Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

Should black children being bad within the class room be written up?
Should blacks that just assaulted or robbed someone be arrested?
Should blacks be treated the same when it comes to hiring or college?

I think they should. They say at the congressional hearing that somehow they're mistreated? How??? How is it mistreated to be treated in the same way as everyone else. Unless you have a super high crime rate and you don't like being treated badly for it.
When the conversation isnt really a conversation then what the fuck is the point?

It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.
here are mine:

1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
No it does not. White females, have been the beneficiries of AA moreso than any other racial group. Prove that fact to be wrong. Besides that, AA has evolved to encompass military veterans as well as the handicapped.
Prove that wrong.

2. why do we have BET and not WET?
Why do we have Telemundo or TV Asia? 78% of programming on major networks is over 90% white. Turn on TVland and look for how many minorities you see on that network. Thats only one example.
Prove that wrong.

3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
The NBA's franchise ownership and front office management is over 90% white. They make the rules and the hiring decisions. The question should be, in a sport whose players are over 80% black, where are the blacks in leadership and ownership?
Prove that wrong.

4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
See the answer to #3.

5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

Sharpton and Jackson stay in business because when they speak, the larger percentage of their respondents are white. They are the "black bogeymen" who get a reaction. If they were ignored by the white collective and the media, they would disappear off of the radar.

Farrakhan on the other hand runs an organization that has done more to rehabilitate black people in need than any goverment effort in history.
Case in point, Farrakhan has been quiet in the Zimmerman issue compared to Jackson and Sharpton. Why? More important matters to attend to.
It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.
here are mine:

1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
No it does not. White females, have been the beneficiries of AA moreso than any other racial group. Prove that fact to be wrong. Besides that, AA has evolved to encompass military veterans as well as the handicapped.
Prove that wrong.

2. why do we have BET and not WET?
Why do we have Telemundo or TV Asia? 78% of programming on major networks is over 90% white. Turn on TVland and look for how many minorities you see on that network. Thats only one example.
Prove that wrong.

3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
The NBA's franchise ownership and front office management is over 90% white. They make the rules and the hiring decisions. The question should be, in a sport whose players are over 80% black, where are the blacks in leadership and ownership?
Prove that wrong.

4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
See the answer to #3.

5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

Sharpton and Jackson stay in business because when they speak, the larger percentage of their respondents are white. They are the "black bogeymen" who get a reaction. If they were ignored by the white collective and the media, they would disappear off of the radar.

Farrakhan on the other hand runs an organization that has done more to rehabilitate black people in need than any goverment effort in history.
Case in point, Farrakhan has been quiet in the Zimmerman issue compared to Jackson and Sharpton. Why? More important matters to attend to.

More important matters to attend to? Oh, you mean spreading anti semitism?
what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.
here are mine:

1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
No it does not. White females, have been the beneficiries of AA moreso than any other racial group. Prove that fact to be wrong. Besides that, AA has evolved to encompass military veterans as well as the handicapped.
Prove that wrong.

2. why do we have BET and not WET?
Why do we have Telemundo or TV Asia? 78% of programming on major networks is over 90% white. Turn on TVland and look for how many minorities you see on that network. Thats only one example.
Prove that wrong.

3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
The NBA's franchise ownership and front office management is over 90% white. They make the rules and the hiring decisions. The question should be, in a sport whose players are over 80% black, where are the blacks in leadership and ownership?
Prove that wrong.

4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
See the answer to #3.

5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

Sharpton and Jackson stay in business because when they speak, the larger percentage of their respondents are white. They are the "black bogeymen" who get a reaction. If they were ignored by the white collective and the media, they would disappear off of the radar.

Farrakhan on the other hand runs an organization that has done more to rehabilitate black people in need than any goverment effort in history.
Case in point, Farrakhan has been quiet in the Zimmerman issue compared to Jackson and Sharpton. Why? More important matters to attend to.

More important matters to attend to? Oh, you mean spreading anti semitism?

Farrakhan, Nation of Islam, step in to help stop shootings | Black Star Journal
Racism is a learned behavior. Human Beings are born good for the most part. Hate & Bigotry have to be taught. And clearly, many Parents in this country are teaching their children to hate. And that goes for all races. Teach your children to be good decent human beings. If enough Parents do that, hate & bigotry will fade away.
"...Yeah, well after 50 years of the meme and..."

I am not disputing your choice of language nor am I disputing your justification.

I merely and correctly observed a 'latent hostility' there.

