poll: where do you fit in politically?

where do you fit in?

  • Total voters
I guess I would be center right. Right on economics, foreign policy, entitlements, regulation, taxation, etc. A little more left on gay rights, abortion, and a couple other social issues.

I have similar inclinations, but would say the label "right" suffices.

To my way of viewing things, since I agree with the Founders and the Framers when it comes to how the government should run (checks, balances, limits, etc), I am a conservative. THAT'S what I think requires protection and to be preserved and conserved.

I have been assured by all manner of liberals (by whatever label they prefer) that the Founders and Framers were "liberals." And that may be true -- for their day.

But to honor what they tried to set up, it is now the fundamental aspect of political conservatism.
I guess I would be center right. Right on economics, foreign policy, entitlements, regulation, taxation, etc. A little more left on gay rights, abortion, and a couple other social issues.

I have similar inclinations, but would say the label "right" suffices.

To my way of viewing things, since I agree with the Founders and the Framers when it comes to how the government should run (checks, balances, limits, etc), I am a conservative. THAT'S what I think requires protection and to be preserved and conserved.

I have been assured by all manner of liberals (by whatever label they prefer) that the Founders and Framers were "liberals." And that may be true -- for their day.

But to honor what they tried to set up, it is now the fundamental aspect of political conservatism.

Yes, in the Founders' day their concept of government was defined as liberal. "Liberals" were the freedom loving and freedom seekers. "Conservatives" were the authoritarians who demanded that everybody conform, most generally to the status quo or to what the government decreed.

But now, especially in America and somewhat in the U.K., the defnitions of 'liberal' and 'conservative' are almost 180 from what they were in the Founders' times.
I guess I would be center right. Right on economics, foreign policy, entitlements, regulation, taxation, etc. A little more left on gay rights, abortion, and a couple other social issues.

I have similar inclinations, but would say the label "right" suffices.

To my way of viewing things, since I agree with the Founders and the Framers when it comes to how the government should run (checks, balances, limits, etc), I am a conservative. THAT'S what I think requires protection and to be preserved and conserved.

I have been assured by all manner of liberals (by whatever label they prefer) that the Founders and Framers were "liberals." And that may be true -- for their day.

But to honor what they tried to set up, it is now the fundamental aspect of political conservatism.

I cast "right" as my vote in the poll. I generally agree with your statement...although the liberals who claim the FFs were liberal have no clue what they are talking about. They simply confuse "rebelliousness" with being "liberal". That's frequently not the case. Using the definitions of today, almost all of them would be Republicans. I actually started a thread on that topic several months ago but I am happy to leave the discussion there. Wrong thread for that argument. :lol:

I voted for GW Bush and have tried to see the GOP point of view. I aagree with their stand on some issues, but as of late, they seemed to have lost their way. Their fear of the Tea Party has many of the up and coming nominees accept far right stances that approach lunacy.

I voted for GW Bush and have tried to see the GOP point of view. I aagree with their stand on some issues, but as of late, they seemed to have lost their way. Their fear of the Tea Party has many of the up and coming nominees accept far right stances that approach lunacy.

Nonsense. There is nothing in the Tea Party that is 'far right' and the Tea Party doesn't get involved in social issues at all.

The Tea Party are advocates for the kind of government the Founders intended us to have. The Founders didn't get involved in social issues either.
That's right citizens...form up into opposing teams like good little tools.

Your masters are all so proud of what good little fools they've made of most of you

Remember, now kiddies: hate your neighbors.

That's really all that your masters want from you.

You guys just hate each other, and they'll take care of everything else.

Pointless stupid response. The only one talking about hate is you. Like it or not, everyone fits into these catagories somewhere even if they refuse to believe it. And they are not groups with group think as you assert otherwise i wouldnt have so many arguments with others who are also like minded on many issues.
But hey, i know its cool to appear to be above the fray so carry on.....

Wrong. The two sides work for the same people= controlled opposition. All you have to do is see how Clinton signed the Repub bill to disband Glass Steagall. He did that for the Wall St crowd who always get appointed to the Fed & Treasury like Rubin & Summers. Add to that the for-profit business lobbyists & you see who the pols work for. Until money and promise of future employment of pols is removed, we'll get the same results.

