POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters
15 convictions on over 40 crimes. The Clinton hide the billing records until after the stat of execution and there is a presumption of innocents? Really?

Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

Actually it makes your case that the famous often slip the noose. The Clintons should have taken a fall with Watergate or at the very least the debacle at Waco.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
The DOJ should appoint a special prosecutor. Why would the president do such a thing?
I wouldn't trust a "special prosecutor" that Trump appointed--LOL That's like letting the Fox in to guard the chicken shack.


A special prosecutor would have to be appointed by an equally numbered bi-partisan group in the Senate.

Trump has refused to release his income tax returns--they have refused to release documents related to their vetting process--they have refused to answer questions--and he has fired 3 people that knew too much. How could anyone trust a special prosecutor that Trump had chosen?--LOL

Trump has brought this upon himself. Any other President would have given up what was requested of them, and they certainly wouldn't have fired anyone, especially the lead investigator--that was in charge of the Russian investigation--something the Trump campaign is the SUBJECT of.

Then no one will do.

The person under investigation doesn't hire an investigator to investigate him--LOL

I think Republicans may carry on with this a little longer. But if any more Devin Nunes incidents come out, the American public will explode and their wrath will be aimed at Republicans--and then they'll be forced to turn this over to an Independent investigator.

By not doing so will only implicate all of them in the Cover--Up. I doubt they'll want to put that sign on their backs going into the mid-term election cycle.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats wil do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. They're also going to hammer away at the Emoluments clause in the Constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

But therein is the great lie. Donald J Trump himself was never under any investigation. Rightwinger made the claim he was, but through his silence a kite he was wrong. The Hutchsky Starsky guy did the same. In the end he all but admitted he was also perpetuating a lie. Now it's your turn. Pleas produce the document released from any federal agency that names Donald J Teump as the object of any federal or state agency investigation. You won't because there is non, and never was.

Would FBI director James Comey's own words help you out--LOL

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Last July was the Republican National Convention--in Cleveland--where Trump surrogates met with the Russian ambassador and they weren't trading cookie receipes--but were actually writing foreign policy.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

And John McCain wants to know why this clause was put in the Republican platform, and long before the f--king election was even held.

I don't see the part that says Donald J Trump was or is under any investigation. Yes, people who wanted to work for him, some who did were under investigation, Mike Flynn for excample and Paul Manifort were specifically named, but never Donal J Trump. This is why we don't hear from Aden Schiff anymore. This investigation is closing up. Comey was milking it for what he could get out of it all, still the guy has class as shown in his comments on the issue,

James Comey fired: Writes email to FBI saying "I will be fine" - CBS News

Comey wrote that he has "long believed the president can fire an FBI Director for any reason or for no reason at all" and said he will not question that decision -- and he hopes no one else will.

Keep trying odd one.

They're beginning to sniff around about possible money laundering for the Russians by.....Trump. That may have been going on long before the campaign, but if it's true, it sure would make him vulnerable to blackmail, wouldn't it?
15 convictions on over 40 crimes. The Clinton hide the billing records until after the stat of execution and there is a presumption of innocents? Really?

Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

Actually it makes your case that the famous often slip the noose. The Clintons should have taken a fall with Watergate or at the very least the debacle at Waco.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
I have mixed feelings on this.

The record of independent counsels after Watergate has been kind of sketchy.

Usually, they can't lay a glove on the primary focus of their investigations because too many people are just too willing to fall on their swords. And after failing to prove their prima fascia case, they often go after the bit players for petty things, or get distracted on non-issues.

Lawrence Walsh couldn't lay a glove on Reagan for Iran-Contra, and Congress gave a blanket immunity to Ollie North hoping he'd break bad on Reagan (which he didn't). So we ended up with the travesty of indicting Cap Weinberger, who opposed the whole idiotic scheme, for perjury. His Perjury, he said he didn't keep a diary to Congress, but he did keep meeting notes.

Ken Starr couldn't prove the Clintons were anything but victims in Whitewater, and his flailing around with FBI files, travel office firings and poor Vince Foster's suicide equally proved no wrongdoing, so he went after Clinton for lying about a blow job.

Peter Fitzgerald couldn't prove George Bush outed Valerie Plame (in fact, the people who outed here were as against the war as she and her husband were). So we ended up indicting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim Russert did.

On the other hand. This is Trump. He probably deserves this kind of misery and doesn't have the finese of a Clinton or Reagan, so an IC would probably trigger him to do just enough stupid things to get himself impeached.
The worst thing the GOP and Bush did was lie us into Iraq. Second were the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.

But now, Trump trumps all that. The only thing worse they could do would be to declare the US a Russian Province.
The DOJ should appoint a special prosecutor. Why would the president do such a thing?
Democrats called for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to resign Friday after it was reported that he was not going to appoint a special prosecutor in the investigation into alleged Russian meddling in our election and collusion with the Trump campaign.

“I support @SenatorDurbin’s call for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to resign if he is unwilling to appoint a special counsel,” tweeted Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
15 convictions on over 40 crimes. The Clinton hide the billing records until after the stat of execution and there is a presumption of innocents? Really?

Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

Actually it makes your case that the famous often slip the noose. The Clintons should have taken a fall with Watergate or at the very least the debacle at Waco.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Not just Trump. Trump and the GOP.
Voter suppression
Executive orders
Being a Russian stooge
Fighting civil rights

The list is endless. How can you not know?
Then no one will do.

The person under investigation doesn't hire an investigator to investigate him--LOL

I think Republicans may carry on with this a little longer. But if any more Devin Nunes incidents come out, the American public will explode and their wrath will be aimed at Republicans--and then they'll be forced to turn this over to an Independent investigator.

By not doing so will only implicate all of them in the Cover--Up. I doubt they'll want to put that sign on their backs going into the mid-term election cycle.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats wil do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. They're also going to hammer away at the Emoluments clause in the Constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

But therein is the great lie. Donald J Trump himself was never under any investigation. Rightwinger made the claim he was, but through his silence a kite he was wrong. The Hutchsky Starsky guy did the same. In the end he all but admitted he was also perpetuating a lie. Now it's your turn. Pleas produce the document released from any federal agency that names Donald J Teump as the object of any federal or state agency investigation. You won't because there is non, and never was.

Would FBI director James Comey's own words help you out--LOL

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Last July was the Republican National Convention--in Cleveland--where Trump surrogates met with the Russian ambassador and they weren't trading cookie receipes--but were actually writing foreign policy.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

And John McCain wants to know why this clause was put in the Republican platform, and long before the f--king election was even held.

I don't see the part that says Donald J Trump was or is under any investigation. Yes, people who wanted to work for him, some who did were under investigation, Mike Flynn for excample and Paul Manifort were specifically named, but never Donal J Trump. This is why we don't hear from Aden Schiff anymore. This investigation is closing up. Comey was milking it for what he could get out of it all, still the guy has class as shown in his comments on the issue,

James Comey fired: Writes email to FBI saying "I will be fine" - CBS News

Comey wrote that he has "long believed the president can fire an FBI Director for any reason or for no reason at all" and said he will not question that decision -- and he hopes no one else will.

Keep trying odd one.

They're beginning to sniff around about possible money laundering for the Russians by.....Trump. That may have been going on long before the campaign, but if it's true, it sure would make him vulnerable to blackmail, wouldn't it?

Of course it would. Republicans don't care. They feel if you are able to get money, then good for you, no matter the circumstances.
15 convictions on over 40 crimes. The Clinton hide the billing records until after the stat of execution and there is a presumption of innocents? Really?

Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

Actually it makes your case that the famous often slip the noose. The Clintons should have taken a fall with Watergate or at the very least the debacle at Waco.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Not just Trump. Trump and the GOP.
Voter suppression
Executive orders
Being a Russian stooge
Fighting civil rights

The list is endless. How can you not know?
I can't know because the list is in your imagination.

Lets try one, "Fighting civil rights." How is he doing that in a way that is against the law?
15 convictions on over 40 crimes. The Clinton hide the billing records until after the stat of execution and there is a presumption of innocents? Really?

Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

Actually it makes your case that the famous often slip the noose. The Clintons should have taken a fall with Watergate or at the very least the debacle at Waco.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
15 convictions on over 40 crimes. The Clinton hide the billing records until after the stat of execution and there is a presumption of innocents? Really?

Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

Actually it makes your case that the famous often slip the noose. The Clintons should have taken a fall with Watergate or at the very least the debacle at Waco.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Then no one will do.

The person under investigation doesn't hire an investigator to investigate him--LOL

I think Republicans may carry on with this a little longer. But if any more Devin Nunes incidents come out, the American public will explode and their wrath will be aimed at Republicans--and then they'll be forced to turn this over to an Independent investigator.

By not doing so will only implicate all of them in the Cover--Up. I doubt they'll want to put that sign on their backs going into the mid-term election cycle.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats wil do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. They're also going to hammer away at the Emoluments clause in the Constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

But therein is the great lie. Donald J Trump himself was never under any investigation. Rightwinger made the claim he was, but through his silence a kite he was wrong. The Hutchsky Starsky guy did the same. In the end he all but admitted he was also perpetuating a lie. Now it's your turn. Pleas produce the document released from any federal agency that names Donald J Teump as the object of any federal or state agency investigation. You won't because there is non, and never was.

Would FBI director James Comey's own words help you out--LOL

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Last July was the Republican National Convention--in Cleveland--where Trump surrogates met with the Russian ambassador and they weren't trading cookie receipes--but were actually writing foreign policy.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

And John McCain wants to know why this clause was put in the Republican platform, and long before the f--king election was even held.

