POLL: Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

Should Trump appoint a Special Prosecutor?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Mango

    Votes: 7 11.7%

  • Total voters
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.
I vote no. The point of demanding a special prosecutor is to make the administration look guilty and to use a prosecutor that can be bought or bullied.

Democrats have been demanding a special prosecutor since before Trump took the oath.

Giving them anything they want is dangerous if not insane.

Which means it's all about politics, and not about "the people". It's about Trump saving face so his supporters can feel good about themselves. Patriotism? No, it isn't.
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
Ask the Senate to appoint one. It will end as most do, a waste of money. But then again that outcome might be a better outcome then just letting people rant about it.
I will agree all these investigations are redundant and it's a waste of money to have so many. Let the FBI and a Special Prosecutor do the job and stop the senate and house investigations which are nothing but pols trying to look important. They're politicians, not investigators and I don't see why they are launching investigations into every blessed vapor that emanates from the WH these days. Now they're investigating Comey's firing for Chrissakes. They need to work on legislation and leave the investigating to the cops. Imo.

I agree--if the Republican party expects to survive this one--they should have immediately called for a well vetted independent prosecutor--that was 100 miles away from the Trump administration. Anymore Devin Nunes (former chairman of the house intelligence committee) incidents where he was running into Trump to tell him what evidence they have collected will only implicate the entire party in a Cover-up.

Treason is way too serious of a matter for them to get involved with. And it looks from the information available today that's right where it's headed. They're putting themselves right behind the 8 ball on this one--by not appointing an independent special prosecutor.

Some Republicans are calling for a Special Prosecutor--but Mitch McConnell doesn't think it's necessary--probably because his wife is now part of the Trump administration.
Draining the swamp? Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, to be Trump’s transportation secretary

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How is what I want harming America? It's actually trying to help it, pissing proto-fascist scum like you is just a side benefit.

Guy, we had enough of your "help" during the Bush years. I have the busted 401K and the underwater mortgage to show for it.

Should have paid more attention to your 401k then.

And foolish of you to buy a house out of your means.
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
I would say that there is no way anyone on the left will trust anyone on the right. The reason is that those on the left are some of the most dishonest people I have ever seen. Since they know they can not be trusted they trust no one else.

Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.


high treason
(noun) · high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:
84% of republicans polled still like Trump,,,, 9% of dems do.....Repubs still like the man who is intent on tearing down our democracy Far more serious actions than Nixons
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
I would say that there is no way anyone on the left will trust anyone on the right. The reason is that those on the left are some of the most dishonest people I have ever seen. Since they know they can not be trusted they trust no one else.

Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.


high treason
(noun) · high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:
Free You lost me Forgiving any country for interfering in our election process or forgiving those seeking it out shows you to be just another brainless republican whose party before country crap is wearing thin
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
Ask the Senate to appoint one. It will end as most do, a waste of money. But then again that outcome might be a better outcome then just letting people rant about it.
SOON free even a one sided person like you will have doubts
Financial-Crimes Monitor to Share Records in Trump-Russia Probe
Senate committee requested the data from Treasury’s FinCEN
Shane Harris and

Carol E. Lee
Updated May 12, 2017 6:44 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—A Treasury Department unit that specializes in combating money-laundering will share financial records with an expanding Senate probe into possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump and his associates, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Senate Intelligence Committee requested the records from Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, late last month, these people said. The people familiar with the matter didn’t specify the nature of those records. One person said...


Trump Cites Russian Investigation in Reasons for Firing Comey

Trump Cites Russian Investigation in Reasons for Firing Comey
After a flurry of explanations from administration officials for how and why President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, the President went on the record himself, saying the decision was related to the handling of the Russian hacking investigations. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports. Photo: AP
So that is your proof, a request for information which no one knows why. Wow.

I guess now it is going from interfering in an election, which didn't happen, to money laundering, which I am guessing didn't happen either.
How exactly is Trump "tearing down our democracy?"
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
I would say that there is no way anyone on the left will trust anyone on the right. The reason is that those on the left are some of the most dishonest people I have ever seen. Since they know they can not be trusted they trust no one else.

Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.


high treason
(noun) · high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:
Free You lost me Forgiving any country for interfering in our election process or forgiving those seeking it out shows you to be just another brainless republican whose party before country crap is wearing thin
How did they interfere with our election? How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary? How did they help anyone form an opinion. The truth is, they did not. Hillary lost because she is Hillary, pure and simple. Hillary was a crap candidate that crapped on white America, especially white men and then she expected to win with just the minority vote. It didn't work.
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
Ask the Senate to appoint one. It will end as most do, a waste of money. But then again that outcome might be a better outcome then just letting people rant about it.
SOON free even a one sided person like you will have doubts
Financial-Crimes Monitor to Share Records in Trump-Russia Probe
Senate committee requested the data from Treasury’s FinCEN
Shane Harris and

Carol E. Lee
Updated May 12, 2017 6:44 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—A Treasury Department unit that specializes in combating money-laundering will share financial records with an expanding Senate probe into possible ties between Russia and President Donald Trump and his associates, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Senate Intelligence Committee requested the records from Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, late last month, these people said. The people familiar with the matter didn’t specify the nature of those records. One person said...


