Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

Why do you keep posting the picture when I keep posting the words? Do you believe that a pic is the same as words? Or do you not understand that an article says more than the picture? rlmao:lol: You're like a drowning man just a flailing away lol

i post it to show you LIED in your thread title and because you keep dishonestly misconstruing the actual poll question and answers. if you weren't dishonest, i wouldn't have to keep posting the truth. as to the "picture"...it is not just a picture retard, it is the actual poll, not YOUR take on it.

pretty simple really

and btw...you keep lying and dodging questions

more proof you're just race baiting and trolling

Lol...Dude...I post this quote from Pew:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

You respond back that I'm lying. It's on the page. I didn't type it. So where is the lie? Did Pew lie and I quoted them? Did I change the quote? What are you mad about? lol

Let me make it clear for you. This is not my take on it. It was written by the people at Pew. Sorry you don't like it or something

here are your lies:

1. thread title: they would like to drop race conversation. nope...the poll merely says IN THIS CASE there is too much attention.

2. OP sentence: They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up". nope...in fact we are trying to talk about it and all you do is cry RACIST!!!!

face it, you tried to make this thread about race in general, when really, the poll ONLY says that too much attention is paid to race in the zimmerman trial.

nothing more, nothing less. just admit you lied and move on.
How projection is done right:

Poll says whites don't want to have convo on race

Yell at the guy who posts it

then Say he's the one who doesn't want to take about race


still with this lie? and you wonder why i keep posting the actual poll.

again, cite EXACTLY where the poll says that.

prediction: you won't.

Sunshine is on a role with her pics from the birth of the internet. Old people yanno...

Sunshine: "Have you seen that thing about Bird and them being angry?"
How projection is done right:

Poll says whites don't want to have convo on race

Yell at the guy who posts it

then Say he's the one who doesn't want to take about race

Naaah...we're just sick of hearing about TM. When are you going to get it through your head that we dont give a shit that the thug died?

Now if some white dude just gunned down a black choir boy coming out of church you might have something.
But that still doesnt address the fact that blacks are killing each other in huge numbers and you dont say shit.
The only dead blacks you care about were shot by whitey.

Kind of disingenuous dont ya think?
i post it to show you LIED in your thread title and because you keep dishonestly misconstruing the actual poll question and answers. if you weren't dishonest, i wouldn't have to keep posting the truth. as to the "picture"...it is not just a picture retard, it is the actual poll, not YOUR take on it.

pretty simple really

and btw...you keep lying and dodging questions

more proof you're just race baiting and trolling

Lol...Dude...I post this quote from Pew:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

You respond back that I'm lying. It's on the page. I didn't type it. So where is the lie? Did Pew lie and I quoted them? Did I change the quote? What are you mad about? lol

Let me make it clear for you. This is not my take on it. It was written by the people at Pew. Sorry you don't like it or something

here are your lies:

1. thread title: they would like to drop race conversation. nope...the poll merely says IN THIS CASE there is too much attention.

2. OP sentence: They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up". nope...in fact we are trying to talk about it and all you do is cry RACIST!!!!

face it, you tried to make this thread about race in general, when really, the poll ONLY says that too much attention is paid to race in the zimmerman trial.

nothing more, nothing less. just admit you lied and move on.

The poll also says that whites don't want to have the conversation in general. I put the quote there. Is the quote lying or just me when I copy and paste it? :lol:

That's my opinion...my opinion is correct just like yours or only you?

So that paragraph doesn't exist after you admitted it did? Which one and let me know when you decide
The tree cutters are back. Which one should I ask if they will cut the stuff that is blocking my view, the white, the Hispanic, or the black?
How projection is done right:

Poll says whites don't want to have convo on race

Yell at the guy who posts it

then Say he's the one who doesn't want to take about race

Well, I think you're right. But, you know we have had nearly 50 years of race preference college admissions, hiring, and voting rights. There's no doubt over representation of african american males in prison, but there's also not much to show the vast maj aren't guilty of what got them there.

There's a feeling of society needs to offer people a chance, and even a second chance, but if you are a third or fourth generation welfare recipent, don't blame me, and no, I don't think I owe them a danm cent.

As for Martin. I think neighborhood watch folks should not be allowed to intiate contact with anyone they suspect. They should call the cops, but never get within 100 feet of them, unless there's reason to suspect someone is in danger.
Lol...Dude...I post this quote from Pew:

You respond back that I'm lying. It's on the page. I didn't type it. So where is the lie? Did Pew lie and I quoted them? Did I change the quote? What are you mad about? lol

Let me make it clear for you. This is not my take on it. It was written by the people at Pew. Sorry you don't like it or something

here are your lies:

1. thread title: they would like to drop race conversation. nope...the poll merely says IN THIS CASE there is too much attention.

