Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

"...Please...lying doesn't help anything here..."

There's no 'lying' going on there... merely feedback that you don't much care for.

"...Why are you against 'special treatment' for only one group...the blacks?..."

I'm not against 'special treatment' for only one group - the blacks.

I'm against 'special treatment' for ANY group.

It's just that - sometimes - in a reasonably just society - past wrongdoing requires some modest period of 'special treatment' or 'compensation' in order to level the playing field a bit and to help that group mainstream and to become more competitive and self-sufficient.

But there is a limit to that 'special treatment', and, frankly, 60 years of it is more than enough.

You've had your share.

Far more - vastly more - than has been enjoyed by any other ethnic group in the country in its 230 year -long history.

And it is because you are perceived to have had your share and have hogged center-stage with respect to 'preferential treatment' for so long (60 years, nearly a lifetime's worth) at the expense of the nation at-large, that White Folk are turning a deaf ear to continued Race Relations dialogue these days; in light of the ideas that (1) things have gotten much better and (2) such dialogue inevitably conjures-up the Victim Mentality, which, in turn, leads to demands for extensions to 'preferential treatment' and subsidization, and your White fellow countrymen have just about had enough of that.

White Folk, in general, began this 60-year -long cycle of preferential treatment and subsidy grudgingly but eventually got into the spirit of the thing, kinda-sorta, for as long as it lasted, but... by now... 60 years later... we've done our bit. We gave at the office. Enough is enough. Time to give somebody else a turn.

You lay-down a thread like this, then open the door for questioning why White America (as a collective) is showing increasing reluctance to engage in Race -related dialogue, and then you throw brickbats at the reasons you're given, when people serve those up in good faith.

An interesting way to host a thread.

"...You cry and cry about schools, and justice and blah blah but another group gets all the land they can stand and funding from us..."

I have no idea what you are referring to here.

"...Completely segregated and you're pretending that that's a problem....but only when blacks do it."

I have no idea what you are referring to here.
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The jews were given that land...They conquered nothing. They have an entire land just for them and you're complaining about Affirmative action that helps more white women than anything and crying "enough".

You put Israel on a scale and put AA on the other side. No fucking way its close to the same
Different rules for Jews and Indians. That's ok

You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?

1. I thought we gave blacks a land within Africa and Haiti. :eusa_whistle:
2. Don't you have a chance at everything??? Isn't a black man the president and the DOJ? You have your own schools, colleges, t.v networks and more.

What do you want?
You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?

1. I thought we gave blacks a land within Africa and Haiti. :eusa_whistle:
2. Don't you have a chance at everything??? Isn't a black man the president and the DOJ? You have your own schools, colleges, t.v networks and more.

What do you want?

You just thought wrong is all
The jews were given that land... They conquered nothing...
The veterans of the 1948 Israeli War of Independence (on both sides) would disagree.

"...They have an entire land just for them..."

What has that to do with you?

Go conquer some land or another if you like, if you're sufficiently unhappy here, to remain part of "us".

I suggest you try the lands of the descendants of the Arab Slavers who captured and caged and sold your ancestors to the ancestors of a few of the White Folk down South.

They'll prove more of a push-over than anybody else currently on their feet.

"...and you're complaining about Affirmative action that helps more white women than anything and crying 'enough'..."

Woman (of all colors) haven't enjoyed the protections of Affirmative Action as long as you have.

They still have some time coming on the 'preferential treatment timer'.

You've used yours up.

Time's up.

Enough is enough.

"...You put Israel on a scale and put AA on the other side. No fucking way its close to the same."

I do no such thing.

Not even close.

Israel has absolutely nothing to do with Black America, as comparative topics.


Not only are they not to be put on the same weighing-scale...

They're not even in the same building, philosophically speaking.

You are the one who raised the Jews and Indians as a diversion, not me.

I made no such equivalency, and your attempts to (1) establish such a linkage and then (2) pawn that linkage off on me, have just failed - spectacularly.

Time to come back down to earth, and stop flopping-about with this silly Jews and Israel business, in connection with Black America and Race Relations and the apparent growing disinterest on the part of White America to re-engage in such dialogue on a national basis.
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Different rules for Jews and Indians. That's ok

You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?

The US set aside land for the JEWS? Really?
actual language of the poll:

in this case (zimmerman/trayvon) 72% of whites do not believe the case raise important issues about race that need to be discussed.

NOTE: it never says whites do not want to have a conversation about race, merely, that the zimmerman case does not raise important issues of race that need to be discussed.

You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?

Sixty years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already'.

You should go back to school and learn how to read a calendar.

The year then was 1953. 11 prior to the signing of the civil rights act. Jim Crow laws were still in full effect in many states.

