Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

To acknowledge your inner-Bigot, is to acknowledge your humanity. We all have prejudice & bigotry within us. The key is, making sure you don't hurt your fellow human beings with it. All People just need to accept the fact they have an inner-Bigot. Controlling it is the key to peaceful coexistence.
actual language of the poll:

in this case (zimmerman/trayvon) 72% of whites do not believe the case raise important issues about race that need to be discussed.

NOTE: it never says whites do not want to have a conversation about race, merely, that the zimmerman case does not raise important issues of race that need to be discussed.

lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

see my post above
lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

even if your interpretation of the poll is correct------so what?

WTF do you want to talk about?

list your agenda for the "conversation"

My convo doesn't have an agenda. Its just a convo bruh
To acknowledge your inner-Bigot, is to acknowledge your humanity. We all have prejudice & bigotry within us. The key is, making sure you don't hurt your fellow human beings with it. All People just need to accept the fact they have an inner-Bigot. Controlling it is the key to peaceful coexistence.

:clap: I agree all day. The problem is when your inner bigot thinks he is an expert on those same issues
actual language of the poll:

in this case (zimmerman/trayvon) 72% of whites do not believe the case raise important issues about race that need to be discussed.

NOTE: it never says whites do not want to have a conversation about race, merely, that the zimmerman case does not raise important issues of race that need to be discussed.

lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

see my post above

you are wasting your time arguing with an Dishonest idiot..
just a clue dear...:eusa_angel:

I would hire a white boy with his pants hanging like that. What kinda racist does that make me cc? Lol
actual language of the poll:

in this case (zimmerman/trayvon) 72% of whites do not believe the case raise important issues about race that need to be discussed.

NOTE: it never says whites do not want to have a conversation about race, merely, that the zimmerman case does not raise important issues of race that need to be discussed.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

see my post above

you are wasting your time arguing with an Dishonest idiot..
just a clue dear...:eusa_angel:

CC is simply no different than any other Progressive here on the board, an abject liar.

They all do it, their sources say what they say it says and thats it....no matter WHAT it actually says.
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actual language of the poll:

in this case (zimmerman/trayvon) 72% of whites do not believe the case raise important issues about race that need to be discussed.

NOTE: it never says whites do not want to have a conversation about race, merely, that the zimmerman case does not raise important issues of race that need to be discussed.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

see my post above

you are wasting your time arguing with an Dishonest idiot..
just a clue dear...:eusa_angel:

slow day :cool:
Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

Then why are you bringing it up instead of just letting the subject change?
The whites are mainly Pub hater dupes, and they don't like ANY conversations outside their alternate universe because they don't like being reminded they're either brainwashed/misinformed or immoral on almost all subjects lol.

so much for that honest conversation
The whites are mainly Pub hater dupes, and they don't like ANY conversations outside their alternate universe because they don't like being reminded they're either brainwashed/misinformed or immoral on almost all subjects lol.

so much for that honest conversation
Bingo. Then again, that poster strikes me as more Driveby Shooter than Interacter... I dunno.
I'd like to see white people turn their backs on minorities when it comes to the race baiting bullshit. If the racists out there want to pick a fight with white who don't fall under manipulation through way of white guilt, well... we win!

I was just thinking that we are done listening to their lecture. But if they want to fire off a few rounds they will get more than a few back. They think they are the only ones getting ready to fight.

Bout had enough my damn self ....
They need to show some effort on their own. They've been given enough "leg ups"
And the fact that they dont get it when it comes to the sharpton types doesnt give me much hope for their future.

I agree. I can see why zerobama thinks there has been no discussion of race in America. HE grew up in foreign countries. He didn't hear one word of it.
The whites are mainly Pub hater dupes, and they don't like ANY conversations outside their alternate universe because they don't like being reminded they're either brainwashed/misinformed or immoral on almost all subjects lol.

Franco, I'm willing to lend you my ear and consider your thoughts on the matter.

However, in order to do so it would require you to share with us the researched information that reinforces your assertions. Do you have credible sources that echo the sentiment that Caucasians are mainly Republican hater dupes who dislike any conversations outside of their alternative universes? If you do I would find those concrete revelations exciting. So, please share them with us.
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"...You have not read one post by a white person on this thread. If you had you would have read that it is not a conversation - it is a lecture. You don't care what we think, we have been lectured to for over half a century by blacks who were failures when it started and raised an entire generation of failures in spite of taking our jobs, our schools, and our neighborhoods. You are right. We don't want your 'conversation.' We are done. So fuck off."

The language is a bit harsh on this one but it's noteworthy - and thanks-worthy and rep-worthy...

Not for the latent hostility, 'cause that's just a symptom...

But for its honesty and frankness...

And for its value as yet another example of White Frustration with this whole 60-year-long period of Quotas and Subsidies and Entitlements - as Equalizer or not...

And for its value in demonstrating Donor-Taxpayer Exhaustion...

It's real enough... and it's grown to epidemic proportions... White America has grown weary of it.

Enough already.

No malice or hate involved, just resentment and bone-weariness and frustration and angst, and a growing determination to finally put a long-overdue end to it.

Enough already.

Latent hostility. Give me a break. Almost every thread on this forum has been about race for months. If they start out about something else, the faction here turns it into one about race.

You ARE right, though. Before I retired my taxes were enough to support a family of 6 under the federal poverty guidelines. I said for a while a family of 4, then I looked it up. And I am a widow, single mother who raised my own children, put them through college, and never got one dime of affirmative action. The only affirmative action I got was my own knowledge that I could succeed and my belief in my own abilities. IMO, King, Jackson, Sharpton, Obama and the rest of the black panthers would starve to death if all the working white people left this country. In just a bit, I'm going to add to this post. My life has been threatened 3 times by one of our esteemed (hohoho) black posters. You can follow the link to the remaining one.

Here you go. Here is the 'dialogue' the black posters want to have. And yes, we are tired of it.

Sunshine said:
Poet wishes me a speedy death. The pump referenced below would be a medication pump without which I would die!
Laugh it up...I'm laughing and hoping your pump doesn't come in time.
Bitch, you may get a curare tea, but no olive branch for you.

It can't be my siggy because of he who shall not be named.
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I would hire a white boy with his pants hanging like that. What kinda racist does that make me cc? Lol

Well, I wouldn't and if my son had ever let his ass hang out like that he would have found my taking the opportunity to kick it into the next week. Those boys' parents didn't care enough about them to teach them how to dress properly.

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