Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

You are wrong, every time we disagree with something during said debate we are racist, for example, I am against affirmative action.
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

When the conversation isnt really a conversation then what the fuck is the point?

It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

Any time a white person wants to talk about it they are told they are a racist or it isnt thier fucking business. Of course people don't want to talk about it when the second they do they are accused of all sorts of nasty things.
this is merely another dishonest thread by CC

read the article again and you will see the issue is not about race per se, rather, race in the zimmerman case and how they feel race is overblown in the zimmerman case, not race on a national level. and the article NEVER says they want to drop the issue, merely it is getting more attention, eg, overblown.

let's not forget that even trayvon's family or their attorney, i can't remember which, said race was not a factor.

this has ZERO to do with discussion about race and all to do with whining about the zimmerman verdict. read CC's posts and you will see he has no desire for a conversion, neither does rdean, rather, they just want to call anyone who doesn't agree with them about the zimmerman case....racists.

Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

You're right unless you read the article then not so much
Suddenly Republicans are ashamed they support child killers?

seriously, what in the world from the article makes you think that? further, do you support "children" murdering adults?

lol, this coming from a party that supports ABORTION...BABIE KILLERS because they didn't even get a chance to become a CHILD..

can you friggen believe they have the NERVE?
I've been hearing this conversation for almost 60 YEARS now...you don't think I'm friggen done with it...

nice of PEW to do a stupid fucking poll about it though to keep shoving things in the people's face...Oh it wasn't just people, it was WHITE PEOPLE..

And then we have a snot like the OP to bring it here to gloat about it or something

I knew you were an old bird ;-)

And if you stopped whining for one sec and actually read anything you would see that it included white black and Hispanic people. But don't let facts get in the way of a good cry :eusa_boohoo:

we know you have no respect for your elders...but that is the children of today. you spoke like that to my face sonny boy...don't forget I'm from the OLD SCHOOL..
you are dismissed, I have no time for snots

...or reading
The question should be asked to black people is, why do you support a racist gansta wannabe thug, that if he had gotton his way would've beaten zimmerman to death, then go to his racist fat ass girlfriends house to brag about it while smoking a blunt. Then ask them why aren't you concerned about black on black crime. Until then shut your pie hole.
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

You are wrong, every time we disagree with something during said debate we are racist, for example, I am against affirmative action.

For White women who are the #1 Beneficiaries of AA? Or Asians who are the 2nd? Or does AA only destroy the black community like a specific community smart bomb?
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place. Anyone who wants to do something they don't want to is dividing them from their comfortable place...those divisive dividers

When the conversation isnt really a conversation then what the fuck is the point?

It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?
The question should be asked to black people is, why do you support a racist gansta wannabe thug, that if he had gotton his way would've beaten zimmerman to death, then go to his racist fat ass girlfriends house to brag about it while smoking a blunt. Then ask them why aren't you concerned about black on black crime. Until then shut your pie hole.

Frame that debate...Forget that GZ had resisting arrest charges, a woman beater and attended AA for a reduced charge.
If these dysfunctional black thugs can't rectify their problems by having the courage to admit to their own mistakes then I say we put them on boats and and send them to Liberia. All civilized people may remain. They can take Obama too. He could use another African vacation.
There's no such thing as conversation. There is shut up and listen to yet another lecture. The lectures are now boring.

No the only "conversation" Bill O Reilly and a lot of others here want to have on race only involves ONE race. Blacks.
Then its a bunch of white people saying lets talk about race. Black people suck and they need to admit it.
Please ignore all other races. Don't mention the positive. Dictate what the convo will be and blacks are gonna like it:cuckoo:

Maybe it's about time blacks quit trying to re-invent their own counter-culture and accept the fact that being a decent human being is not submitting to "whitey". Aspiring to a job, committing to a family, supporting conservative...yes, I said conservative...values are not demeaning in any way. We witness repeatedly how the black community at large vilifies and demonizes successful, conservative blacks by labeling them with racist epithets like "Oreo" or "Uncle Tom". Instead, blacks are given gangsta-rap, race-baiters, and all manner of low-life scum and are told those should be celebrated as representing the black culture.
Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America
They want to drop it because it's pointless given the political correctness demanded.
So the real reason some whites feel like the conversation is divisive its really because most whites don't want to have the conversation in the first place....

Bullshit...whites don't want to have a "conversation" because you are better off talking to a shoe. It listens equally as well as the race baiters.
Trying to "have a conversation" with a group of people who refuse to acknowledge they have any responsibility for their own welfare- is pointless, stupid and a colossal waste of time.
When the conversation isnt really a conversation then what the fuck is the point?

It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.
this is merely another dishonest thread by CC

read the article again and you will see the issue is not about race per se, rather, race in the zimmerman case and how they feel race is overblown in the zimmerman case, not race on a national level. and the article NEVER says they want to drop the issue, merely it is getting more attention, eg, overblown.

let's not forget that even trayvon's family or their attorney, i can't remember which, said race was not a factor.

this has ZERO to do with discussion about race and all to do with whining about the zimmerman verdict. read CC's posts and you will see he has no desire for a conversion, neither does rdean, rather, they just want to call anyone who doesn't agree with them about the zimmerman case....racists.

Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites

You're right unless you read the article then not so much

you're either extremely retarded or dishonest, let's look at the full paragraph again:

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

race, in the case (zimmerman) is getting more attention than it deserves.

and please show me exactly where it says whites want to "drop race conversation". cite explicitly and don't disonestly cherry pick like above.

here is the actual poll that proves CC is a liar, look at the question, it clearly is about THIS CASE

There's no such thing as conversation. There is shut up and listen to yet another lecture. The lectures are now boring.

No the only "conversation" Bill O Reilly and a lot of others here want to have on race only involves ONE race. Blacks.
Then its a bunch of white people saying lets talk about race. Black people suck and they need to admit it.
Please ignore all other races. Don't mention the positive. Dictate what the convo will be and blacks are gonna like it:cuckoo:

Fortunately there are a lot of black people saying it too. Black people must clean up their act before they will be dealt with any kind of serious consideration.

I heard it from of all people LL Cool J, on Leno. He said that black people cannot break into the homes of others, smash up their furniture and say "you owe me". It doesn't work that way.

Here listen to him yourself.
ll cool j leno - Bing Videos
It was very refreshing.
When the conversation isnt really a conversation then what the fuck is the point?

It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

Any time a white person wants to talk about it they are told they are a racist or it isnt thier fucking business. Of course people don't want to talk about it when the second they do they are accused of all sorts of nasty things.

That's true. How often is the subject broached and whites are told they have no way to possibly understand blacks because they are not black?
Suddenly Republicans are ashamed they support child killers?

seriously, what in the world from the article makes you think that? further, do you support "children" murdering adults?

lol, this coming from a party that supports ABORTION...BABIE KILLERS because they didn't even get a chance to become a CHILD..

can you friggen believe they have the NERVE?

That would be the same party that would run a known pervert as a candidate...not to mention the voters registered to that party who would even momentarily consider voting for such a candidate.
If these dysfunctional black thugs can't rectify their problems by having the courage to admit to their own mistakes then I say we put them on boats and and send them to Liberia. All civilized people may remain. They can take Obama too. He could use another African vacation.

"They don't have the courage to admit it"


"Oops, I mean, admit it until I'm happy"

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