Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

could be, because we know people like you who thinks they KNOW everything will be doing the talking...

so why bother, when you speak all I hear is. blaaa blaaa blaaqa

I think people are sick to death of having this same conversation forced on them for how many YEARS NOW?

You go have it...leave the rest of us alone

How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.

The nerve of those people wanting to go to your schools and be treated like...like humans ugh
The problem is that people no longer have respect for those who deliberately stir up and fan the flames of racial animosity. They are tired of having a hand clamped over their mouth and being told that they're racists for not agreeing with everything set before them from these hustlers. I believe a new day is dawning in America. A day where the cretins who set out to stir up hate are seen for who they truly are, and are finally held accountable for their actions. For years these people who stir the pot have hacked and slashed at the healing scab of race relations. Why? It is because once the impediment known as racism is knocked down they will no longer have importance. These unscrupulous race-baiters want to continue living the lives they have, so they do what they feel they must in order to hold on to some sort of relevance.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let's hope this is true.

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The question should be asked to black people is, why do you support a racist gansta wannabe thug, that if he had gotton his way would've beaten zimmerman to death, then go to his racist fat ass girlfriends house to brag about it while smoking a blunt. Then ask them why aren't you concerned about black on black crime. Until then shut your pie hole.

Frame that debate...Forget that GZ had resisting arrest charges, a woman beater and attended AA for a reduced charge.

You forgot martin got suspended from school for fighting , stealing, and drugs. That's the reason he was at his dads. You forgot he was a gangsta wannabe, that's why the media showed a picture of him at twelve. You forget he was a racist his girlfriend didn't realize she was telling on him, cause she is a racist and a dumb ass. You forget that martin was high the night he commited suicide. Your mad because you and the media couldn't prove that zimmerman was a racist or guilty. Now people like you and the preident are trying to divide the country because of it. When black on black crime is a bigger problem.

I know whenever someone gets suspended from school the Principal tells them how they shoulda been a drunk who beats their girlfriend because that socially more acceptable :lol:
Acknowledge your inner-Bigot, and then make sure you don't hurt others with it. We all have a bit of Bigotry in us. To claim otherwise, would be living in complete denial. It would be living a lie. Just be good decent people.

This was well said.

None of us are saints, and there's no harm in admitting some modicum of bias towards your own kind (not that any sane person would believe an absence of bias anyway), but so long as one's bias does not become extreme, and so long as one's biasdeprive others of their life, liberty and happiness, nor ability to associate and interact in society-at-large as equals, this is simple honesty, rather than disingenuous political correctness.

Honesty should always be embraced and favored over artificial constructs such as those that some would subject us to if they could force their viewpoints upon us as dominant and operative.

Some modest degree of bias is nearly inevitable, and honest.

If it becomes a barrier to society or progress, or if it truly runs contrary to goodness and right and fairness, then, at least it's out in the open, and open to correction.

Ya can't fix sumfin' if you don't know it's broke.

The trick is, to know when something is broke, and when something is just being rehashed endlessly, to the sole benefit of one faction or side of the conversation.

At which point, the dialogue tends to sputter-out and die.

Big surprise.

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News One, For Black America

and quotes taken from the rant from your racist rag

"If you haven’t noticed, in light of the Zimmerman verdict and Obama’s remarks, crotchety old White men like Bill O’Reilly are doing their part to play to the fears of other old, paranoid, and racist White men while ironically bashing “race hustlers” living on the Black hand side of life."

"I appreciate MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. I thank him even more for refuting Bill O’Reilly’s incredibly racist rant by noting that maybe White culture is the larger problem at hand."

there is no conversation, only name calling and lecturing of white people

" If the aforementioned were not enough, we have the likes of Bill O’Reilly ( AKA “The Bigot”) making millions off of trashing Negroes. With all of this, the majority of white people still look at America as colorblind?"
here is the poll again that shows that people are talking solely about the zimmerman case, not race in general:


note the words before the questions: IN THIS CASE

cc will not address this and pretends that whites simply want to drop discussion about race. since cc is dishonest about this, he clearly doesn't want to discuss race, here merely wants to wail that white people are racist.

Why do you keep posting the picture when I keep posting the words? Do you believe that a pic is the same as words? Or do you not understand that an article says more than the picture? rlmao:lol: You're like a drowning man just a flailing away lol

i post it to show you LIED in your thread title and because you keep dishonestly misconstruing the actual poll question and answers. if you weren't dishonest, i wouldn't have to keep posting the truth. as to the "picture"...it is not just a picture retard, it is the actual poll, not YOUR take on it.

pretty simple really

and btw...you keep lying and dodging questions

more proof you're just race baiting and trolling
News One, For Black America

and quotes taken from the rant from your racist rag

"If you haven’t noticed, in light of the Zimmerman verdict and Obama’s remarks, crotchety old White men like Bill O’Reilly are doing their part to play to the fears of other old, paranoid, and racist White men while ironically bashing “race hustlers” living on the Black hand side of life."

