Poll Taxes on the 2nd Amendment need to be addressed as such....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
For those who are unfamiliar with the term "Poll Tax," it is essentially a way the democrats tried to violate the civil rights of newly freed black slaves....they charged them a fee to exercise their right to vote......

Now...the anti gun lobby, mostly democrats, again, are using the same tactic to deny and harrass law abiding citizens of all colors their ability to engage in their 2nd Amendment Freedom....here is the "Poll Tax"...

Poll tax United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the United States, payment of a poll tax was a prerequisite to the registration for voting in a number of states. The tax emerged in some states of the United States in the late 19th century as part of the Jim Crow laws. After the right to vote was extended to all races by the enactment of the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a number of states enacted poll tax laws as a device for restricting voting rights. The laws often included a grandfather clause, which allowed any adult male whose father or grandfather had voted in a specific year prior to the abolition of slavery to vote without paying the tax. These laws, along with unfairly implemented literacy tests and extra-legal intimidation,[1] achieved the desired effect ofdisenfranchising African-American and Native American voters, as well as poor whites.

Proof of payment of a poll tax was a prerequisite to voter registration in Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia (1877), North and South Carolina, Virginia (until 1882 and again from 1902 with its new constitution),[2][3] and Texas (1902).[4] The Texas poll tax "required otherwise eligible voters to pay between $1.50 and $1.75 to register to vote – a lot of money at the time, and a big barrier to the working classes and poor."[4] Georgia created a cumulative poll tax requirement in 1877: men of any race 21 to 60 years of age had to pay a sum of money for every year from the time they had turned 21, or from the time that the law took effect.[5]

The poll tax requirements applied to whites as well as blacks, and also adversely affected poor citizens.

So....the anti gunners are now using taxes, and laws that are designed to make it more and more difficult for all citizens, but especially poor citizens to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights....taxes on transfers of guns between free, non criminal citizens, gun licensing fees...like in Maryland where it can cost as much as 300 dollars.....and the various financial requirements imposed on law abiding citizens just to buy and carry a gun for protection.....

These are Poll Taxes by another name....and they need to b stopped.....
Agree, and while they're at it, they need to stop charging us for dying. I want what I've worked for to go to my children, not Obama.
Yet the ones who dream up all these new ways to tax ordinary citizens have a propensity to not pay their OWN taxes.

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