POLL: Who is ready to go to war with Russia?

To get anywhere in the USSR he had to join the CP so he did. I like a lot of what Putin does with the anti homosexual laws etc but in this I support the Right Sector in Ukraine not necessarily the Ukraine Government. As a libertarian I would assume you would want Obama to stay out of this Paulitician?

Definitely stay out of it. It's not our fight. I will agree with Obama's expected inaction. But i agree for different reasons. Obama is a lifelong Communist. I can never trust him. Right now he's just torn and confused. He wants to side with his fellow Communists in Venezuela and Russia. But he's catching a lot of heat for that from within his inner circle. So like i said, he'll likely choose inaction. And i'm good with that.

Saying Obama is a life long communist only proves you to be totally clueless or a real stupid liar. You have no credibility, no integrity, no dignity.

You really are stupid, aren't you?
Obama's Grandparents on his Mother's side were card carrying Communist.
Obama's Mother was a self proclaimed Communist.
Obama's Father was an anti American self proclaimed Communist.
His Mentor was an anti-American Communist.
He said in his own book that in college he intentionally chose radical Professors, (meaning Communists)
He began his political career in a communist terrorist's home.
And you're saying he's not a life long Communist?
Boy! You're the one with ZERO credibility on this site, along with KNB, and a few others.
You and your Komrads really are disgusting!!
To get anywhere in the USSR he had to join the CP so he did. I like a lot of what Putin does with the anti homosexual laws etc but in this I support the Right Sector in Ukraine not necessarily the Ukraine Government. As a libertarian I would assume you would want Obama to stay out of this Paulitician?

Definitely stay out of it. It's not our fight. I will agree with Obama's expected inaction. But i agree for different reasons. Obama is a lifelong Communist. I can never trust him. Right now he's just torn and confused. He wants to side with his fellow Communists in Venezuela and Russia. But he's catching a lot of heat for that from within his inner circle. So like i said, he'll likely choose inaction. And i'm good with that.

Saying Obama is a life long communist only proves you to be totally clueless or a real stupid liar. You have no credibility, no integrity, no dignity.

If Obama was indoctrinated into believing Communism is a good thing then why should you be offended by what appears to be true (by all of the facts and evidence that's surfaced) about his Communist upbringing and teachings and influences???

The only thing you could possibly have any grounds for being offended by is the fact of this all being made clear to every reader. The facts themselves are beyond doubt.

He was raised to admire Communism and felt most comfortable around Communists.

A life long Communist.

Open your hung over eyes to this.

“Never before in the history of the United States of America has a president had a mentor who is a literal card-carrying member of the Communist Party,” Kengor told WND in an interview. “That is remarkable.”

Set for release today, Kengor’s “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor” is the first in-depth treatment of the man Obama refers to only as “Frank” in his autobiography “Dreams from My Father.”

“It’s just scandalous,” Kengor told WND, “that we could be four years into the Obama presidency, and only now are we getting a book on the beliefs and thinking and radical past of that mentor.”

If you want to hear Davis in Obama’s rhetoric and ideas, you can begin with Obama’s vow on the eve of his historic election to bring

“fundamental change” to the U.S. – the exact term Davis used to describe a communist revolution in the U.S.

Communist mentor Obama backers trying to hide

I suggest you read all of it because you are going to be challenged by all of this evidence and you should be prepared with SOME kind of defense.
Definitely stay out of it. It's not our fight. I will agree with Obama's expected inaction. But i agree for different reasons. Obama is a lifelong Communist. I can never trust him. Right now he's just torn and confused. He wants to side with his fellow Communists in Venezuela and Russia. But he's catching a lot of heat for that from within his inner circle. So like i said, he'll likely choose inaction. And i'm good with that.

Saying Obama is a life long communist only proves you to be totally clueless or a real stupid liar. You have no credibility, no integrity, no dignity.

You really are stupid, aren't you?
Obama's Grandparents on his Mother's side were card carrying Communist.
Obama's Mother was a self proclaimed Communist.
Obama's Father was an anti American self proclaimed Communist.
His Mentor was an anti-American Communist.
He said in his own book that in college he intentionally chose radical Professors, (meaning Communists)
He began his political career in a communist terrorist's home.
And you're saying he's not a life long Communist?
Boy! You're the one with ZERO credibility on this site, along with KNB, and a few others.
You and your Komrads really are disgusting!!
I know you are, but what am I? NA NA NA NA NA! Fucking fascist moron.
Saying Obama is a life long communist only proves you to be totally clueless or a real stupid liar. You have no credibility, no integrity, no dignity.

You really are stupid, aren't you?
Obama's Grandparents on his Mother's side were card carrying Communist.
Obama's Mother was a self proclaimed Communist.
Obama's Father was an anti American self proclaimed Communist.
His Mentor was an anti-American Communist.
He said in his own book that in college he intentionally chose radical Professors, (meaning Communists)
He began his political career in a communist terrorist's home.
And you're saying he's not a life long Communist?
Boy! You're the one with ZERO credibility on this site, along with KNB, and a few others.
You and your Komrads really are disgusting!!
I know you are, but what am I? NA NA NA NA NA! Fucking fascist moron.
Fascism is a left thing ....You fail again
Definitely stay out of it. It's not our fight. I will agree with Obama's expected inaction. But i agree for different reasons. Obama is a lifelong Communist. I can never trust him. Right now he's just torn and confused. He wants to side with his fellow Communists in Venezuela and Russia. But he's catching a lot of heat for that from within his inner circle. So like i said, he'll likely choose inaction. And i'm good with that.

Saying Obama is a life long communist only proves you to be totally clueless or a real stupid liar. You have no credibility, no integrity, no dignity.

