHS, and the entire DOJ to actually censor conservatives and bury stories that damaged democrats.....and they used the IRS to go after conservative groups..........

You are a dumb ass fool......
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

This isn't the comedy thread.....as the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and other alphabet agencies are targeting conservatives, and democrat party judges, and prosecutors are targeting Trump with bullshit laws suits and legal attacks.........your post is hysterical.

The democrats are actually doing all of those things.....they have used legal warfare against Republicans since Tom Delay, they used the FBI, DHS, and the entire DOJ to actually censor conservatives and bury stories that damaged democrats.....and they used the IRS to go after conservative groups..........

You are a dumb ass fool......
So are you with yer myopia.
Lots of stuff in this alleged polling data. It depends on how the questions mixed up federal police with the local police everybody trusts. In short it isn't news but spin created by some unknown babe named Samantha Chang.
You are so fucking stupid..This is not about being a Republican or a Democrat and it never has been, the struggle of class against class is a political struggle, think about your strata of social standings before you claim it is about a political party.
You sound just like a communist.
Blame Trump for everything including the shift in the Tides.
Ah, a fanatical defender of Trump's fascism speaks up. He's no doubt upset because Democrats interfered with his lust for a fascist utopia.

When we devolve into a full blown Police State with Democrats in power, you will still blame Trump 10 years from now.

Your fascist tricks won't work on liberty-supporters. We know a fascist plant when we see one.
This isn't the comedy thread.....as the FBI, DOJ, IRS, and other alphabet agencies are targeting conservatives,
A fine example of the fascist BigLie technique, combined with the standard fascist attack on The Rule of Law. According to Stalinists like 2aguy, all members of TheParty should be above the law and immune from all prosecution.

A core belief of fascism is that there are 2 kinds of people. One group, themselves, that the law benefits but does not bind, and the other group, liberals, that the law binds but does not benefit.

I suggest you tone it down a bit. Even your fascist masters think you're getting too shrill in your support of fascism, and that you're driving too many voters to the Democrats.
The fascist state has always existed for people of color. The OP is crying about a police state because trump is facing the consequences of his behavior.
You haven’t had a police state since 1965. Everything after that is your own doing. I will give you this, the great society by your favorite democrat has done more to fuck you over than segregation ever could,
Ah, a fanatical defender of Trump's fascism speaks up. He's no doubt upset because Democrats interfered with his lust for a fascist utopia.

Your fascist tricks won't work on liberty-supporters. We know a fascist plant when we see one.
What fascism? Can you list some?
What fascism? Can you list some?
Fascism is an authoritarian system characterized by crony capitalist economics, and a wish to return to previous societal norms.

So, Republicans qualify for that.

Some things that characterize fascism are ...

1. Censorship.
2. Using governemnt to attack political opponents.
3. Filling government postions with unqualified political hacks.
4. Steering government favors and money to those high in the party.
5. Stomping on rights of women and minorities.

Again, Republicans qualify in all categories.

Democrats qualify in ... none of those categories.
Fascism is an authoritarian system characterized by crony capitalist economics, and a wish to return to previous societal norms.

So, Republicans qualify for that.

Some things that characterize fascism are ...

1. Censorship.
2. Using governemnt to attack political opponents.
3. Filling government postions with unqualified political hacks.
4. Steering government favors and money to those high in the party.
5. Stomping on rights of women and minorities.

Again, Republicans qualify in all categories.

Democrats qualify in ... none of those categories.
You just listed the democrat parties mode of operation. Are you kidding me with this bullshit? You fucking moron.
Ah, a fanatical defender of Trump's fascism speaks up. He's no doubt upset because Democrats interfered with his lust for a fascist utopia.

Your fascist tricks won't work on liberty-supporters. We know a fascist plant when we see one.

Squeals the fascist.

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