Trump Cites Russian Investigation in Reasons for Firing Comey

Trump Cites Russian Investigation in Reasons for Firing Comey
After a flurry of explanations from administration officials for how and why President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, the President went on the record himself, saying the decision was related to the handling of the Russian hacking investigations. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports. Photo: AP
So that is your proof, a request for information which no one knows why. Wow.

I guess now it is going from interfering in an election, which didn't happen, to money laundering, which I am guessing didn't happen either.
Look free Even your idiots in congress know that Russia interfered in our election For you to say it didn't causes me to give up posting to you
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
I would say that there is no way anyone on the left will trust anyone on the right. The reason is that those on the left are some of the most dishonest people I have ever seen. Since they know they can not be trusted they trust no one else.

Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.


high treason
(noun) · high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:
Free You lost me Forgiving any country for interfering in our election process or forgiving those seeking it out shows you to be just another brainless republican whose party before country crap is wearing thin
How did they interfere with our election? How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary? How did they help anyone form an opinion. The truth is, they did not. Hillary lost because she is Hillary, pure and simple. Hillary was a crap candidate that crapped on white America, especially white men and then she expected to win with just the minority vote. It didn't work.
How did they interfere with our election?
If you don't understand this by now, then you must be either an idiot or willfully ignorant.
Going to war with the press with the FBI
Firing Preet Yates Comey ALL investigating him and you can't smell the stink ??
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
I would say that there is no way anyone on the left will trust anyone on the right. The reason is that those on the left are some of the most dishonest people I have ever seen. Since they know they can not be trusted they trust no one else.

Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.


high treason
(noun) · high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:
Free You lost me Forgiving any country for interfering in our election process or forgiving those seeking it out shows you to be just another brainless republican whose party before country crap is wearing thin
How did they interfere with our election? How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary? How did they help anyone form an opinion. The truth is, they did not. Hillary lost because she is Hillary, pure and simple. Hillary was a crap candidate that crapped on white America, especially white men and then she expected to win with just the minority vote. It didn't work.
How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary?
The fact that you don't know how they helped form opinions about both candidates is the point. The Russians were in there actively adding to the campaign rhetoric, and it was decidedly against Hillary. IMO, the campaign rhetoric is bad enough coming from the RNC and DNC. I don't need the Russians adding their two cents worth, especially not when they are hiding behind a mask. How do we know massive funds weren't also contributed to the campaign from the Russians, somehow? Plenty of Trump campaigners had ties to Russian financial men. It's worth looking into. I'd prefer they not do it again, especially not anymore hacking and dumping on Wikileaks. The 16 intelligence agencies that looked into the hacking agree it was Russia. That's barely a question any longer, except apparently to our President. Will they find collusion? I don't know; I doubt it. But if the administration is innocent, it would behoove the President to shut up about it and let the investigation prove him right. He's got plenty of better things to be thinking about. Unless he's guilty.
Is either against the law?

Are you sure that Comey was investigating him and that the "investigation" ends because Comey leaves?
Is it a real investigation without a special prosecutor? One that has no fear of being fired?? And yes they do say investigation will continue but with repubs leading it how can anyone trust them ?
I would say that there is no way anyone on the left will trust anyone on the right. The reason is that those on the left are some of the most dishonest people I have ever seen. Since they know they can not be trusted they trust no one else.

Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.


high treason
(noun) · high treason (noun) · high treasons (plural noun)
  1. the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:
Free You lost me Forgiving any country for interfering in our election process or forgiving those seeking it out shows you to be just another brainless republican whose party before country crap is wearing thin
How did they interfere with our election? How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary? How did they help anyone form an opinion. The truth is, they did not. Hillary lost because she is Hillary, pure and simple. Hillary was a crap candidate that crapped on white America, especially white men and then she expected to win with just the minority vote. It didn't work.
How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary?
The fact that you don't know how they helped form opinions about both candidates is the point. The Russians were in there actively adding to the campaign rhetoric, and it was decidedly against Hillary. IMO, the campaign rhetoric is bad enough coming from the RNC and DNC. I don't need the Russians adding their two cents worth, especially not when they are hiding behind a mask. How do we know massive funds weren't also contributed to the campaign from the Russians, somehow? Plenty of Trump campaigners had ties to Russian financial men. It's worth looking into. I'd prefer they not do it again, especially not anymore hacking and dumping on Wikileaks. The 16 intelligence agencies that looked into the hacking agree it was Russia. That's barely a question any longer, except apparently to our President. Will they find collusion? I don't know; I doubt it. But if the administration is innocent, it would behoove the President to shut up about it and let the investigation prove him right. He's got plenty of better things to be thinking about. Unless he's guilty.
This is a toughy WHO to believe ,,?? 16 gov't agencies or Repubs here? decisions decisions
Me thinks your attitude toward the "cultists" would have been much different if it were Bush and Muslims. At least now we know why you support abortion, you have no regard for children.

