Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

Maybe it's because most "discussions" on race involve telling white people that they are doing something wrong, despite the fact that most are not racist. We are supposed to feel guilty for being white and are supposed to somehow make up for the sins of our ancestors. It's not enough that Republicans led the way in ending slavery, electing more minorities to the senate (sooner than the Dems) and overall have a better record than the left. I know Dems go into convulsions at the mention of that, but a simple research of elections and appointees will clear it up.

When the left discusses race, it's in the context of whites being guilty of being white. We are supposed to support laws that favor minorities over whites, such as affirmative action. We are not expected to actually treat people equally. Dems see minorities as helpless, hapless people who are in need of government to lead the way in their lives. It's that same misplaced trust in government's interference that has caused much of the trouble blacks are experiencing. Dems believe that the bar needs to be lowered because they have no confidence that minorities can compete on the same level as whites.

I think it's hogwash. The problem with race in America is the left's penchant for constantly teaching minorities that they are victims and cannot succeed with being given special treatment. They want to fund college for students based strictly on skin color rather than aptitude, then wonder why so many students don't make it through and graduate.

At what point will the left show confidence in the ability of minorities to pull themselves up? Why can't they say and do things that help build confidence rather than tear it down?

I've seen Obama's discussion on race, as well as the "discussion" from a few black leaders. They blame whites for all the ills suffered by minorities. Obama's meddling in the Trayvon Martin case is partly why many ignored glaring facts and, to this day, believe the false story put out over a year ago. Any facts that threaten their narrative are dismissed as conjecture. The goal has been to keep blacks believing that they are victims simply because of skin color.

I am not surprised that many are sick and tired of having false views stuffed down our throats and when we refuse to go along with the BS, we are again accused of racism and we keep getting these calls for discussion.

If the left wanted true discussion, it would be different, but there is no debating them. They want compliance. Agree and do as they say or get called names.
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Talking about black violence and the problems in the black community is discussing the issue. It just isn't a one sided white shaming event as you want.
Well, the person who started this thread seems to be getting 'conversation.' My guess is, though, that he doesn't much like the conversation he is getting.
"...Latent hostility. Give me a break..."

I was merely commenting upon the vehemence of your language in that post, Sunshine, and not whether it was justified or not in the context of ongoing forum participation. No harm, no foul.
No one alive today is a slave. No one alive today has ever held a slave. The discussion is over. Stop playing the victim.


Time to take advantage of the fruits of hard work. STOP the blame game.

Asians and Hispanics are here to work. They can look around America and see the opportunities that abound. Blacks cannot. When a group of people create a sub culture with its own language and music they do not want to be a part of this great nation, nor do they want the opportunities that abound here. Blacks like CC are here to be waited upon. Don't believe it? Look where he spends his time. Blacks don't want a 'conversation.' They just want more and to have to do nothing to get it.
Blacks kill twice as many whites by the numbers(10 times per capita)...I have to ask how is that not racist???

Sounds quite hypercritical....

Don't tell me not to defend myself against such violence.
"...Latent hostility. Give me a break..."

I was merely commenting upon the vehemence of your language in that post, Sunshine, and not whether it was justified or not in the context of ongoing forum participation. No harm, no foul.

Yeah, well after 50 years of the meme and 25 years of having to work around them and trying to actually teach the unteachable, one gets very fed up. If you want 'vehemence' you might take a look below:

Sunshine said:
Poet wishes me a speedy death. The pump referenced below would be a medication pump without which I would die!
Laugh it up...I'm laughing and hoping your pump doesn't come in time.
Bitch, you may get a curare tea, but no olive branch for you.

My life has been threatened on this forum 3 times by one of them. And I'm the problem? I don't think so.
Blacks kill twice as many whites by the numbers(10 times per capita)...I have to ask how is that not racist???

Sounds quite hypercritical....

Don't tell me not to defend myself against such violence.

They won't, but when you do they will call on all the powers in the country to put you in prison.
"...Yeah, well after 50 years of the meme and..."

I am not disputing your choice of language nor am I disputing your justification.

I merely and correctly observed a 'latent hostility' there.

That much is unmistakable and incontestable.

And now that you've highlighted it, I regret having done it, but it's too late for me to back out, now.

At least give me credit for remarking at the time upon its refreshing honesty, eh?

I merely held that out as a symptom of Donor and Taxpayer Exhaustion, to reinforce my point (exhaustion) in an earlier post.

We are pretty much on the same page with regard to Preferential Treatment at this late date so I, for one, am not going to be overly concerned over a minor difference of opinion as to (a) what constitutes 'latent hostility' or (b) circumstances under which it may actually prove understandable or justifiable, as seems to be case here...

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Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

We've had the "conversation" ad nauseum. We're sick of hearing about it and we're sick of black people whining about how they are so abused.

Life sucks. Then you die.

Get over it.
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

Wrong. We're sick of being hectored by sanctimonious race hustlers.
There's no such thing as conversation. There is shut up and listen to yet another lecture. The lectures are now boring.

No the only "conversation" Bill O Reilly and a lot of others here want to have on race only involves ONE race. Blacks.
Then its a bunch of white people saying lets talk about race. Black people suck and they need to admit it.
Please ignore all other races. Don't mention the positive. Dictate what the convo will be and blacks are gonna like it:cuckoo:

Wrong, numskull. Whites are simply tired of being attacked by sanctimonious race hustlers. They are the ones who always want to talk about their race.

Fuck off and quit bothering us.
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

could be, because we know people like you who thinks they KNOW everything will be doing the talking...

so why bother, when you speak all I hear is. blaaa blaaa blaaqa

I think people are sick to death of having this same conversation forced on them for how many YEARS NOW?

You go have it...leave the rest of us alone

Thanks for the admission and the reasoning behind why I'm correct

The only thing he "admitted" is that people like you are royal pains in the ass.
u fuckin race baiters have depleted the meaning of the word racism.
u all are the ones bringing up color.
u stupid fuckers were calling Z white.. ummmm he is as white as our "potus"
Do you mean White in the socio/political sense or in the racial sense?

I understand Zimmerman's lineage is Hispanic, which could be either caucasian, negro, or mulatto. I am caucasian. I see Zimmerman as caucasian. He manifests absolutely no negro characteristics I can identify.
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers
If you mean a conversation about racial issues, I'm White and I've never had a problem discussing that subject.
I am not afraid of discussing the realities of it either.
NOT the violence whites deal with from blacks or that blacks don't want to be judged in the same way as everyone else.

I'd love to see the data supporting the whines of being mistreated. I think 95% of the time it is fair.
Speaking as a non white person (I'm pink) I would not mind having a discussion on race as long as my pink brothers are not harassed by pinkyphobes.
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