POLL: Who has the authority to open/close things in each state?

Who has authority to open/close things in each state?

  • President Donald J Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Governor of the State

    Votes: 12 100.0%

  • Total voters
Cuomo, brother of Fredo, actually said something in his press briefing today that was undeniably true.

He said that we can only ask people to stay at home, but if 19 million people want to go out, they are going to go out and we cannot do anything about that.
Cuomo, brother of Fredo, actually said something in his press briefing today that was undeniably true.

He said that we can only ask people to stay at home, but if 19 million people want to go out, they are going to go out and we cannot do anything about that.
Soon, people are gonna realize that.
the people have decided -

they're not dumbass rw trumptards -
Then you dont need DICTATORS in your state.


living in any economy is better than laying in a coffin DEAD,

Since there seems to be some confusion on the board as to who is responsible for the actions each state takes, let's try to clear it up.
The people do. Open your business, if nobody comes it was too early. Go wherever you’re comfortable with. It’s up to you. Stay home, go to the park, whatever makes you happy.
the people have decided -

they're not dumbass rw trumptards -
Then you dont need DICTATORS in your state.


living in any economy is better than laying in a coffin DEAD,

Then stay home. Nobody gives a shit about you. Stay there until 2024 and Trump is no longer President,
the people have decided -

they're not dumbass rw trumptards -
Then you dont need DICTATORS in your state.


living in any economy is better than laying in a coffin DEAD,

The Cuomo response! You do know at LEAST 99% of healthy adults have NOTHING to worry about dont you? Death or stay indoors are not the options
The consensus is that Trump has no authority to open/close anything in any state.

Kinda proves you can't blame him for not closing stuff down, huh? This would put the deaths on the Governors, not Trump.

Glad we got that cleared up.
The governors. Not at all confusing.
In Tennessee the Governor gave his blessing to re-opening the state but also passed the buck by allowing the city and county mayors to make the final decision on what will open and when. So not all that clear.

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