POLL: Who is ready to go to war with Russia?

It won't come to that. Putin and Russia have already won in Ukraine. The Dear Leader and John Kerry are not in Putin's league. That was clearly shown on Syria. Putin is a Master Chess player. At best, the Dear Leader and John Kerry are mediocre Checker players. An inexperienced Community Organizer does not a good President make.

The Ukranian Naval Commander just announced that he was putting the entire Ukranian navy, however and whatever it is, at the disposal of Russia. Ukraine mobilises army as West warns Russia

There is nothing obama can do when a majority of Ukranians want an alliance with Russia. The EU can put all the puppets it wants into the presidency and the Ukranians will vote them out (like they did last time) as soon as they get the opportunity to do so.

Yes, Putin is a master international political chess master. obama is still playing air guitar in his bedroom, and John Kerry is playing air drums to accompany him.
The U.S., Great Britain, and France poked the hornet's nest with this one. They may have awakened a sleeping giant. They meddled in Putin and Russia's backyard. And that's a no-no. There may be some serious Blowback on this one.
The U.S., Great Britain, and France poked the hornet's nest with this one. They may have awakened a sleeping giant. They meddled in Putin and Russia's backyard. And that's a no-no. There may be some serious Blowback on this one.
What did Obama mean the other night when he stated 'serious consequences'?

And on another note we have John F'ing Kerry:

Kerry: Repercussions for Putin `act of aggression'

All you war-mongering neocons funding the insurrection in the Ukraine, can go fuck yourselves!

You are perfect examples of bad American's.

Actually, it's the U.S., Great Britain, and France who've instigated this mess. They've once again meddled and incited turmoil. They've given Putin and Russia no choice. They have to respond. This is their backyard. They're just responding the way we would respond if outsiders were instigating turmoil so close to our home. Think Canada and Mexico. We would not tolerate such meddling and inciting. We would respond.
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The U.S., Great Britain, and France poked the hornet's nest with this one. They may have awakened a sleeping giant. They meddled in Putin and Russia's backyard. And that's a no-no. There may be some serious Blowback on this one.
What did Obama mean the other night when he stated 'serious consequences'?

And on another note we have John F'ing Kerry:

Kerry: Repercussions for Putin `act of aggression'

Just more meddling. It's what the U.S. and Great Britain do. They've given Putin no choice but to respond. This will prove to be another Foreign Policy blunder. Putin and Russia will come out of this mess stronger and more confident. Unintended consequences, that's what Blowback is all about.
The U.S., Great Britain, and France poked the hornet's nest with this one. They may have awakened a sleeping giant. They meddled in Putin and Russia's backyard. And that's a no-no. There may be some serious Blowback on this one.
What did Obama mean the other night when he stated 'serious consequences'?

And on another note we have John F'ing Kerry:

Kerry: Repercussions for Putin `act of aggression'

Just more meddling. It's what the U.S. and Great Britain do. They've given Putin no choice but to respond. This will prove to be another Foreign Policy blunder. Putin and Russia will come out of this mess stronger and more confident. Unintended consequences, that's what Blowback is all about.
Yep. And Obama acts as if he's still on OJT...And yeah...blowback as the rest of the world laughs at US because idiots put this jackass in office.
It won't come to that. Putin and Russia have already won in Ukraine. The Dear Leader and John Kerry are not in Putin's league. That was clearly shown on Syria. Putin is a Master Chess player. At best, the Dear Leader and John Kerry are mediocre Checker players. An inexperienced Community Organizer does not a good President make.

The Ukranian Naval Commander just announced that he was putting the entire Ukranian navy, however and whatever it is, at the disposal of Russia. Ukraine mobilises army as West warns Russia

There is nothing obama can do when a majority of Ukranians want an alliance with Russia. The EU can put all the puppets it wants into the presidency and the Ukranians will vote them out (like they did last time) as soon as they get the opportunity to do so.