What say you?
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I kinda liked this one:
Political Quiz.net
The Quiz

The following are your scores. They are based on a gradual range of 0 to 12. For instance, a Conservative/Progressive score of 3 and 0 will both yield a result of social conservative, yet 0 would be an extreme conservative and 3 a moderate conservative

Conservative/Progressive score: 5
You are a social moderate. You think the progressive movement is overall well meaning, but sometimes it goes too far. On issues like abortion and affirmative action, you see the negatives of both extremes on the issue. You probably value religion, but at the same time you think it should still stay separate from the government

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 0
You're a Capitalist Purist. You believe that the market should be completely free, and that the invisible hand of the market will make sure that the people get what they want and will do it in the most efficient way possible. You believe in small government, less taxes, and more privatization.

Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 0
You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism.

Pacifist/Militarist score: 0
You're a Pacifist. You are angered that the United States thinks it should dominate the world through its military force. You think that the only time war is necessary is when we are in direct danger of being attacked. You also believe the US spends way too much of its money on defense, as we can practically cut it in half and still easily defend ourselves, and use that money to fix all our economic problems.

Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Hardcore Libertarian

Currently, after 116827 submissions, the average Conservative/Progressive score is 6.04, the average Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score is 6.79, the average Libertarian/Authoritarian score is 5.58, and the average Pacifist/Militarist score is 4.43

1. Are our gun control laws too strict? - 27% said yes, 73% said no I said yes
2. Should gay marriage be legalized? - 66% said yes, 34% said no I said yes
3. Should we consider invading Iran? - 23% said yes, 77% said no I said no
4. Should intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside evolution? - 52% said yes, 48% said no I said yes
5. Does the US need a system of universal health care? - 61% said yes, 39% said no I said no
6. Should marijuana be legalized? - 58% said yes, 42% said no I said yes
7. Should we repeal [or substantially change] the Patriot Act? - 56% said yes, 44% said no I said yes
8. Does the US have a right to stop countries we do not trust from getting weapons? - 50% said yes, 50% said no I said no
9. Should we end (or reduce the use of) the death penalty? - 40% said yes, 60% said no I said maybe/dont care
10. Should there be a higher minimum wage? - 68% said yes, 32% said no I said no
11. Does affirmative action do more harm than good? - 62% said yes, 38% said no I said yes
12. Is the United States spending too much money on defense? - 56% said yes, 44% said no I said yes
13. Should embryonic stem cell research be funded by the government? - 59% said yes, 41% said no I said no
14. Should flag burning be legal? - 43% said yes, 57% said no I said yes
15. Should all people (rich and poor) pay fewer taxes? - 58% said yes, 42% said no I said yes
16. Should the US begin withdrawing from Iraq? - 80% said yes, 20% said no I said yes. The question is now out dated
17. Is it sometimes justified to wiretap US citizens without a warrant? - 34% said yes, 66% said no I said no
18. Should the government be involved in reducing the amount of violence/pornography in tv/movies/games/etc? - 25% said yes, 75% said no I said no
19. Should the United States only start a war if there is an imminent threat of being attacked ourselves? - 77% said yes, 23% said no I said yes
20. Should stopping illegal immigration be one of our top priorities? - 56% said yes, 44% said no I said no
21. Is outsourcing of American jobs justified if it allows for cheaper goods? - 28% said yes, 72% said no I said yes
22. Are all abortions unethical? [with the exception of risk to mother's health] - 37% said yes, 63% said no I said no
23. Should social security be privatized? - 56% said yes, 44% said no I said yes
24. Should the United States ever go to war even if the UN is against it? - 50% said yes, 50% said no I said no

That quiz was crap to me. The questions are vague at best/ "Should we consider invading Iran? Yes, No Maybe/Don't care." The answer is Yes because if Iran attacks the US then they are a thread and we should go to war, but is that what yes means?
In the end this Poll is very hard to understand and place yourself. For instance I looked at people that voted and I could have guessed that most the "center" voters would actually be "Left," but they feel it sounds smarter or more intelligent to say center yet they attack everything "right" and supportmost if not all the "Left" offers.

I don't know what I am really, I suppose I'm libertarian or a non religious conservative. Both Left and right through policy of elected offices are 100% Progressive, more Government, more wars, more laws, less freedom in just about every vote cast.

