Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
Unfortunate children's situations must not set the rule of law on the best situation for children as a legal-whole: mother/father marriage. My heart goes out to kids caught up in gay lifestyles, but their struggles cannot be made normal so your unreflective cult can put a bandaid over their deep mental wounds using kids at the adhesive..

So what is your end game here, Sil? The only way to ensure that gays do not raise children is to make doing so illegal and to remove children presently being raised by a gay parent(s). Is this what you support? Yes or no?

Every time I ask you flee.

Yep Silhouette refuses to address this.

Here is what Silhouette wants:
  • She wants the government to require the sterilization of all homosexuals to prevent them from having biological children.
  • She wants the government to rip children away from their parents if the parents are gay.
  • And of course to have medical tests of people to ensure that they aren't gay before they aren't gay.
That's valid. It's why the black community is so devastated by crime....most boys grow up without a father. But Dems don't like to talk about that, they'd rather blame white cops.

And now black boys can be legally kept from ever having a father, even the hope of having a father if two "married" lesbians adopt him.. I'm sure this will result in really great things!

Yep- it will result in a black child abandoned by his biological parents is raised by two loving parents.

I know you would prefer that that black child stay abandoned rather than have two loving parents who are gay.
So this is just a survey to see who had contact with both their mother and father in life. And how important people feel about that for children.

I grew up thinking I had a mother and father - although it was a disfunctional situation. Dad was a mean drunk. Mom had no spine. Grandmother taking over where parents didn't

BUT - on my 18th birthday, in front of an Army recruiter, I learned they were my parents at all!

Have no idea who my birth parents are and don't really give a darned.

One day, I'm going the DNA analysis bit to get some idea what my heritage is.

So in conclusion:
a) Your biological parents abandoned you- in a stunning example of how heterosexual parents are always superior
b) Your adoptive parents- heterosexual- were barely parents and
c) You turned out to be who you are.

Let me ask you this longknife- if the parents who raised you were sober, supportive, loving and kind- but were two lesbians- would you still be resentful of how you were deprived for life of a father?
I had the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. They taught and prepared me how to live and survive life.
One poster here talked about being a man who grew up with both mom and dad like almost everyone did....or longed to do anyway... 90-something % above... He said that not only was having a father important to give himself a sense of male identity, but also a mother to teach him how to relate to other women...namely his wife today.

I keep saying "important for boys to have dads and girls to have moms"...but equally important is for the child to learn how to relate to the opposite gender which is something they'll have to know how to do well to be functional and healthy adults..

A child needs both a mother and a father, each has it's role in development.

I happen think that having a mother and a father would be a good thing- presuming that each is a good parent.

But in my experience- and based upon statistics- the vast majority of children missing either a mother or father in their lives are children who are being raised by single parents (or grandparents)- who Silhouette studiously ignores- because those children do not serve her goal of furthering discrimination against homosexuals in America.

I have known good kids raised by single parents and bad kids raised by a loving mother and father. Neither ensures either failure or good results.
I had the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. They taught and prepared me how to live and survive life.
One poster here talked about being a man who grew up with both mom and dad like almost everyone did....or longed to do anyway... 90-something % above... He said that not only was having a father important to give himself a sense of male identity, but also a mother to teach him how to relate to other women...namely his wife today.

I keep saying "important for boys to have dads and girls to have moms"...but equally important is for the child to learn how to relate to the opposite gender which is something they'll have to know how to do well to be functional and healthy adults..

A child needs both a mother and a father, each has it's role in development.

I happen think that having a mother and a father would be a good thing- presuming that each is a good parent.

But in my experience- and based upon statistics- the vast majority of children missing either a mother or father in their lives are children who are being raised by single parents (or grandparents)- who Silhouette studiously ignores- because those children do not serve her goal of furthering discrimination against homosexuals in America.

I have known good kids raised by single parents and bad kids raised by a loving mother and father. Neither ensures either failure or good results.

She was a single parent. So they get a mulligan. Its only the gays that are subject to her 'mother and a father' standard.
Most people that deal with kids from broken homes say that the kids never give up hope that mom and dad will get together again.

So, I would have to say its very important.

Well in any gay marriage, the ceremony itself is an announcement to kids of a life-sentence of lost hope..

Most gay marriages involve no kids at all- is this some announcement sent out like to schools or something?

"Bob and Bill got married last Saturday- so we want to announce to the students of Abraham Lincoln Elementary that you now have a life sentence of lost hope.

You can blame Bob and Bill for that"
Most people that deal with kids from broken homes say that the kids never give up hope that mom and dad will get together again.

So, I would have to say its very important.


