poll: where do you fit in politically?

where do you fit in?

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the PA brings up a good point

it's always some anecdotal stance, like these quizes that try and dictate left/right

but if one stands on governmental legislation viewing said political arena, the PA makes all those past conservatives look lefty.... ~S~
poll: where do you fit in politically?

Yes by all means REDUCE your political footprint to a meaningless and simplistic label, kiddies.

That's all the MASTERS ask of you.

They don't care which of their teams of imbeciles you align yourself with, just so long as you join one of them.
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b-b-b-b-but you'll end up @ misfit island w/o a team Editec

look, i see Ralph Nader.........>

I'm not a good fit for any of the labels. I have opinions, beliefs and ideas that can be construed as across the whole spectrum. So I guess my label would be American.

I voted for GW Bush and have tried to see the GOP point of view. I aagree with their stand on some issues, but as of late, they seemed to have lost their way. Their fear of the Tea Party has many of the up and coming nominees accept far right stances that approach lunacy.

Nonsense. There is nothing in the Tea Party that is 'far right' and the Tea Party doesn't get involved in social issues at all.

The Tea Party are advocates for the kind of government the Founders intended us to have. The Founders didn't get involved in social issues either.

What was it 42 members of the TP cacus? voted to extend and expand the Partiot Act.

Actually, most recently it was 241 Democratic members of the House of Representatives that passed an extension of the Patriot Act (disguised in the text of the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009) over the opposition of 172 Republicans.

"H.R. 3961 (111th): Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009
111th Congress, 2009–2010

An Act to extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 until February 28, 2011.

H.R. 3961 (111th): Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009 - GovTrack.us

H.R. 3961 (111th): Medicare Physician Payment Reform ... (On Passage of the Bill) -- GovTrack.us
Nonsense. There is nothing in the Tea Party that is 'far right' and the Tea Party doesn't get involved in social issues at all.

The Tea Party are advocates for the kind of government the Founders intended us to have. The Founders didn't get involved in social issues either.

What was it 42 members of the TP cacus? voted to extend and expand the Partiot Act.

Actually, most recently it was 241 Democratic members of the House of Representatives that passed an extension of the Patriot Act (disguised in the text of the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009) over the opposition of 172 Republicans.

"H.R. 3961 (111th): Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009
111th Congress, 2009–2010

An Act to extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 until February 28, 2011.

H.R. 3961 (111th): Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009 - GovTrack.us

H.R. 3961 (111th): Medicare Physician Payment Reform ... (On Passage of the Bill) -- GovTrack.us

The Patriot Act was passed in the immediate wake of 9/11 by an overwhelming bipartisan majority of both houses of Congress. And it has subsequently been renewed and funded by substantial majorities of Congress, regardless of which party has been in power, at intervals ever since.

A lot of the hysteria over invasion of privacy, etc. is unwarrented, some of the more onerous provisions have been removed or corrected, and there remain aspects of the Patriot Act to question, and aspects that probably none of us love. But the fact is, we are well past the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 with no subsequent attacks, but many many attacks in the planning stage have been discovered and thwarted. And that suggests that both Democrats and Republicans are taking seriously their Constitutional mandate to provide the common defnese.

I wonder when answering that rather ambiguous poll how many of us base our national security answers on our perceptions of the Patriot Act? I would guess for the Libertarians, it would be a whole lot. I would guess for the more pragmatic, not so much.
Socially Liberal and Fiscally Conservative. I know many "conservatives" here will disagree with me on that, but I don't consider fiscal conservative to mean not spending anything, ever on anything. I want our government to spend money wisely.

And for fun, here's one of those little charts:


  • $pcgraphpng.png
    1.1 KB · Views: 47
Socially Liberal and Fiscally Conservative. I know many "conservatives" here will disagree with me on that, but I don't consider fiscal conservative to mean not spending anything, ever on anything. I want our government to spend money wisely.

And for fun, here's one of those little charts:

So you are hitting left. Fix those sights..................

When I took that quiz I was hitting just above center.
Interesting results.

It appears to me that most of the Libs simply aren't voting to give the appearance of being out numbered.
My libertarian score was a -3.23
economic score was -0.25

And I consider myself a corporatist.
Interesting results.

It appears to me that most of the Libs simply aren't voting to give the appearance of being out numbered.

Appearance of being out numbered? No. There are just way more conservatives on this site.

And according to the poll there are virtually no Libs which we ALL know is nonsense

I thanked this post, but in fact it really isn't all that surprising. We have the normal compliment of trolls, idiots, and numbnuts at USMB and trying to even figure these people out is an exercise in futility. But then we have another large group of those who identify themselves as leftists/liberals/progressives or whatever label they are using on any given day. Most of these are bonafide Americans going about living their lives as best they can just like all the rest of us. And if you break down their perceptions issue by issue, and don't let them know what you are doing, most of these will most likely hold the conservative view of most of those issues. So they very well might test out less liberal than they actually think they are.

I've been saying for some time now that if you can get people past their indoctrination of what they think they are supposed to believe, most Americans are more conservative than liberal. There is still that inate spark of love and appreciation for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But modern American education indoctrinates instead of educates; it tells people what to think instead of how to think; it teaches by rote instead of developing ability to understand and articulate concepts.

And that is slowly but surely allowing a few elite to accumulate more and more power in the government. Hopefully we can reverse that trend before we are no longer able to do so.

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