To me if the Left/Right followed the constitution it wouldn't matter if you were "extreme" left or right as we would all just be center. However if you support some of the big Government policies that are unconstitutional like the wars, Obamacare, More spending, Stimulus, Bailouts, SS/MC, welfare, no taxes on Churches and so on your simply a Progressive, you believe in big Government without the restraint of our current constitution.

The very reason we have a spectrum of left/right/libertarian/Progressive is due to the fact that the Constitution is irrelevant.
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Fiscal conservative
2nd Amendment advocate
Abolish all drug laws, drugs are health problems
Abolish Medicare, that is a state's issue
Abolish IRS
Lower taxes
Get out of the anti gay BS-equal rights for all
Stay out of abortion issues
Keep religion out of government and the schools and leave it to the individual
Get out of Afghanistan yesterday
Support Isreal
Support local education
Change social security
End social security disability and go to a system where only those that are disabled get a penny
End government unions
That's right citizens...form up into opposing teams like good little tools.

Your masters are all so proud of what good little fools they've made of most of you

Remember, now kiddies: hate your neighbors.

That's really all that your masters want from you.

You guys just hate each other, and they'll take care of everything else.

Pointless stupid response. The only one talking about hate is you. Like it or not, everyone fits into these catagories somewhere even if they refuse to believe it. And they are not groups with group think as you assert otherwise i wouldnt have so many arguments with others who are also like minded on many issues.
But hey, i know its cool to appear to be above the fray so carry on.....

Wrong. The two sides work for the same people= controlled opposition. All you have to do is see how Clinton signed the Repub bill to disband Glass Steagall. He did that for the Wall St crowd who always get appointed to the Fed & Treasury like Rubin & Summers. Add to that the for-profit business lobbyists & you see who the pols work for. Until money and promise of future employment of pols is removed, we'll get the same results.

What say you?

The same thing I told the other guy. All gibberish. The poll is not a reference to nor a reflection of any party affiliation. It is a poll about your core beliefs. And like I mentioned in the op, I anticipated whiners about the choices.

Like many before me I'm on the right fiscally and think issues like Santorum brings up are damaging to any political party. Govt does not belong in our bedrooms or pews. Yet I was still able to vote based on core POLITICAL beliefs.
I think there are really very few people who favor all the so called liberal or conservative views. I know liberals with conservative views on the economy but with liberal views on social issues. My neighbor considers himself a true conservative, but is in favors gay marriage. Political pundits like put labels on us, but the fact is we are all different.

Many conservators favor gay marriage or at least don't care one way or the other about it. Or abortion. Or religion. Social issues are not what defines liberals or conservatives. Who holds the power defines liberals and conservatives.

In modern American vernacular

If you think the government should secure our rights and then leave us alone to live our lives as best we can and/or form whatever sort of society we wish to have wherever we are, you are conservative. (Such a concept automatically takes care of an overreaching and over spending government and retains the Founders intent of individual freedom, responsibility, accountability and self governance.)

If you think the government should have the power to allocate resources and should require everybody to accept the same socioeconomic standards, you are liberal. (Such a concept reverts to the European monarchal or authoritarian government models in which government determines what rights the people will and will not have.)

Yawn. Conservativism defined as "I'm rich (or I might be rich some day) and I want the right to piss on the little people with impunity".

Is that what you think Conservatism has been reduced to?
I think there are really very few people who favor all the so called liberal or conservative views. I know liberals with conservative views on the economy but with liberal views on social issues. My neighbor considers himself a true conservative, but is in favors gay marriage. Political pundits like put labels on us, but the fact is we are all different.

Many conservators favor gay marriage or at least don't care one way or the other about it. Or abortion. Or religion. Social issues are not what defines liberals or conservatives. Who holds the power defines liberals and conservatives.

In modern American vernacular

If you think the government should secure our rights and then leave us alone to live our lives as best we can and/or form whatever sort of society we wish to have wherever we are, you are conservative. (Such a concept automatically takes care of an overreaching and over spending government and retains the Founders intent of individual freedom, responsibility, accountability and self governance.)

If you think the government should have the power to allocate resources and should require everybody to accept the same socioeconomic standards, you are liberal. (Such a concept reverts to the European monarchal or authoritarian government models in which government determines what rights the people will and will not have.)

Yawn. Conservativism defined as "I'm rich (or I might be rich some day) and I want the right to piss on the little people with impunity".