Yes, Putin is a master international political chess master. obama is still playing air guitar in his bedroom, and John Kerry is playing air drums to accompany him.

ummm..... your link doesn't back-up anything you just said missy :eusa_hand: I'm beginning to question your assertion that you have a bona fides. Looks like you're just trying to score cheap political points having no basis in reality.
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If we were to go to war with any nation, it takes an act of congress. The President can call for a limited miitary action without Congressional approval, but very doubtful ANY President would send troops as a militart action against a major power without COngressional approval.

It's interesting how you used all the words from the post you were responding to, and yet didn't grasp the point or respond coherently to it. Congress can't attack anyone. They can declare war, they can fund the war, but only the ... wait for it ... commander in chief can actually order troops into combat.

There are quite a few morons on this forum...you being the leader. If thats what you meant...moron...that's what you should have said...moron. You are an absolute idiot and need to learn to comprehend, you fucking moron. Your such a fucking idiot, you don't even realize we pretty much agree here. God, I wish your mom would have swallowed you...then there would be one less fucking idiot moron in this world.

your nuts....
Okay all you chicken hawks, let's see how many of you want to send others to fight another stupid war for the profit of the military industrial corporations.

I am...I never got to turn the key on those motherfuckers...let's see if the current crop of missileers can get the job done....without cheating.
Iran should have been turned into a parking lot decades ago.

you two are idiots. :tinfoil: There are plenty of anti-regime Iranians. There just aren't enough to mount a formidable rebellion. Gawd but rw'ers (you two specifically :eusa_shhh: ) are low-info morans :thup:

I should charge you low-info, Repub- voters for these mini Foreign policy lessons I give you.

what an ignoramus up there ^^^^^^^^ ....

God help us all....

and gives us patience ...not to insult and degrade and destroy.

you mean you did not learn anything from that lesson she gave you?....
The West's constant meddling in other Nations' affairs is the source of much of this World's turmoil. They've likely started a new Cold War with this blunder.
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

Yet, Obama is claiming to act tough and his little fans are saying he talked Putin out of it. It's almost hysterical. The thing to do would have been to take things seriously a long time ago and maybe prevent this. Obama didn't meekly tell them not to do this until they were in the middle of doing it.

Obama doesn't know how to handle Russia or anything for that matter. Palin was right about Russia invading the Ukraine under an Obama administration. Romney was right about Russia potentially being a threat. Both were laughed at by the ignorant left. Now, the 'non-threatening Russia' has gone back to their old ways, apparently to relive the 80s.

CNN even claimed that Putin has been bullying little Bamster. Then the Obamabots cheered when Obama claimed to get tough. Bragged about a 90 minute conversation with Putin. Of course, he didn't mention that he was on hold for 87 minutes.

Apparently, the 3 minutes they did talk, Putin was a big, scary meanie. Did Obama draw any more lines for the enemies to laugh at?
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We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

Yet, Obama is claiming to act tough and his little fans are saying he talked Putin out of it. It's almost hysterical. The thing to do would have been to take things seriously a long time ago and maybe prevent this. Obama didn't meekly tell them not to do this until they were in the middle of doing it.

Obama doesn't know how to handle Russia or anything for that matter. Palin was right about Russia invading the Ukraine under an Obama administration. Romney was right about Russia potentially being a threat. Both were laughed at by the ignorant left. Now, the 'non-threatening Russia' has gone back to their old ways, apparently to relive the 80s.

CNN even claimed that Putin has been bullying little Bamster. Then the Obamabots cheered when Obama claimed to get tough. Bragged about a 90 minute conversation with Putin. Of course, he didn't mention that he was on hold for 87 minutes.

Apparently, the 3 minutes they did talk, Putin was a big, scary meanie. Did Obama draw any more lines for the enemies to laugh at?

Obama is clueless on foreign affairs, for that matter he is clueless on domestic affairs. and look at his bench. Hillary in the past. Kerry now. total wastes. and totally dominated by real players in the international community. team Obama has relegated the USA to a status of non important. it doesn't matter how much od an economic or military power we are. incompetent leadership has rendered us insignificant.
Ukraine is none of our business.

