Poll Shows Dems Do Believe War Is Lost

nope... I despise chickenhawkscum... you know the type I'm sure, you see one in the mirror every morning...

If a US victory in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

Unlike you I do not despise people who disagree with me

I pity you

You are so full of hate and rage - I really feel sorry for people like you
Another good question in the poll

Are you hopeful the US will be able to to succeed in Iraq?


Dems - 42%

Republicans - 80%

My, don;t you love the support the left shows the troops?

this is so easy...

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?
what facts? lefty yes, hater no, Is hate one of those family values you righties always claim to have... cuz you sure use it a lot...

Now you try to change the topic

If you are tired of getting your ass kicked here - go to another thread
this is so easy...

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?

It is nice of the Dems to tell the troops they are losers in public instead of pretending to support them

you were oh so happy when the party breakdown was NOT being posted - now the poll is manipulated when those numbers are included

You are a liberal - a true blue liberal

you are confusing me with mm again... are you always this delusional?

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?
you are confusing me with mm again... are you always this delusional?

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?

It was your post son - these are really lame attempts on your part to deflect the facts
Keep trying to change the subject - you are getting your ass kicked when we stay on topic

nope... the topic is a poll about winning in Iraq... you say you want to win but yet, when I ask you if you will be taking an active part in attaining that victory, you run away and hide... why? are you afraid to answer the question and admit that you are too afraid to actually walk your brave talk?

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?
nope... the topic is a poll about winning in Iraq... you say you want to win but yet, when I ask you if you will be taking an active part in attaining that victory, you run away and hide... why? are you afraid to answer the question and admit that you are too afraid to actually walk your brave talk?

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?

The topic is how Dems want defeat in Iraq

So far you are proving my case

Thank you for your support
I see you are still ducking the issue of this thread

I try to be nice, I thank you for proving my point, and your anger still comes thru

My it must suck being a liberal these days

the topic is a poll about winning in Iraq... when will you answer this question about attaining that victory...

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

you don't have a point... no wait... there is that one on top of your head...
the topic is a poll about winning in Iraq... when will you answer this question about attaining that victory...

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

you don't have a point... no wait... there is that one on top of your head...

Poll Shows Dems Do Believe War Is Lost

You are making this way to easy son
Still stuck on repeat and stupid - both at the same time

Too afraid to answer the question, rsr?

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

perhaps it's a good thing that you are hiding under that rock instead of enlisting... cuz we don't need any deserters on the front lines...
the topic is a poll about winning in Iraq... when will you answer this question about attaining that victory...

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

you don't have a point... no wait... there is that one on top of your head...

We sure have a lot of gung-ho chickenhawks in this country, don't we, Stripey? All talk, but do they ever wander on down to the nearest enlistment station? Oh, noooooo!
Too afraid to answer the question, rsr?

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

perhaps it's a good thing that you are hiding under that rock instead of enlisting... cuz we don't need any deserters on the front lines...

Keep ducking the facts how Dems are hoping for defeat in Iraq
We sure have a lot of gung-ho chickenhawks in this country, don't we, Stripey? All talk, but do they ever wander on down to the nearest enlistment station? Oh, noooooo!

and we have the Dems hoping for defeat and they can't stand to be called on it
Unlike you I do not despise people who disagree with me

I pity you

You are so full of hate and rage - I really feel sorry for people like you

I don't despise those that disagree with me, ask gunny, we get along just fine... know why? he's a veteran... and he also volunteered for the war of his youth...

But I despise chickenhawkscum.

You are hate filled, it comes out of every pore in your body... you reek of it... no wait... that's your chicken smell... do the chicken dance again, rsr, cuz you do it so well...

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