Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

I'd like to see white people turn their backs on minorities when it comes to the race baiting bullshit. If the racists out there want to pick a fight with white who don't fall under manipulation through way of white guilt, well... we win!

I was just thinking that we are done listening to their lecture. But if they want to fire off a few rounds they will get more than a few back. They think they are the only ones getting ready to fight.

Bout had enough my damn self ....
They need to show some effort on their own. They've been given enough "leg ups"
And the fact that they dont get it when it comes to the sharpton types doesnt give me much hope for their future.
The poll also says that whites don't want to have the conversation in general. I put the quote there. Is the quote lying or just me when I copy and paste it? :lol:

That's my opinion...my opinion is correct just like yours or only you?

So that paragraph doesn't exist after you admitted it did? Which one and let me know when you decide

first you say it is a quote....which is a flat out lie and then you worm away and claim it is an opinion.

lmao...you can't keep your lies straight.

i've asked you about a half a dozen times to cite the exact language in the poll that says whites don't want to have a convo on race and you NEVER have.

i notice you capitulated on your second lie. good job, there is hope for you yet.

God...let me walk you through since you need it

1. is a quote
2. is my opinion

Got it. Ok go!

your opinion has been proven false, as people have tried to talk to you about it and you ignore it.

again CITE the actual language. merely repeating it exists doesn't make it so.

got it, good...go
"...You have not read one post by a white person on this thread. If you had you would have read that it is not a conversation - it is a lecture. You don't care what we think, we have been lectured to for over half a century by blacks who were failures when it started and raised an entire generation of failures in spite of taking our jobs, our schools, and our neighborhoods. You are right. We don't want your 'conversation.' We are done. So fuck off."

The language is a bit harsh on this one but it's noteworthy - and thanks-worthy and rep-worthy...

Not for the latent hostility, 'cause that's just a symptom...

But for its honesty and frankness...

And for its value as yet another example of White Frustration with this whole 60-year-long period of Quotas and Subsidies and Entitlements - as Equalizer or not...

And for its value in demonstrating Donor-Taxpayer Exhaustion...

It's real enough... and it's grown to epidemic proportions... White America has grown weary of it.

Enough already.

No malice or hate involved, just resentment and bone-weariness and frustration and angst, and a growing determination to finally put a long-overdue end to it.

Enough already.
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here is the part of the "poll" CC claims whites don't want to talk about race:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

1. can anyone find that language above?

2. is this about race conversation or race in the zimmerman case?

1. Yeah its first page at the bottom Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Your apology is accepted.
first you say it is a quote....which is a flat out lie and then you worm away and claim it is an opinion.

lmao...you can't keep your lies straight.

i've asked you about a half a dozen times to cite the exact language in the poll that says whites don't want to have a convo on race and you NEVER have.

i notice you capitulated on your second lie. good job, there is hope for you yet.

God...let me walk you through since you need it

1. is a quote
2. is my opinion

Got it. Ok go!

your opinion has been proven false, as people have tried to talk to you about it and you ignore it.

again CITE the actual language. merely repeating it exists doesn't make it so.

got it, good...go

look up
The press managed to turn a hispanic, registered democrat into a racist white republican all in the attempt to change gun laws while a few race mongers used the tragedy as a self promotional tool. I don't mind having a conversation of race. As soon as a real conversation on race begins then I would be happy to throw in my two cents. Until then, I'm just going to do what most people do and tolerate white liberal guilt and victim methodology while I treat everybody equally in my personal life and work for a living.
lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.
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1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.

1. I am opposed to all forms of AA
2. Jewish and hispanic are not races.
3. If quotas are good for colleges and hiring, why not for athletics?
4. see #3
5. they stir up racial unrest and animosity in order to make themselves rich. they are helping no one but themselves. MLK would spit on them.

1. So NOW it doesn't discriminate against whites. Which is what you said, you are just against it for a new new reason lol
2. So NOW you are only against "races" that have their own entertainment not groups. Because one is bad the other segregation is just peachy
3. Start a team let me know
4. See #3
5. No they don't. MLK wasn't liked and neither was any black person that spoke on black issues throughout Americas history. But its EVERYONE else...not you :lol:

1. AA discriminates against the majority, except in the case of women.
2. a racial entertainment network is by its very existence a form of racism. I thought you were opposed to racism
3. athletes win or lose because of ability, race is never a part of it, as it should be. That should apply to every aspect of life.
4. :cuckoo:

5. MLK did not want special treatment, just equality.

Yes, there were racial abuses in the past. We cannot change history. Why must you continually dwell on the past-----------what specifically do you want? Reparations for slavery? Free stuff?

List the things that you want from this "conversation on race"
i see CC is still lying and claiming i'm posting a picture when in fact i posted the actual poll...not what someone else said about the poll.


this was too easy
God...let me walk you through since you need it

1. is a quote
2. is my opinion

Got it. Ok go!

your opinion has been proven false, as people have tried to talk to you about it and you ignore it.

again CITE the actual language. merely repeating it exists doesn't make it so.

got it, good...go

look up

strange, i can't see anything that says white do not want to have a convo about race.

please highlight exactly <-- pay attention, where it says that. thank you.
When people want to have a real honest straightforward discussion about race I'm all for it but if their idea of a discussion is saying everything is the mans fault and white people agree with them I have no interest on that.
actual language of the poll:

in this case (zimmerman/trayvon) 72% of whites do not believe the case raise important issues about race that need to be discussed.

NOTE: it never says whites do not want to have a conversation about race, merely, that the zimmerman case does not raise important issues of race that need to be discussed.
You NOTICE this case didn't have a damn thing to do with WHITE PEOPLE, yet they are the ones WHO IS getting all the shit like this poll, an outrageous article from Salon saying how WHITE RAGE was the problem..

then you asses wonder why they don't want to have a friggen CONVERSATION with you JACK OFFS..

go to hell
You NOTICE this case didn't have a damn thing to do with WHITE PEOPLE, yet they are the ones WHO IS getting all the shit like this poll, an outrageous article from Salon saying how WHITE RAGE was the problem..

then you asses wonder why they don't want to have a friggen CONVERSATION with you JACK OFFS..

go to hell

good point. CC claims whites don't want to have a conversation about race, yet, he can't have an honest conversation about a poll that ask race questions.

go figure
lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"
lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

even if your interpretation of the poll is correct------so what?

WTF do you want to talk about?

list your agenda for the "conversation"
The whites are mainly Pub hater dupes, and they don't like ANY conversations outside their alternate universe because they don't like being reminded they're either brainwashed/misinformed or immoral on almost all subjects lol.
lmao...CC quoted it again after editing his post:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

the only thing it says about whites is that "most" whites believe too much attention paid to race in the zimmerman case. NOTHING at all about not wanting to have a conversation about race

good lord you are a horrible troll.

That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

even if your interpretation of the poll is correct------so what?

WTF do you want to talk about?

list your agenda for the "conversation"

Its English not an "interpretation". Be honest
That's a period not a comma. It says "Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites"

even if your interpretation of the poll is correct------so what?

WTF do you want to talk about?

list your agenda for the "conversation"

Its English not an "interpretation". Be honest

As I said---------so what?

still waiting for your conversation agenda.
The whites are mainly Pub hater dupes, and they don't like ANY conversations outside their alternate universe because they don't like being reminded they're either brainwashed/misinformed or immoral on almost all subjects lol.

from the person who says the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and yikes...brainwashed from a alternate universe, franko is? you betcha:eusa_hand:

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