Is that what you think Conservatism has been reduced to?

No, but liberalism too often seems reduced to saying ignorant things like that.
**** The Quiz

The following are your scores. They are based on a gradual range of 0 to 12. For instance, a Conservative/Progressive score of 3 and 0 will both yield a result of social conservative, yet 0 would be an extreme conservative and 3 a moderate conservative

Conservative/Progressive score: 3
You are a social conservative. You believe in traditional values, and care first and foremost about your country, your family, and your religion. You dislike the agenda of the left because you see them as trying to destroy these things.

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 1
You're a Capitalist Purist. You believe that the market should be completely free, and that the invisible hand of the market will make sure that the people get what they want and will do it in the most efficient way possible. You believe in small government, less taxes, and more privatization.

Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 0
You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism.

Pacifist/Militarist score: 6
You're a Moderate. You think that in very rare occasions, the United States should invade a country in order to make the world better by spreading democracy or ending a tyrants rule. You also think that defense is very important, and we shouldn't lower the defense budget. You think that, while the Iraq War probably was a mistake, that we can make the world a better place by sticking with it and spreading democracy in the middle east.

Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Hardcore Libertarian

Currently, after 117039 submissions, the average Conservative/Progressive score is 6.04, the average Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score is 6.79, the average Libertarian/Authoritarian score is 5.58, and the average Pacifist/Militarist score is 4.43

1. Are our gun control laws too strict? - 27% said yes, 73% said no
2. Should gay marriage be legalized? - 66% said yes, 34% said no
3. Should we consider invading Iran? - 23% said yes, 77% said no
4. Should intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside evolution? - 52% said yes, 48% said no
5. Does the US need a system of universal health care? - 61% said yes, 39% said no
6. Should marijuana be legalized? - 58% said yes, 42% said no
7. Should we repeal [or*substantially change] the Patriot Act? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
8. Does the US have a right to stop countries we do not trust from getting weapons? - 50% said yes, 50% said no
9. Should we end (or reduce the use of) the death penalty? - 40% said yes, 60% said no
10. Should there be a higher minimum wage? - 68% said yes, 32% said no
11. Does affirmative action do more harm than good? - 62% said yes, 38% said no
12. Is the United States spending too much money on defense? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
13. Should embryonic stem cell research be funded by the government? - 59% said yes, 41% said no
14. Should flag burning be legal? - 43% said yes, 57% said no
15. Should all people (rich and poor) pay fewer taxes? - 58% said yes, 42% said no
16. Should the US begin withdrawing from Iraq? - 80% said yes, 20% said no
17. Is it sometimes justified to wiretap US citizens without a warrant? - 34% said yes, 66% said no
18. Should the government be involved in reducing the amount of violence/pornography in tv/movies/games/etc? - 25% said yes, 75% said no
19. Should the United States only start a war if there is an imminent threat of being attacked ourselves? - 77% said yes, 23% said no
20. Should stopping illegal immigration be one of our top priorities? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
21. Is outsourcing of American jobs justified if it allows for cheaper goods? - 28% said yes, 72% said no
22. Are all abortions unethical? [with the exception of risk to mother's health] - 37% said yes, 63% said no
23. Should social security be privatized? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
24. Should the United States ever go to war even if the UN is against it? - 50% said yes, 50% said no
**** The Quiz

The following are your scores. They are based on a gradual range of 0 to 12. For instance, a Conservative/Progressive score of 3 and 0 will both yield a result of social conservative, yet 0 would be an extreme conservative and 3 a moderate conservative

Conservative/Progressive score: 3
You are a social conservative. You believe in traditional values, and care first and foremost about your country, your family, and your religion. You dislike the agenda of the left because you see them as trying to destroy these things.

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 1
You're a Capitalist Purist. You believe that the market should be completely free, and that the invisible hand of the market will make sure that the people get what they want and will do it in the most efficient way possible. You believe in small government, less taxes, and more privatization.

Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 0
You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism.

Pacifist/Militarist score: 6
You're a Moderate. You think that in very rare occasions, the United States should invade a country in order to make the world better by spreading democracy or ending a tyrants rule. You also think that defense is very important, and we shouldn't lower the defense budget. You think that, while the Iraq War probably was a mistake, that we can make the world a better place by sticking with it and spreading democracy in the middle east.

Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Hardcore Libertarian

Currently, after 117039 submissions, the average Conservative/Progressive score is 6.04, the average Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score is 6.79, the average Libertarian/Authoritarian score is 5.58, and the average Pacifist/Militarist score is 4.43

1. Are our gun control laws too strict? - 27% said yes, 73% said no
2. Should gay marriage be legalized? - 66% said yes, 34% said no
3. Should we consider invading Iran? - 23% said yes, 77% said no
4. Should intelligent design be taught in public schools alongside evolution? - 52% said yes, 48% said no
5. Does the US need a system of universal health care? - 61% said yes, 39% said no
6. Should marijuana be legalized? - 58% said yes, 42% said no
7. Should we repeal [or*substantially change] the Patriot Act? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
8. Does the US have a right to stop countries we do not trust from getting weapons? - 50% said yes, 50% said no
9. Should we end (or reduce the use of) the death penalty? - 40% said yes, 60% said no
10. Should there be a higher minimum wage? - 68% said yes, 32% said no
11. Does affirmative action do more harm than good? - 62% said yes, 38% said no
12. Is the United States spending too much money on defense? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
13. Should embryonic stem cell research be funded by the government? - 59% said yes, 41% said no
14. Should flag burning be legal? - 43% said yes, 57% said no
15. Should all people (rich and poor) pay fewer taxes? - 58% said yes, 42% said no
16. Should the US begin withdrawing from Iraq? - 80% said yes, 20% said no
17. Is it sometimes justified to wiretap US citizens without a warrant? - 34% said yes, 66% said no
18. Should the government be involved in reducing the amount of violence/pornography in tv/movies/games/etc? - 25% said yes, 75% said no
19. Should the United States only start a war if there is an imminent threat of being attacked ourselves? - 77% said yes, 23% said no
20. Should stopping illegal immigration be one of our top priorities? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
21. Is outsourcing of American jobs justified if it allows for cheaper goods? - 28% said yes, 72% said no
22. Are all abortions unethical? [with the exception of risk to mother's health] - 37% said yes, 63% said no
23. Should social security be privatized? - 56% said yes, 44% said no
24. Should the United States ever go to war even if the UN is against it? - 50% said yes, 50% said no
And the purpose of this quiz is to ?????
However if you support some of the big Government policies that are unconstitutional like the wars, Obamacare, More spending, Stimulus, Bailouts, SS/MC, welfare, no taxes on Churches and so on…

When did the Supreme Court determine any of the above un-Constitutional?

Until you cite those cases, the following is merely ignorant idiocy:

…your [sic] simply a Progressive, you believe in big Government without the restraint of our current constitution.
Conservative/Progressive score: 5
You are a social moderate. You think the progressive movement is overall well meaning, but sometimes it goes too far. On issues like abortion and affirmative action, you see the negatives of both extremes on the issue. You probably value religion, but at the same time you think it should still stay separate from the government
Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 0
You're a Capitalist Purist. You believe that the market should be completely free, and that the invisible hand of the market will make sure that the people get what they want and will do it in the most efficient way possible. You believe in small government, less taxes, and more privatization.
Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 0
You are libertarian. You think that the government is making way too many unnecessary laws that are taking away our innate rights. You believe that the government's job is primarily to protect people from harming other people, but after that they should mind their own business, and if we give the government too much power in controlling our lives, it can lead to fascism.
Pacifist/Militarist score: 4
You're a Moderate. You think that in very rare occasions, the United States should invade a country in order to make the world better by spreading democracy or ending a tyrants rule. You also think that defense is very important, and we shouldn't lower the defense budget. You think that, while the Iraq War probably was a mistake, that we can make the world a better place by sticking with it and spreading democracy in the middle east.

Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Hardcore Libertarian
Well, that was at least interesting though, again, some of the questions had no real answer....

I voted for GW Bush and have tried to see the GOP point of view. I aagree with their stand on some issues, but as of late, they seemed to have lost their way. Their fear of the Tea Party has many of the up and coming nominees accept far right stances that approach lunacy.

Nonsense. There is nothing in the Tea Party that is 'far right' and the Tea Party doesn't get involved in social issues at all.

The Tea Party are advocates for the kind of government the Founders intended us to have. The Founders didn't get involved in social issues either.

What was it 42 members of the TP cacus? voted to extend and expand the Partiot Act.

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