2. OP sentence: They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up". nope...in fact we are trying to talk about it and all you do is cry RACIST!!!!

face it, you tried to make this thread about race in general, when really, the poll ONLY says that too much attention is paid to race in the zimmerman trial.

nothing more, nothing less. just admit you lied and move on.

The poll also says that whites don't want to have the conversation in general. I put the quote there. Is the quote lying or just me when I copy and paste it? :lol:

That's my opinion...my opinion is correct just like yours or only you?

So that paragraph doesn't exist after you admitted it did? Which one and let me know when you decide

You have not read one post by a white person on this thread. If you had you would have read that it is not a conversation - it is a lecture. You don't care what we think, we have been lectured to for over half a century by blacks who were failures when it started and raised an entire generation of failures in spite of taking our jobs, our schools, and our neighborhoods. You are right. We don't want your 'conversation.' We are done. So fuck off.
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I'd like to see white people turn their backs on minorities when it comes to the race baiting bullshit. If the racists out there want to pick a fight with white who don't fall under manipulation through way of white guilt, well... we win!
I'd like to see white people turn their backs on minorities when it comes to the race baiting bullshit. If the racists out there want to pick a fight with white who don't fall under manipulation through way of white guilt, well... we win!

I was just thinking that we are done listening to their lecture. But if they want to fire off a few rounds they will get more than a few back. They think they are the only ones getting ready to fight.
Lol...Dude...I post this quote from Pew:

You respond back that I'm lying. It's on the page. I didn't type it. So where is the lie? Did Pew lie and I quoted them? Did I change the quote? What are you mad about? lol

Let me make it clear for you. This is not my take on it. It was written by the people at Pew. Sorry you don't like it or something

here are your lies:

1. thread title: they would like to drop race conversation. nope...the poll merely says IN THIS CASE there is too much attention.

2. OP sentence: They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up". nope...in fact we are trying to talk about it and all you do is cry RACIST!!!!

face it, you tried to make this thread about race in general, when really, the poll ONLY says that too much attention is paid to race in the zimmerman trial.

nothing more, nothing less. just admit you lied and move on.

The poll also says that whites don't want to have the conversation in general. I put the quote there. Is the quote lying or just me when I copy and paste it? :lol:

That's my opinion...my opinion is correct just like yours or only you?

So that paragraph doesn't exist after you admitted it did? Which one and let me know when you decide

first you say it is a quote....which is a flat out lie and then you worm away and claim it is an opinion.

lmao...you can't keep your lies straight.

i've asked you about a half a dozen times to cite the exact language in the poll that says whites don't want to have a convo on race and you NEVER have.

i notice you capitulated on your second lie. good job, there is hope for you yet.
How projection is done right:

Poll says whites don't want to have convo on race

Yell at the guy who posts it

then Say he's the one who doesn't want to take about race

Naaah...we're just sick of hearing about TM. When are you going to get it through your head that we dont give a shit that the thug died?

Now if some white dude just gunned down a black choir boy coming out of church you might have something.
But that still doesnt address the fact that blacks are killing each other in huge numbers and you dont say shit.
The only dead blacks you care about were shot by whitey.

Kind of disingenuous dont ya think?

here is the part of the "poll" CC claims whites don't want to talk about race:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

1. can anyone find that language above?

2. is this about race conversation or race in the zimmerman case?
here are your lies:

1. thread title: they would like to drop race conversation. nope...the poll merely says IN THIS CASE there is too much attention.

2. OP sentence: They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up". nope...in fact we are trying to talk about it and all you do is cry RACIST!!!!

face it, you tried to make this thread about race in general, when really, the poll ONLY says that too much attention is paid to race in the zimmerman trial.

nothing more, nothing less. just admit you lied and move on.

The poll also says that whites don't want to have the conversation in general. I put the quote there. Is the quote lying or just me when I copy and paste it? :lol:

That's my opinion...my opinion is correct just like yours or only you?

So that paragraph doesn't exist after you admitted it did? Which one and let me know when you decide

first you say it is a quote....which is a flat out lie and then you worm away and claim it is an opinion.

lmao...you can't keep your lies straight.

i've asked you about a half a dozen times to cite the exact language in the poll that says whites don't want to have a convo on race and you NEVER have.

i notice you capitulated on your second lie. good job, there is hope for you yet.

God...let me walk you through since you need it

1. is a quote
2. is my opinion

Here is the language (not the picture) of the language you asked for:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

Got it. Ok go!
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