I lived in a church run foster home for four years and can attest that every single one of the kids from divorced or separated parents had no other desire than to see them reunite so they could have a "normal" life.

Members of my family had foster kids for years- and yes- no matter how dysfunctional- and abusive- the family was- the kids usually wanted to go back. Some of the stories of abuse the kids suffered from their parents.....yet they still hoped that it could be different with their mom or dad.
So this is just a survey to see who had contact with both their mother and father in life. And how important people feel about that for children.
All the crime we see happening every day in Detroit, is a direct result of children not having 2 parents in their lives.

Yeah, but Sil was a single parent. So she gives those folks a mulligan. Its only the 2 parent gay households where she loses her shit.
Well Sil needs to listen or read this:

Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Regardless of black or white, people raising kids in 1 parent households are raising fucked up kids.

You should have heard one angry black woman call up the show to say she was doing JUST FINE without her daddy and her daughter is doing just fine too if her daddy doesn't want to be involved in her life.

The caller didn't realize that maybe, just maybe, her daughter now has no father because she herself had daddy issues and that's why she picked the dead beat asshole to be the SIRE to her kid. They all have issues. You can't deny someone who didn't have the love of two parents is fucked up.

SIL, I'd take two loving gay men parents over one fucked up single baby mama anyday. You are what's wrong with this country, not gays.
Most people that deal with kids from broken homes say that the kids never give up hope that mom and dad will get together again.

So, I would have to say its very important....Mark
Well in any gay marriage, the ceremony itself is an announcement to kids of a life-sentence of lost hope..

So denying them that ceremony will magically transform same sex parents into opposite sex parents?

Nope. Denying marriage to same sex parents only guarantees that their children will never have married parents. Which hurts their children and helps no child.

No thank you. Your idea is foolish by the standards of your own argument. As it doesn't remedy any 'problem' you've cited. It merely hurts and humiliates children by the hundreds of thousands...in exchange for nothing. All while helping no child.

You don't seem to have problems with denying children of polygamists marriage. So, your logic falls on its face bro.

Some unfortunate children's situations must not set the rule of law on the best situation for children as a legal-whole: mother/father marriage. My heart goes out to kids caught up in gay lifestyles, but their struggles cannot be made normal so your unreflective cult can put a bandaid over their deep mental wounds using kids at the adhesive..
If a kid has two gay parents, most likely they are adopted. Their biggest issue is why their biological parents abandoned them. The LEAST of their problems is that the two parents that love them are gay. Who gives a rats ass?

But only having 1 kid makes for a very sad childhood. You may not see them crying in their rooms but they are.
Most people that deal with kids from broken homes say that the kids never give up hope that mom and dad will get together again.

So, I would have to say its very important.

Well in any gay marriage, the ceremony itself is an announcement to kids of a life-sentence of lost hope..

Most gay marriages involve no kids at all- is this some announcement sent out like to schools or something?

"Bob and Bill got married last Saturday- so we want to announce to the students of Abraham Lincoln Elementary that you now have a life sentence of lost hope.

You can blame Bob and Bill for that"
My nephew goes to Cranbrook. It is one of the top private schools in the country. Mitt Romney went there. Anyways, there is a gay couple who send their kid to the school.

Then there is my friends kid. He's a 13 year old morbidly obese Republican with a mouth like a sailor. If anyone touches him he yells "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU F'ING FAGGOT". Boy have his Republican parents raised him well, huh?

Seems to me the gay couple are doing a much better job than the straight couple. But luckily for fatty his parents have money and he'll probably take over his parents business when he grows up and he can pretend that he succeeded on his own.

All the parents are wondering when the little fat fuck Republican is going to get expelled.

Or does SIL think that it should the the gay family who should leave the school? LOL
I had the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. They taught and prepared me how to live and survive life.
To “live and survive life” is usually easy. Most inner-city feral humans—begotten of an unmarried welfare mother and an unknown sperm donor—achieve that much.

But for society to prosper, we need more families to be doing much better than that.
I had the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. They taught and prepared me how to live and survive life.
To “live and survive life” is usually easy. Most inner-city feral humans—begotten of an unmarried welfare mother and an unknown sperm donor—achieve that much.

But for society to prosper, we need more families to be doing much better than that.

I see it in all races, the family unit is broken and the result is children suffer, they are not brought up correctly and the results are disastrous
Yes very important. My father taught me to fuck the ass and my mother taught me to take it in the ass. We are the fucking Brady bunch family
I remember my mom taught me and my brother about hetero sex and we were grossed out just as bad as you are at the thought of a penis in your mouth or ass. But we soon got over it. Maybe soon you'll get over the idea of gay butt sex.

I'll do that when my girlfriend no longer has fears of black penises. Never happen
Most people that deal with kids from broken homes say that the kids never give up hope that mom and dad will get together again.

