Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

Scroll down buddy. It's this paragraph:

Thanks, keep your nose clean

lmao....that is another paragraph.

look at the poll...it clearly says IN THIS CASE

you're being wholly dishonest and you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. the poll merely asks about race at it related to the zimmerman case. is there a reason you can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion? are you channeling starkey?

Finally I broke through!!! I've only had to say scroll down, other paragraph 3 times. But I'm glad you finally found it buddy. Great job. Now you can stop saying I'm lying when you just weren't able to find it....

...but you wont, gr3at job anyway. I'm proud of you

really...you said "other" paragraph?

Sorry buddy but that's not the full paragraph. Scroll down a bit before looking silly

nope...you merely said i didn't quote the full paragraph

you lied again and you keep avoiding my questions because you know you're lying
Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?

No, my supposition just reinforces what you previously stated. They, obviously, need to have the courage to recognize the problem but they won't as long as their peers preach this entitlement bullshit to them from the cradle. Niggas please, you ain't entitled to shit. The world doesn't owe anyone anything.

So they don't have the courage to talk about it but they do talk about it BUT that doesn't mean its courageous anymore? Man you're a slick one but you cant say nothing slick to a can of oil bro :cool:

What is it Whitey owes you boy?
lmao....that is another paragraph.

look at the poll...it clearly says IN THIS CASE

you're being wholly dishonest and you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. the poll merely asks about race at it related to the zimmerman case. is there a reason you can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion? are you channeling starkey?

Finally I broke through!!! I've only had to say scroll down, other paragraph 3 times. But I'm glad you finally found it buddy. Great job. Now you can stop saying I'm lying when you just weren't able to find it....

...but you wont, gr3at job anyway. I'm proud of you

really...you said "other" paragraph?

Sorry buddy but that's not the full paragraph. Scroll down a bit before looking silly

nope...you merely said i didn't quote the full paragraph

you lied again and you keep avoiding my questions because you know you're lying

Oh god...lol....Proud of you anyway man. That's how you read
No, my supposition just reinforces what you previously stated. They, obviously, need to have the courage to recognize the problem but they won't as long as their peers preach this entitlement bullshit to them from the cradle. Niggas please, you ain't entitled to shit. The world doesn't owe anyone anything.

So they don't have the courage to talk about it but they do talk about it BUT that doesn't mean its courageous anymore? Man you're a slick one but you cant say nothing slick to a can of oil bro :cool:

What is it Whitey owes you boy?

Who is that?
for the record:

CC's source is "news one"...it says right beneath its titular title....

news for black america

if someone posted an article from a source that said - news for white america...rdean and CC would be crying racism. now can you see why it is basically futile to discuss race with most liberals?

and again NOTE: this post was only about the zimmerman case, not race in general.

That's not where the poll came from. I said if anyone was interested in the black communities take on it you can read an article there. Its ok buddy, I'm not forcing my blackness on you man. Calm down...Ill link to the pew poll again so you don't get scared: Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

1. you used it as your source. i already cited the pew poll and posted a pic of it which showed you LIED about your thread title.

2. if i posted a white news source you would lambaste it as racist. you're nothing but an intellectually dishonest racist who assumes i'm scared of black people because i'm white. you've proven you have zero desire to talk about race and are in fact the real racist here, looking down on me just for being white.

pound sand.
"They don't have the courage to admit it"


"Oops, I mean, admit it until I'm happy"

I'm not sure it's courage. I think they feel entitled. This sense of entitlement is handed down and reinforced by the MSM and politicians. They feel as if they can use the burden of their ancestors to justify their pathetic existence.

Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?

So how many black gang members and thugs have read the book?
Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?

No, my supposition just reinforces what you previously stated. They, obviously, need to have the courage to recognize the problem but they won't as long as their peers preach this entitlement bullshit to them from the cradle. Niggas please, you ain't entitled to shit. The world doesn't owe anyone anything.

So they don't have the courage to talk about it but they do talk about it BUT that doesn't mean its courageous anymore? Man you're a slick one but you cant say nothing slick to a can of oil bro :cool:

I'm not attempting to be slick. I'm stating how I feel.
Everyone has a little Bigotry in em. It's human nature. People just need to acknowledge that, and then make sure they don't harm other human beings with it. Pretending to be perfect and denying your inner-Bigotry, is just living a lie.
here is the poll again that shows that people are talking solely about the zimmerman case, not race in general:


note the words before the questions: IN THIS CASE

cc will not address this and pretends that whites simply want to drop discussion about race. since cc is dishonest about this, he clearly doesn't want to discuss race, here merely wants to wail that white people are racist.
I'm not sure it's courage. I think they feel entitled. This sense of entitlement is handed down and reinforced by the MSM and politicians. They feel as if they can use the burden of their ancestors to justify their pathetic existence.

Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?

So how many black gang members and thugs have read the book?

So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

could be, because we know people like you who thinks they KNOW everything will be doing the talking...

so why bother, when you speak all I hear is. blaaa blaaa blaaqa

I think people are sick to death of having this same conversation forced on them for how many YEARS NOW?

You go have it...leave the rest of us alone

How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.
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here is the poll again that shows that people are talking solely about the zimmerman case, not race in general:


note the words before the questions: IN THIS CASE

cc will not address this and pretends that whites simply want to drop discussion about race. since cc is dishonest about this, he clearly doesn't want to discuss race, here merely wants to wail that white people are racist.

Why do you keep posting the picture when I keep posting the words? Do you believe that a pic is the same as words? Or do you not understand that an article says more than the picture? rlmao:lol: You're like a drowning man just a flailing away lol
It has been nearly 150 years since Slavery was abolished in this country...

It has been nearly 60 years since the enactment of the Civil Rights Act and related statute...

America has endured nearly (60 years) one entire lifetime of preferential treatment and quotas and subsidies for its Black Minority to the great expense of its White Majority...

All of which were intended as an interim Equalizing and Compensating range of measures...

And things have gotten much, much better, with respect to both Opportunity for Blacks and with respect to Race Relations in this country...

But these measures are not perfect, just as Humanity is not perfect, and they have done and accomplished about as much as might be hoped from a loose gaggle of government programs...

And these measures have proven grotesquely expensive, in both treasure and lost opportunity-for and attention-to other folks, while all this Equalizing was going on...

However, given the Economy of the past decade or so, and the horrific deficits and nanny-statism-gone-mad that so many are rightfully objecting to nowadays...

The time has come to begin dismantling Quotas and other Equalizing Measures and Entitlements as obsolete and no longer desired nor sustainable by the nation at large...

Many (most?) White Folk in America do, indeed, object to continued Race Dialogue nowadays...

They need look no further than the history of these programs over the past 60 years to see where a renewed dialogue might take the nation at large, i.e., to a renewal and re-commitment to such measures, at a time of donor-taxpayer exhaustion...

It's been 150 years since Slavery was abolished, and 60 years of Entitlements and Quotas and Equalizing Measures since the Civil Rights Act was passed...

And the mood in White America today seems to be: "Enough already".

Time for all of our population blocs to begin carrying their own weight and to stop making excuses.

Rightly or wrongly, under such circumstances, the White Folk reaction to continued Race Dialogue is an entirely human and understandable reaction.

Donor-Taxpayer Exhaustion.

It's been 60 years, and people are phukking sick-and-tired of it, after such a long haul.

Enough already.


That's MY take on why White America doesn't want to deal with this shit any more... rightly or wrongly... for whatever it's worth.
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I don't understand what the conversation is supposed to be about.

Do you want to know what I think? It doesn't matter.

Are there specific topics?

Do you want my help on something? I doubt there is anything I could do. Why would I do it? I have enough problems helping myself and my family.

Do you want my job, my house, my possessions?

What is it that you want?

Yes. They want all that. And they want you dead.
The question should be asked to black people is, why do you support a racist gansta wannabe thug, that if he had gotton his way would've beaten zimmerman to death, then go to his racist fat ass girlfriends house to brag about it while smoking a blunt. Then ask them why aren't you concerned about black on black crime. Until then shut your pie hole.

Frame that debate...Forget that GZ had resisting arrest charges, a woman beater and attended AA for a reduced charge.

You forgot martin got suspended from school for fighting , stealing, and drugs. That's the reason he was at his dads. You forgot he was a gangsta wannabe, that's why the media showed a picture of him at twelve. You forget he was a racist his girlfriend didn't realize she was telling on him, cause she is a racist and a dumb ass. You forget that martin was high the night he commited suicide. Your mad because you and the media couldn't prove that zimmerman was a racist or guilty. Now people like you and the preident are trying to divide the country because of it. When black on black crime is a bigger problem.
Acknowledge your inner-Bigot, and then make sure you don't hurt others with it. We all have a bit of Bigotry in us. To claim otherwise, would be living in complete denial. It would be living a lie. Just be good decent people.
here is the poll again that shows that people are talking solely about the zimmerman case, not race in general:


note the words before the questions: IN THIS CASE

cc will not address this and pretends that whites simply want to drop discussion about race. since cc is dishonest about this, he clearly doesn't want to discuss race, here merely wants to wail that white people are racist.

Yeah....and he thinks he's being sly about it.
It kind of reminds me of the ridiculous shit obama tries to pass off as truth.

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