That much is unmistakable and incontestable.

And now that you've highlighted it, I regret having done it, but it's too late for me to back out, now.

At least give me credit for remarking at the time upon its refreshing honesty, eh?

I merely held that out as a symptom of Donor and Taxpayer Exhaustion, to reinforce my point (exhaustion) in an earlier post.

We are pretty much on the same page with regard to Preferential Treatment at this late date so I, for one, am not going to be overly concerned over a minor difference of opinion as to (a) what constitutes 'latent hostility' or (b) circumstances under which it may actually prove understandable or justifiable, as seems to be case here...


Give it 50 years.
u fuckin race baiters have depleted the meaning of the word racism.
u all are the ones bringing up color.
u stupid fuckers were calling Z white.. ummmm he is as white as our "potus"
Do you mean White in the socio/political sense or in the racial sense?

I understand Zimmerman's lineage is Hispanic, which could be either caucasian, negro, or mulatto. I am caucasian. I see Zimmerman as caucasian. He manifests absolutely no negro characteristics I can identify.

His Peruvian heritage is indigenous South American. (Same as 'native American)
Racism is a learned behavior. Human Beings are born good for the most part. Hate & Bigotry have to be taught. And clearly, many Parents in this country are teaching their children to hate. And that goes for all races. Teach your children to be good decent human beings. If enough Parents do that, hate & bigotry will fade away.

Thats not necessarily true.
Racism is taught no doubt,but I believe life is the teacher as well.
"...You have not read one post by a white person on this thread. If you had you would have read that it is not a conversation - it is a lecture. You don't care what we think, we have been lectured to for over half a century by blacks who were failures when it started and raised an entire generation of failures in spite of taking our jobs, our schools, and our neighborhoods. You are right. We don't want your 'conversation.' We are done. So fuck off."

The language is a bit harsh on this one but it's noteworthy - and thanks-worthy and rep-worthy...

Not for the latent hostility, 'cause that's just a symptom...

But for its honesty and frankness...

And for its value as yet another example of White Frustration with this whole 60-year-long period of Quotas and Subsidies and Entitlements - as Equalizer or not...

And for its value in demonstrating Donor-Taxpayer Exhaustion...

It's real enough... and it's grown to epidemic proportions... White America has grown weary of it.

Enough already.

No malice or hate involved, just resentment and bone-weariness and frustration and angst, and a growing determination to finally put a long-overdue end to it.

Enough already.

Latent hostility. Give me a break. Almost every thread on this forum has been about race for months. If they start out about something else, the faction here turns it into one about race.

You ARE right, though. Before I retired my taxes were enough to support a family of 6 under the federal poverty guidelines. I said for a while a family of 4, then I looked it up. And I am a widow, single mother who raised my own children, put them through college, and never got one dime of affirmative action. The only affirmative action I got was my own knowledge that I could succeed and my belief in my own abilities. IMO, King, Jackson, Sharpton, Obama and the rest of the black panthers would starve to death if all the working white people left this country. In just a bit, I'm going to add to this post. My life has been threatened 3 times by one of our esteemed (hohoho) black posters. You can follow the link to the remaining one.

Here you go. Here is the 'dialogue' the black posters want to have. And yes, we are tired of it.

Sunshine said:
Poet wishes me a speedy death. The pump referenced below would be a medication pump without which I would die!
Bitch, you may get a curare tea, but no olive branch for you.

It can't be my siggy because of he who shall not be named.

That's the "example" that you choose to listen too because you're already a hammer and everything looks like a nail. Kondor sees how hostile you are but of course your hostility isn't your fault. Its the blacks that are responsible for the way YOU act. :eusa_boohoo:

You already stated that you've been dealing with this for 60 years. Then followed that up with saying "blacks want to go to OUR schools! Live in OUR communities!". Then pretend that you are a level headed person once someone calls you on your anger.

You're just angry at black people for wanting to be treated equally and attend YOUR schools. Sorry, it happened and being angry at realty isn't helping anything except soak your depends mama
Racism is a learned behavior. Human Beings are born good for the most part. Hate & Bigotry have to be taught. And clearly, many Parents in this country are teaching their children to hate. And that goes for all races. Teach your children to be good decent human beings. If enough Parents do that, hate & bigotry will fade away.
I would argue that racism is instinctive for self-preservation. People are naturally more at ease with what they are and what they know.
How long? Over half a century. I'm with you. I'm done too. When the started speaking ebonics and coined the vile rap and hip hop that they think passes for music, I knew they didn't want a piece of the pie. They just want to destroy the pie, and will not stop until that happens.