You really are stupid, aren't you?
Obama's Grandparents on his Mother's side were card carrying Communist.
Obama's Mother was a self proclaimed Communist.
Obama's Father was an anti American self proclaimed Communist.
His Mentor was an anti-American Communist.
He said in his own book that in college he intentionally chose radical Professors, (meaning Communists)
He began his political career in a communist terrorist's home.
And you're saying he's not a life long Communist?
Boy! You're the one with ZERO credibility on this site, along with KNB, and a few others.
You and your Komrads really are disgusting!!

I have said it over and over again.

The Liberals are being failed by their pundits and anchors and writers and editors and reporters of the MSM who don't give them ALL the information we deserve as citizens of "the land of the free" nor the information we NEED to remain free.

If you ran a business or non profit or were a military leader you would fail in your job and lose that job or the entire business or organization if the people who report to you keep from you the information you need to make sound decisions.

The MSM is withholding vital information from you guys and it made you make a baaaaad choice for POTUS.

You need to start listening to SOME Conservative sources. ANYONE. There are enough of varying stripes for everyone to have someone.

The LGBT can Follow Shep Smith, Krauthammer or Greta Van Susteren on FNC or on Radio you can tune in the John Batchelor Show.

But pick SOMEONE from the Right just like a person interested in good physical health may take a multiple vitamin to hedge their bet and assure themselves of getting at least the minimum daily requirement of vitamins and minerals when they know their daily diet may not give tham all of the essentials needed for proper nutrition.

Choosing a Conservative news source or person to follow will make sure you get at LEAST the minimum info you need in order to prevent being surprised and then ridiculed by Conservative posters who know more and know better than you Libs do.

Your info sources are failing you and this country BIG TIME.

They are serving THEMSELVES and they are SERVING A RENEGADE REGIME.

Turn on Rush or tune in O'Reilly or read Sowell every colunm of his from now on.

Just to cover your own ass.

To say nothing of helping keep America from suffering any more or even from being destroyed by your ill informed decisions!
Putin doesn't want war. he's just showing up Obozo for the spineless bastard he really is.

Putin is a murdering tyrant.....Obama is a failure but Putin is fucking dangerous.

and dangerous it what makes democraps run for cover. they would be in favor of appeasement. and if Obozo hints at war he'll be knee deep in kerosene and every dem will have a match
You really are stupid, aren't you?
Obama's Grandparents on his Mother's side were card carrying Communist.
Obama's Mother was a self proclaimed Communist.
Obama's Father was an anti American self proclaimed Communist.
His Mentor was an anti-American Communist.
He said in his own book that in college he intentionally chose radical Professors, (meaning Communists)
He began his political career in a communist terrorist's home.
And you're saying he's not a life long Communist?
Boy! You're the one with ZERO credibility on this site, along with KNB, and a few others.
You and your Komrads really are disgusting!!
I know you are, but what am I? NA NA NA NA NA! Fucking fascist moron.
Fascism is a left thing ....You fail again

You wear your ignorance with pride.

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism
Fascism | Define Fascism at Dictionary.com
You also have to remember; you'll get no actual help from Europe.
30% of their gas comes from Russia, via Ukraine, and they won't want to risk that.
I know you are, but what am I? NA NA NA NA NA! Fucking fascist moron.
Fascism is a left thing ....You fail again

You wear your ignorance with pride.

fascism (ˈfæʃɪzəm)

— n
1. any ideology or movement inspired by Italian Fascism, such as German National Socialism; any right-wing nationalist ideology or movement with an authoritarian and hierarchical structure that is fundamentally opposed to democracy and liberalism
2. any ideology, movement, programme, tendency, etc, that may be characterized as right-wing, chauvinist, authoritarian, etc
3. prejudice in relation to the subject specified: body fascism
Fascism | Define Fascism at Dictionary.com

Socialism is left wing

tapatalk post

Americans seem to be trained to look for the military option.
Consider this - it is when a mosquito lands on your balls, you start looking for a non violent solution.
BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Crimea MPs vote to join Russia

MPs in the southern Ukrainian region of Crimea have voted to formally become part of the Russian Federation.

Parliament said the decision would be put to the Crimean people for their verdict in a referendum on 16 March.

The legitimately elected officials have voted for this and are willing to put it to a referendum.
Assuming this gets passed by popular vote, there is no case to argue.
BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Crimea MPs vote to join Russia

MPs in the southern Ukrainian region of Crimea have voted to formally become part of the Russian Federation.

Parliament said the decision would be put to the Crimean people for their verdict in a referendum on 16 March.

The legitimately elected officials have voted for this and are willing to put it to a referendum.
Assuming this gets passed by popular vote, there is no case to argue.

153 years ago 70 something percent of Texans voted themselves out in a similar referendum. After a bit the US military came along and let them know that they weren't free people, that the only opinion that mattered was that of their White House slavemaster and his corporate bosses.

Now, people who falsely claim to worship liberty and freedom would send young men and women to die to prevent or overturn the results of another plebiscite.
Actually, it's the U.S., Great Britain, and France who've instigated this mess. They've once again meddled and incited turmoil. They've given Putin and Russia no choice. They have to respond. This is their backyard. They're just responding the way we would respond if outsiders were instigating turmoil so close to our home. Think Canada and Mexico. We would not tolerate such meddling and inciting. We would respond.
Of coarse we would. Just look at what we did during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

BTW, "regime change", is a neocon driven policy issue.
Obama and Putin have a lot in common. Both are Communist Dictator assholes. Both routinely arrest and imprison Journalists and Filmmakers. They can both go to Hell.

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