I don't see the part that says Donald J Trump was or is under any investigation. Yes, people who wanted to work for him, some who did were under investigation, Mike Flynn for excample and Paul Manifort were specifically named, but never Donal J Trump. This is why we don't hear from Aden Schiff anymore. This investigation is closing up. Comey was milking it for what he could get out of it all, still the guy has class as shown in his comments on the issue,

James Comey fired: Writes email to FBI saying "I will be fine" - CBS News

Comey wrote that he has "long believed the president can fire an FBI Director for any reason or for no reason at all" and said he will not question that decision -- and he hopes no one else will.

Keep trying odd one.

They're beginning to sniff around about possible money laundering for the Russians by.....Trump. That may have been going on long before the campaign, but if it's true, it sure would make him vulnerable to blackmail, wouldn't it?

Yeah I heard that the U.S. Treasury has a special task force for money laundering and looking for "shell" corporations and they're looking into that now.
Seriously, learn how to communicate in English before you pester me.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars and never laid a glove on Clinton.

The only mistake at Waco was not snuffing out the fucked up cultists on day one.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
The person under investigation doesn't hire an investigator to investigate him--LOL

I think Republicans may carry on with this a little longer. But if any more Devin Nunes incidents come out, the American public will explode and their wrath will be aimed at Republicans--and then they'll be forced to turn this over to an Independent investigator.

By not doing so will only implicate all of them in the Cover--Up. I doubt they'll want to put that sign on their backs going into the mid-term election cycle.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats wil do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. They're also going to hammer away at the Emoluments clause in the Constitution.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

But therein is the great lie. Donald J Trump himself was never under any investigation. Rightwinger made the claim he was, but through his silence a kite he was wrong. The Hutchsky Starsky guy did the same. In the end he all but admitted he was also perpetuating a lie. Now it's your turn. Pleas produce the document released from any federal agency that names Donald J Teump as the object of any federal or state agency investigation. You won't because there is non, and never was.

Would FBI director James Comey's own words help you out--LOL

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Last July was the Republican National Convention--in Cleveland--where Trump surrogates met with the Russian ambassador and they weren't trading cookie receipes--but were actually writing foreign policy.

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

And John McCain wants to know why this clause was put in the Republican platform, and long before the f--king election was even held.

I don't see the part that says Donald J Trump was or is under any investigation. Yes, people who wanted to work for him, some who did were under investigation, Mike Flynn for excample and Paul Manifort were specifically named, but never Donal J Trump. This is why we don't hear from Aden Schiff anymore. This investigation is closing up. Comey was milking it for what he could get out of it all, still the guy has class as shown in his comments on the issue,

James Comey fired: Writes email to FBI saying "I will be fine" - CBS News

Comey wrote that he has "long believed the president can fire an FBI Director for any reason or for no reason at all" and said he will not question that decision -- and he hopes no one else will.

Keep trying odd one.

They're beginning to sniff around about possible money laundering for the Russians by.....Trump. That may have been going on long before the campaign, but if it's true, it sure would make him vulnerable to blackmail, wouldn't it?

Yeah I heard that the U.S. Treasury has a special task force for money laundering and looking for "shell" corporations and they're looking into that now.

Soon imho they will be pinning the tail on the horses ass in our WH
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
Ask the Senate to appoint one. It will end as most do, a waste of money. But then again that outcome might be a better outcome then just letting people rant about it.
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
Ask the Senate to appoint one. It will end as most do, a waste of money. But then again that outcome might be a better outcome then just letting people rant about it.
SOON free even a one sided person like you will have doubts
Financial-Crimes Monitor to Share Records in Trump-Russia Probe
Senate committee requested the data from Treasury’s FinCEN
Shane Harris and

Carol E. Lee
Updated May 12, 2017 6:44 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—A Treasury Department unit that specializes in combating money-laundering will share financial records with an expanding Senate probe into possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump and his associates, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Senate Intelligence Committee requested the records from Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, late last month, these people said. The people familiar with the matter didn’t specify the nature of those records. One person said...


Trump Cites Russian Investigation in Reasons for Firing Comey

Trump Cites Russian Investigation in Reasons for Firing Comey
After a flurry of explanations from administration officials for how and why President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, the President went on the record himself, saying the decision was related to the handling of the Russian hacking investigations. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports. Photo: AP
So is your argument that, because it is not a CRIMINAL investigation, there is no investigation taking place? Yes, there is. Call it a counterintellilgence investigation or just an investigation, I don't care what you call it, but you can't go around saying there is no investigation going on. That makes you sound crazy.

  1. There is no investigation of President Trump, and never has been - fact
  2. The investigation is of the actions of Russia, learn what terms like "counter intelligence" mean.
  3. The DNC press is engaged in Third Reich level demagoguery
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
Ask the Senate to appoint one. It will end as most do, a waste of money. But then again that outcome might be a better outcome then just letting people rant about it.
I will agree all these investigations are redundant and it's a waste of money to have so many. Let the FBI and a Special Prosecutor do the job and stop the senate and house investigations which are nothing but pols trying to look important. They're politicians, not investigators and I don't see why they are launching investigations into every blessed vapor that emanates from the WH these days. Now they're investigating Comey's firing for Chrissakes. They need to work on legislation and leave the investigating to the cops. Imo.

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