They wanted to go to school with us. So they go to school with us. They wanted to live with us. So they live with us. They wanted our jobs. So they got our jobs. They wanted our opportunities. So they got our opportunities. Now, they just want us to all be gone. One day they will get that too. No one in their right mind would stay in this country and put up with their shit.

Dam those black people

When you're old and senile things that aren't true you start to believe them for yourself. Fortunatly they younger generations have more sense.
1. I am opposed to all forms of AA
2. Jewish and hispanic are not races.
3. If quotas are good for colleges and hiring, why not for athletics?
4. see #3
5. they stir up racial unrest and animosity in order to make themselves rich. they are helping no one but themselves. MLK would spit on them.

1. So NOW it doesn't discriminate against whites. Which is what you said, you are just against it for a new new reason lol
2. So NOW you are only against "races" that have their own entertainment not groups. Because one is bad the other segregation is just peachy
3. Start a team let me know
4. See #3
5. No they don't. MLK wasn't liked and neither was any black person that spoke on black issues throughout Americas history. But its EVERYONE else...not you :lol:

1. AA discriminates against the majority, except in the case of women.
2. a racial entertainment network is by its very existence a form of racism. I thought you were opposed to racism
3. athletes win or lose because of ability, race is never a part of it, as it should be. That should apply to every aspect of life.
4. :cuckoo:

5. MLK did not want special treatment, just equality.

Yes, there were racial abuses in the past. We cannot change history. Why must you continually dwell on the past-----------what specifically do you want? Reparations for slavery? Free stuff?

List the things that you want from this "conversation on race"

They don't want equality. They have never wanted equality. If they got equality they would have to work, and they would have to be qualified for the jobs before they could get one.
Reporter: "Do you feel it's fair to request a multi-billion dollar program of preferential treatment for the Negro, or any other minority?"

Dr. King: "I do indeed...Within common law, we have ample precedents for special compensatory programs. ... America adopted a policy of special treatment for her millions of veterans...They could negotiate loans from banks to launch businesses. They could receive special points to place them ahead in competition for civil service jobs...There was no appreciable resentment of the preferential treatment being given to the special group." -- (Interview,1965, p.367)

King wanted special treatment for blacks. Since he died there has been an effort to white wash his positions.
No one alive today is a slave. No one alive today has ever held a slave. The discussion is over. Stop playing the victim.

Different rules for Jews and Indians. That's ok

You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...
No one alive today is a slave. No one alive today has ever held a slave. The discussion is over. Stop playing the victim.

Different rules for Jews and Indians. That's ok

You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?
Different rules for Jews and Indians. That's ok

You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?


The Jews went out and conquered their old ancestral-spiritual homeland.

When you do the same, you'll be accorded a similar treatment.

The State of Israel is a foreign country, on the other side of the world, not a domestic matter, and the establishment of the State of Israel had very little to do with American Taxpayer money.

Sixty years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already'.

You've had your turn.

Time to move off center stage.

Want to go to school?

You should have neither more nor fewer taxpayer-funded resources and preference than anyone else.

You've had your leg-up.

Equality... not perpetual subsidy and preference.

Now... stand, or fall, on your own.

Enough, already.
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You've had your turn... it lasted for 150 years... or 60... depending on your perspective.

But it's the Jews' and Indians' turn now.

You can't hog the nation's attention all to yourselves forever.

Please move over and give somebody else a turn now, yes?

Gotta make-nice and share...

The Jews turn? An entire land set aside for them isn't "special treatment" but blacks wanting to go to school is "enough already"?


The Jews went out and conquered their old ancestral-spiritual homeland.

When you do the same, you'll be accorded a similar treatment.

The State of Israel is a foreign country, on the other side of the world, not a domestic matter, and the establishment of the State of Israel had very little to do with American Taxpayer money.

Sixty years of preferential treatment and subsidies for you on the backs of everyone else is, indeed, 'enough already'.

You've had your turn.

Time to move off center stage.

Want to go to school?

You should have no more nor no fewer taxpayer-funded resources and preference than anyone else.

You've had your leg-up.

Now... stand, or fall, on your own.

Please...lying doesn't help anything here.

Why are you against "special treatment" for only one group...the blacks? You cry and cry about schools, and justice and blah blah but another group gets all the land they can stand and funding from us. Completely segregated and you're pretending that that's a problem....but only when blacks do it,.

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