"I appreciate MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. I thank him even more for refuting Bill O’Reilly’s incredibly racist rant by noting that maybe White culture is the larger problem at hand."

there is no conversation, only name calling and lecturing of white people

" If the aforementioned were not enough, we have the likes of Bill O’Reilly ( AKA “The Bigot”) making millions off of trashing Negroes. With all of this, the majority of white people still look at America as colorblind?"

they are just like CC...they don't want a discussion about race, they merely want to rant and rave that whitey is out to get them and that whitey is racist...and creepy ass cracka is not racist.

CC has shown his true colors about race in this thread. he made a racist comment about me and his blindness to any actual discussion proves he is the real racist.
It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

Any time a white person wants to talk about it they are told they are a racist or it isnt thier fucking business. Of course people don't want to talk about it when the second they do they are accused of all sorts of nasty things.

That's true. How often is the subject broached and whites are told they have no way to possibly understand blacks because they are not black?

Yes our own chief board black and racist JoeB131 advised me in another I have no idea with it is like being a black man in America. Well, HE has no idea what it is like being a displaced homemaker with no education and two small children depending on you. He is a stupid fuck who works in the basement of a warehouse and blames 'the man' for all his problems. Just like ClosetCaption. Unlike those two and all the baby mammas drawing welfare, I got off my ass and worked. All this bullshit around the Zimmerman trial has proven to me they don't want a part of the pie, they want to destroy the pie.
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The problem is that people no longer have respect for those people who deliberately stir up and fan the flames of racial animosity. They are tired of having a hand clamped over their mouthes, and being told that they're racists for not agreeing with everything set before them from these hustlers. I believe a new day is dawning in America. A day where the cretins who set out to stir up hate are seen for who they truly are, and are finally held accountable for their actions. For years these people who stir the pot have hacked and slashed at the healing scab of race relations. Why? It is because once the impediment known as racism is knocked down they will no longer have importance. These unscrupulous race-baiters want to continue living the lives they have, so they do what they feel they must in order to hold on to some sort of relevance.

They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let's hope this is true.

Can we use like a giant magnifying glass with that sun? Kind of like the spotlight of truth?
seriously, what in the world from the article makes you think that? further, do you support "children" murdering adults?

lol, this coming from a party that supports ABORTION...BABIE KILLERS because they didn't even get a chance to become a CHILD..

can you friggen believe they have the NERVE?

That would be the same party that would run a known pervert as a candidate...not to mention the voters registered to that party who would even momentarily consider voting for such a candidate.

I changed my voter registration. Could no longer in good conscience be affiliated with the (UN)democratic party.
here is the poll again that shows that people are talking solely about the zimmerman case, not race in general:


note the words before the questions: IN THIS CASE

cc will not address this and pretends that whites simply want to drop discussion about race. since cc is dishonest about this, he clearly doesn't want to discuss race, here merely wants to wail that white people are racist.

Why do you keep posting the picture when I keep posting the words? Do you believe that a pic is the same as words? Or do you not understand that an article says more than the picture? rlmao:lol: You're like a drowning man just a flailing away lol

i post it to show you LIED in your thread title and because you keep dishonestly misconstruing the actual poll question and answers. if you weren't dishonest, i wouldn't have to keep posting the truth. as to the "picture"...it is not just a picture retard, it is the actual poll, not YOUR take on it.

pretty simple really

and btw...you keep lying and dodging questions

more proof you're just race baiting and trolling

Lol...Dude...I post this quote from Pew:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

You respond back that I'm lying. It's on the page. I didn't type it. So where is the lie? Did Pew lie and I quoted them? Did I change the quote? What are you mad about? lol

Let me make it clear for you. This is not my take on it. It was written by the people at Pew. Sorry you don't like it or something
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what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.

1. I am opposed to all forms of AA
2. Jewish and hispanic are not races.
3. If quotas are good for colleges and hiring, why not for athletics?
4. see #3
5. they stir up racial unrest and animosity in order to make themselves rich. they are helping no one but themselves. MLK would spit on them.

Whoah Daddy~! Can't you just FEEL the luv and how much the black racists of this forum CARE what you are for or opposed to? NOT~!
You are wrong, every time we disagree with something during said debate we are racist, for example, I am against affirmative action.

For White women who are the #1 Beneficiaries of AA? Or Asians who are the 2nd? Or does AA only destroy the black community like a specific community smart bomb?

white women on average have higher IQs, but don't let that stop you from saying white women are the beneficiaries of AA

How projection is done right:

Poll says whites don't want to have convo on race

Yell at the guy who posts it

then Say he's the one who doesn't want to take about race

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