Like so many other places where we insinuate ourselves, I note.

The US signed the Budapest agreement guaranteeing to protect Ukraine's borders in exchange for the Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. So like it or not it IS your business.
Ukraine is none of our business.

Like so many other places where we insinuate ourselves, I note.

The US signed the Budapest agreement guaranteeing to protect Ukraine's borders in exchange for the Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. So like it or not it IS your business.

Just another Foreign Policy blunder. Another awful agreement made with absolutely no input from American Citizens. This is not our business. We shouldn't be meddling.
The U.S., Great Britain, and France poked the hornet's nest with this one. They may have awakened a sleeping giant. They meddled in Putin and Russia's backyard. And that's a no-no. There may be some serious Blowback on this one.
What did Obama mean the other night when he stated 'serious consequences'?

And on another note we have John F'ing Kerry:

Kerry: Repercussions for Putin `act of aggression'

Just more meddling. It's what the U.S. and Great Britain do. They've given Putin no choice but to respond. This will prove to be another Foreign Policy blunder. Putin and Russia will come out of this mess stronger and more confident. Unintended consequences, that's what Blowback is all about.

The US and the UK (and Russia) signed an agreement to guarantee Ukraine's borders. This was in exchange for the Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons - which it did, keeping its side of the bargain.

Standing by an agreement, made not that many years ago, is not "meddling" but what responsible states do.
Ukraine is none of our business.

Like so many other places where we insinuate ourselves, I note.

The US signed the Budapest agreement guaranteeing to protect Ukraine's borders in exchange for the Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. So like it or not it IS your business.

Just another Foreign Policy blunder. Another awful agreement made with absolutely no input from American Citizens. This is not our business. We shouldn't be meddling.

Blunder or not a deal is a deal. All countries make agreements with others all the time without "input" from their citizens
What did Obama mean the other night when he stated 'serious consequences'?

And on another note we have John F'ing Kerry:

Kerry: Repercussions for Putin `act of aggression'

Just more meddling. It's what the U.S. and Great Britain do. They've given Putin no choice but to respond. This will prove to be another Foreign Policy blunder. Putin and Russia will come out of this mess stronger and more confident. Unintended consequences, that's what Blowback is all about.

The US and the UK (and Russia) signed an agreement to guarantee Ukraine's borders. This was in exchange for the Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons - which it did, keeping its side of the bargain.

Standing by an agreement, made not that many years ago, is not "meddling" but what responsible states do.

Not a credible or valid agreement in my opinion. American Citizens weren't allowed to have any input in the decision. It is meddling. We have no business getting involved with this conflict.
Okay all you chicken hawks, let's see how many of you want to send others to fight another stupid war for the profit of the military industrial corporations.

No one wants to go to war with Russia. Most CONSERVATIVES view the war in Iraq as a huge mistake. Messing in Libya was a mistake. Bombing Serbia for Kosovo's sake was a mistake. Going into Syria would be a huge blunder!

A Republican President was at the helm at the start of Iraq I & II and Afghanistan, but a Democrat was at the helm in WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam and Libya, so take your self-rigtheousness and shove it up your ass!
The US doesn't attack nuclear powers, too chicken. The US only attacks the weak, and even there, can't beat them.

How long did it take us to take our the Taliban government (days) same with Sadam's army! However building a nation, esp in the case of Afghanistan, where their has never been more than a tribal bunch or inbred muslims, is IMPOSSIBLE. Nation-buildng doesn't work.

We need to seriously take a cue from Russia. Russia learned from it's nation-building disaster in Afghanistan. When they go to war, they go in destroy the enemy without mercy and leave as quick as they went in, making the country they invaded clean up the place. This is what they did in Georgia and Georgia won't even look sideways at their break away providences!

In all reality, the strategy in Libya wasn't that bad of one (the outcome blows because an Al Qaeda terrorist loving regime took over). Take out the enemy, Gaddiff's army and government and get out. Make the new government clean up the mess.

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