POLL: Who is ready to go to war with Russia?

Has one single person suggested going to war with Russia? Also you might consider not telling someone there will be severe cost to doing something if you have no intention of following through that is a lot like drawing a red ling and daring someone to cross it.

McCain and Lindsy Graham want to invade Syria, Egypt, and Iran. They're so concerned about those people. What's different about about the Ukraine to them? You know they're gonna rag on Obama no matter what he does.

What country do those maniacs want not to invade ?
Oh and by the way. Enjoy the negs ClosedCaption and Dot com. Funny thing is I don't think ive ever negged either of you but I've grown sick of your childish liberal nonsense. You jackasses think everyone else owes you something, well consider the debt paid, in negs
We can thank Obama for the image he is showing the world of the USA. The image of big talk while throwing allies under the bus like pussies. .. you liberals make me sick

tapatalk post
We are not going to war with Russia over the Ukraine.

1. Obama does not have the balls
2. Its none of our fricken business
3. We didn't give a shit about our own people in Benghazi, why should we care about a bunch of ex-Russians?

Excellent we need to have more wealth before we enter into a war with the likes of Russia unless we want to speak Russian, because with the budget Obama is planning Russia would kick our ass--takes money to win a war and use of natural resources. And we don't want to pollute.
I for one an thoroughly enjoying President Putin putting his Russian boot up obama's ass.
Russia is Ok.


If you ask if we are ready to go to war with Iran?

Sweet Jesus, you bet we are.
Okay all you chicken hawks, let's see how many of you want to send others to fight another stupid war for the profit of the military industrial corporations.

Keep in mind that every war in the bloody 20th century started during a democrat administration. JFK even allowed or encouraged the Cold War to escalate when he went to Germany while the Russians were building the Wall and told the people "we are all Berliners" to a rousing cheer by the left wing media and then he went home and forgot about them.

Was Carter in charge when you attacked Iraq, twice?
Was Clinton in charge when you invaded Afghanistan?

When you lie, don't make it so easy to see or people will think you're a dick head.
Don't worry, Obama isn't gonna go to war with Russia. That would take a lot of fire power and would likely use up all that ammunition he's been stockpiling to use against American citizens.
Russia is Ok.


If you ask if we are ready to go to war with Iran?

Sweet Jesus, you bet we are.

WTF are you talking about?!!! You serve? You know anything about military tactics? :doubt:

You, also, don't know the first thing about the demographics of that country.
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Russia is Ok.


If you ask if we are ready to go to war with Iran?

Sweet Jesus, you bet we are.
Iran should have been turned into a parking lot decades ago.

you two are idiots. :tinfoil: There are plenty of anti-regime Iranians. There just aren't enough to mount a formidable rebellion. Gawd but rw'ers (you two specifically :eusa_shhh: ) are low-info, knee-jerk, morans :thup: The kind the Fox/GOP war machine counts on to send others people's kids to war :thup:

I should charge you low-info, Repub- voters for these mini Foreign policy lessons I give you.
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Of course if we were to go to war with Russia the order would have to come from the Commander in Chief Obama it would be interesting to see how the left would blame Republicans for that one.

If we were to go to war with any nation, it takes an act of congress. The President can call for a limited miitary action without Congressional approval, but very doubtful ANY President would send troops as a militart action against a major power without COngressional approval.

It's interesting how you used all the words from the post you were responding to, and yet didn't grasp the point or respond coherently to it. Congress can't attack anyone. They can declare war, they can fund the war, but only the ... wait for it ... commander in chief can actually order troops into combat.

kaz, please, for once, read the post and respond, not react to it.

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