So, I would have to say its very important.

Well in any gay marriage, the ceremony itself is an announcement to kids of a life-sentence of lost hope..

Most gay marriages involve no kids at all- is this some announcement sent out like to schools or something?

"Bob and Bill got married last Saturday- so we want to announce to the students of Abraham Lincoln Elementary that you now have a life sentence of lost hope.

You can blame Bob and Bill for that"
My nephew goes to Cranbrook. It is one of the top private schools in the country. Mitt Romney went there. Anyways, there is a gay couple who send their kid to the school.

Then there is my friends kid. He's a 13 year old morbidly obese Republican with a mouth like a sailor. If anyone touches him he yells "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU F'ING FAGGOT". Boy have his Republican parents raised him well, huh?

Seems to me the gay couple are doing a much better job than the straight couple. But luckily for fatty his parents have money and he'll probably take over his parents business when he grows up and he can pretend that he succeeded on his own.

All the parents are wondering when the little fat fuck Republican is going to get expelled.

Or does SIL think that it should the the gay family who should leave the school? LOL

The funny thing with generalizations is that we could interchange 'gay' with 'Republican' in your story and it would still be the same.

Doesn't matter whether the parents are 'gay' or 'Republican' or the even odder 'gay Republicans'- what matters is what kind of parents that they are.

But you are right Silhouette would judge the parents on one thing only- whether they are gay or not.
I had the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. They taught and prepared me how to live and survive life.
To “live and survive life” is usually easy. Most inner-city feral humans—begotten of an unmarried welfare mother and an unknown sperm donor—achieve that much..

What about the rural feral humans- begotten of an unmarried mother and a changing list of married or unmarried fathers- all of whom avoid both the financial and familial responsbilities of parenthood?

What about the simply shitty dads- we have all seen some of them in action- who abandon wife number 1 after 10 years or so to run off with the girl friend and then only sporadically attempts to be a dad, while all the time starving his kids of affection and financial support.

We need better parents- rather than blaming gays or welfare or the inner city- parents who both want to have kids- and want to raise their kids.
What about the rural feral humans- begotten of an unmarried mother and a changing list of married or unmarried fathers- all of whom avoid both the financial and familial responsbilities of parenthood?

What about the simply shitty dads- we have all seen some of them in action- who abandon wife number 1 after 10 years or so to run off with the girl friend and then only sporadically attempts to be a dad, while all the time starving his kids of affection and financial support.

We need better parents- rather than blaming gays .

Is a good parent one who would legally bind a child to a motherless or fatherless existence for life? I'll wait for your specific answer. Because the adult children who wrote the amicus briefs linked in my signature said that they experience significant angst having grown up even in model "gay marriages/homes". Long story short, they are like psychological amputees. The mother or father "limb" is hacked off for life.

With all your exceptional horror stories Syriusly, you have actually made the case for traditional marriage to be strengthened...not further bastardized by all the terrible conditions of single parenthood or gay parenthood that strips the children of the missing gender in their home..

Thanks for the leg-up on my points!...

31 people voted so far.. over 90% believe that having both a mother and father is important. 90%....90%... That's impressive.
What about the rural feral humans- begotten of an unmarried mother and a changing list of married or unmarried fathers- all of whom avoid both the financial and familial responsbilities of parenthood?

What about the simply shitty dads- we have all seen some of them in action- who abandon wife number 1 after 10 years or so to run off with the girl friend and then only sporadically attempts to be a dad, while all the time starving his kids of affection and financial support.

We need better parents- rather than blaming gays .

Is a good parent one who would legally bind a child to a motherless or fatherless existence for life?

If we're talking about loving, 2 parent home with a positive same sex role model is available? Sure, why not.

You should really take a look at the Prince's Trust study. As it has found that the positive same sex role model is extremely helpful. And as their Mentoring program demonstrates, such a role model doesn't need to be a parent.

I'll wait for your specific answer. Because the adult children who wrote the amicus briefs linked in my signature said that they experience significant angst having grown up even in model "gay marriages/homes". Long story short, they are like psychological amputees. The mother or father "limb" is hacked off for life.

With dozens more were quite happy with their same sex parents. All of whom you ignore because they don't match your narrative.

Remember, all the evidence you ignore.....we can still see it. Pretending none of it exists just demonstrates that your position is founded in willful ignorance

And of course, your insistence that we 'void' all same sex marriages doesn't do a thing to address what you consider the 'problem'. As same sex parents denied marriage are still same sex parents. All denying those parents marriage does is guarantee that their children never have married parents.

Which hurts those children and help no child.

See how that works? Your proposal is worse than useless.

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