The Alabama bus boycott was still two years away. Which means that even the oldest black person in the poorest of health HAD to relinquish their seat on a public transportation vehicle to ANY white person who was standing,

The murder of Emmitt Till was still 2 years from happening. But it still happened less than 60 years ago. A 14 year old boy is kidnapped, tortured and disfigured for allegedly "whistling" at a white female. No one is convicted.

So what "preferential treatment" are you speaking of? The right to claim a seat on a public transportation vehicle? The right to vote? The right to be granted service in a public establishment? Or maybe the right to attend a public school that offers a better curriculum than a segregated school?

The jews were given that land...They conquered nothing. They have an entire land just for them and you're complaining about Affirmative action that helps more white women than anything and crying "enough".

You put Israel on a scale and put AA on the other side. No fucking way its close to the same

who gave them the land?

white Americans?

seems like you are jealous. Frankly, I would like to arrange an exchange.


white women can do without AA.

apparently you can't
The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?

Sixty years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already'.

You should go back to school and learn how to read a calendar.

The year then was 1953. 11 prior to the signing of the civil rights act. Jim Crow laws were still in full effect in many states.

The Alabama bus boycott was still two years away. Which means that even the oldest black person in the poorest of health HAD to relinquish their seat on a public transportation vehicle to ANY white person who was standing,

The murder of Emmitt Till was still 2 years from happening. But it still happened less than 60 years ago. A 14 year old boy is kidnapped, tortured and disfigured for allegedly "whistling" at a white female. No one is convicted.

So what "preferential treatment" are you speaking of? The right to claim a seat on a public transportation vehicle? The right to vote? The right to be granted service in a public establishment? Or maybe the right to attend a public school that offers a better curriculum than a segregated school?


I don't know why you people whine about Emmit Till. Not with the black on white crime rate the way it is.
Sixty years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already'.

You should go back to school and learn how to read a calendar.

The year then was 1953. 11 prior to the signing of the civil rights act. Jim Crow laws were still in full effect in many states.

The Alabama bus boycott was still two years away. Which means that even the oldest black person in the poorest of health HAD to relinquish their seat on a public transportation vehicle to ANY white person who was standing,

The murder of Emmitt Till was still 2 years from happening. But it still happened less than 60 years ago. A 14 year old boy is kidnapped, tortured and disfigured for allegedly "whistling" at a white female. No one is convicted.

So what "preferential treatment" are you speaking of? The right to claim a seat on a public transportation vehicle? The right to vote? The right to be granted service in a public establishment? Or maybe the right to attend a public school that offers a better curriculum than a segregated school?


I don't know why you people whine about Emmit Till. Not with the black on white crime rate the way it is.

No one is "whining" about Emmitt Till. He was brought up in reference to historical context as to what has transpired over 60 years. Read the post that was responded to as opposed to "cherry picking".

Furthermore, the majority of all violent crime is intra-racial
USMB has a whole board devoted to "race and racism", and since this is like, the zillionth post on the topic, I doubt this issue is going to just " GO AWAY" because it generates interest. On the contrary. Here is the zillionth and one post on the issue. And so it goes….
I don't know why you people whine about Emmit Till. Not with the black on white crime rate the way it is.

No one is "whining" about Emmitt Till. He was brought up in reference to historical context as to what has transpired over 60 years. Read the post that was responded to as opposed to "cherry picking".

Furthermore, the majority of all violent crime is intra-racial

yes, over 60 years ago. yet you, or those like you, mention it like it was yesterday and without any current context and ad nauseum

You mentioned Saint Martyr Till and I countered with more current info

intra-racial crime be damned. Black people are always whining about being oppressed. WTF can be more oppressive than murder and rape.

Hopefully someo black male won't wander onto my property by mistake or otherwise. black males deserve the poor reputation they have. :Boom2:
"...Sixty years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already'..."
"...You should go back to school and learn how to read a calendar."

Or, more likely, how to add and subtract.

Make that fifty (50) years, rather than sixty (60) years.

I had been arguing a point earlier in the day related to Israel and its six-decade-long struggles and the number 60 got struck in my brain, and out it came again, on this thread.

Make that fifty (50) years (49 + change, close enough, nice round number) since the signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which served as the stepping stone for an avalanche of Quotas and Preferential Treatment in Civil Service and other hiring and school admissions and subsidies (Federal and State programming targeted at the inner cities) and the like.

Other than that brain-fart on my end with the math when I wrote that (triggered by other participation elsewhere) the rest of the observation still stands.

It's time to set aside race-based Affirmative Action and similar preferential treatments.

Black Folk have enjoyed this precedence for 50 years now - still most-of-a-lifetime - at the expense of the rest of the country.

White America, carrying most of the water on that one, is experiencing Donor-Taxpayer Exhaustion, and is pretty much done with that, after 50 -ish years.

"FIFTY years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already."

There... all fixed.

"Close enough for government work."
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