Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation

It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.

1. I am opposed to all forms of AA
2. Jewish and hispanic are not races.
3. If quotas are good for colleges and hiring, why not for athletics?
4. see #3
5. they stir up racial unrest and animosity in order to make themselves rich. they are helping no one but themselves. MLK would spit on them.
this is merely another dishonest thread by CC

read the article again and you will see the issue is not about race per se, rather, race in the zimmerman case and how they feel race is overblown in the zimmerman case, not race on a national level. and the article NEVER says they want to drop the issue, merely it is getting more attention, eg, overblown.

let's not forget that even trayvon's family or their attorney, i can't remember which, said race was not a factor.

this has ZERO to do with discussion about race and all to do with whining about the zimmerman verdict. read CC's posts and you will see he has no desire for a conversion, neither does rdean, rather, they just want to call anyone who doesn't agree with them about the zimmerman case....racists.

You're right unless you read the article then not so much

you're either extremely retarded or dishonest, let's look at the full paragraph again:

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

race, in the case (zimmerman) is getting more attention than it deserves.

and please show me exactly where it says whites want to "drop race conversation". cite explicitly and don't disonestly cherry pick like above.

here is the actual poll that proves CC is a liar, look at the question, it clearly is about THIS CASE


Sorry buddy but that's not the full paragraph. Scroll down a bit before looking silly
what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.

1. I am opposed to all forms of AA
2. Jewish and hispanic are not races.
3. If quotas are good for colleges and hiring, why not for athletics?
4. see #3
5. they stir up racial unrest and animosity in order to make themselves rich. they are helping no one but themselves. MLK would spit on them.

1. So NOW it doesn't discriminate against whites. Which is what you said, you are just against it for a new new reason lol
2. So NOW you are only against "races" that have their own entertainment not groups. Because one is bad the other segregation is just peachy
3. Start a team let me know
4. See #3
5. No they don't. MLK wasn't liked and neither was any black person that spoke on black issues throughout Americas history. But its EVERYONE else...not you :lol:
If these dysfunctional black thugs can't rectify their problems by having the courage to admit to their own mistakes then I say we put them on boats and and send them to Liberia. All civilized people may remain. They can take Obama too. He could use another African vacation.

"They don't have the courage to admit it"


"Oops, I mean, admit it until I'm happy"

I'm not sure it's courage. I think they feel entitled. This sense of entitlement is handed down and reinforced by the MSM and politicians. They feel as if they can use the burden of their ancestors to justify their pathetic existence.
Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Now I get why they complain when blacks mention black culture, lifestyle, music, crayons, shoes, and blackwater. They don't want to talk about it in the first place so any mention of it is seen by whites as "constantly bringing it up"

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

Why do only 28% of white people think this is important? Uh, it's Obamas fault :doubt:

If any Eagles out there (White people) would like to read and learn a little bit about their neighbors, the Falcons (black people). Heres a link: Pew Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation | Breaking News for Black America

Speaking just for me, I don't give a fuck what you people think.

You continuosuly whine that EVERYTHING is racial.

Grow the fuck up and act like an adult.

As far as ole GZ, not guilty, deal with it.
You're right unless you read the article then not so much

you're either extremely retarded or dishonest, let's look at the full paragraph again:

African Americans express a clear and strong reaction to the case and its meaning: By an 86% to 5% margin, blacks are dissatisfied with Zimmerman’s acquittal in the death of Trayvon Martin. And nearly eight-in-ten blacks (78%) s7-22-2013 2ay the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Among whites, more are satisfied (49%) than dissatisfied (30%) with the outcome of the Zimmerman trial. Just 28% of whites say the case raises important issues about race, while twice as many (60%) say the issue of race is getting more attention than it deserves.

race, in the case (zimmerman) is getting more attention than it deserves.

and please show me exactly where it says whites want to "drop race conversation". cite explicitly and don't disonestly cherry pick like above.

here is the actual poll that proves CC is a liar, look at the question, it clearly is about THIS CASE


Sorry buddy but that's not the full paragraph. Scroll down a bit before looking silly

that is the full paragraph liar.

now...what is the question regarding race...what does it mention right before the question?

does it say "in this case"? yes or no. and i notice you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. now i know you're just a liar.
If these dysfunctional black thugs can't rectify their problems by having the courage to admit to their own mistakes then I say we put them on boats and and send them to Liberia. All civilized people may remain. They can take Obama too. He could use another African vacation.

"They don't have the courage to admit it"


"Oops, I mean, admit it until I'm happy"

I'm not sure it's courage. I think they feel entitled. This sense of entitlement is handed down and reinforced by the MSM and politicians. They feel as if they can use the burden of their ancestors to justify their pathetic existence.

Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?
CC and Rdean, two hateful, know it all peas for other people in pod

such sad lives
you're either extremely retarded or dishonest, let's look at the full paragraph again:

race, in the case (zimmerman) is getting more attention than it deserves.

and please show me exactly where it says whites want to "drop race conversation". cite explicitly and don't disonestly cherry pick like above.

here is the actual poll that proves CC is a liar, look at the question, it clearly is about THIS CASE


Sorry buddy but that's not the full paragraph. Scroll down a bit before looking silly

that is the full paragraph liar.

now...what is the question regarding race...what does it mention right before the question?

does it say "in this case"? yes or no. and i notice you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. now i know you're just a liar.

