Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

Maybe if you wanted to actually have a conversation and talk about solutions rather than just scream "all you whites are racists", which happens to be the basic premise of your OP.

On this site, there is no discussion of solutions to the issues of race. All we read is name-calling back and forth and I am not blaming it all on black people. It is the same in the real world. Few want to bring the human race closer together, most want to drive a wedge between the "races" including the political parties.

I'd love for there to be an honest discussion that was bent on repairing the divide, but I would expect it to begin and end as a blame game with nothing at all coming out of it.

Let me be honest; Whites want to ignore race. Blacks make most everything a racial ONLY issue . Let's be fair here, Race DOES matter. Blacks use it as a bloody shirt, and Whites are in denial or have a guilt complex a mile long. Can we get past THAT as human beings? Black crime or white racism aside? No?
No one is "whining" about Emmitt Till. He was brought up in reference to historical context as to what has transpired over 60 years. Read the post that was responded to as opposed to "cherry picking".

Furthermore, the majority of all violent crime is intra-racial

yes, over 60 years ago. yet you, or those like you, mention it like it was yesterday and without any current context and ad nauseum

You mentioned Saint Martyr Till and I countered with more current info

intra-racial crime be damned. Black people are always whining about being oppressed. WTF can be more oppressive than murder and rape.

Hopefully someo black male won't wander onto my property by mistake or otherwise. black males deserve the poor reputation they have. :Boom2:

How did I mention Emmit Till "like it was yesterday"? The poster that I responded to made a comment that suggested "60 years " as the benchmark for social change. 60 years ago the year was 1953.

Find a way to get that through your head, if it is possible.

I mentioned Emmitt Till along with other historical facts because his incident occurred 58 years ago, 2 years shy of 60 years. Which is what I stated.

So you did not "counter" anything, all you did was make an off topic statement, and tried to redirect and misrepresent what i stated.

As far as your "property" goes, that's your business..sit on your lawn in the fetal position cradling your weaponry if it makes you happy. I could care less.

But be careful, if you shoot like you think, you may shoot yourself instead of that ubiquitous black bogeyman that has you so paranoid,
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Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

Take a critical thinking class and probably a course in ethics. This post is absurd.
i post it to show you LIED in your thread title and because you keep dishonestly misconstruing the actual poll question and answers. if you weren't dishonest, i wouldn't have to keep posting the truth. as to the "picture"...it is not just a picture retard, it is the actual poll, not YOUR take on it.

pretty simple really

and btw...you keep lying and dodging questions

more proof you're just race baiting and trolling

Lol...Dude...I post this quote from Pew:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites
You respond back that I'm lying. It's on the page. I didn't type it. So where is the lie? Did Pew lie and I quoted them? Did I change the quote? What are you mad about? lol

Let me make it clear for you. This is not my take on it. It was written by the people at Pew. Sorry you don't like it or something

here are your lies:

1. thread title: they would like to drop race conversation. nope...the poll merely says IN THIS CASE there is too much attention.

2. OP sentence: They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up". nope...in fact we are trying to talk about it and all you do is cry RACIST!!!!

face it, you tried to make this thread about race in general, when really, the poll ONLY says that too much attention is paid to race in the zimmerman trial.

nothing more, nothing less. just admit you lied and move on.

The problem seems to be caused by the way the question is framed:

Q5: Overall, do you think that this case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed or do you think the issue of race is getting more attention in this case than it deserves?

The question conflates two issues.

  • does this case raise important issues on race that need to be discussed?


  • too much attention on race in this case?

should have been two separate questions.

There is no doubt that framing the question in a less-accusatory manner (Whites don't want to...) might have yielded a different tone to the conversation, but, in retrospect, it reveals preconceived outcomes and goals and agenda on the part of some of our colleagues and an inflammatory and accusatory nature which must also be addressed as part and parcel of any comprehensive discussion about Race in this country. Such things needed to be brought out in the sunlight anyway, so, it may have been more a matter of timing than anything else. I will happily concede that such an accusatory initial tone or range of implications can serve as a barrier to interactive dialogue on the subject but I also believe that full justice cannot be done to the subject matter without dragging such into the light of day, in order to deal with it. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

Take a critical thinking class and probably a course in ethics. This post is absurd.

Whew! *Throws cap into the air* All finished....

...now whats your point?
yes, over 60 years ago. yet you, or those like you, mention it like it was yesterday and without any current context and ad nauseum

You mentioned Saint Martyr Till and I countered with more current info

intra-racial crime be damned. Black people are always whining about being oppressed. WTF can be more oppressive than murder and rape.

Hopefully someo black male won't wander onto my property by mistake or otherwise. black males deserve the poor reputation they have. :Boom2:

How did I mention Emmit Till "like it was yesterday"? The poster that I responded to made a comment that suggested "60 years " as the benchmark for social change. 60 years ago the year was 1953.

Find a way to get that through your head, if it is possible.

I mentioned Emmitt Till along with other historical facts because his incident occurred 58 years ago, 2 years shy of 60 years. Which is what I stated.

So you did not "counter" anything, all you did was make an off topic statement, and tried to redirect and misrepresent what i stated.

As far as your "property" goes, that's your business..sit on your lawn in the fetal position cradling your weaponry if it makes you happy. I could care less.

But be careful, if you shoot like you think, you may shoot yourself instead of that ubiquitous black bogeyman that has you so paranoid,

I think just well enough , just not like you.

insults noted
Racism is a learned behavior. Human Beings are born good for the most part. Hate & Bigotry have to be taught. And clearly, many Parents in this country are teaching their children to hate. And that goes for all races. Teach your children to be good decent human beings. If enough Parents do that, hate & bigotry will fade away.
Daniel Defoe deals with this issue as far back as the early seventeenth century in the classic, Robinson Crusoe, in which he isolates a shipwrecked White man and a Black man, "Friday," an indigenous and initially presumed inferior native, on an island. From this circumstance he fashions a situation which naturally evolves into a close and affectionate friendship over time. The tale ultimately but indirectly reveals that the divisive issue of racial disparity arises mainly from the effect of and conditions imparted by social pressures and the influence of diverse opinions.

The present social atmosphere of the U.S. is such that it is possible for one to harbor a sincere and affectionate friendship for an individual member of a different race but to hold that person's racial category in hostile contempt.
All people should want to drop the race conversation. It only leads to anger and violence. It gives too big a platform for racists to incite. In my experience, people who repeatedly accuse others of being racist, are usually either misguided white Liberals or racists themselves. Most people know it's not an issue. It's only an issue for those who benefit from making it a issue. Americans need to move on. Everyone has an inner-Bigot. Acknowledging that is acknowledging your humanity. The trick is, never allow your inner-Bigot to harm other human beings. We can all get along. We just have to move past this Race stuff.
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