Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:
Most normal Americans think Kim's nuts
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:

Math is fun:

Post-ABC poll: Most say Kim Davis should issue marriage licenses to gay couples

Poll: Kentucky voters say Kim Davis should do her job

YouGov poll: 56% support jailing Kim Davis, Republicans evenly split at 42 percent - Hot Air

Spin away one-trick pony.
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:
Most normal Americans think Kim's nuts
I guess we'll just put it out there and see if you're right? We could also just look at the biggest poll results ever on USMB for what 81% of 235 people said here about the Kim Davis issue... Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:
Most normal Americans think Kim's nuts
I guess we'll just put it out there and see if you're right? We could also just look at the biggest poll results ever on USMB for what 81% of 235 people said here about the Kim Davis issue... Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?
Even I don't think churches should be forced to accommodate gays
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:
Most normal Americans think Kim's nuts
I guess we'll just put it out there and see if you're right? We could also just look at the biggest poll results ever on USMB for what 81% of 235 people said here about the Kim Davis issue... Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Another classic. Name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes? You can't b/c it hasn't and nor should it happen. Remember, Kim Davis isn't a church.
I had the best parents anyone could ever hope to have. They taught and prepared me how to live and survive life.
To “live and survive life” is usually easy. Most inner-city feral humans—begotten of an unmarried welfare mother and an unknown sperm donor—achieve that much..

What about the rural feral humans- begotten of an unmarried mother and a changing list of married or unmarried fathers- all of whom avoid both the financial and familial responsbilities of parenthood?

What about the simply shitty dads- we have all seen some of them in action- who abandon wife number 1 after 10 years or so to run off with the girl friend and then only sporadically attempts to be a dad, while all the time starving his kids of affection and financial support.

We need better parents- rather than blaming gays or welfare or the inner city- parents who both want to have kids- and want to raise their kids.

What we need, as a society, is to uphold those values which lead to stable marriages and families, which encourage men and women to marry, and to remain united for life in their commitment to each other, and their responsibility toward any children that they may produce.

Welfare-fueled bastardy is destructive to this purpose. So is homosexuality, and so is every other form of sexual immorality.
and if their both dead?? forgot that one eh??

Bad things happen. That's no excuse for intentionally causing bad things to happen.

Among the terrible ills that arise, is abject illiteracy, wherein you wind up with people who are so stupidly illiterate that they don't even know the difference between “their” and “they're”.
I found it impressive that ANY Democrats claimed to have had both parents.
Not only have most of them had both a mom and dad, they consider it important. Also, a huge share of Hillary moderates have had backgrounds in going to church or coming from that background...and sat in silent terse shock at Kim Davis sitting in jail..

You know, eventually someone's going to do this math... :popcorn:

Save of course that you're making all that up. And you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

Remember, you're utterly and compusively obessed with this one issue. You've started 48 threads on the topic, created websites, founded entire message boards were you are the only participant and created 29 more threads to talk to yourself....

......Hillary moderates aren't.
So...it seems same sex parenting is something that in general isn't a good thing...but...we're gonna allow it just...because...we have to to be tolerant.
So...it seems same sex parenting is something that in general isn't a good thing...but...we're gonna allow it just...because...we have to to be tolerant.

As compared to what? Taking children away from their parents?
So is homosexuality, and so is every other form of sexual immorality.

Yes- because of course homosexuality- and gay marriage- is the reason why heterosexuals don't do their job of parenting......

What we need is for human beings to stop calling children bastards and to encourage good parenting rather to condemn others for being good parents- because they happen to be gay.
Remember, all the evidence you ignore.....we can still see it. Pretending none of it exists just demonstrates that your position is founded in willful ignorance

And of course, your insistence that we 'void' all same sex marriages doesn't do a thing to address what you consider the 'problem'. As same sex parents denied marriage are still same sex parents. All denying those parents marriage does is guarantee that their children never have married parents.

Which hurts those children and help no child.

See how that works? Your proposal is worse than useless.

No more so than yours.

A set of married parents means a father and a mother. You only hurt a child by giving him a mockery of what he needs, in place of what he really needs.

So...it seems same sex parenting is something that in general isn't a good thing...but...we're gonna allow it just...because...we have to to be tolerant.

No it seems that in general, you are an asshole, and that asshole like you want to discriminate against Americans who happen to be gay- and their children.
Remember, all the evidence you ignore.....we can still see it. Pretending none of it exists just demonstrates that your position is founded in willful ignorance

And of course, your insistence that we 'void' all same sex marriages doesn't do a thing to address what you consider the 'problem'. As same sex parents denied marriage are still same sex parents. All denying those parents marriage does is guarantee that their children never have married parents.

Which hurts those children and help no child.

See how that works? Your proposal is worse than useless.

No more so than yours.

A set of married parents means a father and a mother.

A set of married parents can mean a father and a mother, or a mother and a mother, or a father and a father.
A set of unmarried parents the same.
A single parent can be either a mother or a father.

In general, children do better with two parents.

Conservatives prefer to attack homosexuals, rather than work to help the vast majority of children who are being raised by a single parent because their biological parents have divorced and one parent is not bothering to parent.
I suspect our daughter would punch you in the nose for that.

So, you raised a daughter who would respond to such a disagreement by resorting to gratuitous violence, did you?

What does that say about your parenting?

That's liberal “tolerance” for you.

My daughter is such a tolerant liberal that if you walked up and called her a bitch and a slut, she would punch you in the mouth.

And me, being the tolerant liberal that I am, would only object that it was my role as her father to punch you in the mouth.

But I suppose as a good Conservative, you would teach your daughter to accept being called a slut or a bitch by men.

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