Scroll down buddy. It's this paragraph:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites.

Thanks, keep your nose clean
Remove the Dumb 'White Guilt' Liberals, all Bigots, and corrupt Dumbed-Down MSM from the Race Conversation, and then we can have a legitimate common sense race conversation.
for the record:

CC's source is "news one"...it says right beneath its titular title....

news for black america

if someone posted an article from a source that said - news for white america...rdean and CC would be crying racism. now can you see why it is basically futile to discuss race with most liberals?

and again NOTE: this post was only about the zimmerman case, not race in general.
Sorry buddy but that's not the full paragraph. Scroll down a bit before looking silly

that is the full paragraph liar.

now...what is the question regarding race...what does it mention right before the question?

does it say "in this case"? yes or no. and i notice you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. now i know you're just a liar.

Scroll down buddy. It's this paragraph:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites.

Thanks, keep your nose clean

lmao....that is another paragraph.


look at the poll...it clearly says IN THIS CASE

you're being wholly dishonest and you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. the poll merely asks about race at it related to the zimmerman case. is there a reason you can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion? are you channeling starkey?
for the record:

CC's source is "news one"...it says right beneath its titular title....

news for black america

if someone posted an article from a source that said - news for white america...rdean and CC would be crying racism. now can you see why it is basically futile to discuss race with most liberals?

and again NOTE: this post was only about the zimmerman case, not race in general.

That's not where the poll came from. I said if anyone was interested in the black communities take on it you can read an article there. Its ok buddy, I'm not forcing my blackness on you man. Calm down...Ill link to the pew poll again so you don't get scared: Big Racial Divide over Zimmerman Verdict | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
"They don't have the courage to admit it"


"Oops, I mean, admit it until I'm happy"

I'm not sure it's courage. I think they feel entitled. This sense of entitlement is handed down and reinforced by the MSM and politicians. They feel as if they can use the burden of their ancestors to justify their pathetic existence.

Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?

No, my supposition just reinforces what you previously stated. They, obviously, need to have the courage to recognize the problem but they won't as long as their peers preach this entitlement bullshit to them from the cradle. Niggas please, you ain't entitled to shit. The world doesn't owe anyone anything.
It isn't a conversation because convos involve two people. White people don't want to talk about it and that's Obamas fault...or Sharptons fault...or...anyone fault except white people. There..that covers it

what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.

If you think al sharpton and his ilk "help" black people?
The conversation is over before it gets started.
that is the full paragraph liar.

now...what is the question regarding race...what does it mention right before the question?

does it say "in this case"? yes or no. and i notice you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. now i know you're just a liar.

Scroll down buddy. It's this paragraph:

Most Whites Say Too Much Attention on Race

About half (52%) of Americans say the issue of race is getting too much attention in this case, while 36% say the case raises important issues about race that need to be discussed. Roughly three-quarters (78%) of blacks say a discussion of race is important, compared with 47% 7-22-2013 6of Hispanics and just 28% of whites.

Thanks, keep your nose clean

lmao....that is another paragraph.

look at the poll...it clearly says IN THIS CASE

you're being wholly dishonest and you still can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion. the poll merely asks about race at it related to the zimmerman case. is there a reason you can't cite where it says they want to drop the discussion? are you channeling starkey?

Finally I broke through!!! I've only had to say scroll down, other paragraph 3 times. But I'm glad you finally found it buddy. Great job. Now you can stop saying I'm lying when you just weren't able to find it....

...but you wont, gr3at job anyway. I'm proud of you
I'm not sure it's courage. I think they feel entitled. This sense of entitlement is handed down and reinforced by the MSM and politicians. They feel as if they can use the burden of their ancestors to justify their pathetic existence.

Wait, so are you done with the whole "blacks need to recognize and have courage to admit there is a problem" meme after I posted a book from Jesse Jackson from 30-40 years ago showing "courage" and "recognizing the problem"?

No, my supposition just reinforces what you previously stated. They, obviously, need to have the courage to recognize the problem but they won't as long as their peers preach this entitlement bullshit to them from the cradle. Niggas please, you ain't entitled to shit. The world doesn't owe anyone anything.

So they don't have the courage to talk about it but they do talk about it BUT that doesn't mean its courageous anymore? Man you're a slick one but you cant say nothing slick to a can of oil bro :cool:
what exactly do you want to talk about? give me 5 or 6 specific items that you want to converse about.

here are mine:
1. affirmative action discriminates against white people
2. why do we have BET and not WET?
3. why don't we have quotas in the NBA so the league matches the country?
4. same for the NFL, NHL, and USTA
5. what do Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan etc contribute to the dialog?

1. Why don't you know that white women are the #1 beneficiaries of AA and Asians are number 2? Why don't you ever ever ever mention that and pretend blacks only are getting AA?
2. Don't be stupid, there are jewish channels, Spanish channels, etc etc. Again, only the blacks you have a problem with. No racism there.
3. Start a team then make your own rules
4. See #3
5. They help blacks.

This is the convo folks! Why doesn't the NBA hire more white guys is one of the burdens of the white man.

If you think al sharpton and his ilk "help" black people?
The conversation is over before it gets started.

yeah, they're black so it doesn't matter..
look at all the scandals Sharpton has been involved in..

Tywana Brawley anyone?

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