As for English, how about I keep it simple for you......FY

Or you can just actually learn to structure a sentence properly.

Point was, these cultists killed themselves. and honestly, no great loss.
Even if the Russians helped Trump I see no crime, certainly not treason.

are you some kind of a retard?

I have to honestly ask this when I read your posts.

How did they interfere with our election? How did they help YOU form any of your opinions about Trump or Hillary? How did they help anyone form an opinion. The truth is, they did not.

of course they did. the planted false stories that edged a few people towards third parties, and that's how Trump won.

Hillary lost because she is Hillary, pure and simple. Hillary was a crap candidate that crapped on white America, especially white men and then she expected to win with just the minority vote. It didn't work.

I'm just curious what Hillary did to "Crap on White Men", exactly. It sounds like your own insecurities coming to light.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.


So you're really not concerned with Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections? I'm sure you'd be this unconcerned if it were Hillary the Russians tried to help, right?

In "Key Judgments," the report says, "We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Report: Putin, Russia tried to help Trump by 'discrediting' Clinton
I'm sure the Saudi's did the same thing for Hillary.

And the point would be?

The US does this to other nations all the time to other nations, they have a record of doing it to Russia.

And the point would be?

No they don't. It is one thing to say out loud that candidate A would be better for Canada than Candidate B, and quite another to plant to hack email servers, and conduct a secret campaign of disinformation and lies intended to secretly undermine the electoral process.

The US has actively interfered with other countries' governmental processes, particularly overthrowing governments and installing puppet governments, especially during the "Cold War". It's why Muslims hate America so much
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.


So you're really not concerned with Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections? I'm sure you'd be this unconcerned if it were Hillary the Russians tried to help, right?

In "Key Judgments," the report says, "We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Report: Putin, Russia tried to help Trump by 'discrediting' Clinton
I'm sure the Saudi's did the same thing for Hillary.

And the point would be?

The US does this to other nations all the time to other nations, they have a record of doing it to Russia.

And the point would be?

No they don't. It is one thing to say out loud that candidate A would be better for Canada than Candidate B, and quite another to plant to hack email servers, and conduct a secret campaign of disinformation and lies intended to secretly undermine the electoral process.

The US has actively interfered with other countries' governmental processes, particularly overthrowing governments and installing puppet governments, especially during the "Cold War". It's why Muslims hate America so much
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.


So you're really not concerned with Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections? I'm sure you'd be this unconcerned if it were Hillary the Russians tried to help, right?

In "Key Judgments," the report says, "We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Report: Putin, Russia tried to help Trump by 'discrediting' Clinton
I'm sure the Saudi's did the same thing for Hillary.

And the point would be?

The US does this to other nations all the time to other nations, they have a record of doing it to Russia.

And the point would be?

No they don't. It is one thing to say out loud that candidate A would be better for Canada than Candidate B, and quite another to plant to hack email servers, and conduct a secret campaign of disinformation and lies intended to secretly undermine the electoral process.

The US has actively interfered with other countries' governmental processes, particularly overthrowing governments and installing puppet governments, especially during the "Cold War". It's why Muslims hate America so much

I think the real problem is that the Russians didn't conduct a secret campaign of disinformation and lies. I NEVER saw anyone deny the information released. If they had been lies, I'm sure they would have been denied and correct information released to prove the lies. That seems to be what is so unforgivable to the Hillary people...the information was true.
This Comey firing and its aftermath aren't going away soon, and calls for a Special Prosecutor on the Russia probe will only get louder.

Should Trump step up, quell the complaints, and appoint an SP?

I vote yes.


So you're really not concerned with Russia's attempts to meddle in our elections? I'm sure you'd be this unconcerned if it were Hillary the Russians tried to help, right?

In "Key Judgments," the report says, "We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

Report: Putin, Russia tried to help Trump by 'discrediting' Clinton
I'm sure the Saudi's did the same thing for Hillary.

And the point would be?

The US does this to other nations all the time to other nations, they have a record of doing it to Russia.

And the point would be?

No they don't. It is one thing to say out loud that candidate A would be better for Canada than Candidate B, and quite another to plant to hack email servers, and conduct a secret campaign of disinformation and lies intended to secretly undermine the electoral process.

The US has actively interfered with other countries' governmental processes, particularly overthrowing governments and installing puppet governments, especially during the "Cold War". It's why Muslims hate America so much

I think the real problem is that the Russians didn't conduct a secret campaign of disinformation and lies. I NEVER saw anyone deny the information released. If they had been lies, I'm sure they would have been denied and correct information released to prove the lies. That seems to be what is so unforgivable to the Hillary people...the information was true.

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